Nami gave a pained groan as she brought her hand to her head. She had such a headache, and there was a lot of tension between the first mate and his captain. "Luffyko, why are you ignoring Zoro?"

Luffyko gave an innocent smile and tilted her head, "What are you talking about?"

Nami sighed as Usopp cut in and talked about Elbaf and decided to sit down as she felt a fever begin to creep up on her. 'This is no time to get sick…Zoro and Luffyko aren't speaking, and Vivi needs me. Maybe if I take a small nap I can beat this early.' "This whole ordeal has tired me out, can you watch the heading Vivi?" She handed the eternal pose to Vivi and saw her face, "It looks like you can finally go home. Well if we don't run into anything else along the way, that is…"

Vivi smiled at the girl, "Yes, I have to return home. Now the only way to save my country is to make it to my country alive…" The memory of Ilgram burned into her mind and she tightened her hold on the compass, her smile turning into a determined frown.

Sanji appeared like the prince he acted with a tray of food, "Never fear, I am here. Would you care for a snack, princess? Luffyko your snack is by your favorite seat! Usopp, Zoro yours is in the kitchen."

Zoro ignored him as he continued his training, "If I was stronger I could have cut through the wax…I wouldn't have held everyone back…" His mind drifted to Luffyko exposed to everyone and gritted his teeth as he felt rage surge through him. They had seen her, his precious captain. He looked down to see her sitting on the head of the merry and quickly turn away when he had glanced at her. She hadn't been able to make eye contact with him since Vivi told her she was in love. "I'm weak…" He went back to his workout, if he had been stronger Vivi would have never known of her emotions. Luffyko would be by him now. This was his punishment for being weak; he had to be stronger, for his dreams. "I must become stronger until I can cut through anything like that wax." He continued his grueling exercise until he heard Vivi call for help. He went over and saw Nami lying on the ground, "What happened?"

"Nami has a high fever!"

The entire crew peered over in worry and Sanji gently picked her up and took her to her room. "Is Nami going to die?!" He cried as he watched over her small body.

"It's probably due to the unnatural climate. That is one of the perils of the Grand Line." Vivi explained as she changed the wash cloth from Nami's forehead. "Even the greatest of pirates can succumb to the climate if they do not treat the symptoms right away. Is there anyone on this ship that has the slightest medical knowledge?"

Luffyko pointed at Nami nervously, was Nami really going to die? "Maybe she will get better if she eats some meat! I always get better after some yummy food! Right Sanji?"

Sanji looked at the captain in surprise and saw the hope she was placing in him, "Well I was going to make something to help in her recovery, but all that amounts to is nursing. Just feeding her the right food won't be enough. Besides I already give her, Vivi and you the best ingredients. In any case, as long as I'm this ships cook there will never be a problem with nutrition. But when dealing with a sick person there are other conditions to take into consideration. But I cannot make that diagnosis."

Vivi checked the temperature again and gasped in horror, "It's gone up!"

"There will be doctors at Alabasta when we get there, right Vivi? How long will it take to get there?" Usopp asked with the hope they could get a doctor soon.

"It's a long journey, I don't think we can make it in a week."

Luffyko felt nervous, was being sick really this bad, "Is being sick really this dangerous?"

The two boys tilted their head not able to think of a time they had ever been sick, "I don't know…"

"What are you people!" Vivi yelled as she again realized what monsters they were. "In any case, can't you tell she is in pain? Besides with her fever this high, this may be life threatening…"

Luffyko immediately went into tears, "Nami is going to die?!"

Vivi felt overwhelmed at the panic of the room. "Quiet! I understand! Nami needs it to be quiet though!"

"We need to find a doctor now!" Luffyko cried out as she looked at her sickly friend.

"I know, but you need to be quiet. You can't disturb her, she needs her rest."

"No." Nami said as everyone looked at her and watched as she sat up, "In my desk, there is a newspaper…you need to see it."

Luffyko listened as Vivi's worst fears were becoming reality. Luffyko tried to follow along and when Nami asked if she understood she gave a small nod, "I understand things are very bad."

Nami gave a sisterly smile to the girl, "Good, that's more than I thought you would get."

Usopp frowned as he realized Nami would sacrifice herself in the process of getting Vivi to her home, "But you need to see a doctor..."

