Title: I Put It Down
Author: slacker_d
Pairing/Characters: Aubrey/Beca, Jesse, Dr. Mitchell
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When Beca exits the police station, she's surprised to find both Aubrey and Jesse waiting for her.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 1,055
A/N: Final part.
2nd A/N: Since I'm a fan of this universe, there will be a post movie sequel as soon as I can figure out a plot.

Beca knows that going to Jesse's aid is probably going to cause a fight with Aubrey later, but she does it anyway. Mostly because she knows Jesse is useless in a fight and she really doesn't want to listen to him whine about it later. He complained for hours when she accidentally punched him in the eye; even getting him drunk to numb the pain didn't help.

It hurts like hell when she punches the older Clef. Beca has forgotten how different it is to punch someone without boxing gloves. She is going to need ice later for sure.

Of course, once Fat Amy gets involved, it just gets insane. Beca should learn to be less surprised by that. Watching everyone scatter, even those who are just innocent bystanders is amusing; at least until Beca's hands are being cuffed behind her back.

As Beca is being led, handcuffed, to the patrol car, she hears Aubrey and Jesse arguing behind her and she hopes that Aubrey doesn't hurt Jesse too much.

Since this is not the first time Beca's been arrested, she's just able to hold back her scoff when she's charged with will full property destruction. It was clearly an accident. Because if someone wanted to break a window, why the hell would they only use most of a trophy? It makes no sense and she says so. She's told to shut up. So keeping quiet, Beca tries to remember the name of the lawyer she had to use once in high school. Maybe he knows someone good in the area she can call because this is bullshit.

An hour later she's told that her bail has been paid and that she free to go. Standing, Beca wonders how much bail was and if she has enough to pay Aubrey back.

When Beca exits the police station, she's surprised to find both Aubrey and Jesse waiting for her.

"Hey guys," she says, cautiously.

The scowl on her girlfriend's face tells Beca that Jesse's lucky to be alive. She grabs Aubrey's hand as she turns to Jesse. "You're still here."

"You went to jail for me," Jesse replies. "Sort of."

"Technically," Beca starts, glancing worriedly at Aubrey who seems to be trying to make Jesse's head explode telepathically. "I was arrested because Amy broke the window."

"Still you stepped up to help me," Jesse insists. "And damn, that was nice punch. I wouldn't have thought..."

"Yeah, well, there's a lot you don't know about Beca," Aubrey tosses out.

"Thanks, but it wasn't that big of deal," Beca says.

"Funny, I usually think getting arrested is always a big deal."

"What are you doing here?" Beca asks her dad.

"I called him," Jesse admits.

"You called him?!"

"I did," Jesse nods.


"You were being arrested," Jesse points out.


"Told you, she'd be pissed," Aubrey mutters.

"Because it's not a big deal," Beca says. "And Aubrey could have taken care of it."

"I did take care of it," Aubrey says.

"I'll pay you back," Beca tells her.

"Actually your dad paid your bail," Aubrey replies.

Beca turns to her dad. "Thanks."

"You promised me that you were going to stay out of trouble," he says.

"Once again," Beca replies. "This was so not my fault." She turns to Jesse. "Or a big deal."

"Destruction of property is always a big deal Beca," her dad says. "You know this."

"Hey in Georgia it's only a misdemeanor," Beca points out.

"The fact that you know that frightens me," he replies.

"My girlfriend's a lawyer," Beca tells him.

"Going to be," Aubrey offers.

"Yeah, well, since it was an accident, I got off light," Beca says. "So I'm sorry that you got dragged out of bed."

"I was just trying to help," Jesse insists.

"That's not your job," Aubrey retorts. "I told you I would take care of it."

"It's not all bad," her dad says. "At least I got to finally meet your girlfriend."

"Yay," Beca retorts.

"Beca," Aubrey hisses.

"While I hesitate to give it," he continues. "Because I know you hate it, but I approve."


"Beca be nice," Aubrey commands.

"Sorry dad."

Her dad raises an eyebrow at this, but just nods.

"Can we please go back to campus, now?" Beca asks. "Not only do I smell like jail, I'm still dressed like a flight attendant."

Aubrey elbows Beca.

"And I'd like to change," Beca finishes.

The ride back to campus is one of the most uncomfortable car rides ever. Her dad and Jesse sit in the front while Aubrey and Beca sit in the back. Being able to clutch Aubrey's hand helps, but the awkwardness is thick and heavy in the car and last the entire ride.

Thankfully everyone seems aware of this and no one attempts small talk. Beca finds comfort in holding Aubrey's hand through seeing her dad grin his approval at her in the rear view mirror is not helpful. Still he's staying quiet, so she just silently thanks every deity there is for this small blessing.

Since Aubrey refuses to look at her, Beca knows her girlfriend is definitely angry that she went to Jesse's aid, but Beca tries not to feel too guilty. She has been very clear with Jesse about seeing him only as a friend and he had said he was mostly fine with it.

Despite this, Aubrey still doesn't like him. Or maybe it's because he's a Treble Maker.

"Thanks for the ride, dad," Beca says, once they reach campus.

"We will be talking tomorrow," he tells her.

"Of course," Beca sighs.

"Very nice to meet you, sir," Aubrey says, joining Beca at the driver side window.

"You as well, Aubrey."

Beca watches the SUV drive away before looking around. "Where'd Jesse go?"

"I told him that he wasn't needed anymore," Aubrey replies. "Not that he ever was."

"Thank you," Beca says. "For not strangling him, like I know you wanted to."

"If I got arrested, who would have paid your bail?"

"I suppose we should talk," Beca sighs.

Aubrey nods. "I figure you can change and then we can head to my room."

"Thank you," Beca says.

"Well I know how much you love that outfit," Aubrey smiles.

"Hey, it looks good on you," Beca replies. "So I've got no complaints. Or whatever."

"Nice recovery."