The Truth

When Swarek woke up the next day he there was no sign of Andy anywhere.

"Must have gone to get a coffee. " he thought. He decided to pick up the T.V. remote and see if he could catch the replay of Friday nights ball game. two hours went by and Sam started to wonder what had happened to Andy. It didnt take he that long to get coffee. "maybe she finally went home for a bit" he wondered. As he watched the end of the game a voice came from the door way. It was familiar but not Andys.

"Hey I heard you were finally awake. How are you feeling? Traci said as she took a couple slow cautious steps into the room. She looked exhausted, like she hadn't gotten sleep in days. And there was something sad about her expression.

"Like i got shot with a bullet 2 times. Hey its good to see a fresh familiar face, mean is it really to much to ask for a few visitors from my own division.?" Sam joked

"Yea well its been a pretty rough time over there since that day" Traci told him

"Hey by the way have you seen Andy? She told me shed be here when i woke up, but i guess she decided to step out for a bit.

That was when the most confused and uncomfortable look hit Traci's face. "what?" she answered

"Andy ya know about yay high, brown hair, brown eyes, kinda thinks she knows everything...ring a bell.?"

That was when Traci started to break into tears "I'm so sorry Sam."

"What are you sorry for" Now Sam was confused.

Traci finally worked up the nerve to say it "Andy didn't make it."

If possible Sam grew even more confused at what Traci was try to say. "What do you mean she didn't make it. Thats impossible."

"She lost alot of blood that day. She never made it out of surgery. I...I am so sorry Sam." By now Traci was in complete tears. Her best friend was gone and she just had to tell her ex that she wasn't coming back.

Sam was in shock. It had be a lie, a mistake. He had been talking to her all this time. She was there when he had first woken up. None of it made any sense. "But ...but I just saw her. She was right here. She held me hand Traci!"

Suddenly Andy appeared out of no where by Sams bedside. But this time she was not in her usual street cloths like before. This time she was in her same police uniform that she had been wearing the day of the shooting. "I'm so sorry Sam" she told him, with tears fall from here eyes.

"Andy? What? were did you come from? What are you saying? And why are you in you uniform again" Sam wanted answers.

"I don't know who you are talking to." Traci replied almost sobbing.

"I'm talking to Andy she is right here! Look at her Traci!" Sam was getting frustrated. He was so confused

"There is no one there Sam!" Andy told him emotionally.

Sam turned his head back to Andy "Andy tell her. Tell her your OK." By this time even Sam was starting to get emotional and worried.

"She can't see me Sam. She cant hear me either. Only you can do that. I,m so so sorry." Andy broke down

"I cant do this Sam I'm sorry, you need to get some rest. I just cant do this right now." Traci spoke. And with that she left the room.

"Andy, tell me shes wrong. Tell me that you aren't told me that you were able to check out days ago."

Andy looked down. Her face was filled with guilt, and suddenly everything made sense. Andy being able to "check out" so quickly, nobody noticing her, in fact come to think of it nobody else had made any direct contact with her except himself. Not the doctors or nurses. Then there was her strange behavior. The uncomfortable looks shed get whenever he mentioned that day, our questioned her to see if she was alright, and how he detected a hint of sadness when she finally told her he still loved her. His face was filled with heart ache at the thought of here actually being gone.

"So what? Did a bullet hit me in the head that no one has told me about? Am I crazy?" Sam didn't just want answered he needed them, for his own sanity.

"You are not crazy." Andy was able mutter out between the tears.

Sam was on the edge to "then why didn't you tell me? All this time and you couldn't manage to mention that you were dead!" Sams tone was loud.

"Sam I..." Andy didn't have the chance to finish her sentence, before another disturbing thought reached Sams head.

"So when i blacked out, and i saw you in my dream. That was really you? Telling me to wake up, or else id be dead. Like you."

"I wanted to tell you so badly Sam i really did. I just couldn't bear to tell you the truth. I just wanted thing to be Ok. I just wanted things to be normal again and pretend like none of this happened." Andy tried to explain herself.

Sam was bewildered "how could you possibly think things were going to be the same Andy?! Your dead!"

"I know, but you know what? None of this was easy for me Sam! When the doctors stopped trying on me, i wanted them to keep going, trust me I did. I wanted to see you again. Just you. I had no other questions left unanswered with anyone else. I needed closure Sam" there was a pause as Andy tried to re-collect herself. "But then you told me you loved me. And I wasn't expecting that."

"Well excuse me for thinking you were alive, so I could tell you how i felt!" In reality Sam wasn't mad, he was distraught.

"I never lied to you if that makes you feel any better" Andy spoke up.

"Yea I just found out the woman I love is dead, and that Ive been talking to a damn ghost this whole time. But hey! Atleast she didnt lie to me! I feel great at least knowing that much."

"Im sorry" was all Andy was able to mange to say.

"No Andy Im sorry. I should have protected you and i didn't. Its my fault your dead."

"No. don't do that. Don't try to blame yourself for what happened to me. There was nothing you could have done. Nobody could have know that day was a set up. And don't try to make up some bull shit excuse by saying you knew something was off, because even if you did, we were still sitting ducks in that lot." There was only a blank stare on Sams face. A few more moments passed before any spoke again.

"I guess we both got some kind of closure huh?"

"I guess so" Sam replied hardly above a whisper.

"Listen Sam" Andy spoke. "I have to leave soon. I came back to tell you goodbye."

"What? why?" Sams face was scared. He didn't want her to go. Even if she wasn't really "there"

"I have to move on. I cant stay here forever"

"Andy." Sam said


"No matter what. I still love you. I will always love you. I'll never forget you."

"I know Sam. Same here" And with that she leaned in again kissed him on the forehead, faded away as she walked through the the doorway of his hospital room.

When she was gone, Sams whole world fell still. She was really gone,the love of his life. He wish he had told her how he felt sooner so she could spend more time with here as a couple. Why didn't he tell her sooner? Maybe because in the end they already knew how they really felt about each other. In the end they had both gotten what they really needed. Closure.

A/N Soooooooooooo yeah that was my story ...sorry it was pretty sad, don't kill me. But ill tell you what leave me a review and i might just make a chapter with an alternate ending just for you Mc Swarek fans, if you'd like. 3 peace out!