Summary: When Sally's spirit departed from the world she left her son in the most capable hands. But she also left him with someone whom would never be suspected to take care of her precious little bundle, and that is just how Sally wanted it.

Rating: T for odd moments and battle gore, foul language will never appear or at least what I deem foul language

Pairings: there had been a suggestion for Percy/Artemis [not in a son/mother sense] tell me if you have any other ideas

Warning/Spoiler: Seeing as Percy as two mothers and he will make plenty of references to "mother" mean Sally and "mom" will mean Artemis. A lot of Percy's first part is going to seem filler, which it pretty much is, but I will do my best to move it along. I have an idea for the next few chapters so hang in there.

Disclaimer: guess I haven't said/written this enough; I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and I really don't own the plot either just having some fun with it while I try to get over writers block on my other story "Forgotten in the Cosmos"

The moment that Artemis heard the door open she ran to pick her baby boy up relief over-flowing her very being before quickly putting him down a murderous look in her eyes.

"Don't you dare do that again! Do you know how worried I was?! I thought that you would be gone for good! And then when I felt the fate's power spike I nearly had a heart attack over you! Oh! I'm about ready to-"

"Have peace sister." Apollo calmly got up from his seat, something completely out of character, but you could see the happiness the flooded his very being with each step that he took closer to his nephew. "Percy is safe, I think that should be enough for you." Artemis shot him a dirty look, but chose not to waste her breath on such a frivolous reply, at least that is what she kept telling herself.

Athena kneeled down in front of the boy.

"Now it is my turn to bless you." This that she gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Percy felt it sweep through him, it started with a tingling in his brain before gliding down his collar done and stretching out to his finger tips and toes. His eyes completely lost their green and now were grey, silver, and gold. His hair no longer even had the slightest hint of black as blonde highlights mingled in with his auburn hair.

The tingling changed turning into a sharp pain like a kitchen knife being forced against his skin digging deep only centimeters away from his bones. It started at his fingertips, they began to shake and soon Percy's arms fell limp, but that did not stop the imminence pain the consumed him, he began to cry and screamed begging for it to be over. His feet were next it felt like someone was giving him a shoot on the bottom of his foot and never-ending eternally painful shot. It began to creep up to his calf and the moment the pain encased his knees he buckled backwards the pain rushing all across his body like a tsunami wave.

And just like that Percy was out cold…

Apollo lunged forward and grabbed Percy laying him against the cold marble floor.

"What did you do to him?!" Artemis yelled at her sister. She had felt helpless as she saw the pain Percy showed in those eyes of his, it brought forth so many emotions she hadn't felt in years fear, anger, helplessness, and a strong desire to keep him, a male of all things, safe.

All in all she was feeling what Hera would call the "will of a mother."

"He has been through so much sister, the Lord of the Sea's ichor-" Athena couldn't bring herself to say HIS name "was withdrawn from his body and he obtained yours and Apollo's ichor along with my blessing. He may be a demigod but he is still a human and as such his body can only take so much." Athena countered being the smarty she was. Artemis snapped her mouth shut and nodded slowly he shoulder slumping as she kneeled next to her brother brushing some of the bangs out of her son's face.

Athena regarded her sister silently happy that her great-grandson had someone who would love him, but she also fear for her sister, new emotions were springing forth within her and she would not know how to deal with it, that could lead to consequences for her.

Like what Athena herself had given the fates. The wisdom goddess had curse herself mentally a hundred fold for making such a stupid mistake, but then again she could choose this one time to be stupid if it meant bringing joy to a person who had suffer too much.

Artemis picked up Percy and quickly embraced her brother with her free arms as they had done so freely in childhood with their mother. She then flashed out a smile on her face as she looked down at her son.

"Worried?" Apollo said simply as she pulled out his lyre and plucked a few notes aimlessly.

"Very much so." Athena stared at the spot where Artemis vanish.

A soft humming noise filled the room as something no bigger than a hummingbird came flying towards Athena. Force of habit led Athena to lift up her palm so it could land.

Landing on her palm was a woman of only five inches in height with curly brown hair in a white toga with laurel on her head, she had white wings and no sandals. She sat down to catch her breath before zipping all over the placed like a bee on a caffeine high she must have hit a sugar low because not a few seconds later she landed on Athena's shoulder to whisper something. Athena nodded then turned to her brother.

