Love is Stronger than the Code

Summary: Commander Shepard's little sister is in love with someone who she doubts will ever love her back. She told Samara she loved her before they attacked the Collectors but was turned down. Now a year later she's hoping she can be with the woman she still loves. OCxSamara Yuri/Femslash/Lesbian (will take place between ME2-ME3 and during ME3…no flamers plz…)

Disclaimer: The Mass Effect Series does not belong to me cause if it did…my Femshep would've been with Aria or Samara from the start lol. Angel however belongs to me cause I made her up as well as Jason, but he's only half mine. Jason also belongs to my friend John.

Also all the recruits Angel trains belong to me…I made them up! :D lol

Note: This swearing, violence, nudity, blood/gore (if I can write detailed stuff) and lesbian relations.

Story is done for a friend who wanted me to do an OCxSamara story for a while now but I haven't had the game until two weeks ago.

This story will start about a year after the Collectors but a few weeks to about a month before the Reapers attack Earth. So kind of in between ME2 and ME3 then moving into ME3 I suppose. Although the part before the Reapers won't last long so only a short part of the story is in between.

Also the background picked for Jane and Angela Shepard is Spacer, so their mother Hannah is alive. I've done research…don't get all judgmental and crap saying I don't know what I'm doing.

Angel's Asari markings description suuuuucks! I did my best lol!





Some OCxKasumi

AriaxCouncilor Tevos

Possibly Samantha TraynorxEDI (doing for a friend)

ALSO this will be slightly changed from how you originally meet Samara in ME3 at the Monastery where Samara's two remaining Ardat-Yakshi daughters are, the mission is way off in the game, well not WAY off but a while so I might have the Asari Councilor ask Shepard to go a bit earlier.

ALSO I know a certain part in here isn't Samara but I thought why the fuck not? It's just her getting a bit drunk I mean…her life as a Justicar must be hard so why not unwind once in a great while?

Chapter 1

Commander Jane Shepard, Commander of the Normandy SR-2 , had been brought back to life by Cerberus months ago. She had been thrown into a war between humans and an alien race called the Collectors who where abducting Human colonies. She didn't work for Cerberus…she worked with Cerberus to stop the Collectors but her time with Cerberus was almost over. She sat on the bed in the Alliance Headquarters on Earth just thinking about how lucky she was to get everyone out of the Suicide Mission alive, she combed her fingers through her shoulder length red hair before sighing. As she sat in her room that Alliance had given her, her thoughts wondered to her little sister who was the result of her mother Hannah Shepard falling in love with an Asari Matriarch named Moraga. She looked at the recent picture that had been sent to her by her little sister.

In the picture the asari was wearing a long sleeved top that stopped about two inches under her breasts and bore the Alliance symbol on the left shoulder. Unlike Moraga, who had dark blue skin, the young asari had pale blue skin with a dark blue stripe that went across her bottom lip down to her chin with two markings on each side of her face that started above her eyes and made their way around her eyes down towards her jaw line, a few lines stuck out in certain places and the markings where made that you could see where the line stopped and moved to the next line by all the corners the markings had…although the one on her lip was just a normal straight stripe along with the two she had above her eyes that looked like eyebrows. She couldn't help but chuckle as she thought about her sister telling Anderson that she wasn't going to wear those stuffy uniforms and that she would be changing it to fit her style. In the picture, her sister didn't wear a normal smile…she wore a cocky smile.

However her sister had admitted that because she had been trained by Aria T'Loak for a few years before attacking the Collectors, she had a tendency to get a bit cocky. She heard her door open making her look as Angela Shepard came walking in looking annoyed making her roll her eyes. "What happened now?" asked Jane standing up as her asari sister walked to the window.

"Nothing…just…had a dream." she muttered.

"What dream?"

"Another time, another life."

"Oh. That dream." sighed Jane.

"More like a fucking nightmare. I opened my heart up to that woman before the Collectors and I get…" her sister sighed as she looked out the window. "…I understand her code it's just I was hoping she felt the same way. Although I suppose to her I was nothing more than a criminal."

"Angel you weren't a criminal. She did tell you good job when you where on the Normandy with Joker when the Collectors attacked. You helped him get to the AI room to allow EDI control." stated her sister making Angel press her forehead to the large window.

"Yeah but no madder how hard I tried I couldn't keep people from being captured! I was holding onto Chambers' legs trying to pull her back as Collector pulled her into the elevator. I screamed at them telling them they where stupid, that it was their mistake for not capturing me as well. They ignored me, it's because I'm an Asari…if I was human I probably would've been captured."

"Did you want to be captured?!" asked Jane giving Angel a weird expression.

"No but still." stated the asari. "Look my birthday is coming up soon."

"Next month." nodded the woman making Angel sigh. "Twenty-two years old."

"I'm getting old."

Jane busted out laughing making Angel glare at her. "You can't say you're old until you're in your Matriarch years!" she stated laughing making Angel pout a bit.

"I got to go Jane. Anderson has me training the new recruits. Pains in my ass but they don't argue with me because Anderson told them I'd flay them alive…with my mind." she stated making Jane smirk as she thought of how she walked in on Liara T'Soni saying the same thing to a human. "Stop thinking about Liara. Or at least call her and have sex over Omni-tools or whatever…bye." She kissed Jane's cheek and left the room.

Over the course of the month Jane would watch as Angel made the human recruits run laps, shouting at them when they tried to walk. It was almost like Angel had been born for this job but when her mother Moraga was angry she could be a drill sergeant so it's no surprise Angel was like one as well. To keep up Anderson's threat the girl had made her biotics come alive when one of them back talked her making that kid take off running to do as Angel instructed. She wanted to leave this room and go get Angel a birthday present but the Alliance made it clear she wasn't allowed to leave with out supervision because they thought she was a spy for Cerberus or some shit like that, all she knew is that she was being held for Observation from the moment she turned herself over two weeks after defeating the Collectors. She looked at her Omni-tool and got an idea that mad her smile and look down at Angel.

"Come on!" snapped the asari as a human girl fell down making Angel sigh as the others pushed her out of the way. "Hey you asses you could stop and help her up!" She walked onto the track and grabbed the girl's arm and hoisted her up when she fell against Angel.

"My ankle."

"Alright." she whispered picking the girl up in her arms and carrying her over to the benches. She sat her down on the bench and called for a medic through her Omni-tool. "Sorry if I seem harsh and all that stuff."

"It's your job." smiled the human girl who was probably two years younger than her.

"Yeah. Don't tell the others but I wouldn't flay you guys alive…that's Dr. T'Soni's job."

"You know Dr. T'Soni?!" asked the human girl smiling.

"Well…yeah. You all do know my sister is Commander Jane Shepard right? The one that defeated Saren? She dates Liara…at least I think they're still together." she muttered rubbing the back of her crest in thought when she saw some of the boys stopping. "HEY!" They looked at her. "Did I tell you to stop?!" She grinned as they ran. "I enjoy my job a bit to much." The human girl laughed making Angel smile at her, a real smile.

Justicar Samara walked down the Alliance Headquarters' hallways, having been called by Shepard which the Council allowed seeing as the Justicar wouldn't break Jane out. She walked through the door making Jane turn from the windows as she held a data pad in her hands. "Hello Samara." smiled the human woman.

"Shepard, I came as quickly as I could and…I got the item you requested. Although I'm a little confused as to why you needed it." stated the Justicar holding out the thin black box making Jane take it and open it, inside was a charm bracelet that had the Omega symbol as a charm, Alliance symbol as a charm, a heavy pistol charm, a planet charm that would be Thessia, a charm that said SR-2 for the Normandy, and some other little charms that had a significant meaning for each of the Normandy squad mates.

"Nice, how much did it cost you. I can pay you."

"Only five hundred credits, I got it done on Omega and…T'Loak had seen me. She convinced the guy to give me a discount." she stated. "I'm confused as to why she would help me but I decided not to question it."

"Alright…" she used her Omni-tool to wire 500 credits into a credit chit and then she handed the chit over to Samara who took it with a smile.

"Shepard is everything alright?" asked Anderson walking in. "You called for me."

"Yes could you take Samara to the training yard?" she handed Samara the bracelet. "There's someone I want her to see. The box goes to that someone."

"Understood." nodded the Matriarch as Anderson nodded and motioned for her.