Luffyko watched as Nami got out of bed dismissing it all and stating they had to get to Alabasta. She turned as Vivi cried in frustration about her country and how it was becoming a race against time. Luffyko felt torn in what to do, Nami was sick, but Vivi's home was about to be a bloodbath. She watched in silence until Zoro called everyone on deck and began telling them what was needed. Luffyko decided she was more interested in Nami and went up placing her hand on her head, "HOT! You're burning up!" Her mind was made up, she had to save Nami, "We need to stop this ship and get you a doctor!"

"Just mind your own business! This is my normal temperature. Now quit goofing off and man the ropes!" Nami gripped the rails as everyone tried to convince her to return to bed, but she knew the ship was heading for danger, "I DON'T CARE! JUST MOVE THE SHIP!" She looked over the sea as she felt the small differences in the atmosphere, "It doesn't feel like a storm, so what is it…"

Luffyko finished her jobs and sat on her seat to watch the ocean when Vivi came back on deck, "Everyone I have a request to make! I realize this is a lot to ask after being allowed to ride on your ship, but right now my country is falling to a terrible fate. Therefore, I want us to hurry forward. I cannot allow a single delay! I need this ship to continue on to Alabasta at maximum speed."

Zoro narrowed his eyes, was she really asking Luffyko to sacrifice Nami for her kingdom?

Nami felt the tension thicken and quickly went to diffuse the situation, "Of course! We promised you, didn't we?"

"Well then, let's go find a ship with a doctor! We must get Nami cured as quickly as possible, and then head to Alabasta. That's the ships maximum speed, isn't it?"

Luffyko felt her scowl turn into a large smile, Vivi was a nice caring princess and all the jealousy vanished, "That's right! Doesn't go any faster than that!" She looked up and then saw the giant cyclone they just missed, "WHAT IS THAT!" They all turned in awe of the ability Nami had shown getting them to safety. Now it was their turn to save Nami. "LET'S GO GET A DOCTOR!"


"Sanji, Vivi, take care of Nami. Zoro lookout. Usopp, secondary lookout."

"Aye Aye captain."

Luffyko watched as everyone snapped to their duties after a while it began to snow, "Hey Zoro have you seen a doctor?!"

Usopp hit her in the head, "Idiot, he won't just see a doctor!"

"Um guys, do you think a man can stand on the ocean?" Zoro called down as he peered through the binoculars at the strange man.

Usopp exchanged a shrug with his captain as he returned his gaze to the swordsman, "You wanna know if people can stand on the ocean? Are you drunk Zoro?"

Zoro glared down at the sniper and pointed at the man he had seen, "Then what's that?"

Luffyko and Usopp turned and then saw the man standing on the ocean. Both looked at each other, cleared their eyes, and then turned to see the man still standing there. The man stared back and noticed the slim girl in her vest and shorts, "It's very cold today. You should be wearing more clothes."

Luffyko blinked and then felt the cold leach into her skin and began to shiver, "It is very cold today."

Usopp nodded in agreement, "Very, very cold today."

"Very very very cold today." The man on the ocean said which returned everyone's attention to him. Suddenly an e large metal sphere appeared out of the ocean, the man standing in the crow's nest.

Luffyko held on to the ship's railing as the Going Merry got pushed back away from the ship. "What the hell…" She froze in wonder though as the sphere began to slowly change into a giant pirate ship. "So cool!"

"Crap! It's a pirate ship!" Usopp said in terror as the large vessel dwarfed theirs."

Zoro clenched his teeth, they didn't need any distractions, "We're too busy for this."

A voice rang out with laughter, "Behold! This is my Giant Diving Ambush Ship: The Bliking!"

Sanji ran up from the cabin Nami was staying at, "What the hell is going on?" He stopped when he saw a large man eating a chunk of meat from a sword. He glared at him as he lit a cigarette and breathed in his first breath of nicotine. He looked up at his captain who was surrounded, "Luffy, want to tell me why all this racket has been going on?"

"We are being attacked."

Sanji gave a sigh from annoyance and relief. While Luffyko was surrounded, the men had guns, not swords. However, someone had dared attack his ship and captain while his lovely navigator lay sick, "Yeah, that's what I thought from the look of it." He took another hit of his cigarette when the large man began to speak with his mouth full.

