Days had passed since the wonderful night of Quinn giving into temptation and Rachel cherished every moment she got to even be near her. Quinn had a beauty that was timeless. Everyday they ignored each other's presence unless it was necessary. The flirtatious energy Finn had around Quinn barely hit Rachel. She knew it was all an act and it was well obvious. She kept in mind that by the end of the day when everyone would leave the theater, they would finally be in each other's arms again. This day was no different. Kurt slowly walked out of the building with a knowing smirk. The girl's had no reason to hide it from him so he knew exactly what went on when the final person left for the night.

Once they heard the door shut, Rachel found her way to Quinn's lips so fast they almost fell over. Their kisses were soft but very eager. Rachel tried keeping it from going too far, afraid of making Quinn feel like she had to give more. Quinn pulled her closer and didn't dare let Rachel pull away this time. The kiss always ended too soon and hardly satisfied her for what she really wanted. Rachel did finally pull back and took a deep breath to relax herself.

Quinn laughed airily as they leaned their foreheads on to each other to catch their labored breaths, "I didn't think today was ever going to end. I tried so hard to pay attention to Kurt's directions but-"

Rachel nodded as her eyes stayed tightly closed, "But we're together now.. Let's enjoy it while we can."

She led Rachel to the couch in one of the dressing rooms. Rachel traced the outline of Quinn's jaw with her thumb as she sucked on her lip with slight aggression causing a slight wimper to escape. She understood Quinn's intentions as she pulled Rachel closer and kissed her harder. Is this what passion felt like? The aches that occurred in their bodies for more only became worse as they played the game of cat and mouse. Rachel wanted to give in and her clothes seemed to agree as her skirt rode up and her shirt lazily started sliding off.

Quinn looked up Rachel, "Have you ever.."

Rachel let her weight fall on to her elbows and shook her head, "It's not like I haven't had the chance to, it's just that.. I've never been in love before."

Quinn looked broken down for a moment as if Rachel had told her she wasn't in love with her even though it was as plain as day. It was like denying to breathe.

But to be sure that her point was made, Rachel leaned in and whispered in her ear, "You're crazy to think that there would be anyone else in my life that would be as beautiful or talented as you. No one would ever compare."

She nodded and wrapped her arms around Rachel's neck to bring her in for another kiss. Quinn felt nervous for the first time in her life. Rachel actually meant something and it scared her completely but it didn't stop her from doing what she wanted.

They didn't break eye contact as Quinn stripped off her clothes before going back to Rachel. Her hands slid up her shirt and swiftly took it off with one fluid movement. Rachel unclasped her bra and tossed it aside along with the growing pile next to all the costumes. They paused for a few seconds looking at each other for any signs of backing out but when neither found any they pulled each other in for a much more heated kiss. They bit and sucked as their tongues worked with ease.

Quinn cupped one of Rachel's breast causing her breathing to increase. A soft moan escaped from the back of her throat and felt like her vocal chords had a mind of their own. It didn't take long for her to bite her lip to keep them from escaping as Quinn's finger softly grazed over her nipple continuously. Her hand slowly slid down Rachel's stomach and stayed right above where she wanted her most. The feeling that bloomed in Rachel's body was indescribable and fearless. It made the ends of her toes buzz.

"I need you."

It made Quinn's stomach jump. Those words was only for her and it would always be for her. Quinn gently slid her hand into her skirt and let her hand travel lower. She felt wet folds tighten around her single finger as she dipped deep inside Rachel. The girl's entire body clenched as she took on the new feeling of utter pleasure. Quinn saw it as a good sign and repeated the motion very slowly until Rachel was completely wrapped around her with my mouth near her ear.

She continued to moan as Quinn rubbed her clit lazily with a thumb causing her hips to jerk up. Something was tightening in Rachel and she knew whatever it was was about to snap. The brunette's toes curled as she felt her very first orgasm.

Her moaning stopped as waves of pleasure passed through her and couldn't think of anything else except how much she loved Quinn, "I love you until the end of time, Quinn Fabray."

She was surprised that Rachel chose now to say it but nodded and reciprocated the feelings, "I never knew what it meant to love until you came along."

Quinn was still inside her when Rachel flipped her over and kissed her furiously. She didn't let up the pressure she had in the spot that made the very talkative girl quiet for once in her life until she was sure the last wave of the orgasm passed.

Quinn gently slid out of her and tasted what was left of Rachel's sex on her finger and moaned. Her eyes fell closed as she imagined what'd it taste for her tongue to be where her fingers just were..

She was brought back from her thoughts when Rachel started kissing down her legs, "I was just thinking the same thing about you."

Quinn would've blushed from her thoughts being so obvious if she didn't feel Rachel's lips go closer and closer to her center. She slowly grazed her tongue over Quinn's sex and stopped to let her catch her breath. She noted at how she tasted just as sweet as she smells. She dragged her tongue along deeper inside and heard her moan without restraint. It was the most beautiful sound Rachel's ever heard. She could hardly wait to hear it again and rocked her tongue back and forth while going deeper with each stride. Quinn grasped the couch's pillows from behind her and made no effort to stifle any of her moans. She felt like electricity was shooting through her in a way she couldn't explain if she tried. She quickly pulled Rachel up and kissed her, tasting herself on her lips and felt a craving for more.

It only took Rachel to stroke her finger inside of Quinn once before she became undone and felt like everything bad in the world just disappeared. A tear rolled down her cheek as she held Rachel closer.

They laid with their bodies tangled together for a few hours. There was no need to rush home by curfew. Both families understood that Sue was if anything excessive and that working on this play meant long hours. Both didn't get dressed until they figured things would start getting suspicious if they stayed any longer and ended up having one of the longest goodbyes. They knew they had to hide this from everyone since the contract Quinn signed forbid her to even befriend anyone without Mrs. Hudsons okay. Just thinking about the stupid contract made their kisses more urgent with passion as tears fell freely.

"Please don't forget about this okay? Tomorrow when you're with him, remember that I love you."

Quinn shook her head and held Rachel's face, "You have to promise you won't get jealous."

When she didn't answer right away, her eyebrow rose. Rachel finally gave in and nodded, "I'm not a jealous person. I can handle it."

Quinn smiled and kissed her again. It was the sweetest and purest kiss of the night.

A/N: These past two chapters have been short but the way it's separated into sections, it's gonna be kinda annoyingly short in some places. Hope you enjoyed this little fic so far. Please Review!