Chapter 16

(WARNING: Foul mouth, profanities. Also, the song used is "April Showers" by Al Jolson. You should check it out.)

Lovino's P.O.V.

The three words I heard before I went to sleep in that hospital bed never left me. In my whole life, I repeated those words every single day. In his characteristic, rich, Spanish voice, Antonio uttered them softly against my ear.

"Lovino, everything's changing." Sleep gained control over my weak body, drifting my into a sweet peace that I was more than eager to enter.

When I was awoken, a little more than a few hours had passed. I grumbled and looked up to the one disturbing me. It was Antonio, my now one-armed love. "Common Lovi, the doctor left. We should get out now." He said, gently nudging me.

I blinked a few times, clearing my vision. "Don't we have to stay for your arm?" While that was a concern, my true concern was being comfortable and sleeping beside the only person I had truly loved. Yeah, I said it. I'm man enough to be sappy in my own head. I loved him, I loved sleeping beside him, I loved everything about him.

"He's done everything he can for it. I'll leave some money but it's best we get out before we have to answer questions, alright?" I helped him sit up, mind you, he is heavy.

"Yeah…fine, whatever. Can you get out on your own or should I get macho bastard? Carrying people like potato sacks seems to be the only thing he's good for." I offered. This was actually a very generous of me. Not only was I choosing to show concern, I was also offering to speak with the German.

"That's so sweet of you~! But no, I'm fine now. My balance might take some time to readjust but I'm just as I was before." At least he could appreciate my attempt.

"Except, y'know, that arm that doesn't work anymore." I scoffed and lifted myself onto the floor. Cold instantly hit the bottom of my feet.

"Minor detail." He chuckled and ruffled a hand through my hair.

"Did you take off my shoes?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. They're on the ground." He smiled his stupid smile as I found my shoes and put them on. Of course, they had heels. They weren't lady heels, of course not. They were manly riding heels but they gave me a bit of height. It was a miracle.

"Where are yours?" I asked. He pointed to the leather loafers, thrown into a heap in the corner. I brought them over.

"You can put these on by yourself?" I asked. He would probably never tie laces but these could be slipped on. Then again, I wasn't sure how much was limited now.

"I'm fine, Tomata. I'll show you, I can learn how to be normal again. You won't even remember what happened." He slipped his feet into his shoes.

"What happened, happened because of me." My head hung a bit in shame. That thought never once left me. No matter how much he denied that, I should have been the one losing a limb. It was my problem and because Antonio tried to rescue me, he got hurt.

"Lovino, you stop that right now. I never want to hear you say that again." Antonio commanded, looking sternly into my eyes with his gorgeous Spanish green ones. Brown lips pursed in a way he thought was intimidating put was actually adorable. I could never argue with him. Dammit, he was a mind sabotage genius. I unconsciously stroked my hand across the warm, sun-kissed skin.

Our bodies moved closer. Antonio's eyelids drooped until he was peeking out lustfully from just the bottoms. "I would never want you hurt…do you understand that? I would do anything to keep you safe." Both arms wrapped around me. The right one formed to my body and held me close but the left could only do as much as bending at the joint, creating a loose cage.

"Yeah…I know…" I closed my eyes and rested my head against the man's chest. His heart beat was a steady rhythm, I was almost tranced until…until my ass was squeezed.

"Oi, bastard! Don't touch my ass!" I growled.

"I can't help it Lovi~ the arm has a mind of its own!" A stupid smile slopped over his face. The snarky bastard.

"Idiot! That's your right hand! There's nothing wrong with it!"

"Oh, but there is! It is hungry for the feel of your skin!"

"Shut up! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

"It can't be the stupidest~"

"Your right. Once I hear you play the guitar with one hand, I'll have heard the stupidest thing ever." My happy spirit died the moment I saw that dark shadow fall over Antonio's face. "You…didn't even realize that, did you?" I asked. Of course, Antonio would never play the guitar again. In a split second, that dream had been ripped away. There were so many things that he would never do again but playing the guitar was by far one of the hardest to give up.

