Shingeki no Kyojin

Pairing: Levi x Eren Jaeger
Rating: M

Summary: Part-time working student, Eren Jaeger, happens to live a normal carefree and busy college life. Until a most fateful encounter follows, stirring up some unfathomable memoirs. Modernized!ReincarnationAU.

A/N: A little introduction about this would be a must-read just to let interested readers know where this story will be going. As summary says, this is a reincarnated story that dwells in the era of the 21st century but expect that there will be historical flashbacks (mostly based from the manga/anime) occurring in further chapters.

For the characters, I'll be debriefing the others in a slow pace since attempting new characters would take me some time to grasp them so I'm sorry in advance for that but I'll try my best. I might try and add a few pairings so we'll see how it would go.

And like I mentioned, this is greatly focused on Levi and Eren. Also a little heads up, I really have no clue when it comes to international school system so I decided to stick with my local college and others. I've been so anxious and excited to work on this so I hope this would be worth it.

Hope you'll enjoy reading!

**Edited (7/17): I've rated Mirror's Edge to M since FF dot net apparently deleted my story with a warning of "Story Not Found: Code 1" for no damn reason. I've also decided to stick to my old writing style for a change of pace and I had to rewrite this twice because I accidentally (stupidly) closed the file without saving sobs.

*I took the time to edit some of my chapters, thank you to my friend, Zeriku, and Suave Asphyxiation for the necessary corrections.

Disclaimer: I still do not own Shingeki no Kyojin nor its characters except I still claim a piece of ravioli.

The sky was painted in orange, bordering on red, mirroring the hell that was underneath it. Fire feasted upon the shattered remains of houses while people scattered about in panic, their thunderous footsteps were accompanied by their high-pitched cries. Despite every single one of them going in different directions through the narrowed alleyways up to the open streets, they all had a similar goal: to find their own escape. But no matter where they will go, there is no escape from their maddening world encrypted as hell.

Panting harshly, a ten year old boy frantically dashed down the road, silently telling his short legs to move faster. He paid no attention to the scene of carnage that has replaced his hometown, ignoring the bodies of those he once knew. He heard the cries of those mourning for their lost family and friends, but he couldn't stop and mourn with them, for he wanted to make sure that his house was still standing and completely unharmed from the huge impact.

He chased away his unruly imagination to calm his anxiety. As he turned at the last corner of the street...

"No," The child's voice quivered in fear as he dropped onto the ground. His muscles ached as he gave one last push with all his strength and continued toward the demolished cabin, his one and only home.

His head throbbed against the strange sensation as the scenario before him suddenly shifted. Upon realization, both of his hands were positioned under a broken wooden pillar. With all his might, the boy pried to hoist up the obstruction, however, the extreme weight of the log didn't budge in its place not even an inch.

Grimacing, he exerted himself to lift the heavy wood while the sharp splints carved in deeper into his fingers. But the boy deliberately ignored the pain. He really had no clue on what was going on around him. The only thing he knew was that he was trying to save something- no, more like, somebody.

Frustration and anger boiled inside him as he held back the tears from streaming down on his face. At a distance, he could hear the vibration of angry bloodcurdling roars and in came stomping of large footsteps. A bad sign, he thought in instant panic.

An invincible strong force interrupted his attempts out of nowhere as it started to pull him away from the ruined site.

"H...Wait-!" The child screamed, prying himself off its tight grasp, "What're you doing?! Our..."

"...You must stay alive!" Loud faint words of a woman pleaded for him to hear. The boy looked up at the fallen building until he spotted an unrecognizable image of a person.

"Please don't..."

It was pretty clear that the message was addressed to him.

And by the sound of her cries, hope was at a loss for her.

He was sure that she was definitely scared.

"Don't leave me..."

Greyish blue eyes snapped open as he jerked into sudden wakefulness. A teenage boy rose up on his bed with hair tangled in a distraught bed hairstyle. That. That was strange, he thought as he ran a hand over his face to his messed-up hair.

He breathed out a sigh. Transfixing his gaze towards the right side of the room, a clock dangled. 7:25 in the morning, it read. "Great..." He bemused out a lazy groan, lying back down on his ruffled bed with its white sheets and blanket disheveled in a crude clutter.

It was too early for him to get up before his alarm triggered off. Sluggishly rubbing off the drowsiness from his hazed eyes, he was obviously not pleased at his uncalled for wake-up call. It was the strangest dream. And not, the pleasant kind. The boy tried to recall on what it was about but to no avail, the memory of it fluttered far off somewhere in his subconscious.

To be honest, he was sort of relieved that it wasn't real and just thinking about it was completely pointless. After all, it was only nothing but some weird fantasy.

Breaking off the brooding silence, his phone rang from his small bedside table. The alarm was an incoming call since his ringtone of choice was an upbeat song of a well-famed band. He shifted to reach for it before the ongoing chorus ended (Still I'd trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterd-), "...Hello?" He lazily greeted his caller, not bothering to check on the contact details since he already knew who it was.

"Morning," The boy restrained a dreary yawn but failed to do so, "I could tell you just woke up from a good sleep."

"Mornin' to you too," Again, he gave another yawn, " I wouldn't say it was a good one though."

"Having nightmares like a little child? How very grown up of you." He could imagine the gleeful face on the other line as he rolled his eyes. "I called to check up on you and I also managed to leave you some food in the microwave so just heat it up a bit if it got cold."

Transferring the phone to his left, he sat on the edge off his bed then stood up. "Thanks," He replied, strolling across his usual unkempt room to the hallway, "But I'd seriously appreciate it if you'd stop treating me like one."

Wandering through the narrow hall, he made his way to the kitchenette. "I'm just making sure nothing bad happens to you." On the kitchen counter, he leaned an arm against it and pulled open the little microwave door. A quartered portion of sausage and egg casserole for breakfast was waiting for him inside."You made this?" He gestured, bringing out the meal.

"I spared my free time to try out a new recipe that I recently came across on. It wasn't really that hard," He withdrew a fork as he opened one of the kitchen drawer. "Although, it's not quite what I expected but I wanted you to take a taste-try."

He sliced a small portion of the meal then brought it close to his mouth and began to eat it, "Do you like it?"

"It's not that bad," He commented back through hungry munches. Once his morning feast was done, a satisfying grin grazed upon his lips, "It's actually quite delicious...I like it."

There was a soft chuckle of embarrassment emitted from the other line, "Guess I'll have to whip up some more then." Before he could continue their conversation, he heard some slight shuffling sound and a muffled voice at the end. "Hey, Annie and I are heading off for our morning class so I'll talk to you later then."

"Alright alright, later." He replied, knowing how it was important for the person to be on time. With that done, he earned himself a quick goodbye from his caller and they both ended the call. His phone was now left on the counter.

The empty platter was briskly disposed in the kitchen sink along with the other unwashed dishes and utensils. Beforehand, he did plan on washing them and if he didn't start on them sooner, he'll be scolded for that. He retraced back his steps down the hall but instead of his room, he headed for the bathroom. Guess it was about time for him to get ready.

Today, twenty-year old Eren Jaeger claimed, was going to be a long, busy day.

A/N: Eren's finally introduced (not much) so in the next chapter will be more about himself, college life and more characters. I'm sorry for such a short start and if any of the characters are not really in character. I'll work on the next one soon so to be continued!