Disclaimer: If you think I own Harry Potter you have a problem...

Sirius' mother looked at him with a raging hateful fire in her eyes, "Get out," she spat. Not in her usual hysterical manner, but almost calmly, like she really meant it. Fine.

Sirius slammed the door to his room behind him. He quickly found his trunk and started to shove the things he wanted to take with him in it. It was already half filled with school-stuff he hadn't bothered to unpack, but he added clothes and the food he always kept in his room to avoid having to eat with his family.

He'd been expecting this to happen ever since his cousin Andromeda had married Ted Tonks, a muggle-born. Sirius' mother had turned completely red when she got the news and then went to burn Andromeda, her own niece, off the family tapestry.

Sirius had to do it fast, before he had time to regret it.

The entire thing took him about five minutes. He closed the trunk and only stopped to turn in the door, looking back at his room, the perfect picture of how much of a misfit he was. The room was decorated with the Gryffindor-banners his parents hated so much, reminding them that their oldest son hadn't been sorted into Slytherin. Where his house colours weren't dominating there hang pictures of bikini-clad muggle girls; mainly to annoy his parents and motorcycles, muggle motorcycles, Sirius considered bringing those with him, but then remembered the permanent sticking charm that would probably take some time to remove. Sirius frowned and firmly shut the door behind him, not expecting to see the room ever again.

He noiselessly started to go downstairs, a skill he'd developed already as a child to avoid the wrath of his mother. About halfway down Sirius suddenly decided that he didn't cared about being soundless, he wanted to let them know that he was going and that he wasn't coming back. Even though he knew they wouldn't care he made sure to make as much noise as possible, taking care to step at all the creaking steps and slamming his trunk against things.

Sirius peeked into the kitchen, empty, as predicted. He grabbed into the jar on the mantelpiece filled with Floo powder, threw the powder into the flames and stepped into the fireplace.

"Threepenny cottage!"

Sirius had never really gotten used to the spinning sensation that accompanied travelling by Floo or the loud roaring, but at least it never felt as bad as the first time. Sirius remembered throwing up while he was in the Floo, the mess had been terrible.

Sirius stumbled out of the fireplace and had to place a hand on the mantelpiece to keep himself from falling over until the room stopped spinning.

He was standing in his late uncle Alphard's study. The sun was shining through the dusty pentagonal window section in a lazy unnatural yellow manner that made the study look gloomy and filthy. Just below the windows stood a huge writing desk, covered in the parchment and books that was Alphard's latest work, a work that would probably never be finished.

Sirius had been Alphard's favourite nephew, which meant that Sirius had spent many hours in his uncle's cottage and in the forest that surrounded it as a child. His parents hadn't approved of the amount of time he'd spent with the slightly eccentric man, but they had never made their disapproval verbal. Alphard had, after all, been a member of the Black family, a proper member who'd been sorted into Slytherin, only Sirius knew just how close the sorting hat'd been to placing his uncle in Ravenclaw.

When Alphard the year prior had had an accident with fatal consequences involving some kind of experiment, he'd left Sirius the cottage and a fair bit of gold. Strictly speaking Sirius didn't have access to the gold yet and the cottage belonged to his parents until Sirius came at age, but the rest of the Black family had no intention of setting foot in the home of their disturbed relative leaving it free to Sirius' use.

Sirius left his trunk in the study before going to check the entire house out, he did, however not get farther than to the kitchen where he nearly tripped over a boy.

If the boy's back hadn't been heaving Sirius would've thought he was dead judging by the pool of blood he was lying in. The boy was around Sirius' age, possibly a bit younger. He was lying very still on his stomach with his head to one side. The boy was very pale and slightly grey in the face, making him look positively ill. He was wearing nothing but a pair of worn-out jeans that left his back exposed. Sirius' frown deepened as he saw that the boy's slender back was covered in scars and several places there were open gashes, the source of the blood.

Sirius just stared at the boy What the actual fuck? Couldn't he even get five minutes' of peace before people turned up dying? And how had the boy even gotten past the wards? Sirius'd have to worry about that later, right now he had to make sure he didn't end up with a dead body. He didn't want to take the boy to St. Mungo's, besides the boy probably wouldn't benefit from a trip through the Floo. Sirius'd have to do it himself.

Sirius considered just healing the wounds with a spell, but decided that he'd need something to clean it with first. He strode back to the study and over to the cupboard he knew contained potions and quickly located a purple liquid that smelled antiseptic.