"If you will excuse me brother, Nike has informed me of new developments in the Indo-Pakistan Kashmir Conflict and I must take my leave in helping." With that Athena and Nike took their leave in a flash of grey light resulting in Apollo wondering what he should to know.


Percy's eyes fluttered open only to see a roofless tent with stars and a waning gibbous moon. Letting out a yelp of surprise Percy fell out of his cot only to land on something velvety but every so often there was a patch of it that was bristled. Percy looked down to find pelts of mountain cats, lions, bears, deer and a few of snow hares. It was then that Percy took in the rest of his small living space. The tents itself was 12' by 12' the cot he had slept on was piled high with blankets next to it was a bow and quiver full of arrows along with two hunting knives. But what sent Percy completely off his rocker was that a silvery fire was a blaze in the middle of the tent where a small fish was cooking.

Within a half-an-hour Percy had eaten and was dress and ready to begin his training. Upon stepping outside her realized the fake ceiling-like-thingy, whatever it was, in his room was very misleading. It was not the middle of a starry night but in fact high noon with the sun blazing like there was no tomorrow.

Percy quickly took in the surroundings of the camp. It consisted of about six tents not including his own, four of them the same size as his, forming a circle the two tents facing the east and west were two feet longer on each side they were the tents for the infirmary and his mom. In the centre of the camp was a fire pit about four feet in diameter and dying out. The camp was completely deserted no life what so ever, well that wasn't exactly true. There were wolves pacing around the border and hawks in the trees and they all seemed to be staring at him. What had he done?

"A son of Apollo?" Percy swore he jumped at least five feet in the air as the sound of a mature female's voice resounded loudly in his head.

"Yes, but Lady Artemis's ichor flows through him too." Another voice still female though a bit rougher not as light, like an evening breeze, as the first voice he heard.

"You are forgetting Athena's blessing up him as well." Okay Percy was officially sure he had gone insane. He was hearing voices, just great.

"Don't be stupid, that is the… CHILD Artemis brought to camp." This voice was gruff as well, but possessed some sort of authority that demanded respect and completely scared Percy because something told him she wasn't afraid to kill him should the chance or need be presented.

Trying to shrug it off Percy pulled out his bow making sure to make a long wide arc around the hunter so they wouldn't go on a killing spree because of his "manly essence" all over their camp. After a few minutes of walking Percy found a dead tree that a toppled over, it would have to do for target practice. Pulling out his bow and arrow Percy drew it back with a bit of difficulty a first but it seemed like the bow changed and he found it a bit easier to do still hard but not as.

"You are doing it incorrectly." Percy jumped at turned around arrow still knocked. There, laying peacefully paws tucked in, was a grey wolf. Though it was mostly white with grey and light brown undertones.

"Who are you? And what do you mean?" Percy lowered his bow still keeping his arrow notched should something happen.

"My name is Keara I am one of your mother's wolves. And I was talking about your workmanship with the bow." Percy felt a flash of anger. She was a wolf, how could she know how to correctly use it?

"Can you show me then?" Percy asked.

"You have no reason to be angry or ashamed I have lived my whole life in the hunt, you are just learning. And yes I will teach you until your mother, Lady Artemis, is able to take over." Percy nodded. He waited for Keara to continue, but she did nothing as she closed her eyes taking slow breaths as if she wanted to fall asleep.

"Uhmmm." Percy looked at her before giving a cough, the wolf twitched her ears and looked at the boy with a bit of surprise.

"Oh! Yes sorry. First things first; meditation–" it was then that Percy just had to forget to hold his tongue until she was finished.

"How is that supposed to help?"

"If you'd let me finish." Keara's eyes were shard as a knife as she looked at Percy with a bit of disdain. Percy's cheeks inflamed as he looked at his shoes and away from Keara's scolding eyes which really did their work, he was completely encased in guilt for what he had done. "You need to be relaxed and confident in your shooting, rushing into to something will create more problems and give you twice as much work than if you calmed yourself. Buddhists have it right; you need to be in the correct frame of mind. You should feel the shot and know that it is good. There are NO shortcuts." Percy nodded vigorously. "You can put down your bow for now seeing as you won't need it yet. First you need to be able to hold the correct positions. Now place your feet shoulder-width apart; you should feel well-balanced. Stand straight and tall, and keep your head up and your shoulders straight and relaxed."

Percy nodded putting his bow down and went back over to Keara about to get into the stance.

