Disclaimer: As painful as it is to admit, I do not, and probably never will, own Big Time Rush.

A/N: I know, I know, I have six (well, technically five) multi chapter stories up and they all need to be updated. So what am I doing posting a new story? Well, that's the beauty of it! It's a one shot collection. Basically, I love writing one shots as much as I love writing multi chapter fics, but they're clogging up my profile, so I figured I'd just do a collection of the different one shots I end up writing - ideas I come up with, requests that people send me (which I'm really bad about writing...), just anything that has to do with James and Katie, really. So there'll most likely be romance (duh), friendship, drama, comedy, fluff, angst, anything really. I hope you guys enjoy it, and I'm dedicating this first one shot to Dana2184 who just informed me that she needed something new to read. Here you go, Yogi!

Summary: Katie and school dances just don't go together. But when the hot actor off of a new drama asks her to be his date, she readily accepts, causing James to feel conflicted about his "proxy big brother duties" towards her and his own personal feelings.

Rating: T for strong language.

Okay, so, I usually make James and Katie closer in age, but this is technically canon, set a few years in the future, so he's 22 and she's 16.

Hope you guys enjoy "Maybe Someday" :)

Maybe Someday

James' POV

I love dances.

It's natural that I would, seeing as how I'm a dancer.

But in high school, before Gustavo moved Kendall, his mom and sister, Carlos, Logan, and me out to LA, I went to every single dance I could get a ride to. They were my favorite event of the year – after choir performances, musicals, and plays – and I worked hard to never miss one. And it was because of us that the Palmwoods school for the future famous had a couple dances a year.

When the guys and I graduated from the Palmwoods school, I found myself missing those dances, wishing that I could go to just one more. But at twenty-two, I had a feeling I might stand out a little amongst the high school-aged wannabe actors, singers, and dancers. And even though I tried to get a job as a chaperon, Miss Collins just laughed in my face. Apparently she was still dealing with bad memories of the time I spiked the punch.

Ever see the Jennifers drunk? It's enough to give anyone nightmares.

After that little incident with my old teacher shooing me away for trying to be a responsible adult – oh, the irony – I decided to put my dreams of one more school dance to rest. I knew if I really wanted to, I could get Katie to take me, but the cost of the bribe I would have to use on her would be steep, and I wasn't too into the idea of blowing my entire savings account just so that I could dance with her.

Well, okay, maybe I was.

But that wasn't the point.

The point was, it just wasn't worth it. Besides, Katie wasn't the school dance type. She had spent most of her dances hanging out with me in 2J, watching stupid movies and TV shows. It was kind of our thing, for me to distract her from the awful endeavors of today's youth. Needless to say, it came as quite a shock when she told me she was going to the spring formal dance.

I must have been speechless for quite awhile, because she snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Hellooo, James. Did Logan's zombie-wannabe-virus thing hit you or something?"

I blinked. "Sorry. I'm just in shock. You want to go to a school dance?"

She let out a huffy breath. "Not really. But Jesse Molloy asked me to go with him, and he's hot, so I said yes."

I chewed on my lower lip, trying to figure out how to instill selective hearing because I kind of really needed it at the moment. "Jesse Molloy? Isn't he that actor on that new drama on that one network?"

She heaved out another breath. "It's the CW and yes, he is."

"I don't like him," I said automatically.

"You don't even know him."

"Do you?" I challenged her, quirking an eyebrow up.

She had the decency to blush. "No, not really. But he asked me to go to the dance, and that's more than most of the other guys around here have done. Most of them just want to make out with me and then tell their friends I'm a slut."

"They do what?! Who are these perverted little fuckers?!"

"Oh, no, they don't actually do that," she said quickly, placing her hands on my chest to keep me in place as I tried to move towards the door. "But I overheard a couple of them talking. If they think they're getting any lip action from me, then they need a brain transplant, pronto."

I relaxed slightly. "Okay. Well, you're going to a dance. Do you need any help with anything?"

Katie grinned. "Funny you should ask that…Help me with an outfit?"

I grinned back. "Already done."

I drove her down to the mall, where we began to go through the different boutiques for juniors and girls under 5'2 – AKA the kids' stores.

"You know, it's no wonder boys don't want anything to do with me," Katie grumbled as she held up a size 12 pink and purple fluffy dress at the Limited Too. "I look like I'm ten."

I rolled my eyes. "You don't look like you're ten."

"Yes I do. I'm barely five feet tall, I have a baby face, and I have yet to get breast implants."

"You get breast implants, I'll kick your ass," I informed her. "Your chest is fine. Awesome, even. Anyway, I don't think we're going to find anything here. Let's go check out some other stores."

Katie blushed at my off-handed compliment, but followed me out. I led her into another store, this one a junior's, and immediately began tossing her dresses to try on. She scampered into the dressing room and I did a quick look through the shoe section, before selecting a couple pairs of Converse.

Katie hated high heels beyond anything else, but she loved her Converse, and these ones glittered with sequins, so as far as I was concerned, they were dressy.

"Katie?" I called once I reached the back hall, where the dressing rooms were.

