And so continues this amazing story, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and seeing as I don't have much else to say, let's hit the reviews.

KuriMaster13: Well no, it's not going to be easy.

Sabrina06: Let's be optimistic.

14AmyChan: Well we don't know how it's going to turn out yet, that's still to be decided.

gravity5: Well, we will see.

IceQueenandFireQueen: Well … that just keeps on happening because I like to do that. I know it's wrong but there wouldn't be much of a story if I didn't. And to answer your first question … I can't answer that.

Redwingchris: Did you try having it remember your password? That's the only way for it to keep you logged in but if you tried that then I don't know.

Alean3932: Do you think it's like me to just throw everyone's hopes out the window? Nah, I would never do something like that … wait … sorry I read that wrong, I would totally do something like that.

Disclaimer; I don't own anything or anyone except Erick, Arron, Caeca, Connor, Richter. Ricky, and Jesse.

Beta read by Sabrina06

(Phineas's POV)

Perry led me over to the S.H.E.D where he had this contraption all set up that would restore my memories. "So how does this thing work?" I asked as I took a seat.

"Well, to put it simply, it cures amnesia." Perry said as he typed on the keyboard.

"Say what?" I asked.

"The device we used was an amnesia-inator, which causes amnesia, this will reverse that and grant you access to your memories again."

"Really?" I asked. "Is it going to be painful? I've heard that for amnesia patents, recovering their memories is painful."

"Oh don't worry, it won't be painful." Perry said as clamps restrained my hands, feet, and neck. "It's going to be downright agonizing."

"What?!" I asked, concerned. "Hold on a minute-"

"I don't think any of the readers are going to care if you go through a massive amount of pain so long as you get these memories back."

"You just broke the fourth wall!" I accused. Perry pulled a piece of paper out of nowhere and placed it on my lap. "Special permission by Axis23 granted to Perry the platypuses to- OH COME ON!" I exclaimed.

"All right then." Perry said as he released the restraints. "Sorry about the subterfuge Phineas. I needed you to think about something else while I was searching for the lost memories."

"What … you mean this isn't going to hurt?" I asked.

"It may be unpleasant but it's not going to hurt. It's difficult to search for memories that your mind is trying to find seeing as it may make things up which would function as a red herring." Perry hit a few more buttons and looked at me. "Are you ready for this?"

I looked at him, then took a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Perry hit a button and all of a sudden, my mind began to sting. "Hold on Phin, just a little longer." The stinging continued but nothing was happening. It felt as though an electrical surge was traveling through my head.

"I don't think it's working!" I said, as it continued.

"Hold on, just another second." And just like that, the stinging began to dissipate.

"Man, do I have a headache." I said as I rubbed my head.

"That's to be expected." Perry said as I got up. "So, do you remember anything?"

"You mean aside from the agonizing pain, head trauma, and the journey into another dimension?" I asked. I quickly paused. "I remember?" I shouted as I threw my hands into the air. "I remember the second dimension, the evil dictator, the other version of us, the resistance, the cube-like monster, the journey through all of those dimensions to get back home, and the robot riot!"

"Anything else?" Perry asked hopefully. "Maybe something a little closer to when your mind got erased?"

I thought for a moment before remembering. "Yeah." I said happily. "I remember, we volunteered to forget the day so we could keep you." I petted him on the head. "I don't ever want to lose you Perry, so I think it's best if we never bring this up again."

Perry sighed and smiled. "Yeah, I guess so. But just out of curiosity, do you remember anything after that? Like during the actual process of getting your mind erased?"

I thought to myself before shaking my head. "Nope, must have gotten overwritten seeing as it's so close to the edge."

Perry sighed and shook his head. "Okay then, I have to get back to the O.W.C.A soon to train the new recruits."

"Okay." I gave Perry a quick hug before watching him walk off.

As I walked outside, I began to hear something behind me; I turned around, only to find nothing. "That's strange." I said as I continued walking. "Probably just Perry." I said aloud as I continued. I looked over at the biosphere, and saw that it was still there. "I wonder if anyone noticed that I left?" I asked myself as I walked up.

'Um, Major Monogram?' I heard Isabella's voice.

I quickly turn around to see nothing there. "Well that's odd." I muttered as I continued walking.

'So, none of us will remember any of today?' I heard yet again.

"Okay, now something's up." I said as I looked around. I didn't hear anything else so I walked over to the house and up to my room and lay down. "What's going on?" I asked myself.