Angel was running backwards as she ran beside the girl who had injured her ankle two days ago. She only ran with her because she didn't want the others pushing the girl over to get by her, she had been told the girl's name was Sasha and so far she was Angel's favorite recruit. The girl had a slight limp to her run but she was doing good considering when she had fallen and was diagnosed with a sprained ankle. Sasha was groaning in pain a bit making Angel get worried and she went to say something but Sasha shook her head before telling her she wanted to do a few more laps before stopping. That's when Angel smacked into a body making Sasha stop and turn to see that Angel had smacked into Anderson, her back pressed against his front.

"Um…who's behind me?"

"I am." said Anderson making Angel turn quickly when she saw because Sasha stopped others stopped.

"HEY!" she screamed making them take off running making her roll her eyes. "Sasha go sit down before the others get ideas."

"Alright." answered Sasha limping over to the benches.

"What is it Anderson? I've been doing my job…yelling at them and keeping your threat alive." stated the younger girl when her biotics flared up as a few boys stopped to check Samara out, once seeing the biotics they took off running.

"Your job is more than yelling at them."

"Doesn't feel like it especially when they slow down with me telling them to stop!" she shouted at all the recruits who picked up pace. "Come on! Two more laps and you guys can go eat lunch!"

"Your sister requested I bring someone to you." he said stepping aside and her eyes widened as she took a step back. Samara standing there looking shocked as she stared at Angel, her pale blue eyes running up and down the girl's form noticing she had grown a bit and even developed a nice muscular looking stomach.

"I…" stated Angel who shut her mouth and glared up at the building.

"I was asked to bring you this." said Samara holding the box out making her look at it. She took it from Samara and pushed the top open for her to chuckle and stare at it.

"A charm bracelet and it has everything on it. Omega, Alliance, SR-2, Thessia…wow…"

"She even requested charms for each person in the squad. Wasn't sure what to do with mine so I had my face jewelry made." stated the Justicar making Angel look at it and smile.

"I like it."

"Why did she get you this?" asked Samara.

"I'm clueless myself."

"Really?" asked Anderson making Angel look at him. "I'm pretty sure you're twenty-two today."

"What I…ah shit it's my birthday!" she said smacking a hand against her face and Anderson started laughing. "Damn it. I've been so busy training these guys I forgot."

"Alright well, Justicar I'll leave you with Angel. I have some things to attend to. See you later Angel." stated the human male making her nod and he walked off.

Angel sat on the bench beside Sasha who was watching her fellow recruits finish up their last lap. Samara took the seat beside Angel and watched as well, she looked towards Angel who was no hooking the bracelet onto her wrist but she was failing horribly. The Justicar took the girl's new bracelet and wrapped it around Angel's wrist before clipping it together and Angel pulled her arm back. After the last recruit finished his lap Angel yelled at them to go get lunch and they all ran off, she pulled Sasha up onto her feet and patted her back making her smile and limp off. So that left Angel and Samara alone together.

"So, how have you been?" asked Angel to Samara.

"Good…I've been good. Only been in the Alliance for about a year and I've been made a Lieutenant-Commander . I just wish I could get to the Commander like Jane but that never came about…plus it would take more than a year." she shook her head and sighed. "I worked my ass off to get this far."

"Why do it?"

"To prove I wasn't just a criminal." she answered. She saw Samara's eyes narrow realizing that hit home because she had called Angel that when they first met. "Justicar, I've never been good at anything besides killing or running errands. I killed for Jane and I did stuff for Aria I will never speak of. I had to prove to myself I could do this."

"I didn't get you anything for your birthday."

"It's alright, seeing an old friend is good enough." she answered making Samara smile at her and Angel blushed a bit. Samara pressed her lips to Angel's cheek before backing up.

"I've got to go, until we meet again Shepard." smiled Samara as she spoke in her calm and mature voice…a voice that could make Angel wet.

"Samara wait!" she said making the Justicar stop. "I…" she wanted to say that she still loved her but it wouldn't come out. "…travel safely."

"I will Shepard." she answered nodding before leaving Angel standing on the training grounds by herself.

"Goddess…" she sighed putting a hand on her head and looking depressed.

When Angel returned to her room Jane was there with Hannah and Moraga Shepard making the asari smile at her parents. They even bought her a cake, and a couple presents which made her happier considering she was sad earlier. They got her a new bag for her travels, some sketch books for her to keep herself occupied when she wasn't working and they got her a new heavy pistol that had her name engraved on the side of it. They where eating some cake when the door opened and James Vega walked in carrying two boxes in his left arm before he saluted making Angel chew the cake in her mouth as the four women watched him. He looked a bit on uneasy and turned to Angel who swallowed the food in her mouth.

"Yes Vega?"

"Two presents arrived for you." he said walking to her and she took them. "One from Omega and one from Citadel airspace."

"So Aria and unknown." she said taking the present from Aria. She ripped it open and saw two smaller boxes in it. She pulled the bigger one out and opened it to find a rather elegant black dress inside. "Okay Aria…the fuck?" She pulled the dress out that would expose her back and shoulders as well as her right leg because of the slit on the side. She then pulled the smaller box out and opened it to see a locket laying inside of it, she used to have a locket but it had gotten damaged during the collector attack. She opened it and two holograms came out making her stare, the hologram on the right was of Angel, Jane and their parents but the hologram on the left was of Justicar Samara. "Sneaky whore."

"Hey…don't let Aria hear you call her that." chuckled Moraga making her daughter smirk.

Angel then opened up the last box to find something she had always asked her best friend Kasumi to get her…it was a cloaking device that attached to her Omni-tool. "Fucking yes! Where's Kasumi? I wanna kiss her!"

"Hello." said a voice as Kasumi appeared out of no where and pressed their lips together making Angel squeak at the contact.

"Wait how the hell?" asked James pointing at Kasumi making Jane laugh.

"There's another part of your present." grinned the thief making Angel's eyes widen a bit.

"Really?" she asked making Moraga nearly choke on her drink when she realized what Kasumi was talking about. "Mother!"

"Oh goddess." she whispered putting a hand to her forehead. "Are you two dating or…"

"Friends with benefits." said the thief and young asari together.

"Alright well…lets go." said Hannah standing up as Kasumi was sitting on Angel's lap kissing her neck. She leaned down and kissed Angel's head as Moraga kissed her cheek and they left with Jane who waved. The door shut behind them and Kasumi waved her hand, her Omni-tool lighting up and locking the doors.

"Got to do that in front of my parents?" asked Angel as Kasumi pushed her hood down showing her black hair which was pulled back into a pony tail.

"Mm-hm." she nodded making the girl roll her eyes. She touched the locket and looked at it, she knew Angel wouldn't take it off when they had sex but she respected it in a way. Angel still loved Samara and wouldn't loose the locket that had Samara in it. "Alright arms up!" She pulled Angel's skin tight long sleeved top off before kissing her deeply.

Later that night Angel woke up as she heard something and she looked to find Kasumi snuggled up to her with a camera in her hand. "Kasumi." she groaned making the thief smile and press her naked body against Angel's. "Why?"

"Cause I'm working on another present for you. Photo album. Requires photos."

"We have the extranet and Omni-tool for that stuff." she muttered into Kasumi's shoulder as she inhaled her scent, Kasumi smelt of sex and lavender at the moment…it was an interesting mix.

"I know but I like old fashion things and this is a thing they used to do over a hundred years ago."

"Fine fine." answered Angel. "Look I have work in the morning Kasumi."

"You didn't have a problem with that three hours ago."

"Fuck you."

"No you got work in the morning remember." Kasumi felt Angel laugh against her shoulder and she felt lips press against her skin in a kiss.


"Yup." answered the thief before taking another picture making Angel groan loudly.

The following morning Angel was asleep on her aside as Kasumi got up to get dressed and leave. She looked at the asari that slept with her locket open beside her head and the hologram of Samara lighting up the girl's face. She knelt on the bed and kissed Angel's cheek making her groan softly in her sleep but Angel's eyes didn't open until she heard the whoosh of her doors opening and closing making her look to see Kasumi was gone. She sighed and closed the locket before sitting up to see the sun was up and that it was after eight in the morning. She had an hour to get ready so a quick shower and then she'd run to the lunch room to grab a muffin or something.

"Sorry! Sorry!" shouted Angel running onto the training field making the recruits laughing ass he came sprinting up like a late recruit. "Was…never mind you all don't need to know! Alright kiddies, I'm in a good mood. Get five laps done and then you can all take a snack break!"

