Sorry for my absence everyone. I've had a concussion, and haven't been able to use the computer much. I was riding and my horse took off on me, and I landed on my head and blacked out. I'm finally feeling a little better, but it's been a slow process. With recovering and AP Exams coming up soon, I cannot promise speedy updates, but I hope you enjoy this little update.


I've been feeling your presence more and more as of lately, Master. Perhaps it's because I'm holding the Kyber crystal of your lightsaber in the palm of my hand now. Perhaps it's because...well, never mind. It's best not to dwell on the possibilities of the future.

I've grown very fond of my youngling class, and while I'm sure you never expected me to end up here, I quite enjoy what I do. They are all so easily mystified by my teachings, their presence is a lightness in the force during such dark times. In fact, just today I spoke of you to a very gifted young Jedi, Tay.

There was a pause in Obi-Wan's thoughts as his head lowered into his hand. But after a moment, he continued.

It's not easy to think of having to leave them. Even if whatever I have doesn't kill me, there will come a time when I cannot teach them anymore. I sense that day is coming, but I suppose it's best not to focus on that. As you always said, be mindful of the living moment. And so I shall.

I know I heard your voice, the day I had the stroke. I remember you saying more, but all I can recall are two simple words: Give. Force.

I'm afraid I don't understand, at least not yet, whatever you were trying to tell me that day. I hope to find some clarity soon, as I'm afraid my abilities to fulfill any tasks are slowly diminishing. But I won't complain. Everything is the will of the Force after all. There is a plan for me, and I trust you will help me find it. But until then, I must rest. Goodbye for now, Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan often mediated in the form of simply sitting down and thinking deeply, while reaching through the force to try to find release and comfort. He often directed his thoughts in the way of his old master, Qui-Gon Jinn. This became an often habit of his ever since Anakin had left for the war, as Kenobi had felt a sense of loneliness.

Standing up from his desk, and grabbing his cane and securing his robes over him, with a gentle flick of his hand he watched the lights throughout the classroom fade. Many questioned tugged at the thoughtful master's mind, as for a moment he stood in the darkened room, his hand raised to a rather scruffy dark auburn beard.

It was becoming harder and harder for Obi-Wan to live his life like he had used to. He was slowing down. With reliance on his cane to walk, he could barely move about on a daily basis without experiencing exhaustion. With negligence for normal routine, his auburn hair hung slightly lower than usual, uncombed and unkempt, with streaks of silver in it. With a lack of appetite, tunics and robes hung over his form. With loss of weight, mobility, and strength-he was slowly losing himself.

Exhaling slowly, Master Kenobi pushed the dark wood chair in front of his desk and left the teaching hall without a sound besides the tap of his cane. Leaning hard onto the wood cane for support and strength, blue eyes focused on moving forward. He had to get back to his room, for he could sense Anakin was back in the temple once again. Despite the pain that ran up through his legs and back, a genuinely warm smile formed beneath Obi-Wan's beard.

It was as if the force itself had pulled Anakin down the halls that would lead to where he was looking for. Having still to go home and see his wife, or check in with the Council on a war report, he sought out his Master. But as Anakin set out towards the residence of his best friend, a detour down several halls would soon halt his quest.

Turning a corner, Anakin stopped dead in his tracks as the scene played out before him.

Obi-Wan sat leaned up against the wall, collapsed for all Anakin could tell. Several Jedi Medics were attending to him, but as Kenobi slowly raised his lowered head, Anakin could see that until now, he had practically been alone.

His face was a pale grey, and the circles around his eyes seemed to contrast with his pale skin. Sweat covered his forehead, and his hands trembled uncontrollably as Medics held them to inject IV liquids into them. Auburn short pieces of hair laid flat and practically covered the glossed blue eyes that looked up towards Anakin. The only sound that echoed through the halls was Obi-Wan's labored breathing.

Anakin approached slowly, his eyes wide in shock, but at the same time, it wasn't shock. He had almost felt it on his flight back through hyperspace, a darkness taking hold over his life, an impending fading light, that now threatened to blow out with a single gust of wind. Now kneeling in front of his grounded Master, he heard a young medic say,

"It's his heart, he was moving too fast for it to keep up. We can't tell if it's heart failure, but he needs to get to the hospital immediately."

"Call Grindell," was all Anakin could say to them as he leaned forward and put a soft hand on his Master's shoulder. Obi-Wan gave him a weak smile in return, but as if that smile was too much effort, his shoulders began to sink and his eyes lowered as if he couldn't stay awake as his

head lowered.

The only thing Anakin knew what to do, was lean forward and wrap his arms around Obi-Wan. If it weren't for the severity of the situation, he would have felt shocked at how thin he was. Obi-Wan said not a word, but simply closed his eyes and leaned into Anakin. Anakin could feel his chest slowly rise and fall against his own, which was the only thing keeping him sane enough to say in a voice only soft enough for Obi-Wan to hear,

"It's okay, Master. I've got you, it's okay."

There was no response from Kenobi, as Anakin continued,

" I'm here now. Just, don't leave me. Not yet. Let me have a chance to help you first. Don't go, not yet."

Obi-Wan only sighed through a wheeze as he weakly lowered his head onto Anakin's shoulder,. At feeling the weight of his Master collapse into him, Anakin could only close his own eyes to prevent his emotions from showing as his own eyes glossed, as he held Obi-Wan closer and heard nothing but his Master's shortness of breath.

Anakin brought his head up and out of his hands as he heard the footsteps down the halls as Dr. Grindell approached.

"Doc, how is he?" Anakin inquired immediately, but the aging alien doctor gestured for Anakin to sit back down.

Moving slowly to sit down next to him, and looking at his charts and then back to Anakin as he removed his glasses he cleared his throat and said,

"General Skywalker. From what it seems, your Master's condition has progressed very rapidly, and aggressively."

"So, how do we go forward with treating it and-"

Anakin was cut off by a long, constant, and yet genuinely saddened look from Grindell. The doctor looked down as he spoke,

"He has congestive heart failure now, an effect of his initial illness. It will only progress, and his heart isn't going to be the first system to be attacked by this menacing virus."

"I will not just let him die, Grindell. No matter how hopeless it seems, no - I can't do nothing. We have to help him."

"We have, son. And we'll continue to do our best-"

"We have to do more than try."

"He's too weak to be experimented on. To operate, to perform constant procedures. He already will probably have to remain hospitalized, but further tests and intense treatment will do little to help him. Unless you want to draw out his pain that is."

Anakin went silent, and his gaze dropped as he whispered mostly to himself,

"I need to help him."

"I know, Anakin. And we will, but I cannot promise everything, as much as I wish I could."

Anakin nodded slowly as he said,

"Not in the hospital. He hates this place, no offense," Anakin couldn't help but smile lightly at his Master's stubbornness, but at the same time his eyes were saddened and glossed.

"But he needs rest and treatment," Grindell objected before Anakin shook his head and said,

"I'll take care of him. Set up a machines and medicines in his room, get a hospital bed, get a medical droid…just let him stay at home."

Grindell obliged, and Anakin finally returned home to his wife from war, however he brought her little joy with the news he brought her about Obi-Wan.