'Um, Major Monogram?' I heard Isabella's voice again.

"Must be the audio from one of the last memories … wait … what is Isabella trying to say?"

Just then, a few of my nightmares began flooding into my head. "DAMN IT!" I shouted. Thankfully, no one was in the house, so no one heard me. "What is the meaning of this!?" I froze as I realized something. "My mind has been picking at that memory, hasn't it? That's why I can't remember it, because my mind has been trying to access it that it created a red herring and Perry's contraption mistook one of those for the memory." Another surge went through my head as I tried to remember. "But the rest of the wall is down so it's only a matter of time."

'Um, Major Monogram?' I heard Isabella's voice for a third time.

"What is it Isabella?" I asked.

'Um, Major Monogram?' I heard her say again.

"I already know that, what is your question? I asked again.

'Um, Major Monogram?' I heard once more which caused me to get a little irritated.

"Damn it, why can't I remember?" Just then, I saw a flash of light and the next thing I knew was that I was in a strange room with most of our friends. We were standing like we were about to get our picture taken or something.

"Um, Major Monogram?" Isabella asked from right next to me.

"Uh, yes?" A man that looked like an Escher painting said.

"So, none of us will remember any of today?" Isabella asked.

"That's right." The man responded.

"Good." Isabella said before she looked over at me and grabbed my shoulders. Things began to slow down as she began to pull me closer and as that happened my eyes shot open and I bolted upright, panting.

"What was about to happen?" I asked.

I looked around for a minute. "I need to find out who Isabella has a crush on." I said to myself as I moved over to my computer. The website that had all the information on the girls' crushes had been taken down after the creator was revealed to be in league with Thaddeus but I remembered all the information about Isabella's crush that was already revealed. "Ferb's going to be angry if he finds out that I'm using the emergency database for something like this." I said as I started up the program. "Now let's see, I have to search for people with siblings, who are also extremely talented … that's going to be subjective, but it should at least eliminate one or two names. They have to be creative, smart, which could be kind of the same thing, wouldn't abuse his brother in a way to get information out of him, if Erick ever finds out that I actually used that category then I will never hear the end of it. Let's see, red hair, finally something that can really narrow down my search, a good friend of hers, I feel like this is now invading her privacy … which kind of feels wrong but I have to know. Extremely handy, kind of like extremely talented … actually I guess he would keep equipment on hand, always willing to give people a chance, once again, I hope Erick doesn't find out that I used that category, and last but not least, has known her for a long time." hit the search function and waited a few minutes for the results to pop up. When they did my eyes went wide at what I saw. "One match found." I mused as I moved my mouse over to click on it. "Should I?" I asked myself. "This is wrong … I shouldn't do this … I-" As I was thinking, the entire screen turned off as well as the lights and the computer itself. "What just happened?" I asked.

I looked downstairs and found that the entire house was dark. "Must have been a power surge." I said.

I began walking outside and saw that the biosphere was still standing. "Good thing it runs on its own generator." I said as I walked over.

Just as I was about to open the door to the biosphere I heard my phone ring. When I looked at the caller ID I saw that it was Django calling. "Hello?" I asked as I answered.

"Hey Phineas." He responded. "Thought I'd see what you guys are up to, seeing as I couldn't be there in person."

"Oh nothing much." I responded. "We just found the biosphere and fixed it up, nothing too exciting."

"You and I have very different definitions of that word." He said jokingly.

"I guess so." I responded. "We do plan on keeping it around though, for when you get back."

"That might not be for some time Phineas." He responded.

"I know, but it's not going to be a chore for us."

"I guess." He responded. "By the way, how is everyone?"

"They're all right, everyone's inside the biosphere enjoying a beach right now."

"Are you not with them?" He asked.

"No." I answered. "I stepped outside for … personal reasons." I leaned against the outer wall of the biosphere and began thinking. "Hey Django, you said that you know who Isabella has a crush on, right?"

"When exactly did I say that?" He asked cautiously.

"I think it was at the dance."

"Oh … yeah … I guess I did."

"So, could you tell me who he is?" I asked.

There was a long pause that felt like an eternity. "You mean you still don't know?" He said finally.

"Well yeah, that's why I'm asking."

"Yeah it's just … I would think that you would know seeing as … never mind. You wanted to know who it is that Isabella has a crush on?"

"Yes that would be what I asked."