Sasha's ankle was doing better today and she was running ahead of everyone else making Angel smile. Everyone cooperated with her today and didn't stop until their laps where over, they knew not to leave for their break until EVERYONE crossed the finish line. Once the last crossed they all left leaving Angel sitting on the bench as she opened up her locket and the two pictures came out making her sigh heavily. She snapped it closed and put it into her shirt when she stood up to go and get herself a snack but stopped as a large shadow over took her and she saw an explosion happen in the building she lived in. Her eyes widened as she stared up at the building and she turned to see a large reaper landing about 100 feet away from her.

"Oh fuck." she said before running as fast as she could. She slid around a corner, dodging the red beam it fired at her and she opened up a door and went inside. She raced up the stairs and shot a reaper soldier with her pistol as she waved her Omni-tool and her door unlocked. She grabbed her stuff and shoved it into her new bag before throwing it over her shoulder and calling Jane on her Omni-tool.

"Angel?! Are you safe?!" asked Jane.

"Yes for the time being…Jane what do I do?!"

"Ashley ran to the Normandy with Vega! Get to the Normandy!" ordered Jane when Angel heard a scream making her look. "Angel?!"

"I'll get there but I've got something to do first." she said before running out of her room, cutting the link to her sister and shooting a reaper down that had attacked one of her recruits. "Run to the Normandy! NOW!" she pushed him up onto his feet and shoved him. "GO!"

She ran down a level and saw the door to the recruit break room closed but Reapers where trying to burst through making her realize the recruits where holding it shot. She shot one in the head and ran at the Reapers when the door was thrown open. She leaped onto a Reapers back and stabbed her knife into it's neck making it scream before dropping down dead. She watched as one of her recruits was shot in the chest and hit the ground dead making her eyes widen. She turned and her biotics flared up around her body as she stared at the reapers, her recruits moving back quickly.

"I'LL FLAY YOU ALIVE!" she screamed as her eyes looked crazy and she ran at the Reapers.

The recruits watched as their leader killed Reaper after Reaper…watched as she actually flayed one alive with her biotics as she screamed in anger. She snapped one's neck when she threw a shield up as three Reapers fired their guns at her making her growl in anger. Her recruits where like her kids or even her siblings and anyone in the Alliance would say the same, she trained them watched them grow over the course of five months. She threw her hand out and it sent Reapers flying through a wall with her biotics when she turned to the recruits who stared at their instructor in both fear and shock. She narrowed her eyes as she counted the people in the room and her eyes widened as she noticed there was only eight out of the seventeen she trained.

"W-Wait! Where are the other nine?!" she cried.

"They ran once the Reapers showed up Lieutenant-Commander Shepard!" said one of the boys making Angel look at him.

"Alright listen to me Dante." she said grabbing his shirt. "You're the oldest here, you're twenty so that makes you in charge while I run to get the others. You get them and yourself to the Normandy you understand?"


"My sister ordered me to go there. She won't mind extra people as long as you prove yourself useful. I'm not loosing you guys." she pushed him towards the door. "Gun armory, three doors down. Get there and supply yourselves with guns. Now which way did everyone run?!"

"Down the hallway the Reapers where."

"Alright. Hurry up and go!" she ordered making them run out of the room and to the armory. She checked all the rooms on the floor before panicking. "Where are you guys?!"

"Lieutenant-Commander!" shouted a voice making her look as a black haired human was on the stairs looking up at her. "Hurry Sasha's been shot!"

"What?!" She ran down the steps and followed her recruit to where Sasha was. She ran into the room and saw Sasha holding her hand over her leg. "Alright Sasha…" she said seeing tears in the woman's eyes. "…you'll be okay. Put your arms around my neck." Sasha did as instructed and Angel picked her up. She looked around the room and saw only four of the recruits where in here making her shake her. She'd get them to the Normandy first and look for the others. "Allison! You're the best shot out of these four…" she tossed her the pistol making the black haired human catch it. "Keep us covered and come on. We're going to the Normandy."

"But…" started Sasha making Angel look at her.

"Sasha…my recruits are my priority. Jane won't mind."

As they ran down the hallway and out of the building to head to the Normandy, Angel noticed the large TVs that sat on buildings where covering the Reaper invasion. All she could think of was how stupid someone was to be doing news reports while Reapers attacked. She saw the Normandy raising off the ground and Angel hit something on her Omni-tool to contact Joker, she had helped with the Normandy repairs often. The hatch opened allowing the recruits and Angel to leap inside, Angel set Sasha down on a seat in the shuttle bay and strapped her in as the Normandy rose off the ground. She put her bag in Sasha's lap making the human girl grip onto it so it wouldn't go anywhere as her instructor took a rifle off the wall and ran next to Ashley Williams who stood on the hatch with her rifle aimed as they came up to Jane and Anderson.

Jane leaped onto the Normandy, Angel catching her arm and pulling her in when Anderson just stood there. "Come on Anderson!" shouted Angel.

"Nah I'm gonna stay." he said making the two Shepard females look at him with wide eyes. "Earth could use all the reinforcement it can get!" he tossed Jane her dog dogs. "You're reinstated Commander! Get help and come back to take Earth back from the Reapers!"

"Are you sure?" asked Jane making Anderson nod before turning and running off. "Alright Joker lets go!"

"On it commander!" said Joker over the intercom. The two Shepard women looked over the battle grounds when Angel saw some three recruits she had running to a shuttle when her eyes rested on a large reaper heading for it.

"No." she said. "Jane!"

"Angel we can't get them! The Reapers would cut the Normandy in half."

"B-But…" whispered the young Asari as the shuttle they got in started raising when a red laser sliced the shuttle in half and exploded making Angel put a hand over her mouth to muffle her small cry. "…I only managed to save twelve out of seventeen."

"It's better than saving none." whispered Jane. She had watched that little boy she encountered earlier getting on with Angel's recruits…they where dead.

"Wait! Kasumi! Where's Kasumi?!" she cried realizing that Kasumi had been on Earth this morning.

"You called?" asked a voice making Angel turn to see her best friend standing there with a smirk on her face. "When the Reapers attacked I figured my best shot of survival was on the ship I lived on for a few months." Angel slammed into Kasumi hugging her tightly making the Japanese woman laugh as she hugged her friend.

"Bitch don't worry me like that." snapped Angel making the thief chuckle and kiss Angel's lips quickly and she heard cheers from the male recruits. "I will give you all the worse jobs on this ship if you do that again!"

"But you got a girl!" shouted Dante.

"She's not my girlfriend…friend with benefits."

"Yeah tell everyone." smirked the Japanese woman.

"You do it all the time." stated the asari.


Angel went into the Observation Deck to see a poker table where she used to sleep making her sigh heavily. She had the male recruits move it to the other side of the ship where there was just couches and nothing else before she set up her bed. She wanted to be in the Observation Deck because it reminded her of when she shared it with Samara, hell because of Samara she had even taken up meditating. She sat on the edge of her mattress which was basically just on the floor and she had her fist pressed to her mouth as she thought about the recruits she lost and she looked as the door whooshed open to show Jane. She noticed her sister's distant look and walked to sit beside her on the mattress.

"Sasha's patched up. I might look for Chakwas, considering she's the best medic I know." stated Jane making Angel nod.

"You don't mind that I made them come to the Normandy do you? I didn't know what else to do." she said making Jane shake her head with a smile.

"I would've done the same if I was in your position. I'm sorry for your recruits that didn't make it."

"They where good kids…sometimes a bit of a pain but they meant well." she answered with a sigh. "One died right in front of me…I sort of lost it and killed every reaper in sight. I watched three climb into the shuttle and I'm going to assume the last one is either dead or in hiding."

"Can you assign your recruits to stations? Ask them first I want them to be comfortable."

"Understood." said Angel standing up off her bed and walking into the area where everyone ate and saw her recruits at a table. "Hey."

"Hey Lieutenant-Commander!" smiled Dante.

"Alright guys look, call me Shepard or Angela." stated the young Asari. "Angela shows some sort of respect which I hope I will still get from you all because Angel is what my friends call me."

"We'll call you Angela ma'am." stated Dante as all the other recruits nodded.

"You guys could even call me LC if you wanted, short for Lieutenant-Commander." she stated making them all nod. "Alright, now Jane wishes for me to assign you positions here on the Normandy but she's allowing me to ask you all." She looked at her recruits and softly chuckled as she thought how convenient it was that she had six girls and six boys. "But first…I want a roll call."

"Yes ma'am!" shouted her recruits and they all stood up.

"Now this roll call will be a bit different!" shouted Angel as she had her arms behind her back. Jane walked in with Ashley and James. "My sister needs to know about you all. So I'll need names, ages, skills, and your hobbies."

