Tsuna was babbling. He was babbling so he could fill the awkward silence that was surrounding the room that he was sure was a rare thing in this Guild. "So that's why I'm here 6 months late". Gokudera scowled, "How could he, Gianni is completely incompetent, to even to send Jyuudaime to a completely different location." Gokudera looked up looking slightly hopeful, "maybe if Jyuudaime permits I could have a few words with the inventor".

Tsuna sweat dropped he could imagine the talk Gokudera would have with the poor inventor, it would contain a lot of dynamites, explosions and words that would be better not to be repeated.
"It's OK Gokudera-san, it was all an accident" Tsuna ordered (slash) pleaded, "there's no need to have a talk with him OK". Gokudera looked slightly upset at that but he shrugged it off.

"So Gokudera-san you know what we have to do. Go get the Portal Key, return to the place we arrived here and then go home. You can give us the report when we get back to everyone in Namimori." Tsuna summarised. Gokudera nodded he completely understood. Jyuudaime was giving him a job and entrusting him to do it and as his Awesome Right Hand Man he would do it spectacularly.

"Of course Jyuudaime and I know just the person to help us." He stood up and he had no need to grab their attention. Every mage there was in bafflement at the exchanges going on between Tripped On Air Tsuna and the Gokudera Hayato. It seemed unbelievable but it looked like that the brunette was the boss of Fairy Tail's S Class Mage, the Dynamite Gokudera Hayato the one who NO ONE should ever mess with (except from two certain boys.)
How crazy, creepy and cracked-up was that?!

Gokudera yelled, "Where is that Magical Key Girl, um Lucy that's it, Lucy Heartfillia where is she?" There was silence once again. Slowly there was some stirring then mutterings as everyone asked the person next to him or her, "Where's Lucy?" Mirajane nervously stepped forward, she knew what could happen when Gokudera heard news that displeased him, "Lucy is out on a job with Natsu and Happy she should be back by tomorrow or the day after."

Gokudera was mad, "Excuse me, but that wasn't the question I asked. Where is Lucy?" He snarled in her face. "You just can't expect Jyuudaime to just sit here and wait for two days till they come back." Gokudera felt his fingers twitch, he severely wanted to light a bomb and blow something sky high but with Jyuudaime here, that was out of the question. Jyuudaime greatly disliked actions like that.

The other Fairy Tail mages, whilst scared were also relieved, this was angry, snarling, not very friendly Gokudera was the Gokudera they knew despite the fact he placed the brunette boy's needs above his own. Makarov was just watching the whole thing with wry amusement. Tsuna placed a hand on his taller, angrier friend, "Gokudera-san calm down" and Gokudera immediately calmed down like a dog told to sit by its master. The Guild was aghast what was going on?

Tsuna apparently unaware and oblivious to the sudden shocked reactions of the people around him and addressed Mirajane, "Thank you, could you please tell us where this Lucy is doing her job so we could catch her thereā€¦"
"Mirajane" Gokudera supplied.
"If possible Mirajane-san" Tsuna completed.

Mirajane was just taken aback, unlike Gokudera, this brunette, this Jyuudaime, seemed so well mannered and well, ordinary. Whereas Gokudera's very presence demanded your attention.
They made an unlikely pair.

"Um sure there are just a few towns away from here in Fyorne." Mirajane answered. Then she gathered her courage and asked a question, "I could escort you there if you wish?" The polite brunette smiled, "Thank you that would be wonderful, Gokudera-san" Tsuna said nudging his friend. Mirajane looked at Gokudera slightly bemused and fearful. She hoped he wasn't too angry at her intervention. Gokudera hmphed, "Well whatever, if it is what Jyuudaime wants" then he looked away.

Mirajane smiled relieved. It was just that this friendship interested her so much and perhaps, perhaps by hanging around this Jyuudaime she might see another side of Gokudera, a softer friendlier side. That is if he doesn't blow her sky high first of course. Not that she wouldn't be able to take it she reassured herself, she was an S Class mage as well after all.