May spread its light on the Enchanted Forest. Thin golden rays seemed to pour down from the emerald leaves, eager to splash the ground with their brilliance. The wind sang the dew away and echoed in the branches. The ivy that covered the frontage of the cottage softly quivered, and lulled the whole clearing. The sun was now less lazy and got up earlier, as if impatient to see the world. It was a simple spring morning, calm and peaceful. Only the swirling smoke coming out from the chimney and the muffled laughters stated otherwise.

Emma pushed the front door and a magical vision welcomed her: her husband and her daughter, sitting at the kitchen table, a pot fuming in the hearth.

"Good morning, love," Killian said, his grin soon covered by concern when she dropped her quiver by the door. He tilted his head to the side. "Should I do it again?" he asked.

"Mommy has been bad again?" the little girl asked. Her sea green eyes were sparkling with mischief, and her dark, curly hair so messy she looked like a little devil.

Her parents burst into laughing in unison. "Yes, Lily," Killian finally managed to say, poking her nose, "your mommy has been bad again." His eyes then landed on his wife. "Emma, you shouldn't be hunting in your condition."

She sighed and took off her cloak, letting the small bump show. "I am not spending the remaining months of my pregnancy locked up inside this house."

"Always complaining, your Majesty. Is it so bad, staying here with your daughter and husband?"

"Don't ever contradict a pregnant woman, you fool." She sat by his side and whispered to his ear: "Don't you remember what happened the last time?"

Killian kissed her on the cheek and smirked. "I'm afraid I do, and this young lass' ears are far too young to hear about it."

"Daddy, I want my hot chocolate!" Lily begged, her little arms crossed over her chest.

"This one knows what she wants too," Killian sighed, eyeing his wife who repressed a smile. He got up and took the pot before pouring its contents into three bowls.

The warm and creamy liquid smelled delicious, and one winter day spent with her pirate invaded Emma's mind. "Spain, 1585, right?" she said. Killian kissed the top of her head knowingly and sat by her side and in front of his daughter. The latter took her bowl, impatient.

"Lily, be careful, it might be hot," Killian warned.

The little girl nodded and dived the tip of her finger into the mixture. A small and cheeky smile appeared on her sleepy face, and her parents knew she was about to do something very, very stupid.

"Lily Orfhlaith Jones," Emma said, "don't you dare..."

But it was too late. Emma's face was now covered in chocolate, from her forehead to her chin. Killian shook with laughter, seeing his poor princess so messy. She opened her eyes, her lashes more brown than black, and smiled darkly to him. "Oh, are you laughing at me, Captain Hook?"

It was not good when she called him "Captain Hook". "Captain" was fine. It was really fine if you know what I mean, for she used it in... heated times. But "Captain Hook" was... ominous. Especially considering he did not wear that hook anymore, it had been replaced by a fake hand when Lily was born. "Honey, don't..."

The dreadful pirate was now covered in chocolate too. Emma chuckled as she imagined his crew seeing him this way. She would have to tell Smee when Killian joins them for his monthly trip. He had not abandoned the sea. Emma would not have let him give up the Jolly Roger, even though he had insisted when he had learned she was pregnant with Lily. The sea was a part of him, so they made a deal: he would get involved in the realm's trade and give up his pirate life. After all, the daughter of he King and Queen of Elanoriah could not be married to a pirate, could she? Even though Emma had left the castle and the royal way of life, she had not broken off all contact with her family, on the contrary. She did not have the heart to leave them. Now she could feel, she loved them with all she had, catching up with all the years spent without emotions. They often visited Eurwen and Snow-White and Charming came visiting their cottage from time to time. Kalyana was crazy about her niece and spent a lot of time with her. Life was finally sweet, kept from all evil, or at least the doings of Rumplestiltskin, who had been imprisoned. He was nothing but the shadow of himself, the loss of Bae was too much to bear... It was as if all evil had left him. No bitterness, no spirit of revenge. Just guilt and pain. Emma pitied him, she really did. But his fate made her feel even more lucky to have a family.

Killian got up and caught his daughter in his arms, making her twirl. He kissed her face and left chocolate marks on her pale skin. "No, daddy, no, you're cheating!" she laughed. Emma smiled and sighed with content. This was why life was worth living for. She placed her hand on her heart and felt it beating, not to check it was still there. Just to savor the moment.

She was not the Orfhlaith anymore. She was not heartless anymore. She was Emma Jones, married to the love of her life, mother of an adorable yet stubborn little girl and soon mother of another child. She was love.

She was whole, two hearts beating in her body, and two other hearts in her soul.

A/N: Here we are, this journey is now over. It has been my pleasure to share this story with you, and I want to thank each and everyone of you for supporting me, reviewing, following and favoriting this fic. This long break may have caused the story to fall short, I don't know, but I'm proud I finished it, and more willing to write something else than ever! See you soon then, and thank you :)

PS: Their daughter's called Lily because of the lily of the valley, which represents the "return of happiness, purity of heart, sweetness, tears of the Virgin Mary, you've made my life complete, humility, happiness, love's good fortune". It is also reminiscent of Emma's mother (chapter 13).

EDIT 30/08/14: to the guest who just left a review

First, thanks a lot for your review, I'm glad you enjoyed this story. About the typing/grammar mistakes, I am French and this story wasn't beta'ed, so this is the main explanation ^^ I'm not 100% fluent in English, not yet at least! As for the rest, yes, it is an easy slide for them. I took a one-year break from this fic because I was studying abroad, and when you take such a long break it's hard to get back to it. So I admit, I wanted to end this story to start a new one, or just to have the satisfaction to have one complete story. Plus, let's not forget the fairytale spirit I wanted to gave: this is a happy ending, it's not meant to be very realistic. Indeed, I could've taken some more time to talk about Rumple and the way he delt with his son's death, but I like to think he simply realized he didn't show his love to his son enough or that his obsession with power was pointless... And yeah, Emma's parents accepted her new way of life. I actually don't think it's that strange or out of character, I think they would've accepted it even in the series. We're talking about Snow White and Prince Charming here, and considering their pasts they couldn't refuse. But it's my fault, I should've written that instead of simply adding it here ^^ Still, thank you so much for sharing your opinion, it's always very interesting and, above all, useful. I'm planning on re-vamping this story and hunting the mistakes here and there, but I'm afraid it will never be perfect. I am still a Frenchie after all. Thanks, again!