I have never written a story before of any type, and I wanted to write one of my favorite hero. When I think of Batman I go to two episodes 'Harley's Holiday' and 'Heart of Ice'. That is the Batman that I am trying to capture here.

"Alfred, I do not think that I can do this anymore."

"Master Bruce, to what are you referring sir."

Bruce sat looking across the table struggling with the thoughts that had bothered him for so long now. For a few months the thought that he was failing, he was falling, he was on the outside had been pervading Bruce's very existence. Before he could go any further down this path he chose to ask the question that had been dominating him.

"Alfred, what would my parents think of me? I think back on them and I feel that they would be so disappointed in me. Sure they would see some of the things I have done and be proud, but the totality of me as a man would be a failure to them."

This was the moment Alfred had been dreading for so long. The moment when doubt crept into his ward, no he was so much more than that, the moment when he could help his almost son find the peace and happiness he truly deserved.

"Master Bruce, as you know I have never been the biggest supporter of your extracurricular activities, but I have understood them. I know that everything you have done you truly believe it has been for what you believe to be the best. You have worked these many years for the opportunity to prevent anyone from suffering as you have, and that is the mark of the finest man I have ever had the privilege of knowing."

Bruce leaned forward, placing his hands to his temples in an effort to find the strength to continue.

"Alfred, have I really made any difference in those efforts? Sure I have put some criminals away, but if we were balance the ledger where would the real account lay? Before I started there was no Joker, Poison Ivy, Bane, Riddler, and Penguin. Does the pittance I have been able to accomplish really justify my bringing such people into Gotham at the least and quite possibly into existence? As many times as I catch them and stop them, it is never before they have hurt people, never before they start the cycle anew."

There it was. Alfred knew something had been eating away at Master Bruce for months now, but had been unable to draw it out until tonight. For the first time in many years Alfred was unsure of how to proceed. He knew that he was walking into a minefield and that one wrong step could destroy everything. How to proceed, point out that Master Bruce had been there to take in Dick, Jason, and Tim? That could work, or it could open up the guild of Jason's death, and the fears that he had taken Dick and Tim and molded them into weapons in his own personal image. What about the founding of the League?

"Master Bruce, what about all of the good you were able to accomplish as one of the founders of Justice League, how you were able to take people that were used to working as individuals and focusing them as a team. Sir, in my opinion you have above all else have become the very soul of the League, guiding them onto a path towards goodness."

Alfred saw the look on Master Bruce's face and instantly knew that he had made the wrong choice. Though he could not understand why, he knew that Bruce had as close a friendship as he could have in Clark. He knew that Bruce had become close to John, Wally, Jonn, and Shayera. He also knew of the caring and tempest that raged in his master for Diana. Why had this presented itself in such a fashion? He did not know, but he knew he had to address it quickly.

Before Alfred could speak, Bruce began to.

"The Justice League, what a great idea that was. Alfred do you know that almost every time we encounter an alternate version of the League that they have taken control of their worlds, or are criminals beyond anything we have? Look at the reality of the situation; I have helped to create an organization where two of the founders are immortals. Forget the fact that they have the most physical power, how replete is history with examples of what happens with people too much power lose contact with the things that ground them, keep them human. And what do I do, in a move of sheer brilliance I help these people become friends and isolate themselves from the very people they are sworn to protect. Then to top it all off I help place them in a golden tower looking down on humanity."

There it was, Alfred thought. Master Bruce is afraid he has helped to create one of the things he has dedicated his entire life to helping to prevent. The powerful lording themselves over others. Alfred saw his misstep, but saw no way to proceed forward without causing further harm. So he did the only thing he could think to do, sit silently and wait for a path to avail itself.

"Alfred what do you think would happen if I quit?"

"Sir, quitting the League?"

"No, if I quit being Batman."