"Are you lowlifes really pirates? You are just a bunch of weirdos! Looks like there are four of you." He took the last bite of meat from his sword as well as taking the sword as his next meal. As he chewed on the sword and meat he shook his head, "There is just not enough for a pirate crew."

Luffyko held her mouth in pain as she watched him eat the sword, "What's this guys problem? He's eating a knife!"

"Well might as well ask, we are heading to Drum Kingdom. Would you happen by chance to have an Eternal Pose or even a Log Pose on you?"

"Nope, we don't got one, never heard of any place called that either."

Luffyko nodded, "That's right, you heard him. Now get going, we are in a hurry. We don't got time to waste with you."

The man looked at her and smirked, "Ah, don't rush you life so much. If you don't have one, that's that. However, I'll be taking your treasures and your ship. However, before I do I'm feeling a little hungry." He leaned over and then bit a chunk out of the Going Merry.

Luffyko glared at him, "Hey! Don't go eating our ship!"

One of the soldiers placed his gun next to her head, "Quiet girl, Wapol is enjoying his meal!"

Luffyko lifted her arms and knocked out the two men beside her as she glared at the man chewing on her ship and then began to make her way towards him, while Sanji and Zoro gladly joined the fight. "Hey I said quit eating my ship!" She yelled as she began to charge the man as his soldiers began to laugh at her. She let her arms fly back as she ran closer as the man bit down on her torso. However, her arms were ready and came flying forward, "Get lost!"

Zoro watched as the man got blasted away into the distant ocean forcing his men to retreat. He gave a smirk as he glanced at his captain who was covered in saliva. He took off his coat and went to put it over her when she moved, "Luffyko?"

Luffyko felt blood rush to her face and she started to walk to the room the women shared, "Sorry, I don't want to get it dirty. Keep it on, it's cold out." She slipped into the room and shut the door with a sigh. "Nami, I think I'm in trouble." She slowly changed out of her wet disgusting clothes and into another vest and pair of shorts. "Are you feeling any better Nami?" With no response she went over to the navigator who was taking uneasy breaths. Luffyko put felt Nami's head again and felt tears come to her eyes; Nami was even warmer than she had been earlier. The fever was still climbing. She turned when the door open and watched as Vivi and Sanji came in to stand beside her. "Maybe she is getting hungry? If we give her 100 helpings she might get better, right?"

Sanji put a hand on her shoulder, "It doesn't work that way."

Luffyko hated this feeling and began to tie her face up in weird ways, "C'mon, cheer up!" She looked at the girl and felt despair wash over her as her face returned to normal, "She isn't smiling, not one bit…What if we threw water on her, the water will bring her fever down?"

Vivi hit the girl's head, while Sanji clawed at his hair to stop from strangling his captain, "Idiot!"

Luffyko lay in her hammock as she listened to Sanji and Vivi discuss what they should do for the night. As the night went on, everyone drifted into the women's room and found a place to sleep, as to watch over their precious friend. When everyone had fallen asleep Nami found herself awake. Sitting up she looked over her friends and gave a small smile until she saw her captain and the swordsman who slept on the ground by her hammock as if protecting her in his sleep. Luffyko needed to understand her feelings did not make her weak, but Nami wouldn't be able to do anything if she didn't get better. "Night everyone." She whispered weakly as she returned to her slumber.

Luffyko was at Nami's sighed the moment she woke up. Everyone else was working or eating their morning meal, but Luffyko couldn't leave Nami's side, not even for food. She was trying to make the girl laugh and was feeling desperate to see any emotion other than the girl's pain, "Come on Nami look at me. It's so weird…you're supposed to laugh…" She felt tears begin to fall from her cheeks as heavy footsteps approached, "C'mon, smile for me Nami!" She gritted her teeth together than took off her vest, "C'mon Nami, you have to beat me up! Nami…."

"Luffyko…that's not going to help her…" Zoro said softly as he walked up closer to their comrade.

Luffyko nodded and put the vest back on as tears fell down her cheeks. "Zoro…what if she doesn't get better."

Zoro patted her head gently, "Don't give up already, we still have time."

Luffyko nodded when she heard the cry that they spotted an island, "Nami! Did you hear that! We found an island!"

