The picture of Anahit that I'm using is by the wonderful *artastrophe on deviant art. I don't own anything in this story but Anahit and some ideas I'm going to use that aren't in the game. I'm also trying a new way of writing, so please give me feedback on how bad or good this story is!

Chapter One

1358 DR

Anahit didn't like most of the visitors that came to Candlekeep. Firebead was nice and he came by so often that the girl considered him one of the monks. Travelling merchants also weren't much of a problem the few times they were allowed inside of the gates as they were always more interested in selling their ware then bothering anyone. Anahit didn't even really mind the friends of her foster father when they visited, even though each time she had to act like a lady and put up with being told how much she had grown because they sometimes brought something interesting for the hin-dwarf to play with or even an entire book just for her!

The nobles that came down were the problem. Anahit wondered why they were allowed in and had complained to her father about it not too long ago. Gorion had reminded her that visitors from noble families usually brought some of the oldest tomes, as though that made anything better. Most of the nobles complained the whole time that they were visiting; about the beds or the food or even about Anahit being underneath as they thought that they shouldn't have to deal with children on their vacation, or even worse (in Anahit's mind) always seemed to rope her into 'playing' with their offspring.

"Whatever, you're just a fat dwarf with hairy feet!" a boy with straw colored hair jeered at Anahit. The hin-dwarf clenched her fists and glared back, not caring that he stood a whole half foot taller.

"At least I don't have a fat nose!" the girl retorted as she attempted to hide her feet underneath her dress without anyone noticing. "And I get to run outside without shoes, so nyah!"

"Fat hairy dwarf! Fat hairy dwarf!" The boy chanted as he jumped up and down, pointing at Anahit. "You're father just told you that you're part Halfling! Really you're just hairy! I bet you'll wake up and hair will come out of your nose you're so hairy!" With tears forming in her eyes Anahit struck out against the boy, her hand slamming against his nose in anger. The boy began to cry, his loud sobs echoing through the inn as Anahit stared in shock at the blood squirting out from between his fingers.

Violence was forbidden inside the doors of Candlekeep. Those who shed the blood of another were quickly handed over to the guards and transported to Baldur's Gate. The hin-dwarf child felt fear creeping into her, would they put her in prison? Would Gorion let them take her away from him? Would he send her away himself out of anger?

"Anahit? ANAHIT?" At the sound of her father's voice the girl burst into her own sobs. The mage burst into the room, his greyed hair in disarray and face pale.

"I'm sorry!" Anahit wailed, "I didn't mean to hurt him!"

Gorion scooped up his daughter and began to run out of the inn to the library, ignoring the still sobbing boy. Anahit had never seen her foster father run, not even the time when someone had accidently summoned a cloud of imps. Yet he was now racing across the grounds of Candlekeep, and even stranger so was everyone else. He was also not answering her questions, he always answered her questions!

"Daddy?" Anahit whimpered, her fingers clenching Gorion's robes in fear. "Daddy?"

"Stay inside of my room child. Don't venture out no matter what you hear, alright?" Gorion placed the small girl on top of his bed, brushing away her hair from her face with a strained smile. "Don't worry, I will be back soon with food and toys for you." Anahit nodded, watching as her father strode away and tightly shut the door.


Two days later the first mob came to Candlekeep. Anahit had been learning how to translate Riftspeak by Gorion when the sounds of screaming had started. Gorion had gone pale white and hurried down the stairs as Anahit bounded to the window, curious to see just what was happening. The sight of so many people was a strange one, even the merchant caravans that passed by had never had so many people. And these people were different, they wore clothing unlike anything else that Anahit could recall seeing before in her life; coarse, undyed cloth for the most part and undecorated.

"Go home!" Uleraunt bellowed from inside of the Candlekeep gates. "We do not have the answers for you here! Go home and tend your farms until everything has passed!"

"You have the prophesies in there!" a voice bellowed back from the crowd. "Tell us what is going to happen or we'll burn the place to the ground!"

"Oghma guards this place!"