There was another pause. "Phineas … Isabella has a crush on-" He stopped for a moment. "Sorry Phineas, I got to go. Physiotherapy is about to start."

"No wait-" He hung up. "Damn. So close."

I sighed and stepped inside the biosphere only to find that the giant wave from earlier had turned Ferb and Gretchen's sand castle into an island. I took a seat as close to the water as possible and watched as everyone tried working to get back to the mainland. "I guess we should have made the waves smaller or made the beach more resistant." I pondered as I sat there. "They should be all right though, Ferb's sandcastle should hold up to those waves. That's probably the only place on this beach that's currently safe right now." I froze. "Only one." I thought back to the scan and the results that it displayed. "Only one match …" I began thinking to myself. "Do I know anyone like that?" I continued thinking until I recalled the last memory I recovered. "What was she going to do before we got our memories erased? … could she ... possibly have a crush on me?" I laughed at the thought. "Not possible, I'm sure that I could disprove that in …"

I began running through the traits of the guy Isabella had a crush on; trying to find one that I didn't have. "Well, I do have a brother, obviously but a lot of people do … talented? … well … I guess I am … saying I'm the most creative person in the entire school would be a modest answer. Smart? Well … a lot of people are smart. Anyone with a brother would respect him so that's nothing decisive." I thought to myself for a moment then pulled out a piece of my hair. "It's not like I didn't already know that it's red." I laughed a little. "Wow … this is … taking longer than I thought." I stood up and turned away from the beach. "Okay so I am a good friend of hers … or … I was … I'm not anymore." I shook my head. "When that was recorded I was friends with her so I fit that section. I guess I'm handy … it's subjective …" I froze as my mind went to the next one. "And I trusted Jesse … I trusted that she had changed and I gave her a chance …" I shook my head. "No, I can't be the one Isabella fell in love with." I remembered the results from the scan once more and how they only showed one match. "So … maybe it was off or something … not that it can … and I didn't exclude myself from the scan." Once again, I remembered the memory I had recovered. "Was she about to … could she really …"

I laughed and sat back down. "It can't be me, I mean our friendship is supposed to end when she gets together with her crush. If I'm her crush then …" I froze. "If we got together, then she would be my girlfriend instead of my best friend … and she would … not tell me … because … she wouldn't want to tell her crush … that she had a crush on them … and-" I paused briefly as my mind began racing. "We would have to become friends again, or at least forgive each other, before we could possibly get together. She cares more about our friendship than being together with her crush; because she wouldn't be able to get together with me without our friendship …" I froze as my eyes went wide. "Last thing I told her was that I was in love with a girl at school and she ran away and almost looked like she was about to cry." I shot up and ran outside and across the street. "Man I really messed up big time."

I ran up to Isabella's front door and began knocking. "Come on." I said. "Please open."

I continued knocking until it finally opened, to reveal Isabella's mom. "Oh Phineas, Isa didn't tell me that you were coming over."

"I would be confused if she did. I need to apologize to her."

"What happened?" She asked forcefully.

"It's a long story so please, PLEASE let me in so that I can fix this."

She looked at me for a minute then sighed. "Fine, just promise me that you will take care of her."

"I promise." I said as I ran past her and to Isabella's room.

I didn't bother knocking this time, I just barged in and stopped when I saw her curled up at the head of her bed hugging her pillow. "Isabella?" I asked, causing her to look at me.

"Phineas?" She responded with tears in her eyes. "I …" She sat up straight, threw the pillow aside and sat on her knees. "What brings you here?" She asked trying to fake a smile and failing epically.

I walked over to her and dropped to my hands and knees as I got on her bed. I looked into her eyes which showed clear indication that she had been crying which made me hurt inside. "I'm sorry" I said as I dropped my head. "Her sapphire eyes put diamonds to shame, her raven black hair is so beautiful that every time I look at her I want to run my hands through it to feel how soft it is. She is amazing at everything she does, she cares about her friendships so much that she is willing to give up anything to keep them, her favorite color is pink and she looks so damn cute in it, speaking of cute, she's the cutest thing in the entire galaxy, she's been one of my closest friends since I was a kid-"

"What are you talking about?" Isabella interrupted.

"The girl I'm in love with." I answered.

"Oh." Isabella said as she began to tear up again. "She sounds-"

"Her name is Isabella Garcia-Shapiro!" I shouted as I looked up which stopped Isabella's tears. "I've been in love with her for so long, I didn't even notice it. When I did, I was heartbroken when I thought that she was in love with someone else."