Zoro watched as she began to chant and sighed, "Go check it out. She's fine here." He watched as the girl took off and sighed. "Nami, you have to hang on a little while longer. We just need to find a doctor."

Luffyko ran in suddenly grabbing a coat from the closet, "We're here!"

Zoro walked out and looked at the landscaping, "Alright, someone has to go get a doctor."

Before anything could be settled, the people of the island surrounded the ship. "Found people." Luffyko said as she looked at the weapons they had. When a man demanded they leave Luffyko shook her head, "We need a doctor!"

Vivi nodded, "We have a sick person on board!" Vivi watched as Sanji bean to make comments making one of the men shoot at him. She saw Sanji was going to attack and quickly stopped him when another shoot rang out hitting her.

Luffyko watched in horror as his new friend began to fall, "VIVI!" She felt rage grow as the girl lay on the ground, "WHY YOU…" Before she could lunge at anyone she felt Vivi hug around her waist.

"Please, stop! You musn't fight them just because of this! I'm fine! It only grazed my arm!" Vivi cried as she finally looked up at the young pirate captain whose rage scared her. She turned towards the people of the island and begged from her hands and knees, "As you wish, we will not dock here. But please, will you summon a doctor? Our friend is suffering with a severe illness. Please help her! I beg of you!" She watched as Luffyko stood just watching in amazement and frowned, "You're a failure as a Captain, Luffyko. Acting rashly all the time solves nothing. If you fight them, what will happen to Nami?"

Luffyko gave a small nod in understanding and turned to the people, "I'm sorry. I was wrong. Please call a doctor." She also went to her hands and knees and begged, "Please save my friend."

They were rewarded as the leader sighed and nodded, "Alright, come with me."

Vivi sat up and felt proud of the small captain. "See, they understood."

Luffyko nodded, "Yeah, thank you." She stood up and then got everyone ready for the journey.

"Alright let's go." Zoro said as he stretched preparing to jump to the ground.

"Zoro, I would like you to stay and guard the ship."

Zoro turned to his captain and narrowed his eyes. "You want me to guard the ship?"

Luffyko refused to look at him, "Yes, I don't want you running around on a mountain right after you almost cut your legs off. The rest of us can handle it. Let's go."

Zoro watched as the rest of the crew left him with the duck. "Are you really that bothered by me, Luffyko?" He muttered as he watched the group disappear in the snow. He turned to the duck and sighed, "Might as well train." He almost laughed when he saw the duck's disgruntled look, "I'm all better, see." He said as he clapped his feet together, the scars on his leg still fresh. He looked around and saw the freezing cold water falling from the mountain and got an idea, "Now I can finally start some super-intensive training! No one can protest I'm still injured, since they all left me." He said bitterly as he began to strip out of his clothes. "I'm tired of all that routine muscle-hardening stuff and sitting here watching the ship is boring." He clasped his hands together and cleared his mind, "It's about time for some mind-clearing, midwinter swimming." He jumped in and felt his thoughts drift to his captain. 'I hope she doesn't do anything crazy.'

Luffyko held still as Nami was being secured to her back. Usopp watched nervously as the tiny girl in a jacket and shorts prepared for the dangerous journey. "Listen Luffy, if you drop Nami even once, she will die."

Luffyko nodded seriously, "I won't drop her."

Sanji looked at Usopp and then Dalton, the captain of the guard, and decided Vivi would be safe enough. He didn't have much choice with his captain and navigator traveling the mountain. "I'm going too."

Luffyko nodded when Vivi announced they were ready to go and that she would be waiting for them. She then listened as she was told to go the long way to avoid the man eating rabbits but she shook her head. "We are in a hurt, we'll be fine. Right?"

Sanji nodded, there was no way he was going to let some bunny slow them down. "Yeah. I'll kick 'em."

"Kick them? Don't be absurd, you're rushing to your deaths!"

Luffyko just gave him a don't be silly smile, "We'll be fine! Let's go Sanji, before Nami dies!"

Sanji glared as his captain called out that reminder, "Don't say such a goddamn ominous joke!"

Luffyko laughed as Sanji ran to catch up with her. Even with the extra weight and the snow Luffyko felt like they were making great time, "It's getting colder and the wind is picking up."