"Ma'am?!" asked Allison.

"Just so my sister can get to know you. She knew about all squad members last year when we fought the Collectors. I'm sure she'd want to know about you!" she stated.

"Yes. I would like that." smiled Jane making them all but Angel look at her.

"Now…" started Angel motioning towards Dante.

"Ma'am, my name is Dante! I am the oldest out of the recruits! I am twenty years old! I have engineering skills!" answered the tallest male amongst the group, he had well developed arms and he was tanned. His hair was black and the right side of his head was shaved. (almost like Jack's)

"Dante…I believe I asked for you to address your hobbies as well." demanded the asari.

"Sorry ma'am. I enjoy writing and playing the guitar!"

"Alright. Where would you like to work Dante?" asked Angel tilting her head.

"Um…" he started thinking about it.

Jane chuckled and walked up beside Angel. "Dante, may I suggest the CIC or Engineering deck?" she asked making him look at her.

"CIC?" asked Dante.

"Combat Information Center."

"Engineering. I could be useful down there more than I could in the CIC." he answered.

"Next!" ordered Angel.

Sasha looked nervous as she eyed Jane, her long brown hair pulled back into a pony tail and her green eyes showed how nervous she was. "M-Ma'am. My name is Sasha. I'm nineteen years old. I have Medic and Engineering Skills…m-my hobbies include listening to music and hanging out with friends."

She looked at Angel who mouthed the words calm down and she looked at Jane. "Medic and engineering skills. Useful. Any idea where you wish to work?"

"C-Could I work in the medical bay?" she asked making Jane nod.

Angel pointed at the boy who had pale skin and his black hair was in the style of a crew cut. "Commander Shepard, my name is Logan. I'm eighteen years old. My skills conclude of hand-to-hand combat and shooting. My hobbies are working out. I would like to work in the CIC if that's alright with you."

"It's alright."

"Next!" demanded the asari.

"Allison, ma'am. Eighteen years old. I'm good a shooting and strategies of any kind. Hobbies include running, swimming, and dancing. I too would like to work in the CIC…" stated the black haired girl, her hair was past her shoulders and she had sky blue eyes. Her skin was tanned but it would be since she did swimming and running for hobbies.

"Wait you're a strategist?" asked the Commander making Allison nod. "Would you like to work in the CIC or the War room? The War room would be thankful for a strategist."

"I'd like the War room ma'am. I wasn't aware the Normandy had one."

"It has one now." chuckled the twenty-two year old asari. "It didn't last year though." She pointed at the boy beside Allison.

The African American boy had his hair shaved back and his eyes where brown, he was the second most muscular amongst the boys…Dante being first. "Ma'am. Name's Jai. I'm nineteen years old. My skills lay in medical and hand-to-hand combat. I enjoy playing video games, the arcade on the Citadel is my home when I'm there. I'd like to work with Sasha in the medical bay."

"Approved. Well all of you will be approved unless I see your skills will be better somewhere else." stated Jane making them all nod. "Next?"

"I'm next Commander." smiled a happy girl who had blonde hair that had a bright blue streak in it by her face. Her eyes bright green and she was white, no tan or anything. "My name is Rain…R-A-I-N. Like actual Rain. I'm eighteen years old. I'm good at cooking and engineering. I would actually like to work here, cooking food for the ship. Also I enjoy dancing and playing games."

"Is she good?" asked the Commander leaning towards her sister making Angel smile.

"Yes Jane she's good."

"Alright!" smiled the red head making Angel grin.

Angel looked at the boy beside Rain who had slicked back black hair and dark blue eyes. "My names Harvey. I'm 19 year olds. Good at calibrations which Commander Angela there laughs at…" Angel was snickering beside Jane. "My hobbies involve music, art, and sparring…I'm not sure where to go ma'am."

"Gun battery!" shouted both Angel and Jane together.


"Trust me. The gun battery." laughed Jane. "Damn it now I gotta find Garrus." Angel busted out laughing and she smacked her hands over her mouth. "Garrus…is good at calibrations as well."

"Garrus is very good at calibrations!" laughed the young asari making Jane laugh as well. "Next?"

"Ma'am." laughed the dark skinned girl smiling at her Lieutenant-Commander Angela. Her hair was a raven black that reached her waist and she had chocolate brown eyes, her voice was a Brazilian accent which Angel found hot. "My name is Vixen, I am eighteen years old and I know every inch of almost every single galaxy. I can tell you the key points of every planet, how many people live on the planet and which race is the most dominate on that planet. Oh and my hobbies involve reading."

"Really?" asked Jane.

"Yeah watch." said Angel. "Thessia?"

"The asari homeworld has been called the 'crown jewel of the galaxy,' the 'apex of democracy,' and the 'beating heart of galactic love'. Being the asari homeworld the asari dominate the planet. It has 5.5 billion people on the planet at this given time if the reapers have not reached it. Interesting fact ma'am, food and drink on Thessia is served with small amounts of element zero which has no known benefits for non biotic individuals, as such visitors are recommended to stick to the visitors menu." stated Vixen making Angel look at her sister with a cocky smile.

"Could you work in the CIC?" asked the human commander.

"Anything for you Commander Shepard." nodded the girl.

"Alright next?" asked Jane.

"That would be me ma'am!" smiled the boy with shaggy black hair and a dark tan. His eyes where brown and he was slim, not muscular but his body showed he was athletic. "My name is Jeff…like your pilot I am told."

"Please don't tell me your nickname is Joker too?" asked the human making him laugh and shake his head.

"No ma'am. I go by Wolfy." he stated and he realized how taken back Jane looked. "It's what my father called me before he died ten years ago ma'am…I kept it. I'm proud of it." he watched as Jane nodded as she understood. "I'm nineteen and I have medical skills. I can create medicine from herbs I find on planets or I could create poisons to put on your bullets. My hobbies include being a jack ass…" Angel snickered. "No seriously, you want me to do something idiotic and I will. I'm not afraid of anything besides giant reapers and I used to be afraid of Collectors."

"Seriously? You can poison bullets?" asked Ashley making him look at her and nod.

"My mother taught it to me. She learned it from her Krogan father." stated Jeff.

"Alright is the med bay fine with you?" asked Jane.

"It's perfect commander. If you need any bullets poisoned just talk to me."

"Three more left." stated Angel motioning towards the girl who's hair was a platinum blonde color, it looked almost pure white and her eyes where blue so of course they stood out. Her skin was pale but not as pale as her hair.

"Abbey. My name is Abbey and I'm eighteen. I'm a tech expert and my hobbies include dancing, working out, and hanging out with jack ass there." she said pointing at Jeff who grinned like an idiot. "Could I work in Engineering?"

"Yes you can, hopefully I can get Tali on the ship. She'd be the Chief engineer but she'd be nice to you since your young and interested in engineer."

"Tali?" asked Abbey.

"Tali'Zorah vas Normandy." stated Angel. "Quarian and the most adorable one you'd ever meet now next!"

"Johnny ma'am! I'm eighteen. I have strategy and combat skills. I would like to work in the War room too." stated the shorter boy amongst the men, his brown hair hung around his face and he had a bright smile. He was the upbeat one along with Rain. "Oh and my hobbies include working on shuttles and such so if you need someone to repair a shuttle I'll be more than happy to take a look." Jane smiled at him and nodded.

"And lastly we have the gorgeous Leliana!" stated the asari motioning to the shocked girl who had short red hair that was a bit longer than Jane's, her hair passed her shoulders a bit where Jane's stopped above her shoulders. She also had dark green eyes where Jane's was a bright girl.

"Yes ma'am…I'm Leliana and I'm nineteen years old. I know how to take apart, put back together, and repair any type of weapon. My hobbies include actually designing new weapons and just hanging out with friends. I also do some baking on the side."

"Could you work in the armory?" asked the Commander making her nod.

"Well that's it." said Angel smacking her hands together and rubbing them.

"Ah…wait Lieutenant-Commander Angela." stated Jeff making her look.

"Wolfy…" groaned Angel.

"We only know your name. How about we know about you?"

"What?" she asked looking shocked.

"Yeah! It's only fair!" smiled Rain making Angel groan as she realized it was only right.

"Fine. Fine. Lieutenant-Commander Angela Shepard, I work aboard the Normandy and I do not run this place."

"Do so." stated Jane making Angel groan.