"I'll go through it one step at a time, you are right-handed yes?" Percy nodded eager to get started. "Okay, we'll start with the lower half of your body. Stand side-on to your target, in this case pick one of the trees and do so." Percy quickly found a tree, Keara came over so she was parallel to him. "Your feet are to be a shoulder width apart and at NO time are your toes to point towards the target!" Percy went into the stance double checking that his feet weren't pointing before waiting for further instructions. "Some archers actually find it easier to have their feet further from the target than their heels."

Keara looked his stance over making sure that it was in place and fixing anything that was wrong before continuing.

"The only parts of your upper body that should move are your arms and head, no rotating your torso or tilting your neck. Face the 'target' and stand straight up as if you were about to have your height measured. Lift only your left arm you are to lift it as if you were holding your bow making sure the belly, the front end of the bow, is facing your 'target.'" Percy did so.

"Making sure to move only your right arm, not twisting your torso at all, reach up and pretend you are grabbing the string of your bow. Again moving only your right arm draw back, as if you had the string in your hand, around where the hollow of your cheek bone is. Do not bring your head down to meet the string or your arm up to meet your cheek. Hold this place until I tell you to stop."

Percy found the position I tad bit awkward, mostly for his left hand which was suspended in outer space for gods' sake. And Keara wasn't really helping either as she seemed content to stare at him until she somehow gained superpowers so she could combust him.

"Put your arms down for a minute, then try again, without my help." Percy took a moment to rest before going back into place. "No twisting your torso and your feet aren't supposed to point towards the target." The stance was quickly correct and the process repeated a great number of times until Percy figured he could do it in his sleep.

"Now you can pick up you bow, you're not going to be shooting but you will need an arrow, just for practice. First things first assume the stance I showed you. Good. Now you must knock your arrow. Pull an arrow from your quiver holding it by its nock, where the fletching or feathers are. Place the arrow on the arrow rest of your bow, and place the arrow so the cock fletching, the black one, faces you and is perpendicular to the bowstring. Fit the nock onto the string directly below your nock locator. You should hear the nock click into place on the string."

"Okay. Step three you need to pick a bow draw, since you are new at this it would be best if we do the Mongolian or thumb draw, this draw also is one of the best for coming out clean. The Mongolian draw uses only the thumb, the strongest single digit, to grasp the string. The index and middle fingers are to be close over the outside of the thumb to reinforce the grip while the arrow is rested a top the thumb."

Percy smiled in its own weird way archery reminded him of his new family. An ALL girl family in which every girl was a total man hater and spent there days thinking of ways to kill the entire male population while sharpening the weapons they had on stock.

But one thing was for sure, home was where the heart is and his heart was content on staying her for a very, very, VERY long time. Immortality did last forever if you knew how to fight, right?

"HELLLOO!" Keara yelled at Percy waking him from his musing. "Wake up Dolly Day Dream! Now try to do use the Mongolian draw."


Pan's Pipes, it hurt so badly!

Training for five gods forsaken hours and Percy had only gotten half a dozen bull's eyes, but on the bright side he was sure he would get a good night sleep tonight.

It was the beginning of winter so the sun was beginning to set.

As twilight came upon Percy a strange sensation overcame him, his strength returned his slouching shoulders perked up and his eye were wide open has he took in his surrounding noticing every little detail.

Like the small lump in the snow that was probably a small stone, or the hole that had been dug, maybe by a rabbit or more likely a mole.

"It is because of the ichor of Lord Apollo and Lady Artemis when they come together a twilight you feel their power seeping into more than you would if it were just night or day, same goes for when there is an eclipse, but the results would be over a hundred fold." Keara explained when she noticed Percy had stopped. She looked up at him with shining eyes and Percy would have sworn that if she were human she would be smiling.

They reached the camp only a few minutes later to see a dozen girls still in the pajamas sitting around the central fire. Percy ran up to them Keara not far behind.

The huntresses were met with a startling sight, a boy of seven covered in sweat with a smile on his face and of their wolves not far behind. They let their bows materialize out of habit before they remembered that their mistress had brought a boy into the camp a week ago, but this boy was different with the blonde in his hair and grey in his eyes.

Percy stopped only a few feet away from them as he fiddled with his fingers self-consciously, they were staring at him like with a cross between amazement and pure disgust. He had done anything! Well he did remember doing anything bad then again his definition of something punishment worthy and theirs was probably a whole world apart. That's when he felt a hand on his shoulder he looked up to see his mom standing over him with a smile on her face. She took his hand and guided him over, he quickly sat down beside her.