Her mouth opened slightly as her breathing slowly became heavier. "Phineas?" She asked.

"Is this the part where you hit me or the part where we make out?" I asked innocently.

Just then, Isabella slapped me so hard that I believe my grandchildren felt it. "Phineas?" She asked again.

"Yes?" I asked defensively.

"That was the part where I hit you."

"I noticed." I said innocently as I rubbed my cheek.

She placed her hands on my shoulders and leaned close to me. "And this next part," She pushed me onto my back and started straddling my torso. "Is going to be much more enjoyable." She slowly wrapped her hands around the back of my neck as she pressed her soft lips against mine. As I felt her body press against me, I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her as tight against me as possible. As we lay there I felt an overwhelming sensation of bliss come over me, it was like Isabella had placed me under a spell and she was trying to merge our bodies and souls together.

When we finally remembered that humans need air to breath, we separated and both of us began to pant disparately to catch our breaths. "I … love you too Phineas." Isabella said as she caught her breath. "I … should have told you … before we started making out."

"I … kinda assumed that you did." I said as I ran my fingers through her hair.

She giggled and pressed her lips against mine again. I felt her leg wrap around the back of mine almost like our bodies were going to merge into one. Just as I ran out of ideas to get closer, I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. We both looked over and sprang to opposite side of the bed when we saw Mrs. Garcia-Shapiro standing there with her arms crossed. "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" She asked.

Both Izzy and I looked like a pair of ripe tomatoes. "Um … nothing." We both said simultaneously.

Mrs. Garcia-Shapiro glared at us for a moment before bursting out laughing. "Oh, my little Isa's all grown up, isn't she?"

"Mom!" Isabella exclaimed.

"Oh don't worry Isa, just remember, I don't expect grand kids for another ten years."

"Mom!" Isabella exclaimed again.

"Oh fine, eight years."

Isabella got up, grabbed my hand, and proceeded to drag me out of the room. "Let's go somewhere a little more private." She dragged me out of the house as her mom watched, laughing.

"Maybe we can find some peace at your house." She said as she opened the gate to my backyard.

As she walked in she slowly came to a stop as she saw the biosphere. "You guys rebuilt the biosphere?" She asked.

"Ferb did." I responded. "And he only fixed the old one after we found it."

"Why didn't you help?" She asked.

"I was … distracted …" I responded.

Isabella looked at me curiously for a moment before she realized what I was talking about. "Oh … sorry about that."

"Don't worry." I said as I took her other hand. "It was well worth it."

Isabella's expression fell slightly. "After all this time … all of this could have been avoided if I had just told you from the start."

I placed a finger under her chin and lifted her head up so that I could look into her eyes. "Don't be like that Izzy."

"It's true." She said as a tear escaped her eye.

"Well you want to know what?" I asked as I wiped the tear away. "I don't care."

"Thank you" She said with a smile. I pulled her in for what was supposed to be a quick kiss, but her arms ended up around my neck and I was pressed up against the fence.

"I almost forgot." I said as we separated for a moment. "Isabella, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course Phin." She said as she pressed her lips against mine again only to stop suddenly. "Wait, do you believe that we will still be close after I get together with my crush?"

I looked at her for a moment then laughed. "Yeah, I believe you."

She gave me a coy smile then pulled me closer. "Good." Our lips smashed together once more for what felt like hours. When we finally parted she looked me in the eye and rubbed her head against my chest. "Do you think we should tell everyone else about our new relationship or keep it a secret?"

I smiled and ran my fingers through her soft black hair. "Izzy, after all that's happened, I think this would be something that's not better left unsaid."

Yup, that's the end, this story is officially over. I know some of you are depressed but I will address that in a moment. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sabrina06 for being my beta for this story and putting up with my horrible grammar, I would like to thank everyone who stuck with me from the start wondering when this was going to end already, and I'd like to thank anyone else who I forgot to thank. And now back to what I'm going to be doing in the near future, I plan to do one more new story before returning to old stories AS WELL AS starting one new one but for now … I'm going to go on vacation from writing for a while, not permanently, but for a while. And in case people forgot, this story was only supposed to be 10 chapters originally and … it got to this … it got out of hand yes but I'm not that upset about it. But until next time, Axis23 is out, peace!

Hello, my name is Axis23 and I enjoy torturing characters.