In a shocked silence, Antonio raised his right hand and watched the fingers wiggle. Maybe it made his feel good to see that control again. Maybe he was just remembering what the guitar felt like. He was a god when it came to that instrument. His fingers plucked each thick chord with such grace and speed, as if commanding their music. It was beautiful and…it was gone. If I ever saw that German guard again, he would not escape with his life.

"Antonio…are you alright?" I asked slowly. His face would give me no signs, I couldn't read him. It was agony.

"Lovino…?" A cracked voice asked, speaking my name as if it were tragic poetry. My heart stopped. "Lovino, let me hold you…" I instantly put myself in his embrace. Again, one arm was perfectly capable of caressing my form and guiding calloused fingers over my accentuated bones but the other was just barely there. It could bend around my body but not much else. I could see him straining, trying as hard as he could as if the arm would just suddenly kick off and obey his commands.

So then it hit him. I knew it would. Antonio's head fell onto my shoulder, a low whine released followed by stifled sobs. He was still trying; his arm was shaking and trying to move.

"Shh, it's alright…" I cooed and stroked his back, just as he had done for me. It hurt…I could feel his pain but there was no cure that I could offer. "It's alright…it's okay…" All of these were lies. We both knew that.

"I can feel it, I can feel it move but…it won't!" He cried.

"I'm sorry…" Was all I could offer. I continued to gently stroke his back. After a few minutes of silence, his tears didn't stop. It was time for another tactic. "Life is not a highway strewn with flowers, still it holds a goodly share of bliss." I began to sing in a low voice. It had calmed him back in the car and it seemed appropriate. Worth a shot.

"When the sun gives way to April showers, here is the point you should never miss. Though April showers may come your way, they bring the flowers that bloom in May." I sang softly and swayed my hips. I knew Antonio loved this song, he would undoubtedly dance witch would improve his mood.

"So if it's raining, have no regrets. Because it isn't raining rain, you know…" I left it open for Antonio who only shook his head (Which was still buried in my neck). "Common Antonio, I know you love this part." I whispered. I wanted my old happy Toni back.

A minute of silence followed then finally, in a muffled voice came, "It's raining violets."

"And where you see clouds upon the hills, you soon will see crowds of daffodils." A swaying motion started on Antonio's side. Normally, I wasn't the one trying to coax affection out of the other but now that I was, I could see how hard it was.

"So keep on looking for a blue bird and list'ning for his song, whenever April showers come along." I had managed to advance to a small waltz step with him. His head raised and made eye contact with me. I sent him a confident smile that was very lightly returned. This time, it was my turn to burry my face in his chest as we swayed. I hummed the sweet instrumental part.

"And where you see clouds upon the hills, you soon will see crowds of daffodils.So keep on looking for a blue bird and list'ning for his song, whenever April showers come along." Antonio finished before I listed my head and kissed him. We lovingly brushed warm lips for a few minutes until he broke the kiss.

"We should get going, Tomata." For the first time, I was thrilled to hear him call me by that nickname. He was smiling, he was humming, he was Antonio again. I was certain he would go through fazes and it'd have to help him out countess times but I didn't care. As long as I got to see him smile again.

"Yeah, wouldn't want to get shot in the other arm." Antonio chuckled that beautiful chuckle I had been missing. We dropped some bills on the bed and went out to the lobby were our 'friends' were waiting. My brother and Gilbert were sound asleep on blondie (Who, by the way, I had not at all forgiven). Said German noticed us instantly.

"I'm sorry, they wore themselves out playing super hero-"

"It doesn't matter." I interrupted rudely. "Just wake Feliciano up and drive us home."

"I can drive." Antonio interjected.

"I know but I'd rather you take it slow. The doctor probably drugged you up." I told him, slipping my right hand into his limps left one and holding. Little movement showed me that he was trying to hold back. That was good enough; I squeezed back to show I got the message and received a notorious smile.

Ludwig obeyed, shaking the little one awake and informing him of the current situation. In no time, we were loaded up and headed to Spain. Super driving duo sat in the driver's seat and Gilbert conked-out in the passenger seat, leaving me and Antonio in the back.