Sanji looked over at the girl feeling worried. She was a slim woman and she had carried Nami since they left the village and they had long since left the village out of view. He glanced as he saw a tan leg go across the ground. No pants and sandals, she had to be cold, "You dork. Why are you running around barelegged? It hurts just looking at you!"

Luffyo just laughed and shrugged, "No idea! Oh yeah, you know what? People in snow countries never sleep."

Sanji looked at the girl in surprise, "How come?"

"'Cause if they fall asleep, they'd die."

"Idiot, no person could do that!" Sanji started to notice the bunny that was chasing him and continued the conversation until he grew weary of the bunny's attempts and finally kicked it. "Stupid rabbit, Nami just hold on a little longer. We are going to get you to this doctor."

"The snow is getting pretty deep here…"

Sanji looked at the girl and saw her problem with running through the deep snow, "Follow in my trail, it will make it easier on you and Nami."

Before Luffyko could move she froze as an entire tribe of giant rabbit polar bears stood in the way. She watched as it attacked and quickly dodged as it came crashing down. "So strong!" She cried in amazement as she continued to dodge when she heard Nami whisper about Alabasta."

"We will Nami, sleep for now."

Sanji looked over the two delicate women and then looked forward, Luffyko couldn't fight. It was up to him to help them, "We have to get to that castle where the doctor lives. Move aside, shitty rabbits."

Luffyko watched as they began to prepare for another strike, "They are coming."

"Listen Luffy, whatever happens, you cannot attack them."

Luffyko looked up in surprise, "Why not?"

"Idiot, if you start attacking or take a hit, all the shock will transfer right into Nami. She'll die."

Luffyko nodded in understanding and quickly moved Nami to a better position to help her balance. "Got it! I won't fight 'em! But then, what should I do!?" She asked as she dodged the first rabbit that came after her.

"For now, just dodge and run, but don't retreat!" He landed a kick and quickly realized he wasn't going to be able to get any good kicks, "With all this snow, I can't get any decent kicks…"

Luffyko dodged and felt her hat fly off and sighed with relief as Sanji grabbed it, "Into the woods!"

Luffyko ran after Sanji following his winding trail that was slowly brining them closer to the mountain. Luffyko saw one coming near and felt the only thing she could do was attack when Sanji appeared taking it out for her. "Thanks!"

"I told you not to attack, leave everything to me!" Sanji said as he felt his inner prince come out. He was actually able to help protect his lovely captain, and the lovely Nami. "Go Luffyko! We have an opening!" Sanji continued leading the way when he realized the rabbits had gotten in front of them and had begun to jump, "They can't be…" He bit his lip and looked at his captain who was breathing heavily, "Run for it Luffy…RUN! They are starting an avalanche!"

Luffyko ran as fast as she could but the avalanche eventually hit them. However, Luffyko had some luck on being able to get on top of it surfing on fallen trees. She reached out and pulled Sanji from the snow and helped him up on his own tree. "Sanji!"

"Great job Luffy!"

"Ya we might not be buried under the snow, but we are going back down the mountain!"

"What!? We were almost at the foot of the mountain!" Sanji growled as the rabbits began their attack and soon they would crash into a high rock with broken trees. "We can't hit that!"

"You say that, but what should I do?!" Luffyko cried with frustration.

Sanji gritted his teeth and threw Luffyko into the air so she could land safely, "You have to treat ladies with care!"

"Sanji!" Luffyko cried out as she landed and watched as the snow began to burry him. "Jerk don't you dare!" She reached out to grab him only to come back with his glove, "SANJI!" Luffyko cried out. She tried to follow where he would end up and waited for the avalanche to end. When it did she put laid Nami down and put her coat over here and checked her over, "Hang on a little longer Nami." She took off her hat and put it over her, "Hold on to this and wait for me here." Luffyko looked over the girl and then went off to find Sanji in her shorts and vest. She found him unconscious but breathing and let out a sigh of relief. "Alright let's go collect Nami and see that witch." She went back and bundled Nami on her back again, leaving her coat over the girl for extra protection. She supported the girl with her left arm and then picked Sanji up with her right arm and began her journey. After a short walk she came across the tiny rabbit that had first crossed their trail and saw it trying to unbury it's parent. Luffyko ignored it's anger, understanding the need to protect those you love. She put Sanji down gently and then pulled out the giant rabbit. Without saying a word she picked Sanji up and continued her labored walk in silence. When she got closer she bit her lip to keep from giving in to the pain and stiffness in her body, "I'll get you there. Don't die on me, either of you."