Percy really wasn't a fan of the awkward silence that took over the camp, though everyone else seemed just fine with it as they ate. Percy did his best to seem unaffected but the fish that seemed just fine earlier today started to taste just a little too much like bile and his stomach began to churn. A huge lump arose in his throat and what little food he was trying to get down wasn't even making it past his mouth. Percy slumped his shoulder all the energy his had forgotten, this was hades.

Thankfully his mom sensed his dilemma.

"Since Perseus is going to be staying with us, I suggest we introduce ourselves and give at least one USEFUL piece of information." Silence as expected. "Fine I'll go first!" Artemis gave an exasperated sigh. "Artemis, goddess of the hunt. And let's see useful –hmm."

"You're obsessed with baseball?" A voice called out.

"No." Artemis mumbled.

"You have short temper?" There is was again.

"No, no. something else."

"Apollo is the OLDER twin." Artemis stopped when she heard this and turned around to see her brother leaning over her with a smirk. "Hello lil' sis."

"Why you –YOU KNOW THAT I AM THE OLDER! AND DON'T YOU 'lil sis' ME I AM OLDER I SAID OOLLDDER!" Artemis yelled waving her arms around in a mad furry, Percy swore that her teeth changed to ones a shark would have.

"Yeah, sure. Little sis." Artemis took out her bow ready to shoot him into oblivion, Percy though this was the perfect time to save his uncle's butt.

"Uncle Apollo!" Percy ran up to him with a smile.

"Yeah Percy! How goes it with a bow little man?" Percy eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he began to talk about what Keara had told him and how she said he was doing a good job and that he had been able to hit the bull's eye when they began to practice with targets. By the time he was finished Artemis had forgotten what Apollo had done, instead opting to praise her son for what he had been able to do. The hunters just stared at him, not only had he gotten praise from Artemis he had been able to stop one of the twin gods' many fights.

One of the huntresses came up to him, she had on the usual hunters' clothing which consisted of a white shirt, silver ski jacket, blue pants, and black combat boots. She was about twice as tall as Percy and skinny with brown hair that had slight blonde highlights she had bright amber eyes.

"Nice going Perce." She whispered in the young boy's ear. "By the way, the name's Sammy. You ever need help pranking just give me a holler." She had a sly grin on her face.

One down, eleven more to go.

A split second later Sammy jumped at him and pulled him into a noggie.

"Come here squirt!" She yelled, Percy squirmed and tried to get away, though it was more half-hearted he had a family now and he was positive he wasn't leaving any time soon.

Much to Percy's dismay Apollo wasn't able to stay long, course he did his best to squeeze out as many laughs from Percy and the huntresses and while maximizing the annoyance to his "little sister." It was one of the best night Percy had in a long time.

At sunrise when Percy was going to get ready to sleep he notice Keara sleeping on the edge of where the wolf pack was huddled to keep warm.

"Keara!" Percy hollered over to her, the wolf perked up her ears looking around for the source of the voice, she tilted her head at Perseus. He simply motioned for her to come over, the wolf quickly jogged over a bit nervous; he was her mistress's son after all.


"Come on in." Percy opened the flap to the tent. "I feel sorry for you having to sleep out there when it is perfectly warm in here. Just pick a spot and fall asleep." Keara took a step back in surprise.

"A-Are you sure?"

"'Course I am. Just plop down anywhere it isn't any trouble, I swear." Percy was already I his pajamas and within a minute he was out, mumbled things like "monsters", "mad wolves", and "man eating hunters." Keara chuckled as she lay at the foot of his bed.

After a life time in the hunt she had finally found a master.


The week was uneventful seeing as most of the huntresses stayed away from Percy and his mom was though she did say after he learned archery she would teach him to control his powers. Training, right now, consisted of archery with Keara and anything else with Sammy. And Sammy got a kick out of making Percy work 'til he dropped.

"Come on Squirt! Fifteen more push ups, and twenty crunches, and after that sprint around the camp five times." Percy stopped as he was in the L position for a push up.

"Are you insane?!" he collapsed with an exasperated sigh, Keara simply laughed. Percy shot her a dirty look mumbling something about "unsupportive family" into the grass before continuing with his push ups t and agonizing pace.