Feliciano did us all the favor of retelling the adventures of Glubwig and Robo-boy for the next two hours. Then, we played his suggested game of creating a story by each person, in order, adding an event to the previous one. Let me explain. Feliciano started with introducing a princess named Lady Leia. Ludwig went next, adding that she was upset because she was forced to play ridiculous games with her friends. Gilbert…was still asleep so he didn't play at all (lucky. Faking asleep didn't work for me.) Then it was Antonio's turn. He added that she decided to take a walk in the woods so she wouldn't be so sad.

Apparently, having her eaten by a bear and declaring the end was not an appropriate continuation for the story. Fuck stories, they all suck. I was forced to play the game, each time giving the least inventive answer possible like 'and then she blinked' or 'She felt sad'. I hated games, too fun.

"You know what, Antonio?" My brother chirped.

"What?" He responded, happily.

"If we got some measurements, I could ask grandpa to build you braces just like mine.

"Really…you could?" He asked, half shocked and half ecstatic.

"Of course! I mean, you're doing so much to help us. I'm sure he wouldn't mind!"

"Yes! I mean…yes, please. I would love that…" He settled down and regained himself.

"Thank you, Fratello." I answered and genuinely smiled. Maybe…Antonio could get better. I wasn't expecting a full recovery or anything but with enough practice, I was sure he could gain more control.

"No problem! I've only seen him make one before but it was amazing. Each finger had separate little joints and everything! The man it was built for would come in once a week so that grandpa could teach him how to use his arm. The braces are for keeping the digits still and practicing movements. Once an act is repeated enough, the body can remember it and it becomes a learned trait. It's so cool! He taught me all about it when I got my leg braces. I had to keep them locked for a long time so my legs could learn how to stay straight under pressure but after that I exercised them and learned how to walk!" He explained. When he spoke fast, it was almost impossible to decipher English from his thick accent but Toni seemed to catch every word.

"That's fantastic!" He exclaimed. I was equally happy but not nearly as expressive as Antonio who was strangling Feliciano and kissing his cheek. After that last move, I forcibly dragged him back into his seat beside me, earning myself a confused look.

"Lovi, why are you angry?"

"I'm not angry."

"Your face is red and your cheeks are puffy. Seriously Lovi, I've known you for long enough to recognize your angry face."

"Whatever, nothing. Just…keep your kissy face to yourself." I told him and directed my attention out the window.

"Aww~ Is my Lovinito celoso?" I just knew that stupid pursed-lip smile was having a party on his face right now.

"That's Spanish for something, isn't it?" I growled.

"Not 'something' Lovi… jealous~ Are you jealous that I'm affectionate with your brother?" He asked.


"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure! Idiota!"

"Oh, okay them!" He chirped and started getting all lovey with Feliciano again. This wasn't an act of stupidity or even a result of him not being able to read the mood. No. this was spite. He WANTED me to react. Well fuck him! I didn't care!

"Aww, you're so cute!" He cooed. I didn't even turn around to see what they were doing, probably pinching cheeks or something. Still…It hurt when he called someone else 'cute', a word he had reserved for just me until now.

"Can you two keep it down? I'm trying to nap." I hissed

"Your hair is keeping such nice highlights in the winter! And your hands are so soft~" He commented. It was starting to irk me. I admit, I was possessive with my things or in this case, Antonio. He was mine, dammit! He chose to take me home, he read to me every night, he squeezed my butt.

"Aww, your blush is so cute, Feli." A pet name! And no less, one just like mine! That was it. I grabbed his shirt and viciously pulled him back into my own possession. He wasn't Feliciano's, he was mine! Even if it meant acting like a wild animal, I was going to make that known.

"Get your own!" I growled at my brother and aggressively held the Spaniard. Feliciano really didn't care, he just giggled and kept his eyes on the road. Antonio, on the other hand, was at first shocked and then enthralled.

"LOVI, AWW~ LO SIENTO, MI AMOUR! LO SIENTO!" He cried with a passionate hymn to his words . He hugged me as tight as he could with his 'good' arm. "Of course, you are the only one for me! Aw, I love you so much! Your so cute!" His smile was bright enough suck all the electricity out of America.

"Let go of me! You're gonna fuck'n kill me, you leach!" I struggled against the killer grip. It loosen to a point where I could breathe but no more lack was given.

