This is probably my favourite chapter. It was so much fun to write! :)

Dan's P.O.V

"They are pretty cute." Phil whispered to me. Carrie and Pete were in their own little world, oblivious to all the stares around them. It was kind of adorable.

"You know, you two looked like that when you first got together." Chris said to me.

"You guys still look like that now." Phil replied.

"Touché, sir. Touché."

"So are you all friends, or..." Gary turned to us.

"The three of us," Chris indicated, pointing to Phil, Pj and himself. "And Carrie, have been friends for a few years now. We only met Dan like a week ago, actually."

"Phil threw a beach ball at my head." I said, laughing.

"I did not throw the ball!" Phil shouted in protest. "And I already apologised for it."

"Kissing him does not count as an apology, Phil." Chris said, sounding like a parent, disappointed in Phil; the act ruined by Chris' happy smirk.

"You guys have such a nice friendship." Gary noted. "You bicker and banter, but it's obvious you all care."

"That's what good friends do." Pj added simply.

"And now, you're part of our group."

"Really?" Gary asked, astonished at the idea.

"Of course. You're a really cool guy, Gary. And, I don't think that we could separate those two if we tried."

Carrie and Pete, still oblivious to the world around them; were enraptured in each other's presence, talking fast and excitedly.

"It's good to see them happy, though." Phil's eyes were soft as he glanced over at them.

"I know, I've felt kind of bad. You and I have been kissing...a lot. And I'm already taking you away."

"And it's not like Chris and Pj can keep their hands of each other, either."

"Jealous, are we Phil?" Chris asked, rubbing Pj's arms, his hand sliding around Pj's neck. Pj looked comfortable with the action itself, just not in public; as indicated by the light blush creeping up his neck.

"Chris..." He whispered.

"Mm?" Chris asked, leaning in closer to Pj.

"Christopher Kendall!"

We all turned to Carrie, who was glaring at Chris. Pete looked uncomfortable, but he was also stifling a smile. The rest of us stared quietly, and Chris looked a little scared.

"Yes dear?" He asked.

"Do you think you could, possibly, keep your hands off your boyfriend for a few hours so we could enjoy our dinner? I don't think anyone else really wants to see you sucking Pj's face off."

"Only for you, sweet."

She rolled her eyes at Chris, turning her attention back to Pete. Chris grinned and slid his hand in Pj's; who was looking a little unnerved. Phil and Gary seemed pretty comfortable with everything. But I wasn't. I was surprised.

"I don't think I've ever seen Carrie...react like that."

"She's fierce, our little pocket rocket. She doesn't mean it though; secretly she does love me."

"Only on some days." Carrie muttered, not looking at Chris.

Luckily, our food arrived; and I could have tipped the waitress my whole life's savings for her impeccable timing.

"And, could we have a slice of devil's chocolate cake, please?"

"Just one?" I asked Phil.

"I thought we could share."

"C-cool." I stuttered. Phil was staring right at me, but began to smile when I blushed. He laughed behind his hand, trying to hide it.

"You can't just do something romantic and be happy with it, can you?" I asked. "You have to laugh at me too. That's just not fair."

"Aw, I'm sorry."

Phil pecked me on the lips, and I felt by cheeks burn.

"Aw, Danny-boy's blushing, how cute."

"He is cute." Phil said, smirking at Chris. "Hell of a lot cuter than you."

"I believe some of us would think differently." Chris said back.

"Just because you're in love with yourself, doesn't mean that everyone else is." I added, a strange new-found confidence taking over my brain.

"That is so rude, Daniel. Pj, tell him he's wrong."

"Chris, love; I'm staying out of this. You opened your mouth and stuck your foot in it, so you can find some way to get it out. And if that doesn't work, I have a spare shovel."

Chris stared at Pj, mouth agape. Pj was smirking and appeared very proud with himself. Phil and I were watching the exchange silently, Gary looked like his favourite program had just come on, and even Carrie and Pete had stopped their conversation to watch.

"I cannot believe, that you would say that." Chris said slowly. I for one, thought he was upset and that something serious was about to happen.

Though in retrospect, I really should have known better.

"That's it." Chris said, throwing his hands up in the air and standing up out of his seat dramatically.

"You," He said pointing to Pj. "Can have sex with your right hand tonight because I won't be helping."

He then stalked off, his hips swaying. Pj shook his head slowly, a bright smirk on his face.

"He always says that." He said nonchalantly, taking a bite of his carrot cake. "And yet we always end up in bed together anyway."

Gary, poor Gary, choked on his mouthful; obviously not used to the somewhat unusual relationship between Chris and Pj.

"I would like to excuse my friend's behaviour." Carrie said.

"They're just a little horny." I said quietly, apparently not quietly enough as everyone's eyes turned to me.

"What, it's true!" I exclaimed.

No one spoke, and I became a little nervous. Thankfully for me, I had Phil.

He squeezed my hand gently. "Hey Dan?"

"Yeah?" I turned to face him.

Phil pressed his lips against mine; pulling them away once I kissed back.

"I think I love you."