"That one was incorrect, redo it!" Sammy laughed at him good-naturedly, but Percy was feeling none of it as he upped his pace, he wanted to get his over with, Keara had refused to teach him until he went through Sammy's "Super Ubber Dubber Special" training. Bad idea to agree eagerly.

Percy flopped back after he had finished his crunches, this hurt so bad! Why? Why, oh hade why did he agree to this?!

He was about to go sprint around the camp when one of the huntresses came running, Percy had never gotten her name but she was beautiful. And only ahead taller than Percy with plenty tanned skin and dark chocolate-brown curled hair that was pulled back into a half-hearted bun and huge kind black eyes.

"Dezie! What's shakin'?" Sammy called out with a wave.

"We need your help! Monsters have surrounded three demigods and a satyr, and we don't have enough people." Percy's bow was pulled out in flash arrow knocked, he felt energy flood him at the thought of them getting hurt, Sammy pulled out her hunting knives and looked at Keara and Percy. They were ready to roll.

"Give us a site and we'll give you blood." Sammy chuckled evilly and the four were off all happy for their own reason.

Percy's movements only flattered for a moment when he came upon the mess, until he saw a monster smack a blonde girl around his age, his blood boiled in rage. And his arrow only nicked the monsters hair.

"You touch her again and I'll sever your head!" Percy growled, the monster stopped and turned to look at him before smirking.

"I am going to enjoy this son of Artemis." Percy's heart stopped, he was so dead.

Sally clocked out the minute the next shift came, she pulled Hermes with her like a little child would with their parent. Hermes smiled at her antics she was such a good friend and had helped him keep about the most important relationship of his life. It had started –

"Hermes." Sally drawled as she waved her hand in front of his face. "You're staring off into space again." Sally looked up at him, Hermes gave a chuckled and patted her on the head in return he was given a playful scowl as Sally crossed her arms.

"Just doing some reminiscing." Hermes gave a smiled and Sally slapped him on the shoulder.

"Like the day were first met?" Sally gave a hearty laugh as the image of a fumbling Hermes came into her head, along with herself completely stiff with fear. "You really gave me a heart attack you know?" Hermes gave her a smile as he chuckled. Then it hit him.

"AW! I never got that recording from meeting in the throne room of Olympus!" Hermes cursed himself for forgetting.

"How could ye?!" Sally mocked putting her hand on her forehead and falling backwards, only to have Hermes catch her. But alas he tripped and the two fell on the curb laughing their butts off, which currently hurt from the fall they took, just some FYI.

"Ain't they a lovely couple Harold?" an elderly woman said to her husband as they passed the two. This of course sent an onslaught of laughed from said "couple." Sally dusted herself off and stood up stretching her hand out to Hermes, who took it with gratitude. Hermes, clearly out-weighing the petite woman, caused Sally to stumble only for the god to catch her.

"Thanks." She mumbled before quickly walking out to the edge and frantically waving her hand trying hailing the first cab she could see. After a few unsuccessful attempts they were able to get one. "East ninety-ninth and Madison Avenue."

"How do you feel about it?" Hermes asked breaking the silence a too soon for Sally's liking.

In all of them many conversations they has she never said she wanted children, she had said she preferred keep to her books and maybe get a degree when she had the money. But Hermes KNEW she would never think of abortion. When Sally had first heard of it she went on a long and he meant LOOONNGG rant about how it was the devil's own work and that she refused to even THINK about doing that to a defenseless baby.

"I may not have wanted it, but I can't escape it now." She placed a hand on her still flat stomach. "Besides it doesn't matter WHO the father is, I am already starting to love MY baby." They were silent for the rest of the drive besides the constant drown of the radio. Only a mere twenty minutes later the two found themselves on the corner of Mount Sinai Hospital only six or so block from Sally's house.

Sally chose a seat quickly with a huff of annoyance as Hermes went up to deal with getting an appointment. Just because with was pregnant with no help from the father and she lived alone gave no excuse for her to be unable to pay for it let alone do a bit of paperwork! Hermes was so irrational sometimes.

Sally would soon have to eat those words –err thoughts– seeing as Hermes was able to pull a few strings to get her in earlier.

"Sally Jackson." One of the nurses called. She was medium built with black hair pulled up into a loose pony tail and a small but sweet smile that eased Sally's worries. The two jumped up fast as one of Zeus's bolts of lightning, following after the nurse down endless hallways making twists and turns that left Sally completely disorganized before they finally ended in a small patient's room.