"I love you, Lovino~" He proclaimed while cradling me. "I love your voice and your hair and your eyes and the way you scowl and absolutely everything. I love how you run from police men and steal coins from wells, I love how you eat moldy bready and don't give a shit what others say." I kind smile crossed over his face as he began to reminisce. "I love how you kill fruit and try to bathe with your clothes on. I love how excited you get when I introduce you to new things. I love how you listen to shitty poetry and-"

"Alright, old man. I get it. " All of those memories seemed like years ago though it was only a matter of weeks.

"I don't think you do~" Little kisses trailed along my neck.

"Idiot! Not here!" I pushed his face away. What the hell was wrong with him! We couldn't just get all kissy-n-shit in front of other people! Good lord, that boy had to get things straight in his head.

"They don't mind, do you?" He asked. Feliciano was all for messing around while Ludwig remained silent and Gilbert grunted tiredly, not bothering to wake up and figure out what was being asked.

"No, I'm not getting lovey-fluffy shit. No exceptions." I declared sternly. I thought I heard a sigh of relief from Ludwig.

"I think you mean lovey-dovey, amour." My captor corrected.

"I mean what I said!" I huffed, purposely disobedient.

"Though April showers~"

"Stop it!"

"May come your way~"

"Knock it off!"

"They bring flowers that bloom in May!" That last verse was rushed as he tried to dodge my flying fists. "Common, Lovi. You like that song!"

I flushed red. "So? That doesn't mean anything!" The car made an abrupt stop. Feliciano requested Ludwig get out and move another injured bird off the road which he had already done three times during the trip. Regardless, he trudged out and moved it into a bush. We all knew it was going to die but nobody felt like bringing it up to the little, innocent boy. Blondie took the chance also to refuel the car with some gas he had bought in the previous town. I specifically designated that HIS job, lest it combust.

The next five hours were sleeping time, as suggested by me. It was comfortable enough. We could awkwardly half lie down in the back of the 1930 Cadillac twelve with our arms around each other and bodies close. I was only agreeing to it because any other way would have resulted in my falling off or being cold. It was cold out, dammit!

When I woke up, we all decided to eat out since we were sick and tired of canned food. Feliciano was picky as hell and had been living off peaches. Maybe protein would me a nice change in pace. The farther into population we got, the more wreckage was clear. Some cities had left no more trace than a pile if rumble and a lone wall. Other, were cities of havoc and starvation. I chose not to look. I already knew what it look like. People eating anything they can find, sleeping in the streets, lying dead in the gutter or killing each other. I had lived that, I didn't need anymore. Feliciano had been commanded to close his eyes and did so (Ludwig drove). In one especially devastated town, people were banging on the windows and running after the car. I didn't even flinch but Antonio seemed quite disturbed by the reality of depression.

I had been like them. I had stolen, beaten, scavenged…all of that. I drank from muddy muddles, just like them. I accumulated bald spots now and then, just like them. I had fleas and tick and lice, just like them. But now I was like Antonio. I wore clean clothes, I got treated for bugs, I bathed more than once a month. I was a different Lovino.

When we finally got to the more prosperous towns, I couldn't express my thankfulness. Cities of boxes had been set up to house those who had lost shelter. There was a city farm, grown and cultivated by the civilians. These sorts of town are the ones you pray to find as a bum. They are a community. Little was the corruption in these places.

We stopped in the Loire Valley, seeing as it wasn't too disheveled and a few food stands were perched along the street. Thankfully for us, none of us could speak French so we were really fuck'n confused for really fuck'n long till a man in a cafe suggested he find his friend who spoke English. Of course, this message was received through made up sign language so he could have very well brought us a dead fish. I was just hoping it would actually be a person who actually spoke English.

I sighed and tiredly leaned against the wall. It was a bakery of some sort and we were trying to purchase bread. Antonio quickly pet my head, showing sympathy. We had been looking for food for over an hour and now we had landed here, waiting on a man I was sure wasn't coming back. I was worn out and pissed off, a combination that wasn't pleasant for anyone.

"He'll be back soon with his friend, we'll get food then we can be back on the road, headed home." The Spaniard reassured. I nodded, I didn't feel like arguing. "Why don't you sit down?" He offered.

"I've been sitting for the past…forever." I complained in return.

"Well… you could."

