I sincerely apologize for taking such a long time! *bows head in shame*

Chapter 3


"Hello Sensei" we said as we entered the classroom.

"Hello Mogami, Kotonami." Shouko Aki replied with a smile.

We went to sit in our seats. I was regretting taking this class. No-that wasn't right. Singing was just not like me. I never thought about singing before joining this class. At first, when I was still naive of course, I took this class just to be with Sho, but now, I was truly enjoying learning. This class was quite interesting because of sensei and because I improved so much. Its just that it would have been so much better without those two. Only two weeks into the school year and I was having so many issues. Moko isn't like me of course. She has the best intentions to join this class. To help broaden her range of skills to become an actress. She is amazing really, having the ambition to become the best actress in Japan.

"Don't look but trouble-number-one is here." Moko glared at the door.

Sho skipped greeting sensei and came straight towards us. "Hello, pretty thing." He smiled his disgusting you-can't-help-but-love-me smile at Moko. 'Moko won't be taken in by that stupid smile you idiot.'

Moko ignored him and turned towards me once more. "Kyoko, its really weird. I think I'm going crazy. I'm hearing noises in my head."

I smirked. "Its probably just a bug annoying you. Those pests go away when you ignore them long enough."

Her expression became more thoughtful and I think I saw a sinister look in her eyes. "I think its much better to squash those… disgusting things."

Sho was shocked for a second. 'I don't know why, Moko has been ignoring him forever.' His expression turned angry and offended but then he schooled it to unimpressed and bored. "Oh stop playing hard to get already. You don't need to do that. You're pretty enough to be my girlfriend."

"Oh! Come off of it! I'm never going be your stupid ass's girlfriend and be your slave like you made Kyoko." She gave him her deluxe-glare.

"That's only cause Kyoko's plain, boring, and unsexy. There wasn't anything else she was fit to do. I don't know what someone like you is doing with her." He smirked.

'Breathe. Don't let this dolt get to you. You must keep calm.' "I will never let you touch Moko! She can have anyone so why would she choose you? I admit I was stupid when I went out with you." I spit those words out. "You said to not let anyone know because it would protect me!" I said sarcastically. 'What did I expect of the guy that only thinks of himself?!' "When I heard you say that it was impossible for you to go out with me because I was plain, I let it go because I thought you didn't actually think like that. When I couldn't bear that little bitch, Mimori, saying that you were hers, I spilled everything hoping that you would defend me! And what did you say? Oh yes I remember- ''I don't know in which dream you heard that but I would never go out with such a creepy stalker that is obsessed with me. You're so plain and unsexy. Keep dreaming and stop spouting nonsense."- now everyone thinks that I'm a crazy psycho-stalker that no one dares talk to, let alone befriend." Moko gave me a stern look and I cooled down a bit.

"That Beagle still likes you," he said with a contorted face that meant he was trying to hold back his laughter. "You should take this chance Kyoko. He's probably the only one that will ever like someone like you."

"I'm very happy to see you talking about me," the beagle said from right behind me. I yelped. 'How does he do that?' "Mio decided that she wants to be mine?"

"Mio?!" we all said at once.

"I decided to name your alluring dark personality that. You know, the one when you get super angry and KABOOM, all your grudges come out."

'I see. It's when I'm angry about Sho. Hmph that's not me at all. Even he doesn't like all of me. Not that I want himto of course but it still hurts.' "You're not getting me, nor are you getting Mio."

"Oh come on," he said with his piercing stare, "You-

"Class is starting! Get to your seats!"

Sho went to his seat closest to Sensei (We all know why) and Reino took the seat right behind me. *Shiver* We started our warm ups. "a aa AAA aa a…... a aa aaa AAAA aaa aa a"

Moko had a pretty good voice and I guess I'm okay(Moko said so) but its easy to tell that Sho and Reino are both gifted with really good voices. Although they both slack off most of the time, this is the only class they take seriously since its their dream. Though most of the time they're asses, this is probably the only part that I admire(of course I will deny it) about them. They know what they want to do with the rest of their lives.


When class ended, I could tell Kyoko was in her slump again. "Mo Kyoko you know you still have a lot of time to decide!"

She lit up. "Aw you know me so well!"

'Of course I do. You've stuck to me like a leech. Not that I mind-I mean Yes I know her practically inside and out' "Hey, how about this? You come to drama club with me after school tomorrow!" I could tell she was trying to protest so I spoke before she could. "No I don't want to take excuses! Last time you said you had a lot of homework but I'm not letting you get away this time! Your work starts at six so you have plenty of time. Look, just try it out and if you don't like it, you don't have to come after! You don't know that you'll be bad at it if you've never tried." I glared at her as she avoided my gaze. Yup. She was definitely guilty of that one. "And even if you are, its nothing hard work can't fix. But hey, who knows, you might just find it to be another talent of yours!" I smiled at her.

I didn't know then how right I was.

So I'm getting Kyoko into drama club! xD

Should Kuon be there or already be acting in LME or something? Also its a bit late but should he look like Ren or Kuon? I want to have Kyoko meet Kuu and not know that Kuon is his son! And also not have her know that Kuon is Corn!

Please review and let me know! :)