"Fine I command the Normandy with Commander Shepard!" she snapped making her recruits laugh. "I'm twenty-two years old as of yesterday. I'm an asari so I have biotic skills, I can cook, sketch. My abilities lie in biotics, hand-to-hand combat, and I only use duel pistols when fighting people. I…KASUMI!"

Kasumi appeared behind Angel giggling and her hand was on Angel's ass. "And she's in love with a Justicar." Angel spun around to grab Kasumi who disappeared and apparently moved cause Angel slammed onto the floor.

"Ow." she groaned. "And I'm the only one that can make Kasumi squeal like she hasn't had sex in years!"

"HEY!" shouted Kasumi's voice from somewhere on the crew deck. "Don't share that!"

"Don't share the fact I love Samara!" she snapped.

"Never said her name! You did!"

"Fuck you." groaned the girl pushing herself up.

"Later!" giggled the thief.

Angel stayed on the Normandy with her recruits as Jane went on Mars with Ashley and James. Rain was cooking up some food for everyone, making her famous pasta salad which she was chilling at the moment in the fridge as she was cutting up some vegetables and meats to go into the pasta salad. Angel sat at a table chewing on a boot lace that had been given to her by Jeff and she sat there looking at a magazine that Jane had managed to get her about a month ago but never got around reading, it was an issue of Justicar Heroes and had been issued May of 2140. Her bright blue eyes running over the article about Samara and about how she rescued people from a flood because some bad guys blew up a dam. She bit onto her bottom lip as she read about Samara nearly drowning when saving a child who had been torn from his mother's grasp but that info wasn't what got her biting her lip it was the picture of Samara dripping wet in the picture.

"Need time alone?" asked Rain as she set a bowl down beside Angel making her look and blush a bit.

She pulled the shoelace out of her mouth. "N-No. Sorry." she said closing the magazine and pushing it aside.

"Have you told this Samara you loved her?" asked the girl.

"Yeah. Her answer was we cannot because of her code. Another time, another life." sighed the girl taking her fork and stabbing the pasta and some ham and cheese that Rain put in.

"Did she have a bondmate?" asked Sasha sitting across from Angel.

"Mm-hm. She apparently died years ago and I mean YEARS ago."

"Could be even though she's a Justicar, she's afraid to love because she lost her bondmate." stated Allison making Angel look at her. "Any idea how her bondmate died?"

"From what I've been told, her bondmate was an Asari commando and was fighting in a war or something. She was on a shuttle that was leaving and it was shot down, exploding on contact. She lived for a few moments after it exploded, she bled out." sighed the younger girl. "Doesn't help that I work on an Alliance ship I guess. Willing to go into dangerous situations."

"Show her to us." smiled Rain making the asari roll her eye with a smile and she pulled her locket out of her shirt and snapped it open. Both holograms lighting up and she pointed at the picture of the Justicar. "Wow."

"She's gorgeous!" smiled Sasha making Angel smile.

So when Jane and the others returned, Angel noticed her sister returned with a familiar asari. One that Angel loved, not loved as in the way she loved Samara but loved in a sisterly way…it was Jane's asari lover Liara T'Soni. She hugged onto the older asari giggling making the 109 year old Asari just hug her back and tell her she looked good. Angel and some of her recruits helped Liara bring her stuff into her bedroom which had once been Miranda Lawson's about a year ago. The 22 year old Asari finished putting up the last monitor on a wall, when you walked in the majority of the right wall had monitors all on it but Liara said it was necessary since she was the Shadow Broker.

"So how have you been Liara?" asked the 22 year old Asari staring at Glyph who was floating by her face.

"I've been good. It's really good to see you again, although your top isn't really…regulation is it?"

"I told Anderson that I would only wear this. After some discussion with others, they agreed as long as my breasts weren't exposed. They're not!" she stated looking down to look at her exposed toned stomach. "I know some of the men found it hot I just wish a certain someone would."



"I'm a very good information broker." smirked the older asari making Angel laugh. "Here." she held out a framed picture of Samara making Angel take it and trail her fingers down the picture. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you Liara."

"I would've done more but I wasn't sure what to do for you."

"How about lunch on the Citadel when we go there?" asked the Lieutenant-Commander making Liara smile and nod at the idea.

The following day, Earth time wise that is, Jane walked into the Observation Deck to find the asari fast asleep on her mattress with the Justicar Heroes magazine open over her face. She rapped her knuckles against the glass in front of her bed making the blue skinned woman lift the magazine up a bit. Her bright blue eyes squinted as she stared at her sister from under the magazine before groaning and dropping it back onto her face to go back to sleep. Jane made a whatever face before walking into the girl's living area which wasn't all the big but big enough for her bed, a small nightstand, a chair and her stuff which was in one corner. She sat on the edge of the bed making the girl pulled the magazine off her face and glare at Jane.

"We're on the Citadel…all your recruits scattered." she chuckled. "I told them to be back in three hours. Figured I'd give them some time to enjoy the Citadel. We docked about five minutes ago."

"Alright alright." she groaned sitting up and her locket fell between her breasts. The girl slept in her bra and shorts which sort of ran in the family…well her parents didn't sleep with clothes at all which made her twitch but Jane slept in her bra and shorts. Angel looked as she heard Spanish/Portuguese music being played from the eating area. "Okay well Allison and Abbey stayed behind wanting to wait for you."

"I can tell, they dance to that song all the time. It's an old song called Danza Kuduro…apparently made back in two thousand ten."

"Wow." stated Jane.

"Lets go to the Citadel!" she said hopping up and grabbing her Alliance top and pants.

Angel went to the arcade to find about seven out of her twelve remaining recruits. All playing games or trying to win prizes making her smile at the thought of them enjoying themselves, she figured she'd go check out the club Purgatory before heading to meet Liara for lunch. As she rode the elevator down she rubbed her thumb across the locket and she closed her eyes as she pushed it to her lips to kiss it when the doors opened. She stepped out and could already hear the music coming from the club and she entered a door which opened before she reached it and she crossed the short length to the other door and once that door open music went from muffled to loud. She walked up the stairs when she heard a woman snapping at someone making her look to see a familiar asari sitting on the couch.

"So you admit you and your thugs are here illegally?!" snapped the C-Sec woman.

"Yes and it only took C-Sec three weeks to figure it out." stated Aria flatly.

"I don't care who you are. You are required to go through processing like all refugees. Come with me." demanded the woman.

"Get me the Asari councilor." demanded Aria.

The human beside the couch lit up his Omni-tool and Councilor Tevos appeared in hologram form. "Aria, what do I owe the pleasure?" she asked putting her arms behind her back.

"I'm being asked to submit to immigration processing." sighed the purple asari.

"I see." The councilor bent over a bit and did something on her end of the hologram. "And now you've been processed. Is there anything else?"

"No. Thank you." snapped Aria in the nicest way she could. The hologram shut off making the C-Sec woman look pissed.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" snapped the woman.

"Aria's been processed you can leave now." snapped a voice behind her making her turn and she saw an Asari glaring at her. "Don't fuck with me. I'm Lieutenant-Commander Angela Shepard of the Normandy…of the Alliance." The C-Sec woman took a step back.

"Yes Commander. I'm sorry." she said before leaving and Angel sucked her teeth.

"What did I tell you the first day we met darling?" asked Aria.

"If I wish to keep my pretty teeth I won't suck them again." answered the 22 year old Asari. "Sorry."

"Did you enjoy my gifts?"

"Yes Aria I did. Although donno when the dress will be put to use but the locket I'll always wear." stated Angel walking up to her making Aria take her hand and turn it to see the charm bracelet. "Jane's gift to me. It's got the Omega symbol. See?" Aria used her thumb to lift up the Omega symbol, a blocky 'O' shape with a straight line cutting through the bottom.

"Cleaver." she said when she looked at her former errand girl/trainee. She knew she had gone through so much…seen things she couldn't un-see. "It's good to see you again. How are your biotics?"

"Good…the fight against the Collectors really put them to the test though." she sighed. "Also had a stupid moment where I covered a fallen squad member back on Haestrom…after nearly having my whole back burnt off I then realized I could've put up a protective biotic shield around us or just her."

"It's not stupid, you cared for her obviously."

"Like you and Tevos?" asked Angel making Aria huff loudly.

"I don't care for her."

"Yeah okay." smirked the young asari.

"Don't get cocky."

"Being around you for two years made me cocky." stated the blue asari crossing her arms over her chest.

"Really?" she asked shocked. "Cause I thought being an offspring of Moraga would make you cocky."

"Keep mother out of this." groaned the blue asari looking annoyed. Angel's Omni-tool made a noise. "Fuck I gotta go meet Liara for lunch."