I awaited a response but nothing came. I turned to see Antonio's eyes fixed on the counter and man behind. In unison, Antonio and Gilbert cried out a name I didn't quite catch because of the pure magnitude of the shouting and ninja jumped over the counter, onto the man. Three voices started yelling, too jumbled to be deciphered. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought it was some sort of strange sexual act.

"What the fuck is going on!?" I exclaimed and strode over to the counter, looking over at the mess. The three boys were doing something between hugging, wrestling and giving the most violent nuggies I've ever seen. I didn't want to get involved, I really didn't, but when some freaky, blonde, shit head starts kissing MY Antonio, measures must be taken.

I jumped over into the man-heap and tugged the pervert's head away by a fistful of girly hair. The priss, of course, started to yell and didn't stop until I was pried off by my 'boyfriend'(That word just doesn't sound right).

"Lovi, calm down!" He pleaded, holding me against him with his good arm while the other hung down lifelessly.


"Lovi, this is my friend, Francis! Franny, this is my Lovi." My growling dog impersonation was impeccable. Blondie Fuck Face (his new, assigned name) turned from shocked to rape-faced, it gave me the shivers.

"Oh? This Lovi~, he wouldn't happen to want to be friends, would he?" He asked me and said my name like a fuck'n poem or something. It was unnatural.

"I'll stab you though the heart with a fork." I answered with a hell-torn fury.

A devilish smirk crossed his face. "Ah~ feisty, I see. That's how I like 'em. What do you say I treat you to-"

"Hands off Franny." Antonio interjected, a stupid happy smile concealing his threatening face. Damn…he was just as scary as his mother when she did that.

The Frenchman put up his hands in defense. "I did not know that you were so attached to the boy."

"He is my boy." He clarified. Blondie Fuck Face was obviously wondering if he meant that in the sense that I was purchased for 'a specific purpose' but decided against asking. He might have just saved his life.

"Okay, he's your boy. No ifs ands or butts" He said and stood up followed by the others including myself. "So what brings you all to this lovely country?"

"Running from war. We're going to Spain." He explained, not afraid to say it out loud since we were the only English speakers.

"Ah, I see! How brave!" He exclaimed, clapping the Spaniard's shoulder.

"Y'know…we can fit another person." He suggested. I was ready to rip off those sexy curls. I was NOT going to sit next to that…freak!

"Non cher, I am just fine here. I might even move forever." BFF said.

"France was destroyed after the great war and I'm sure the Germans won't hesitate to do it again."

"I am not afraid. I am done running from my troubles. I would rather die a proud Frenchman than a cowering runaway. Besides, we have a strong line of allies." While this was an honorable, noble thing to say, he was also calling me a cowering runaway. That bitch. His knew name was Bitch.

"Are you sure? Sometimes, running is the best thing you can do." Toni tried again.

"I am sure. My darling country needs me to tend her wounds and settle her broken spirit." The Bitch said.

"Well, it is your choice. I wish you the best of luck, mi amigo." He gave his friend a one-armed hug.

"What has happened to your arm?" He suddenly noticed that the limb hadn't been active at all.

"It was shot." He answered and pulled up a smile.

"What!? Who?" He exclaimed and examined it, pulling up his sleeve to see the bandage. I wanted to whack his hands away but reminded myself that other people have the right to touch the tan boy too.

"Um…a German border patrol officer." He answered.

"Why!? What happened?"

"It's a long story. Sorry, we're king of in a hurry. I really miss you and I'd really love to chat but we only came here for food. We need to hit the road." And that's when we were talked into stayed the night since they had extra rooms, lots of food and a good place to put the car. We all wanted to sleep in a warm bed and eat warm food. It wasn't a hard decision.

For dinner, we were treated to cooked potatoes and bread. Both were hot, fresh and absolutely delicious. We all bathed in hot water and collapsed into our beds. The three dumb asses all wanted to stay in the same room so I insisted I stay with them, lest Antonio be raped in the middle of the night. This proposition was accepted by all three and we were situated in the living room. Me and Antonio took the couch, Francis called the cot and gilbert was kicked to the ground with a few blankets. The other two were given the spare room.

"Hey, Tony boy." The scratchy-voiced albino called.