"Yeah?" she replied from the stall furthest down.

"I've got a couple pairs of Converse for you to try on with the dresses." I slid them under the door and plopped down on a bench.

While I waited for her to come out, I checked my phone. A girl who I had kind of been seeing had wanted to know if I was interested in going to see some new movie that I was pretty sure had a lot of kissing in it. I responded with, "sure, I'd love to" and slipped my phone back in my jeans' pocket as the dressing room door swung open.

Katie stepped out in a deep purple spaghetti strap dress. The skirt was full, but not overly so, and the Converse sneakers looked amazing with it. And she looked amazing. Beautiful. Gorgeous.

Jesse Molloy was a lucky guy.

He had no idea how lucky he was.

No fucking clue.

Katie looked up at me, straightening out the skirt. "Well?" she asked anxiously. "Does it look okay?"

I nodded. "You look beautiful."

A wide smile burst across her face, like a golden sunrise over the ocean. "Thank you."

"It's the truth. Do you want to get it?"

She nodded eagerly. "Definitely."

"Okay. Go get changed."

I paid for the outfit, ignoring Katie's protests, and we grabbed a quick lunch in the food court before heading home.

Katie got ready for the dance, while I changed clothes and cleaned up for my date with Callie.

Katie emerged from her room and the same time I walked out of mine. There was a long pause where we just stared at each other, and then she cocked her head to the side. "You look nice."

"Thanks. So do you. Very pretty." And she did too. It was times like these when I was very much aware of the fact that she wasn't my actual sister, that she was a beautiful girl who I couldn't get much closer to. The only problems with being even the slightest bit attracted to her were her brother, and her age. There was a six year age difference, and as she had grown up, Kendall had become fiercely protective of her. It was my duty as her proxy big brother to be just as protective, if not more so. It wasn't, however, my duty as her proxy big brother to want to kiss her senseless. That would've been incest by proxy…I think…Something like that. In any case, I couldn't go after her without betraying Kendall and possibly even Katie's view of me. We had always been like brother and sister, and I didn't like that that was changing. It was uncomfortable and weird and it was enough to make me want to move down to Antarctica to join all the scientists down there. And I don't even like the cold. Or science. Or places that add extra, silent letters into their names. Because, really, who actually bothers pronouncing the C in Antarctica besides, like, Grammar Nazis and scientists?

Anyway. Not the point.

The point is, I just need to get through another two years until Katie's eighteen, and then maybe I can approach her with the idea of maybe, possibly dating. Of course, that was assuming that she didn't still see me as a big brother.

Katie beamed at me as she twirled around. "Thanks, Jamie." She walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "I should go, I'm meeting up with Jesse in the lobby."

"Okay, have fun," I told her. "And call me if you need anything, anything at all."

She smiled over her shoulder at me as she headed for the door. "Thanks, I will."

I smiled back, watching her step out into the hall and trying to ignore the churning and twisting in my stomach.

I left the apartment a little while later and picked Callie up. We drove to the cinema, got our tickets, and went on in.

"I'm so excited to see this movie," she squealed to me. "I mean, okay, I've seen it twice already, but it's sooo good. Believe me, babe, you're going to love this."

I nodded, but my mind was elsewhere – it was stuck on Katie. I wondered what she was doing right now…Maybe slow dancing with Jesse…Drinking spiked punch…No, scratch that. I hoped she wasn't drinking spiked punch. I had a feeling that dealing with a drunk Katie wouldn't be any fun.

We took our seats in the theater and the opening credits rolled around a couple of minutes later.

Callie clearly had no clue what kind of movies I liked, because within five minutes, my eyes were rolling back in my head and I was trying to come up with random song lyrics just to stay awake.

Luckily, the movie was only an hour and a half and I almost dragged her out of the theater to the car.

She giggled as I got the car started. "You were pretty eager to get out of there."

I shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."

"You didn't really enjoy the movie, did you?"

"I've seen better," I admitted.

Callie pursed her lips thoughtfully before unbuckling her seatbelt. "I guess I'll just have to make it up to you." She turned in her seat and pressed her lips to mine. I kissed her back, automatically pulling her closer to me. She sighed, winding her arms around my neck to deepen the kiss.

At last, I pulled back, taking a deep breath.

"So," she began, "I'm thinking that we should go back to my apartment."

I paused before nodding. "I think I could get into that."

She grinned and pecked my lips. "Good."

I pecked her lips back and put the car in drive as she buckled her seatbelt back up.

We were almost back at the Palmwoods when my phone rang. I probably would have ignored it, but it was Katie's ringtone. What if she needed me? I dug it out of my pocket with one hand still on the steering wheel and clumsily answered it.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I have, like, a really huge favor to ask," she said uncertainly.

"What is it?"

"Can you come and pick me up? I know you're on a date, but I need to get out of here. It turns out Jesse was just using me and I don't want to stay here any longer. Please?"

"Don't worry, I'll be there in a few minutes. Hang tight."

"Thanks, James." Her voice was small and vulnerable, and I could clearly picture her hugging her arms around her tiny body, big brown eyes sad and scared.

