I am so sorry for not updating sooner! I honestly feel really bad. I've been really busy. I have basketball every day of the week, tutoring two days a week, Destination Imagination on Wednesdays, and soccer on the weekends, so my life just got really hectic.

In other news...I have begun to insult people by quoting Shakespeare. Thank you Hank Green.

Review and Read On!

- Emily

"Dad?" The man slipped an arm under her knees and the other under her neck. Lifting her up, he walked out of the alley.

"Yes, and I am so, so sorry." He said. Maia seemed to snap to attention.

"Put me down." She said, her voice hard as stone.


"Put me down!" She said, louder and with more force. Not wanting to draw attention, he obeyed. He did, however, wrap his arm around his daughters shoulders to prevent her from running away.

"Listen, I just want to talk to you." He said. Maia stared straight ahead.

"There is nothing to talk about." Maia said harshly. She was aware of the blood dripping down onto her shirt from her nose, but she made no attempt to stop it.

"Yes, there is. Please, let me talk." He said. Her fathers words were much softer. Once no response came from Maia, he began talking.

"Maia, I'm sorry. I can't stress that enough. I feel terrible. I haven't slept in weeks." Maia looked up at him only to see black circles under his eyes.

"Why did you do it?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper. Jacob bit his bottom lip and continued walking. He didn't say a word until they reached the docks. He let go of his daughter should and walked to the edge of the wood and sat down, his feet dangling over the water. Maia thought for a moment. Could she trust him? She could easily turn and run back to the lodging house, like Jack had said to do. However, she knew that deep down she had to face her father sooner or later. After taking a deep breath, she walked over and sat down beside him.

"When I was being brought up, it wasn't easy. I had two little sisters, a dead mother, and a lazy father. I had to work hard shifts, as did my sisters. I hated seeing them come home at late hours, dirty through the skin and clothes torn. Their eyes were lifeless instead of the happiness a little girl should show. They left at early hours, most of the time not getting more than four hours of sleep. I hated it. I tried shortening their work hours, but I couldn't. We needed money, and a factory seemed to be the only way we could afford to live. One day, when I was just turning eight-teen, I came home from work only to find only one sister there. The other had died in an accident with a machine at work. Of course, I blamed myself. I didn't know what to do. Father had run out on us a few years back, leaving us to starve, and I certainly didn't feel ready to be completely responsible for my teenage sister. So, I sent her to an orphanage. She was adopted by a loving, richer family, and I haven't heard from her since." He stopped, a tear streaming down his face. Maia felt hollow inside. He had never told her this.

"So, when Andrew came along I swore for a better life for him. I would always be there for him, but I guess I failed him. Then, we had you. You looked so much like my dead sister when she was younger, I vowed you would never have to work under the conditions she did until you were old enough to get a fair job. Of course, Andrew had to take on extra work- which never was fair, I will admit. However, I couldn't look at you without feeling a pang of guilt. As you grew older, and you wanted to get a job to support the family, I could only imagine my sister in the factory, probably screaming as the machine took her life." Maia put a comforting hand on his knee as she watched his tears fall faster.

"You don't have to tell me the rest." She said. Jacob wiped his eyes.

"No, I do. I want you to know. How can I beg forgiveness if you never knew the reasons for my actions? Anyway, when you became a newsie and were part of the strike, I panicked. I was shocked. I was scared about what could happen to you. So, I threw you out. It was the worst mistake of my life, and I knew it once I did it. I did the same thing with my other sister. I didn't know what to do, I panicked, and I sent her away. It seems to be how I handle things, isn't it? I give up/ Well, I knew I had to change that. I learned that you were with those newsboys, so I had Snyder come after you. In court, I lied to make sure you would be placed in the Refuge. At least if you were in there I knew you were safe. You would be safe from New York, and even better safe from me."

Maia let this information settle in, taking deep breaths.

"But now I see I was all wrong. Maia, your a very capable young woman. Your smart, your strong, and you can handle yourself. I'm so sorry it took me this long to realize that. Will you ever forgive me?" He asked. Maia looked up at him and a tear slid down her face.

"I love you, dad." She said, throwing her arms around him. He hugged her back.

"I love you, Maia. Please, don't forget that. Now, let's get you back to the lodging house, okay?" He said. She dried her eyes on the hand of her hand.

"So, I can still stay with them? And sell papers?" She asked. He laughed.

"What kind of person would I be if I threw them out of my house then forced them back in?" Maia smiled.

"Thanks." She said. He nodded to her, and they walked to the lodging house.

"Maia! What happened to your nose!" Race exclaimed, rushing her to the couch. He forced her to lay down and sat down at her feet. Mush came in with a wet cloth and handed it to her. She cleared off all of the dry blood and set the cloth down.

"Well, I went out to talk to Jack. He talked to me for a minute or so, then he told me to get back to the lodging house. Nothing I said would get through his thick skill. I was walking back and the Delancey Brothers pulled me into an alley. Morris had wrapped his arms around me, so I couldn't use my fists. Morris threw me against the wall and I smacked my head. Oscar kicked me in the shin, saying that "Pulitzer wanted to teach the newsies a lesson about fighting back". I punched Morris in the gut, so that delayed him, but Oscar was right behind me and nailed me in the nose. I flew back onto my back but then someone stopped them." She said, avoiding all eye contact. She was slightly embarrassed that the Delanceys had soaked her.

"Who was it?" Mush asked. A smile slipped onto her face.

"My dad," she said, but noticing the hardening looks on some of the boys faces she added, "-but he has completely changed! We were talking and he apologized and we talked everything out. He's letting me continue being a newsie and stay here." A few boys seemed to relax, but Mush and Race kept their faces cold.

"I still don't trust him, but I'm glad he stepped in against the Delanceys. When I get my hands on them..." Race said.

"Wait, but what I don't understand is how you could beat both of them up almost twice, but now they got the better of you?" Mush asked. Maia looked down at her hands.

"I don't know. Bad day?" She tried. A few of the boys muttered agreements.

"Yeah, that must of been it." Race said. HE glanced up at Mush. They both had the same expression.

We need to talk.

I hope that wasn't to bad! What do you think of Maia's dad? Do you forgive him? Or do you still hate him? Review!

Thanks guys!

- Emily