When he returned the boy was laying in the same position that Sirius had left him in. Sirius wrinkled his nose as he dabbed the liquid on, wondering what had inflicted those wounds, it almost looked like something with fangs, possibly an animal, but there wasn't usually any predators in this part of the forest, not anything bigger than a fox anyway and if those wounds had been inflicted by a fox Sirius was a Squib.

When Sirius was satisfied with the cleaning of the wounds he pulled out his wand and muttered: "Vulnera Sanentur," it had very little effect "Vulnera Sanentur" Sirius repeated more urgently. The cuts immediately stopped bleeding and slowly started to heal, making Sirius almost sigh with relief. It was at times like this he was happy his uncle had been so paranoid that he'd placed spells around his property that made the place untraceable and thereby blocked the Trace that any other place would have earned Sirius a letter from the Ministry of Magic about the illegal use of underage magic.

Sirius went back to the study and opened his trunk to look for something suitable for bandages. Even though he'd used a spell he knew that alone couldn't do it, he'd spent enough time in the hospital wing to notice that. He extracted a white shirt that he decided would have to do as bandages. He ripped it in a couple of pieces before he took it back to the kitchen where he crouched beside the boy. He gently pulled the boy into a sitting position, resting his head against Sirius' collarbone. Sirius wrapped the clothing around the boy as bandages.

Sirius picked the boy up, one arm under his legs and the other one around his back, careful not to touch any of the wounds. The boy was surprisingly light and Sirius was effortlessly able to carry him through the kitchen and the library, into the bedroom. Well, this doesn't look dodgy at all, Sirius thought as he placed the boy on the unused bed.

He's actually rather pretty Sirius pondered, as he stood bent over the bed. Not stunningly handsome as Sirius himself, no point in denying it, but in a more subdued manner that required you to look a little closer, with long, thick eyelashes and specks of chestnut and walnut brown in the hair that had at first looked ordinarily light brown.







Where am I?

Remus flung his eyes open and stared at a wooden ceiling. He'd never seen this place before. His heart sped up and he started to panic.

Remus slowly turned his head and stared into the stormy eyes of a complete stranger. Remus quickly got into a sitting position, ignoring the pain, and backed as far away as possible, ending in the corner furthest from the door.

"Who are you?" Remus trembled at the undisputable handsome boy.

"I might ask you the same question," the boy quirked an eyebrow, "But since you ask; I live here. I'm Sirius," a hand was reached towards him.

Remus eyed the hand suspiciously and said "Remus, I'm Remus," before reluctantly shaking Sirius' warm hand.

Sirius broke into a grin "You gave me quite a fright, Remus, bleeding all over my floor like that."

The events of the day before slowly returned and Remus cringed inwardly. It had been full moon. "Sorry, I'll leave now," Remus mumbled and tried to get up. He stood on shaking legs for less than a second before they gave in under him. He would have fallen flat on his face if it hadn't been for Sirius who reached out to steady him, ending with Remus awkwardly stumbling and ending tightly pressed against Sirius' chest.

Sirius looked almost mockingly down at him "Are you sure about that?" and then without awaiting an answer he firmly directed Remus back to the bed. "Calm down, if I wanted to murder you I'd have done so while you were unconscious."

"Do anyone else live here?" Remus grumpily asked as he pulled the covers around him.

"No, it belonged to my late uncle," Sirius didn't give any signs of wanting to explain further so Remus left it at that and didn't ask the obvious: aren't you too young to be living alone? Deciding that if he himself didn't want to talk about his private life, he couldn't expect it of Sirius either.

"You did this?" Remus asked, referring to the bandages.

"Yeah, sorry if they're shit, I'm not used to putting people back together. I think you've lost a fair bit of blood, though. What happened? It was some pretty nasty wounds." Sirius' aristocratic features wrinkled into a concerned frown.

"Umm," Remus started, he considered: That's a funny story actually, I'm a werewolf you see, and yesterday was full moon so I transformed. Then I scratched myself because there were no humans around for me to kill, but decided to settle for: "Nothing special." not really wanting to tell a stranger his pathetic life story of how he hadn't been accepted to a wizarding-school because he was a freak. He didn't even know whether Sirius was a wizard or a muggle, though Sirius sounded like a wizard-name.

It was very clear that Sirius didn't believe him, he wasn't dumber than the next person, but he didn't pursue the subject further. "I'll get you some food or water or something, don't move." Sirius turned to leave.

"Sirius," Remus called after him. Sirius turned around with a quizzical look on his face, "Thank you," Remus smiled. Sirius returned the smile, only broader, flashing his perfect teeth and a small sharp canine before leaving.

A/N: That was the first chapter, hope you enjoyed it ^^ I love reviews :3

Concerning Alphard: I'm aware that it's not completely canon, but shush