Author's Note: It's been a while, but I'm back with a new story! This is sort of inspired by Parachute's "White Dress". (I recommend listening to it before reading. ) I've planned on three parts, the second will be much more darker than the first. Hope you enjoy! Reviews are awesome!

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or "White Dress" by Parachute.

She wears a white dress. It's classy, in that last image of a 40s film star kind of way. Just before the screen goes dark.

He wants to tell her how no one will ever look more beautiful than her in this moment, as she lingers in the doorway, her bouquet of yellow tulips dangling from her left hand.

"Finn, you know I can't stay here. Coming back to Lima was a terrible mistake. I thought this was better for me, that Noah was the change I needed. Like he made me better than I was. But, instead I feel suffocated, ready to live the life of some perfect Hallmark card."

"Rach, that doesn't mean you have to leave, I know you, and this is not you."

"I dream about the lights sometimes. Calling me home. If you really know me Finn, than you know my dreams. It's where I'm meant to be, I've just been denying it."

Of course he knows he's always known. She's the brightest person he knows and in Lima, Ohio, it's hard to shine. He just doesn't want her to leave.

"Do you want me to tell them?"

He's joined her in the doorway, hand gently on her wrist, the flowers dangling between them. There's light pouring in from the stained glass windows in her dressing room, he imagines a different scenario. A click comes from nearby.

"Hey guys, everyone's waiting in the sanctuary , it's been like twenty minutes."

"You should probably go break the news Finn."

He kisses her forehead. Lips lingering to capture the memory.

"I'll be right back, ok?"

"Thank you Finn, you're a good friend."

Following Artie down the hall he chances one more glance.

She's still there, in the doorway, the flowers still dangling in her hand.

There's a hunch, that's telling him she might not be there when he gets back.

Telling everyone had caused less of a ruckus than he had planned for.

Her father's hadn't put much toward it, Rachel insisting she pay for it all. The relief on their faces showed it all, he wondered if they might have known all along.

Noah Puckerman left silently. Asking no questions. Finn held his breath, until the roaring of the truck faded away. He didn't know Noah very well, but any fool can recognize a broken heart.

Feels empty as he returns to her dressing room.

The flowers lay discarded in the doorway, white ribbon tied around the stems in a perfect bow.

He picked them up, laying them gently on the vanity to his right.

"I told-"

She'd left only her flowers, that white dress, and a letter on top of her veil. All that wishing and hoping he had done, left him alone, with the truth locked deep in his heart.

The flowers were put in a vase when he reached his apartment. He can't let them die, not when he's still hoping she'll come back. Even though he knows she won't. Rachel was always known for making a decision and then jumping right into it.

Noah Puckerman was a prime example. He'd come to the conclusion that Rachel probably never loved Noah, at least not in the way you love someone forever.

She'd come back one summer, after a four year stint at NYU, told him it was just for those few months. Noah came into the picture that summer, on a hot day in July. He watched as they seemingly became one thing, no longer two people with different paths. A year later Noah proposed at the top the Ferris Wheel, on the last night of the Lima Summer Carnival. He knew he had no right to be jealous, but the pain was there.

That night at the carnival had set off a reel of memories, always leaving him with a list of what if's.

She's been his best friend since high school, having been assigned as his math tutor. After their first session he found he liked her smile, how easy she was to talk too, and the fact that she didn't call him stupid for confusing "x" and "y".

They were each other's dates to their Senior prom, but he was too caught up in Quinn Fabray and her flat out "No" to notice how Rachel looked in her dress or how it felt to dance with her.

He's had his opportunities, even through college, when Brody broke her heart and he didn't hesitate to take the first plane straight to New York. He'd held her that night as she cried, and there had been an instance, where she pressed herself deeper into his chest, that he considered telling her. Put everything on the table and risk it all. But when it came down to it, he'd take being her friend of over losing her forever. He knows it's cliché but if it's Rachel or nothing, there's no choice.

When she'd shown up at his door that summer she came back, telling him that Noah had asked her out and "Isn't that wonderful Finn?" He almost gave it all up then. But like every other scenario her infectious smile and giddy bouncing left him no choice but to hold back.

The night before the wedding he came closer than he'd ever intended. She'd wanted just him for the night, opting out of a Bachelorette Party because "Stripper's are disgusting and I am much more high class than that."

They lay on the floor of his tree house, with the ceiling opened up to see the stars. On a perfect June night. He'd brought her favorite bottle of wine and every flavor of Oreo's he could find at Lima Grocery.