"Tell me who the girl is first." stated Aria.

"That's easy…you know her." stated Angel making Aria look confused. "You protected me from her when she nearly killed me on Omega." Aria's eyes hit the dark blue scar on the pale blue asari's side and the girl ran off.

Liara treated Angel to the best damn lunch she had ever had, it was Asari homeworld food and of course Angel loved it since she herself was an asari like Liara. On the way back Angel was looking out at the flying skycars and Liara saw a smile appear on the girl's face. The could tell by the girl's body language that she must've been thinking of Samara cause she gripped her locket in her right hand before sighing. She wanted to say something but what could she say? Tell her that Samara would love her, that Samara would come to her and be with her for years…that they'd have little blue children together?! Sure she wanted to help her but there wasn't anything she could say.

"I'm sorry." whispered Liara.

"About what? This was an awesome day! My mind just wondered that's all…" she stated smiling. "I just love someone I sometimes wish I never fell in love with."

"Don't say that." said the older Asari watching Angel.

"Why not? I fell in love with a fucking Justicar that nearly killed me! I fell in love with someone who would never…"

"Excuse me." said a voice making both of the Asari look to see Rain standing there. "Sorry Lieutenant-Commander but your sister requested I ask you and Dr. T'Soni to return to the Normandy. The Asari Councilor has asked her to go to Lessuss to the Ardat-Yakshi monastery. The Commander told me to tell you two that the Normandy will be going to Lessuss after going to Palaven."

"What?" asked Angel as her eyes widened a bit. All her thoughts going towards Samara's daughters, even if one was dead…killed by Samara's hand. "Damn it I should go on that mission."

"She'll probably request myself as well." sighed Liara. "Let us return to the ship."

"Oh! Ma'am!" said Rain making Angel turn and Rain held out an asari plush making her laugh.

"Thanks Rain."

So a day later after going to Palaven, meeting Garrus, and getting the Turian primarch off the Palaven moon Angel was in her living area loading her gun, she pulled the top back before allowing it to snap back into place and she exhaled slowly. Ardat-Yakshi Monastery…she would bet her life that Samara was there considering she had two daughters that lived in an Ardat-Yakshi Monastery. She unclipped her charm bracelet and placed it on her pillow before pulling on her fingerless gloves and leaving the Observation Deck to head to the Shuttle bay. She walked to the shuttle which was open and Jane was standing inside of it checking her rifle as Liara was sitting in front of her. She hopped up into the shuttle and pressed a button that made the shuttle close up and the human Commander made a motion to leave.

"Dig up any info on the mission, Liara?" asked Jane as Angel pulled her shirt out and dropped her locket into it, the cold metal resting in between her breasts.

"Well even though Tevos told you…we're heading to the Ardat-Yakshi Monastery." stated Liara.

"Ardat-Yakshi? Like Morinth?" asked Jane and she saw Angel flinch at the name.

"No, these Ardat-Yakshi lived in the monastery so they wouldn't-or couldn't-harm anybody. However they are still powerful biotics and potentially very dangerous. That is why the High Council sent Commandos to investigate the distress signal."

"So Tevos throws us at the problem?" asked Angel looking at Liara. "Yeah I'll be telling Aria."

"What's the plan?" asked Jane.

"If there was a chance an Ardat-Yakshi could break loose, the commandos were sent to purge the monastery." sighed the 109 year old asari.

"You mean destroy." corrected the 22 year old asari.

"They would've brought heavy explosives with them…yes." added Liara.

"Morinth was dangerous not these Ardat-Yakshi!" snapped Angel, she took it to heart because it was Samara's remaining children in that building. "I understand that when an Ardat-Yakshi kills they leave behind an astronomical body count…"

"Why are you getting so defensive?" asked the Commander.

"Shepard." whispered Liara making Jane look at her lover. "Samara's remaining daughters live in the Monastery."

"Angel for all we know, the Ardat-Yakshi are the ones who sent the distress signal." stated Jane making Angel nod.

"Anyone seen Kasumi lately?"

"Yeah she's been cloaking around the ship." answered Liara making Angel sigh when she felt weight hit her and arms wrap around her waist. She looked as she saw nobody but felt hands gripping her back.

"Think I found her…" stated Angel when Kasumi appeared in front of her. "…Kasumi."

"I saw you leaving and figured I'd come for the ride." smirked the thief hugging onto Angel who hugged back. "You haven't paid much attention to me."

"Yeah well Kasumi I've been busy." sighed the asari as the shuttle landed.

The four women where walking around the Monastery and it was pitch black on one floor making Angel hit the light on her pistol and she looked around. Angel ran her fingertips across as table when she heard something and walked off leaving the other three by themselves. Jane didn't even realize Angel was gone when they walked into a room to find Samara killing one of the Reapers. Samara told them that she was here for her two daughters Falere and Rila because they were her responsibility when they all heard a scream. Kasumi looked around and noticed Angel wasn't around before leaping over the railing and coming out of her cloaking before running through a door.

"Wait…where's Angel?!" asked the Commander looking around. "Damn it!"

Angel had her pistol aimed at a reaper that had been made out of an asari, her eyes widened as she walked backwards. The Banshee stalked towards Angel who hit a wall and stared at it up in fear when it was punched across the face making her look as Kasumi landed on her feet and slid across the floor a bit. Kasumi pulled her SMG out and stared firing at the Banshee killing it with one ammo clip before she reloaded and ran to Angel who had slid down the wall and landed on her ass as she stared at the Banshee's dead body which then exploded. "Hey." whispered Kasumi making the asari look at her. "You're alright." Angel pushed their lips together as tears went down her cheeks as Jane, Samara, and Liara ran into the room.

The Asari slipped her hand under Kasumi's hood and grabbed her hair as she deepened the kiss before pulling from the thief's lips who chuckled and landed on her ass. "Thanks Kasumi."

"I should save you more often." smirked the thief.

Samara glared at the thief then looked at Angel who stood up and ran her fingers across her lips to dry them before walking to Jane. "Don't run off." snapped Jane.

"But I saw two asari that looked like Samara…I had to run off." stated Angel.

"Falere? Rila? Where'd they go?!" asked Samara grabbing Angel's Alliance top and yanking her close.

"I told them to run while I fought the Banshee…although I didn't fight the Banshee. I got scared. They went that way." she pointed towards a door making Samara shove her back and run. "Yeah you're welcome bitch!" A blast of Biotic energy hit her knocking her down as she tried to get up. "Damn it why do I love her?"

"Yes stop loving her and love me!" grinned Kasumi making Angel peck their lips together before running after Samara.

Angel wasn't too sure what happened in the next half an hour but Rila sacrificed herself to blow up the monastery as the banshees tried to indoctrinate her. Angel had to help Jane pull Falere out of the hall and shove her into an elevator with them, half way up they heard the explosion and felt the elevator rock gently. Jane called the shuttle once they got outside and Kasumi was skipping around the 22 year old asari who looked annoyed at the situation, she loved Kasumi…well not like she loved Samara, but Kasumi was important to her and this was just annoying her. She went to stop the thief when she was grabbed around the waist and started being spun around making her laugh and Samara looked over at them before looking at her remaining daughter who trying not to cry. Kasumi put Angel down as Samara walked over to Falere and Angel looked at them.

"Rila!" cried the remaining Ardat-Yakshi. "There wasn't even time to say goodbye!"

"Few could break the reapers hold. Rila's will was extraordinary. As was her love for you." stated the Justicar.

"We left her to die!"

Samara stared at her daughter for a few minutes before walking away from her saying "Rila made her choice and it has reminded me of what was truly important. Why I swore I'd lay down my life."

"What was that?" asked Falere.

"Falere. The code demands an Ardat-Yakshi cannot live outside a monastery that no longer exists." said Samara pulling her pistol out making Falere take a step back.

"What are you doing?!" asked Jane.

"I'm sorry Shepard. By the Justicar's Code…there is only one way to safe Falere." she said before placing the pistol to her head.

"Mother no!" cried Falere.

"My daughters. You were all so much stronger than I believed." she whispered as her finger tightened on the trigger when a body slammed into hers making her look down. Angel was clinging to her front.

"No. No. No!" she cried against the Justicar's chest making Samara lower the gun.


"What are you doing?!" cried the girl looking up at her.

"Fulfilling the code! I won't kill another child!"

"She can stay here." cried Angel gripping onto Samara's arms.

"She's right mother. I could've left when ever I pleased." stated Falere.