"Anytime, baby girl." I hung up and tossed my phone into the cup holder in time to catch Callie scowling at me. "What?"

"Well, let's see. A – we're making a detour. And B – who the hell is baby girl?"

"I can drop you off at the Palmwoods if you want," I said quickly. "And it's Katie. She's at a school dance at a hotel a little ways away from here, and she found out that her date is an absolute prick. She needs me to come and pick her up."

"James, I invited you up to my apartment. I live in my apartment by myself. Alone. With a king sized bed."

"I know, and I'm sorry. But it's Katie."

"Here's the deal," she said coldly as I pulled into the Palmwoods parking lot. "Either you get out of the car and come up to my apartment with me, or we're through. It's me or Katie. Your choice."

I didn't even have to think about it. "Katie," I said simply. "See you around, Callie."

She glared furiously at me and got out of the car, slamming the door behind her so hard that for a moment I thought an earthquake had hit the Palmwoods parking lot.

Temper, temper.

I shrugged and headed back downtown. I found a parking spot outside the designated hotel and texted Katie to let her know I was there, before heading in. I wanted a word with Jesse Molloy.

I found Katie in the lobby, a brave expression not quite hiding the sheen of tears glistening in her eyes.

I hurried over to her and pulled her into my arms. She hugged me back, clutching fistfuls of my shirt. I held her tightly, stroking her hair and rocking her slightly, before pulling away. "So, what did the little fucker do?"

"He wanted to make his ex jealous," she explained, voice shaky. "It's why he asked me to the dance. Well, it worked. She got jealous and pulled him off the dance floor, and then they disappeared. And then one of his friends came over to me and informed me that Jesse was back with Marissa, and that there wasn't any need for me to be there. So I went off to find him to get him to confirm the story and I found them making out by the bathrooms. That was a pleasant sight," she added, tone laced with disgust.

I clenched my jaw. "Where the fuck is he?"

She pointed into the ballroom, and I stormed away from her, into the designated area.

The ballroom had been decorated with crepe paper and multiple disco balls. At one end of the room was a long table weighed down with a punch bowl and plates of cookies, brownies, and fudge. At the opposite end was a stage, where the DJ was controlling the music. Along the other two walls were chairs for those who were sitting out a dance.

Katie hurried after me, pleading with me not to do anything, but I studiously ignored her; instead, I worked on locating her prick of a date.

I quickly caught sight of him and made my way over. He glanced at me as I reached him.

"You can't cut in," he informed me as if he thought I was standing there, glowering at him, because I wanted to dance with his skanky date.

"I'm not trying to," I snapped back. "I want to know who the fuck you think you are."

"I'm Jesse Molloy, prick."

"I'm aware of that, asshole. I want to know where you get off on jerking Katie around."

He blinked at me. "I don't see why it matters to you."

"I'm James Diamond, you ignorant bastard. Katie Knight is my best friend's sister."

"Then why isn't her brother here, defending her honor?" he smirked.

"Because he's out of town, and I'm the one she called. So, here's your choice – you leave the dance, or you deal with me breaking your nose. Your call."

He froze for a second, before grabbing his date's hand and pulling her out of the ballroom. I grinned in satisfaction and turned around to face Katie. She was standing there, looking completely shocked.

I cleared my throat. "Um…you okay?"

She wordlessly nodded.

"Okay. Do you want to head out now…?"

She shook her head. "Actually, if you don't mind, I'd kind of like to stay here for a little while."

"Oh, okay. Call me when you want me to come and get you."

Before I could get more than a couple of steps towards the exit, Katie grabbed my hand. "No. I want you to stay," she said softly. "Dance with me?"

I nodded. "It'd be an honor." I readjusted my grip on her hand and steered her towards a relatively empty space of dance floor. She slipped her arms around my neck, and I wrapped mine around her waist, smiling at her. "You know every guy in here is jealous of me, right?"

She blinked up at me. "Why would they be jealous?"

"Because I'm dancing with the most beautiful girl in the room."

Her cheeks flushed pink and she smiled widely, standing on her tip toes to kiss my cheek, lips brushing against the corner of my mouth.

I pulled her closer and she rested her head on my shoulder, still smiling.

Maybe…maybe there was a chance that she didn't see me as her surrogate big brother. Maybe there was a chance that sometime in the future we would end up together. And who knew? Maybe there was a chance that she would ask me to be her date at the next dance.

Maybe we wouldn't end up together tonight. Maybe it wouldn't happen for a few years. Chances were, it wouldn't be for awhile. But maybe it would happen eventually.

Maybe someday.

So, there's the first one. I'm really hoping you guys enjoyed it, because I loved writing it. I'm a strict believer that James/Katie is canon (well, future canon) so imagining the different interactions between them is always fun for me, and it's where I get a lot of my one shots from.

And about my multi chapter stories, I promise I'm working on them, I just keep taking detours to write one shots. But hopefully at least one will be updated by the end of the weekend.

Anyway, please, please, please review, because I'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings on this! I'd appreciate it so much, and I think the review button would too. :)