"THE GODS ARE DEAD! THEY PROTECT NOTHING!" Anahit shrunk back, mind whirling. The Gods dead? No, Gorion would have said something if it had been that. But no one was protesting the man's words. In fact the entire crowd of people was shouting the same words as him. Anahit felt tears forming in her eyes as the shouting between the two groups of people became even more fever pitched. She prayed as Gorion had taught her, prayed to any god that would listen to hear her and answer, just a small answer.

Outside Uleraunt bellowed at the guards to open fire. The crowd of people outside of the gates screamed as arrows buried into them. Some ran, others just became more agitated and rushed at the gates.

"Get away from the window child," Firebead's hands clasped Anahit's shoulders forcing her to look away. The small child was hiccupping in her attempt not to cry by now as the mage gently lead her back to Gorion's room. "Would you like me to tell you a story?"

"Can it be happy?" Anahit clung to the man's hand as he smiled and began to tell a story about a brave mage/cleric and his quest to stop a red dragon from harming people. Later on in the day Gorion also came in and told stories and Anahit almost could stop herself from smelling burning flesh.


1368 DR

Gorion stared down at the sheets of paper laid before him. Inside of his mind the old mage was already going through the escape plans that he had worked on for almost twenty years. Choosing the best routes out of Candlekeep, trying to decide which cities would be the easiest to blend into.

But inside of those thoughts a small voice kept protesting "she's too young!"

"I am sorry to bring such bad news," Firebead looked out the window of the study. "Many of the other Harpers think that-"

"Most of the other Harpers have sticks up their ass and a head of their own importance!" Winthrop snapped. "They'd rather kill the girls themselves just in case!"

Gorion looked out the window to where Firebead was staring. Two young women sat on the railing of one of the cow pens reading over a book and pointing out bits to one another. The old human felt his lips lift a bit as he realized that it was yet another tome from the bit of the library forbidden to anyone but those deemed worthy by Uleraunt.

"We have to make it appear that only Anahit is a Bhaalspawn. I'll have Imoen check stock, she'll sneak out and think no one'll notice for hours." Winthrop began to make a list as he kept on murmuring. "Make sure to bring some ale Gorion! Anahit'll need something to keep her warm when it gets chilly!" Right. Anahit hated the cold. Ever since she had been a toddler the dwarfling had made sure to burrow inside of as many blankets as she could find.

Gorion forced himself to stand up and open the window. "Anahit, I need you to come here."


Anahit had not been happy with the sudden news that they were going to be leaving in an hour. Of course she hadn't complained too much to Gorion but her foster father heard her telling Imoen how unfair it was as the two young women left.

Girls. They were still girls in Gorion's mind. He hadn't been able to bring himself to tell Anahit the reason behind their sudden flight out of Candlekeep. It felt like yesterday she had been begging the cooks for sweets, how could he tell Anahit that someone hated her just for existing? That someone she had never offended had placed a bounty on her head? So when she had appeared scowling and with a rucksack around her shoulder Gorion had just told her that they needed to go.

"Hurry child." Oh my darling little girl. I'm so sorry. "We have a long way to go." I'll take her to Blackstaff. He has children. He'll understand. A crack of sticks under heavy feet, the smell of ogre, whisper of steel coming out. So things would come to a head here in the middle of the empty forest.


No. Gorion wouldn't allow it to happen. The monstrously human man was demanding her. Demanding the little girl that Gorion had sung to sleep. She had fit into his hands when first born. The tiny babe crying for her dead mother as the midwives wrapped the body in cloth. Better for Anahit to hate him forever then to die out here.

I'm sorry. The charm spell hit her and he yelled at her to run; yelled loud enough that Imoen would also hear and prayed that the taller girl wouldn't be foolish enough to jump into battle. The ogres went down with powerful spells; the woman was brought to her knees from a few hits. The man bellowed as she fell. So even monsters had loved ones.

If you can hear me Mystra guard my daughter. Deneir lead your charge from danger. No prayers for himself, he had already grown older than most men. Please don't let my lack of training get her killed.

Gorion's last thought was to wonder if Anahit had packed enough food.