"Please don't kill yourself." whispered the 22 year old asari making Samara look into her bright blue eyes.

Samara looked up to see Jane making a hugging motion along side of Kasumi who was doing the same. Samara hugged Angel who was looking upset. "Alright…I won't kill myself." she whispered staring at Angel.

"Mother could I speak to you?" asked Falere. "Alone?"

"Yes Falere." she said pushing Angel back a bit who was now rubbing the tears from her eyes and Samara tilted her chin up and gave her a small smile. They walked off to the side as Angel was being hugged by Kasumi. "What is it?"

"She loves you, mother." stated Falere. "I can see it. I saw her face when you put that gun to your head."

"It's not love. It's just an affection she has. It'll wear off…eventually." stated the older Asari as she eyed her daughter.

"Mother." groaned the Ardat-Yakshi making Samara sigh. "She told you didn't she? When?"

"A year ago before we attacked the Collectors…"

"If it was affection…it would've worn off by now." stared Samara's living daughter making her mother look at her and sigh.

"Falere…I told her a year ago I couldn't. She's too young, she's…"

"Bullshit she's too young." snapped the other asari. "You where nearly five hundred years younger than father but that didn't stop her from loving you with all her heart."

"Falere! I'm nine hundred years old and Angela is twenty-two!"

"Alright so you're only eight hundred and seventy-eight years older! So what?! Look at her, mother." Samara turned to see Angel smiling as she pulled on Jane's freckled cheeks. "You need that in your life."


"Mother. You've been distance since father died, I suppose I would be too if my bondmate passed but don't let father's death affect you from finding love again."

Jane lifted Angel off her feet and held her off the ground making her laugh as the two stared at each other. "I suppose you're right."

"Don't tell her right away though." chuckled her daughter. "Give her subtle hints, don't just blurt out that you possibly love her back."

"Come on people I got meditation to do!" said Angel hopping around with Kasumi making Samara raise a brow (if she had one) at what Angel just said.

"Go with her." said Falere before hutting her mother who hugged her back and smiled.

The two walked up to the Commander who smiled at them. "Samara."

"I wish to return to the Normandy to help you take on the reapers." smiled the Justicar.

"Observation Deck?"

"Observation Deck." nodded Samara.

Once returning to the Normandy, Kasumi kissed Angel quickly before running off as Angel went to the Observation Deck. She kicked her boots off and set them near her bed before hooking her charm bracelet back on and walking to a spot in front of the windows, she crossed her legs before falling onto her ass. She leaned back on her hands as she stared out of the windows before she pulled her right leg to rest on top of her left leg and she held her hands in front of her chest before summoning up a ball of biotic energy and her eyes started glowing white. She smiled as she could hear Jane and Samara talking outside of the door but they didn't come in just yet, she heard the doors whoosh open after five minutes as she meditated and she heard footsteps which stopped beside her. She felt the person sit beside her and she looked to the side to see Samara looking at her.

"Yes Samara?" she asked.

"When did you take up meditating?"

"My three week of being in the Alliance. I remembered how you always seemed so calm and I was stressed. So I took it up." she stated making Samara nod. "Join me?"

"Yes." whispered the Justicar copying Angel as their eyes glowed white and biotic energy appeared between their hands in the form of a ball. Usually Samara's mind would become clear when she meditated but for some reason she was remembering one memory from a year ago.

Samara's Memory

Jane had chosen Samara to create the biotic shield to get herself, Miranda, Jack, and Angel through the room that had a large amount of seeker swarms in it. Angel showed signs of protection every time Collector troops landed to take them out. That intensified when Samara could feel herself getting weaker from using her biotics. "I…will go on…as long…as I can." said the Justicar as she walked forward, pushing herself to get them to the other end of this room.

She gasped and fell over but arms caught her making her look up as her hands continued to glow from her biotics. Angel stood there staring at her as she held her up and worry crossed the young asari's face. She pushed herself up onto her feet and slowly walked when she saw the exit and started going faster before she passed out. Collectors landed and fired at them making her feel arms wrap around her waist as Angel pushed herself against Samara's back to protect her from the bullets. "Just go faster!" shouted the 21 year old as she pushed Samara against her will to get them there faster when she fell down through the doors from exhaustion and Angel turned as the collectors came running at them.

"Angel get back!" shouted aiming her gun when Angel stared glowing from her biotics. She heard her sister scream in anger and throw her hands out, a powerful biotic blast send the Collector Troops flying backwards when the doors slammed shut in front of her making her turn to her sister. When they all heard gun fire and shouting on the other side of another door. "Get that door open!"

Angel ran to the door and stared hacking it like Aria had taught her two years ago, she got it open when she saw Samara pulling herself up and saw a Collector aiming at her. She ran at the Justicar and grabbed onto her, forming a strong biotic barrier around the two of them making the bullets strike the barrier and hit the ground as Angel held onto the Justicar. Tali got the door to close and the barrier went down making Angel sigh heavily before turning to her sister who smiled at her. "You saved me." whispered Samara making Angel nod. "Why?"

"Cause I love you. Remember?" smiled the younger asari. "Nothing will ever happen to you so long as I continue to love you."

End Memory

Samara gasped as she came out of her meditation to find Angel fast asleep on her side with her head in Samara's lap. She looked around and down at Angel again as the girl groaned in her sleep when the Justicar heard a small clang of metal hitting the ground. She reached down and saw it was a locket hanging around her neck, she sighed and sat Angel up to stand up. She accidentally dropped her making Samara rub the back of her crest before picking Angel up in her arms and carrying her to the bed the 22 year old asari used. She laid her down on the bed and nearly fell on her when she saw Angel grab onto her locket and stare at Samara who seemed taken back by the fact that Angel was awake.

"You fell asleep so I…" stated the Justicar.

"It's fine." whispered the girl, her voice sound extremely tired. "You want to sleep? Bed is big enough?"

"No I'm alright." answered Samara as Angel opened her locket and two pictures came out, Samara's pale blue eyes looking at the hologram of herself and Angel laid the locket beside her before closing her eyes to go back to sleep. Angel must've done it all the time to sleep probably because she felt safer with her parents in the other hologram and Samara in the first one.

Angel heard her locket snap shut making her open her eyes to see Samara laying down on the bed on her back. "What are you doing?"

"Taking you up on your offer. I haven't slept in a bed in a long time." she answered closing her eyes to get some sleep. She could've sworn she felt the girl smile which made Samara crack a small smile as they laid in the bed together.

The following day around 9:48am earth time, Samara woke up to something wrapped around her waist and she looked to see Angel had cuddled against her in her sleep. Her head resting on Samara's shoulder and Samara had her arm under the girl's head and she knew once she could get her arm out from under the girl it would be stiff. She took Angel's arm off her waist making the girl groan and push her face into Samara's shoulder as she was waking up, her nails scrapping the leather that covered the Justicar's stomach. Samara ran her fingers across the back of the girl's crest which was rewarded by a small squeal that sounded more of pleasure than anything else which made the Justicar remove her hand quickly. The doors whooshed open making her look to see nobody standing there and she sat up making Angel roll over and groan loudly at being fully woken up.

"Kasumi get out!" she groaned.

"Aw how did you know?!" asked Kasumi's voice.

"Doors don't open when they please."

"Fair point." answered the thief before appearing in front of them and taking a picture before running.

"Kasumi!" snapped Angel trying to get up but she fell onto her side with a grunt. "My arms and legs are asleep…what fucking position was I in?"

"Why do you date her?"

"I don't…date her." muttered Angel rolling onto her back to look at the Justicar. "We're friends with benefits. That's all it is, all it ever will be and…" She was paused by a pair of invisible lips making her groan loudly in annoyance when Kasumi appeared above her.

"You owed me."

"Did not!" she snapped shoving the thief off her who just returned and tickled her making the asari bust out laughing.

"Did so." she put her lips over Angel's and the girl didn't kiss back making Kasumi pull away. "Alright sorry. Sorry." She pecked their lips together and walked off.

"Sorry Kasumi."

"Nah. I'll see ya later." smiled the thief before really leaving this time.



"I love you."

"I know."

"Mm…" was all Angel said before sitting up and groaning as she looked at the wall. "…yeah I know you know." She stood up off the mattress and stumbled a bit from her legs being numb as the blood returning to her legs.


"Don't…call me that!" she snapped turning to the Justicar. "What right should you have to call me that?! Only people that love me in return call me Angela!"

"Your recruits call you it."

