Hello everyone!

It's been a really long time since I've been active here; I was busy with several things, and lost interest in writing at some point. But after stumbling upon some old stories on my laptop and going through fanfics again, I've come back with a renewed love.

Regarding this particular fanfic of mine; I wrote this story not really understanding what I was aiming for, and I had no actual real plot line for it. I was impatient and wanted to immediately post this story without properly planning it out like I should have, and the themes I intended on using for this story (mental patients, disorders, etc) were insensitive and I apologise for that. Now that I've grown up some I can strive for something more solid and better.

Therefore from this point 'Everybody Talks' will be discontinued.

As of the current moment I do have some idea of a fic in mind for a new story, but as noted at the start of this message it's been an awful long time since I've been active so my writing is questionable. Regardless I hope you guys aren't too disappointed at this announcement (it was gonna happen though, we all know this) and that you read my new story whenever I end up posting it.

Thank you for reading this note and I hope you guys have/had a great day!