Disclaimer- not mine

Just something I whipped up one day and thought I might as well post it. Eighth Year, basically canon apart from Harry still being able to speak parseltongue. Nothing explicit, but I think it's still technically M for this website.

Anyway, enjoy!

Harry spoke parseltongue in his sleep. All the boys in his dorm knew about it, as did Hermione. And now, everyone in Potions class knew. The eighth year potions class was spending the day in discussion over the subject of the essay they had handed in that day. Multiple students had started nodding off after only the first few minutes, heads bobbing comically as their eyes drooped. Harry was not so desperate to stay awake. He had folded his arms across the desk and rested his chin before Professor Slughorn had a chance to start talking. Within a few minutes, Harry was fast asleep, Ron drifting slowly to sleep beside him. The soft hissing started soon after.

It began so softly that no one noticed it at first. But as Harry's dream took flight, the hissing grew in volume. Their desk was in the very back of the room, and people started looking around behind them to locate the strange sound. With a jovial chuckle, Slughorn asked what he had missed when the hissing reached his ears. The other students had known since second year that Harry Potter was a parselmouth, but actually getting to hear it was something new altogether. Every ear in the room was trained on the sounds coming from Harry Potter.

Draco Malfoy's prick was rock hard. It had started as a tingle down his spine, and then heat began building around his hips. His breathing grew heavy, and his fingers twitched. His arousal was a complete mystery to him until Slughorn stopped talking. In that instant, Draco's slowly swelling member filled to the point of pain. He was straining not to come in his pants when he turned around to find the noise coming from Potter, of all people. He was doomed.

Draco had been suffering from unrequited love for nearly three years. Sometime during fifth year, Draco realized that Harry Potter was too attractive for his own good. It was when he went out with that Ravenclaw girl Chang that Draco realized that the burning in his chest was longing, spiked with bitter jealousy. The next two years did nothing but rip apart any hope Draco had of having Harry for himself. The Dark Mark was the poison that destroyed that aching dream. After the war ended, Potter had insisted on testifying at his and his mother's trials. He was what saved them from imprisonment, but when they returned to school, Draco's hope of starting over with the raven beauty was dashed. Potter barely looked his way that first week back. As the weeks turned into months, Harry Potter stopped acknowledging his existence entirely. It broke his heart.

Draco was dragged back to the present when Slughorn began talking again. "Mr. Weasley, could you wake Mr. Potter? Our discussion is rather pertinent to his grade." Before Weasley even raised his hand from the desk, a sound came out of Potter that sent Draco's head reeling. Harry Potter just whimpered. Not one of pain or fear, a sexual whimper. The Boy Who Lived, The Chosen One, the savior of the wizarding world was having a wet dream in the middle of class. That thought was just too much. Draco came in his pants. Hard.

I love feedback, so please review/critique. All opinions are encouraged.