"Mm" Antonio grunted with me tucked into him and an arm slung over my frame. It was so warm.

"Let's gossip! Like the good old days!" He suggested. A rustling noise informed me that they had gained the Frenchy's attention.

"It's so late." The Spaniard whined.

"About what?" Francis asked, ignoring Antonio.

"Girls! What else!?" He cheered, I stiffened. A few gentle strokes down my body convinced me not to worry.

"Guys, I'm tired." Antonio protested again.

"Common Toni, we all know you're gay as a dolphin, you don't have to be secretive. We can talk about boys with you." Francis said.

"Wait, dolphins are gay?" He lifted his head a bit, surprised.

"Yeah, you didn't know that?" The German added to the already awkward topic.

"They can be straight too." The Frenchman mentioned

"Are you a dolphin?" The German retorted, sounding a little serious.

"I like to believe so." His reply was just as cool as the question.

"Wait, we're not talking about dolphins. We're talking about the big 'S'. So, Toni, how was Italy?"

"What's that got to do with sex?"

"What kind of sex did you have in Italy?" Blondie clarified.

"I didn't." The Spaniard answered simply. I smiled a little bit. I didn't take joy in knowing he hadn't gotten laid, I took joy in him not laying other people. Does that make sence?

"What? I thought that's what the kid is for?" If I didn't want to kill that bitch before, I did now.

"No." He answered sternly.

"What exactly do you two have then if it's not sexual?" The baffled Frenchy asked.

"Love. I love him and he loves me."

"Then why aren't you two having sex!?" Finally, it was time for me to speak up.

"I don't expect a perverted idiot like yourself to understand but SOME people have actual desires that don't solely involve their penis!" I snarled. There was a long moment of silence before Gilbert decided to break it.

"Man Toni, you get all the good ones." He said.

"Agreed." Francis added instantly.

Proud? Maybe just a little bit. It was nice to be appreciated for the catch I was. "okay Franny, your turn. How have you been in France?" Toni asked.

"To put it simply, France has never loved me more."

"I think my brother might be getting with the little one pretty soon."

"Idiota. They already ARE together, they just don't know how to admit it yet." I added, now officially part of the gossip circle.

"There's like a gay vibe going around or something. Pretty soon, I'll be gay too." Gilbert predicted as easily as weather.

"We can all be burned on the same stake." Francis chuckled.

"Toni, when did you know you were gay?" The albino asked.

"When I saw Lovino." He answered, eyes closed with a tired heaviness that I was feeling on my own lids.

"What?" He instantly replied.

"I'm not gay and…I'm not straight. I only love one person. I don't believe love can be defined by picking sides. As far as I know, it's unpredictable."

"Deep, man."

"Shut up, Gilbert. You don't know anything about l'amour. Toni is obviously grown up into a man now!"

"Oh, our little baby is all grown up!" He impersonated the voice of a wailing mother.

"The wee babe! I might just cry, dear."

"I remember swaddling him and feed him from my breast!"

"You guys are disgusting, go to bed!" I growled at the two. Laughter broke out and after a few more jokes, sleep silenced the room.

We slept in a good, long time till the scent of food eventually dragged us all out. I was far too comfortably situated in Antonio's hold to leave but after some insisting and butt squeezing, I was awake and downstairs. Breakfast was fresh milk(a rare delicacy), eggs and toast. I had never been so full in my life, it was delicious.

We left not much after. The three friends chatted for a bit about things that should not be repeated then said their goodbyes. We left with three loafs of bread as a gift from the Frenchman. I insisted we savor the food but it was still warm and delicious so the others were anxious to eat it right then. I divvied up half a loaf but refused to spare anymore. Greedy savages.

The trip to Spain went rather smoothly. Feliciano, once again, provided the entertainment by making up stories and telling tales of his travels. I gave a quick synopsis of my life, Gilbert told us about a drunk dream and Antonio explained politics. Ludwig claimed he had no stories to tell so nobody pressed him for any. Feliciano was very interested in the story of Mikro Meros and had me repeat it several times. Another one of his favorites was the tale of me saving Antonio from his evil relitaves.

These stories filled our time as we passed through France and finally arrived in Spain. "So where do we go from here?" My brother, the driver, asked.