"They're my recruits! They'll like my children, by brothers, my sisters but you…do not call me Angela!" Samara could see the girl's eyes getting glossy. "I know you know that I love you but you're a Justicar, you can't be with me because of your fucking code! You may never love me in return and I'm…okay with that." the last part was whispered as tears started going down her cheeks.


"Kasumi!" cried Angel running from the room and heading towards Kasumi's living area that was at the other end of the hallway.

Samara wanted to go after her but Angel wouldn't want to talk to her right now, how was she supposed to explain that she POSSIBLY loved her back. She watched from the Observation Deck door as Kasumi caught the young asari in her arms and held her close. Kasumi glared at her from under her hood, something nobody ever saw Kasumi do but it was obvious Angel meant a lot to her and Samara sighed. The Normandy SR-2 docked at the Citadel so Jane could go visit Ashley Williams who was in the hospital at the moment and Angel went off in her own direction to do her own thing. Samara found her an hour later sitting in the presidium eating ice cream which was pretty much melted and looked like soup at the moment but that didn't stop the young sari from eating it.

She sat across from Angel who looked at her with a spoon sticking out of her mouth. "I was around five hundred and twenty five when I gave birth to my first daughter and my bond mate died twenty years later." The girl just stared at her as Samara sighed heavily. "I don't like talking about this but Falere has a point, I shouldn't let the death of my bondmate stop me from trying to find happiness. Her name was Sonya and I hated that she died, I blamed the Goddess the day she died…I cried for about a week. Ten years later my daughters are diagnosed to be Ardat-Yakshi…I've let things stop me from loving."

"Samara…" sighed Angel putting her spoon down in the now empty bowl. "…you act like you're the only one to suffer lost. I lost the girl I thought I'd be bonded too, she was a human girl about a year older than I was. She was an Alliance girl too, we met when my parents where stationed on Earth for a year. Her parents where being transferred to my parents' ship so could you imagine how happy I was?"

"Yes." whispered the Justicar watching Angel smile sadly.

"We stopped on a planet to refuel…fuck I can't even remember what the planet was called and I was sixteen years old. Anyways, we went off with her parents to go get some lunch while my parents had to do what they had to do. There was one human that disliked Asari and well…sure enough I'm an asari! He threatened me, told me to get off the planet of he'd kill me. To protect me, her father attacked him and the guy shot him then shot her mother. He turned the gun on me and went to shoot me but she got in the way! She died because he was some fucking asshole who hated our race!"


"Mother and father…other mother?…I guess father since we're asari but if I was human she'd be my other mother…they heard the gun shots and ran to find us. I held my girlfriend crying as he had his gun to my head when my mother Moraga literally beat the shit out of the man screaming at him not to touch her child. My girlfriend died in my arms…protecting me. Do you realize what an effect that had on me? I lost the woman I thought I was going to be with for a long time."

Angel rubbed her eyes and sighed heavily when Samara moved to sit beside Angel. "I'm sorry."

"And I'm sorry for your bondmate…I'm sorry for you."

"Angel come on!" shouted Jane making her look over. "You too Samara!"

The two Asari walked towards the Normandy when Samara swallowed before asking the one question that plagued her mind since Angel admitted she loved her for the first time. "Why do you love me?" asked Samara as Angel stopped on the ramp into the ship making her turn.

"Because…I don't know. Ever since the day where you almost killed me…I found my heart wanting more of you." she answered.

Angel was laying on the floor in the CIC as Jane was at the Galaxy map and the 22 year old watched as EDI walked by in her sexy robot body and happened to notice Samantha Traynor paying attention as well. She chuckled as she realized Samantha had a crush on EDI, hell from what Jane told her, Samantha had a crush on her voice before EDI put herself in a robot body. Angel grunted loudly as weight sat down on her and Jane turned to see Angel looking at something invisible making her smile as Kasumi appeared on top of Angel. The young asari chuckled and shook her head when Kasumi laid down on top of her and smiled at her asari friend making Angel peck their lips together. Angel wanted Samara to be on top of her to tell the truth but there was nothing she could do about that if the woman didn't love her back but Kasumi loved her no madder what, would love her even if Angel got married to Samara…she was the best friend an Asari could have.

"So Commander." said Kasumi bouncing up and down on Angel's lap to the point it looked extremely fucking wrong. "What's out next mission?"

"Well I have a meeting with some the Salarian councilor and Krogan Clan Chief. This will be interesting." answered Jane when Angel grabbed Kasumi's hips to make her stop bouncing.

"It looks wrong."

"I know!" grinned the thief.

Angel returned to the Observation Deck to find Samara sitting on a couch with her head in her hands. She walked over to her and picked up the bottle of asari wine which only had a little bit of it left making her sigh, maybe the talk about her bondmate drove her to doing this. She turned the bottle in her hand before bringing it to her lips and taking a small sip, she flinched at first considering she hardly ever drank but the second sip she could taste the sweetness of the fruity wine. She felt it snatched from her mouth making her blink as some spilled down her chin and it trailed to her neck as she looked at Samara who poured the rest of it into her cup and started to drink it. The young asari sighed heavily making Samara look at her with confusion in her eyes.

"Maybe I wanted some of that."

"Oh well." shrugged Samara standing up and walking around the room when she stumbled and almost as quickly as she did she felt hands on her chest steadying her. She looked and saw Angel standing there looking at her when she put her face in Angel's neck, licking the trail of wine off her neck making her gasp as she felt the Matriarch's tongue stroking her neck.

"Samara…" whispered the girl as she was pushed against the glass that was in front of her bedroom. "What are you doing?"

"You want this." muttered the drunk Justicar.

"Sure…sure I want it but not like this."

Their foreheads where pressed together when she felt a hand undoing her pants. She grabbed the Justicar's wrist making those pale blue eyes narrow into a glare as they looked into Angel's bright blue eyes. "Why are you stopping me?"

"You're drunk I'm not doing this when you're drunk!" snapped Angel when she was shoved harder against the glass which Angel heard crack from her weight. "Samara…you're hurting me."

"I'm not hurting you!" she snapped as she shoved Angel harder against it and kissed her cheek.

The weight from Samara pressing against her which made her body push against the glass did hurt, she was being crushed by the Justicar's body and could feel the glass cracking more and some of it sticking into her back. She grabbed Samara's face in her hands and made her look at her. "You're hurting me!" she cried when she saw Samara's eyes look into hers. "Samara…I love you but you're hurting me…" That's when she felt the weight be removed from her body making her look to see Samara looking at her with a look of sadness crossing her features. "It's alright."

"No it's not. I almost…" stared Samara when Angel grabbed her by the arm and lead her into the area before forcing her to lay down on the bed. "Angel what are you doing?"

"Go to sleep." whispered the girl pressing their lips together softly together and Angel removed her lips to taste the wine making her smile. She then saw Samara was passed out on the bed making her laugh. "Good night Samara." She kissed her forehead before getting on the bed beside her and closing her eyes to go to sleep.

Samara woke up maybe about six hours later with a splitting headache and her face buried in something soft and sweet smelling. She looked to find herself spooning with Angel and she narrowed her eyes when she realized what she had nearly done making her quickly get away. Oh Goddess…she nearly made love to the young asari and against her will, she can remember the girl telling her she didn't want to do it with Samara drunk but that hurt the woman more was Angel telling her she was hurting her. She watched the girl who shivered a bit at the loss of warmth against her back and Samara debated whether to lay back down or not but when she heard Angel groan she laid down beside her. She hooked a leg over Angel's and kissed her cheek making Angel smile in her sleep, maybe Samara could get used to this after all.


This was 35 pages long and I redid this story about 4 times and I still think it's not good enough. If you guys wanna see stuff between Samara and Angel in the next chapter, whether you want me to have them have sex willingly with one another or Angel cave into a drunk Samara then lemme know. Before ANYONE says ANYTHING about the whole Samantha and EDI pairing, I'm doing it for this girl I talk to on Tumblr who LOVES the ship which I love as well I mean…it's obvious Samantha has a crush on EDI after saying how attractive her voice was and then EDI reciting things in the Citadel DLC claiming that's what Samantha said.

Tali will be in the next chapter, I will have Angel interact with Wrex cause he's my favorite Krogan beside Grunt, and maybe get some Jack and Miranda in the chapter as well. Well I hope you all enjoyed. I've got an Archer chapter to finish and update :3

Oh and sorry if there's any mention of Angel being just a Commander instead of a Lieutenant-Commander, I read it over a couple times and fixed some mistakes but sometimes I miss some when looking for them.