After explaining why they were here blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing was monitored then a scan was taken of the baby, which determined that she was around 6 weeks pregnant and that she needed another appointment in another six weeks and then one on the twentieth week to help clarify the gender of the baby.

"Well everything checks out for your child ma'am. And I want to say congratulations to the both of you." The nurse said softly as she gave them the information packets for coping with the pregnancy.

"Oh –ah– well you see, he isn't my husband, he is a good friend of mine. The father isn't going to be in the picture, he left a voyage across the Atlantic and was lost at sea I haven't heard from him in a long time." Sally lied easily, to be honest she didn't want to see him and was quite happy the stupid god was gone.

"Oh." The nurse said her smile faltering for a moment. "Well, you will be able to schedule an appointment at the front desk." The two were about to leave when the nurse caught Sally's hand. "Gods bless with the baby, Miss Jackson." The nurse winked at the shocked pair before going to get her next assignment.

Sally and Hermes took their time making their way to Sally's apartment reminiscing on things that had happened between the two in the past years.

"How is your son doing?" Sally kicked a pebble on the sidewalk looking up at the dead trees refusing to meet her friend's eyes. Sally had always worried for the boy with his mother the way she was and a father whom was an Olympian, she was just happy to try to make things better for the three.

"He is fine, I've sent him off to camp half-blood he's got some help too." Hermes gave a smile, he could see his son right now he seemed happy with his three other companions he even prayed to him every once in a while. From beside him Sally let out a sigh of relief.

"So it worked?" Sally asked it was a yes or no question but Hermes knew that the granddaughter of Athena was a detail junkie, the more you told her the more into it she got.

"They were terribly surprised when I just up and said it. They never understand that the more the neglect their children the worse it gets. Though I did have Athena's support –"

"No surprise there." Sally laughed.

"– Apollo and Artemis too."

"Anyone else?"

"Hephaestus and Ares as well. Most of the children of Zeus understood where I was coming from, that wasn't much of a surprise." Sally laughed joyously. The sound resonated through the air, it reminded Hermes so much of his son's wife whom he loved dearly, and in fact he had not been found in the company of another woman since his son was three. As if reading his mind Sally asked about her.

"How is she?"

"She is still suffering, she misses her son terribly, but he writes to her often. Though I have seen some improvements. I remember one time we went to New York and of the entire day she seemed as though the spirits had no reason to plague her, it was heavenly. I just know you two would have gotten along quite well." Sally stopped in front of her apartment and gave Hermes a quick huge, which he returned with great enthusiasm.

"May the Fates bring you joy, Lord Hermes, and watch over your son." Sally called to him.

"As with you, Sally, as with you." Even as he said it Hermes knew those words were to be nothing but a lie and he hated his knowledge over prophecy right at that moment.

AN- Sorry it took so long I was on vacation and I had no access to Wi-Fi and I wasn't about to pay seven freaking dollars for fifteen minutes of freaking Wi-Fi along with the fact I have to do community service hours for school and I have been nauseous for the past few days.

I think I got me first ever negative review. And the person made a completely valid point. Why would Poseidon do that?

Simple answer really: Poseidon had a rough day, maybe combination of rebellious water spirits, his brother Zeus, is wife, and to relieve some stress he decided to have a drink [alcoholic drink mind you] and one drink led to another and he was drunk and disoriented this led to him seeing Sally and seeing as he couldn't keep his emotions in check lust over took him and he raped her but he suffered something called "en bloc", to elaborate more en bloc is when short periods of amnesia occur do to extensive [alcoholic] drinking. Also with en bloc there is about a 20% chance that you will remember your blackout more than two minutes into it; at the most. Simple and proven a fact. Poseidon did it, but he doesn't realize he did. Plus this is, I guess you could say, a slight AU story.

I also want to warn you that around the 18th of August my posting with become a bit less frequent seeing as I will be starting school up and I have joined my schools FTC [FIRST {For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology} Tech Challenge] robotic league which will occupy Tuesdays–Saturdays all the way [hopefully] to April and from there I'll be gone a week AGAIN not to mention my special trip to Washington DC for school.

Hope you like this chapter I will be working double even triple time from now on to get as many chapter up as possible, I will post again between the 27th and 3rd with as many chapters as I have done.

God Bless,