"Hold it brat!"

Luffyko kept walking into the giant creature got in front of her and Warpol glared down at her. "Move."

Warpol glared at her, "Well ain't you a hippo? Why the hell should I move? The people you are carrying look like they're dead."

Luffyko glared at him and then started walking around him. When she heard his order to kill Nami and Sanji first, "WHAT!?" She dodged the first attack but remembered what Sanji said about fighting and clenched her teeth as she started to run, dodging every attack. She couldn't help but wish Zoro was next to her taking care of the idiots after her friends. She bit her lip and kept running, it was her own stubbornness that caused this. If Nami or Sanji died, it would be her fault. She dodged another attack and then forced herself to run faster, "I'LL REMEMBER THIS! AND DON'T FOLLOW ME!"

Luffyko turned and then realized they weren't following her and sighed in relief and then kept running when she saw the ambush. "No!" Before she was hit the giant bunnies saved her and she tilted her head in thanks. The leader nodded his head, and let Luffyko run past and then turned to Wapol. "Thanks Giant Bunnies!" Soon Luffyko found herself at the base of the mountain and looked up. It was going to be a difficult climb and her limbs were starting to freeze. "I can't even see the top…at the top there is a doctor. Hang on a little longer, Nami, Sanji. She adjusted Nami and then held on to Sanji with just her teeth. Then she began her climb her fingers and toes turning purple with frostbite, but she continued to climb, refusing to fail.

Zoro woke up and pushed out of the snow when he felt a foot land on him, "I saw a field of flowers…" He turned and saw Vivi and Usopp. "Oi, what are you two doing?"

Vivi couldn't help but stare at the toned swordsman who was walking around in only his pants. "What are you doing out here?"

"Training, I have to get stronger."

Vivi looked down in shame, "Let's head back to the village. I think it's this way."

Zoro nodded and then looked around, "Where is Luffyko? Did you guys get a doctor for Nami?"

Usopp sighed and looked up the mountain, "The only doctor lives on top of that mountain. Sanji and Luffyko were taking Nami there. I just hope that they didn't get caught in the avalanche."

Zoro looked up at the mountain and felt his jaw clench, Sanji had better make sure they made it up the mountain. "So what were you two doing?"

"Trying to hunt down the doctor, what about you?"

"Midwinter swimming…hey can you lend me your coat?"

Usopp shook his head, "This is your own punishment." The grew closer and saw the village covered in snow. "The avalanche went this far…"

Zoro walked closer, the people had clothes on. He saw the military people pushing the townspeople and smirked, he remembered these guys, "Oi, what's going on?"

"What's going on you say?" The townsperson turned and screamed in surprise as he looked at a bare-chested Zoro, "What's with you! Why are you dressed like that?!"

Another townsperson explained to Vivi and Usopp, "It's Dalton, he is under the avalanche but because of them, we can't dig him out of the snow!"

Zoro listened as they mocked the people then turned to Usopp, "I've seen those uniforms before. They are the ones we meet at sea right?"


"So their enemies, right?"


"Are they allies? Tell me what they are!"

"Well they're enemies, but…what about it?"

Zoro listened as one soldier got cocky and then decided he would work. He took off and easily took his coat. The townspeople told him to stop provoking the soldiers but he just laughed at the warmth, "Nice and warm! I'll borrow this!"

The soldiers recognized him then, "You were on the same ship as the bitch who beat up King Wapol!"

Zoro turned a cold smirk on them, "You gentlemen are a little slow." He attacked when they did stealing three swords and then easily crushing the small army. "What? Finished already…what a bunch of losers." He walked away as the people began to dig out their leader, Dalton. "What is going on?"

Usopp sighed, "Save it for later, we have to help them."

Zoro sighed and looked up at the mountain, "We should be helping the captain…"

'If only Zoro were here…' Luffyko thought as she forced herself to continue after she slipped again. This was taking so long, 'Please don't die, hang on just a little longer…' She forced her frozen body to take another step forward blood soaking into the mountain as she climbed. 'Almost there…' She felt the edge and climbed over finally dropping Sanji from her teeth and collapsing. She couldn't move on anymore, "Doctor…"