"Am I doing the right thing Finn?"

He was surprised as Rachel never questioned her decisions. Everything was always set in stone.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, is marrying Noah the right thing for me?"

The question hit him square in the face, and his heart told him to say "No, it's a mistake."

"Do you love him?"

"Of course I love him, I'm planning on marrying him tomorrow."

"I know you are, but do you love him in the way you're supposed to?"

"I'm not sure what you mean?"

"Does every song on the radio unintentionally remind you of him? Can he make you laugh for no reason at all? Do you love him even more when you're not with him?"

He's hoping his eyes are conveying everything, that she somehow gets it.

"Of-of course. Noah is perfect."

"Well, then that's all you need."

He doesn't believe his words, especially when she grabs his hand, squeezing tightly, eyes still cast at the stars above.

If he's being honest the moment he noticed she was gone, he had to throw away any idea of going after her.

Forcing a new revelation of feelings on her just didn't feel right. So he chose to wait, for as long as she needed, even if he had no clue how long.

He falls asleep that night in his suit, the flowers sitting in the vase, and a message on his phone he won't see until the morning, "I'm safe."

The first few months without Rachel he spends trying not to think about her. Because if he does, he gets this ache in his chest and a built up need to jump into his car and find her. So he distracts himself.

Working at his step-father's tire shop during the summer months, mowing lawns. It almost feels like high school again.

August comes, and he's busier.

His degree in education got him a job at the local elementary school, teaching 2nd graders, who call him "Mr. Hudson" and are still at that age when they say hi to him in public.

Evenings are devoted to helping Coach football at McKinely High School, where he would think about her in the few moments before practice started and as he drove home.

No more messages came. And he never tried to contact her.

Only sending her a brief message on her birthday. He remembered how much she loved having a December birthday. "It's a whole month of lights, and music, and gifts! And the snow Finn, I do love the snow."

She didn't come back for Christmas. And went it snowed, he missed her more than he wanted to.

Spring arrived, with rain and the promise of color.

He tried to date, took out a nice girl from the Lima Bean, named Amy. It lasted a month before she questioned him on his interest in her. (There was none, not really.)

When she didn't wish him a Happy Birthday, he almost considered forgetting about her entirely, she had left anyway. But he would see that picture of them on his nightstand, taken by Artie at Rachel's failed wedding, the two of them standing in the doorway, and he found he couldn't.

A year had passed, an entire year without her.

The last flower from her bouquet lay dried, the color now a lackluster yellow, on his desk.

Enough had become enough. And if he thought about he had two options: Erase Rachel from his life and move on, using this summer to regenerate.

Or, he could go to her. Find her.

He searched for her name on Google. Finding she was in a summer production of Cinderella. It listed the theater and show times. The last show was this Saturday. He had two days.

There was a flight in two hours.

Opening his desk drawer, he pulled out the letter he never read. He would read it on the plane.

His suitcase was backed in quickly, along with the picture from his nightstand.

As he headed out the door he sent his mother a quick message.

"Going to New York."

Dear Finn,

I'm sorry I left without a Goodbye, but we both know you would have persuaded me to stay and one more pleading look from you and I would have said yes. So please don't be mad. My father's know I'm leaving and have set me up with an apartment in Brooklyn. My dreams are in New York, so how can I not chase them? While I know you'll understand, just please know that I'll miss you terribly. And tonight in the tree house really helped me with my decision. You were right, I love Noah, but certainly not enough to spend the rest of my life with him. I'm doing this for me, as selfish as that sounds. Remember that day at the lake? Please keep that promise. Until then, be happy. Come and find me when you know the time is right.



"Finn, I'll be a star someday right?"

They're at the lake, Rachel's feet are hidden beneath the water, and there's still a bit of coolness in the summer breeze.

"I've never doubted it."

"So you really believe I'll stand on a stage, with full houses and the music?

"Come on, there's nowhere else I'd picture you."

"And you'll be there? In the front row like always?"

Her eyes are hopeful in the sunshine, he knows he wants to be there. There's just that shred of doubt that wonders if she'll want him. Replace him with someone else.

"Save me a seat."



AN/2: There you have it! Part one complete. I find it easier to play with Rachel's inner turmoil more so than Finn's, so this was not easy to get out, but it needs to be here. Look for Part II with Rachel soon (possibly tomorrow, no guarantees)!