Disclaimer: I don't own The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy or Yu-Gi-Oh!

A/N: This is chapter 5 of a story Not Any Ordinary Psycho wrote. Due to certain plot-related reasons, it must be posted under my account. For the first 4 chapters of this, see "Not So Subtle Hints" by Not Any Ordinary Psycho, which can be found under my Favorite Stories list on my profile. P.S.: Psycho, I'm so sorry this took me over a year to post. I'm such a terrible friend. Please forgive me.

Mokuba was thoroughly confused when he landed on his butt next to his brother on the bank of an eerie river. He looked around him and noticed an earthy ceiling above him. "We must be underground," he mused to himself. He turned to his brother, who was passed out beside him, and shook him. "Seto, wake up. I think we were kidnapped."

Kaiba jerked into a sitting position and began coughing harshly. When he had control of himself, he looked at his palms and cried out in terror. "My hands!"

"They'll be fine," replied a disembodied voice, "Just wipe them on your pants."

Mokuba began to protest, but Kaiba complied, and the black char that had mangled his flesh brushed off like dust. "Seto… how?"

Kaiba stood then and helped his brother to his feet. "We're not in our realm anymore, Mokuba. This is an alternate universe." He turned and stared into the abyssal darkness. "Hello, Mandy."

A short, blonde girl Mokuba didn't know emerged from the shadows in front of them. "Kaiba. It's been too long."

"What's screwing with our lives this time?"

"A narrator. Her name is Not Any Ordinary Psycho. You've probably gathered that she screws with everyone's personality, no matter what series they're from."

"I have," he replied, "And what do you plan to do about this?"

"That's why I brought you here. Grim knows her IP address. If you could hack into her computer, you could remove her from our hair."

Kaiba nodded. "Show me what I have to work with."

Mandy turned on her heel and stalked off further into the cavern.

"Seto, why do you trust her?" Mokuba asked as they followed her through the darkness.

"Because we've teamed up before, long ago in a place time has forgotten. And, although she may be villainous, she is not the most relevant threat right now."

The brothers followed her wordlessly until they came upon a computer lab nestled in a corner, illuminated by the single monitor of a massive computer. Kaiba sat in the main chair while the other two crowded in on either side of him.

Out of the shadows, a figure garbed in black emerged, scaring Mokuba half to death in the process.

"This is Grim," Mandy said coolly, "He's here to help defeat her."

"Calm yaself, child. Ya look like ya seen the face a death himself," Grim said to Mokuba, smiling at his own joke.

"Relax, Mokuba," Seto commanded without turning, "He's not going to kill you. He's somewhat of a friend."

"I thought you didn't believe in friends," Mokuba said.

"I don't."

Grim handed Kaiba a slip of paper. "Dis is all I know. Will it be enuff?"

Kaiba looked it over. "It will have to do. Have a seat and let the master work."

A/N: I should update this before another year goes by; otherwise, Psycho will have my head. P.S.: Don't forget to read and review the original chapters of this story!