"We want to get far into the country. Wherever you see hills, go into them. We can drop you three in a well-populated town. You can find your way from there, right?" Antonio asked.

"Si, sounds perfect." He answered and began to hum.

As instructed we followed the hills and started to find little tucked away towns. We drove slowly through each, inspecting them carefully. We passed three inadequate ones till we came upon a beautiful, peaceful town called Nerja. It was gorgeous. Every building along the hillside was pure white, highlighted only by the vast blue ocean. We were told to keep away from the shore but it had it's own private cove, secluded from the word. It was perfect. There was never a better place for them to start their lives.

When we opened the door, the first thing that hit us was the weather. It was cool and windy but graced with a bright Spanish sun. "You're okay here?" I asked again and pulled the last of my brother's bags out of the trunk. That question was mostley a joke. Who wouldn't be okay with it? It was a paradise. By asking if he was okay there, I actually meant, 'isn't your brother the greatest?'

"Si, si. Thank you, Fratello." He smiled and quickly wrapped me into a tight hug. I had to admit, I felt pretty great. He was my brother, regardless how long I had known it, and I felt complete by setting him on his own crippled feet. He was set and ready to go, he could have a great life now. We kissed cheeks, the proper Italian goodbye and gave one last hug.

"Okay, in three days, this time, this spot, we'll meet back up. I'll get you our new address and you'll give me yours. Alright?" I asked. We planned to continue west a bit and see what we could find.

"Yes. Three days. Same time, same spot. Got it." Ludwig nodded too, half understanding, half thanking.

"Okay. Good bye for now, best of luck." I let go of my look-a-like, giving him a little smile that he replicated tearfully. I headed towards the car.

"Arrivederci! Don't be afraid to, you'll always be my brother! Grazie! Arrivederci!(Goodbye, thank you)" He called and waved before I got in the car and we left.

"Do you miss him?" Antonio asked. We were alone now. Only us and our future.

"I guess…I haven't really known him too long but…yeah. I miss him." I answered, letting a true smile creep onto my face.

"I'm gald."

"Your glad I miss him!?"

"Yes but no." He chuckled. "I'm glad you've learned how to love. Loving me is one thing but loving those you don't have to love is a whole different gift."

"Yeah…I guess it is." I agreed. I almost NEVER agreed with sappy things but…really, who was I kidding? I didn't need to be hostile with Antonio. I loved this man.

"I love you, Lovinito." He said softly, meaning every syllable.

"I love you too." I had never really said it so straight forward but it was true and I meant it

I looked forward into the lush hills and phantom blue skies that had been plagued with cottony white puffs. It was the sort of image you see in magazines but now it was mine. Antonio was mine.

I smiled and glanced over at the Spaniard I had fallen so madly in love with. With three swift words, I expressed exactly how I felt.

"You belong with me."

-Four months later-

We had found that house. God, it was perfect. Just as we had imagined, it was a little white, wooden house with a big porch. It was abandoned with only a few sheet-covered pieces of furniture, including a bed, which we put to good use the first night there. It was always sunny, the Spanish curse that worked more as a blessing. Our clothes were always on the line, my brother was always on the couch and song was always filling the halls.

True, some days we went hungrier than others but we were never dirty. Antonio could sweep like fuck'n machine with only one arm and we backed right up to a river bend. Miles of green surrounded us in every direction; a small portion of it was currently harvesting little red fruits.

Antonio's brace came the day before and he had been diligently exercising his arm since. We finished Oliver Twist then read it again and again. Each time, I picked up things I had missed the time before.

Antonio found a baby turtle that he named Pepe and sang to everyday. We hadn't yet bought a record player since we hadn't sold many tomatoes but that didn't stop us from dancing. Every day was better than the one before. Every day was filled with music and laughter and letters from Mama.

Life had never been so good. From a street rat to the happiest person on earth, I had made the greatest transformation of my life. I had the house and the breeze and most importantly, I had Antonio Fernandez Carriedo.

Never could I want anything else.


(Yay! I'm going to miss this story but I'm so glad I gave it to you all. Now, challenge time. Here's the challenge, comment your favorite color. Thank you all so much for reading. I'm so thankful. Goodbye!)