Author's Note: Hey everyone! Sorry this took so long to update! I was originally having this up last Tuesday, but last week got really stressful with assignments and computer malfunctions. I managed to finish it, though! I hope you all enjoy it! Thanks for sticking with me! I aprreciated all the reviews, favourites and follows!

Disclaimer: The Mentalsist is not owned by me, sadly.

"Hello, Lisbon." Jane strolled into Lisbon's office on Friday evening.

Lisbon glanced up at him. "Hello, Jane." Everything had basically gone back to normal at work. Jane got his memory sorted out and it was pretty much back to business as usual.

"You almost done with your paperwork?"

"I guess. Why?"

"Well, if I recall correctly, we're due for a talk."

Lisbon looked up at him, shocked. "What?"

"Come on. You remember, Teresa." Jane said, gently.

"You really still…?"

"I told you I meant it."

Lisbon was very surprised. "I've just…I've got a few pages left to do."

Jane nodded and sat down on her office couch. "I'll wait."

Lisbon went back to her work, now a little bit flustered that Jane actually still wanted to talk to her. She had counted on him changing his mind. What was going to happen now that he hadn't? Everything seemed to be happening so fast, but so slow at the same time as she finished her paperwork, filed it away and took a seat next to Jane on her office couch.

"How are you feeling?" Jane inquired.

Lisbon looked at him, confused. "Fine. Yourself?"

"I'm good." Jane nodded. "I've had a lot of time to think."


"It's funny how forgetting everything gave me some real clarity."

Lisbon just continued to look at him, unsure of what to say or do.

"I meant all of it, Teresa. I knew I meant it then, and I know that I still mean it now. Maybe you were right to have us wait until now to talk, because this past week has really assured me of what I want and how I feel."

"Mhm…" Lisbon shifted in her seat.

"You seem uncomfortable. I made sure the team was gone home before I came to talk to you. I know you weren't going to come to me. It's just us, Teresa."

"I know that." Lisbon said. "I'm just surprised. I'm not sure how to react right now."

Jane reached over and placed a hand on top of hers, which were clasped together on her lap. "That's okay. I know I haven't always made it so easy for you to trust me and I really am trying to fix that. I didn't even pull any shenanigans on this last case. I told you everything."

Lisbon thought back to the case they had all just closed. He was right. She really had known everything from start to finish. He had told her everything. Sure, he'd ruffled a few rich people feathers here and there, but he had been completely honest with her. That was big.

Jane smiled when he saw the pleased realization cross her face. "I'll admit, it's a lot easier that way.

"Thank you." She said.

"No need to thank me. It's what I should have been doing all along."

Lisbon smiled slightly.

"That being said, I know you're unsure about us as being more than colleagues, but I'd like to take you out. Tomorrow night, actually."

Lisbon was very surprised and her cheeks began to darken as she just looked at Jane, wide eyed. "What?"

"I'd like to take you out tomorrow night. On a date."

Lisbon's mouth fell open slightly and she tried to speak, but couldn't force any words out at first. "What about Charlotte and Angela?" She finally managed.

"They're still important to me. You're not a replacement, though. I promise."

"And Red John?"

Jane looked her in the eye. "When I had amnesia, it was really lonely. I know I had you guys, but I still felt alone because I didn't have my memories so I was still out of place. But at the same time, it was liberating. Now I remember what life felt like before Red John happened. I forgot what it felt like to be free of him. Now I remember everything and I've realized that if I keep up what I'm doing, I'll be free of Red John, but I'll still feel lonely even after he's gone. I'm scared that if I wait until he's gone, then it'll be too late."

"Too late for what?"

"For me to be happy. For us."

"Us?" Lisbon repeated.

"Me and you. I don't want to push you away anymore."

"So, why did you?"

"He can't take you, too."

"He's not going to." Lisbon told him.

"You don't know that."

"I can protect myself. I'm a cop."

"O'Laughlin shot you. He could have killed you. Red John has already almost taken you."

"How would us dating solve that?"

"It won't. Nothing can, except his death. But, either way, we'll be together and I won't have to push you away. I can at least try to keep you safe."

"Tomorrow night?"

Jane smiled brightly. "Yes."

"I think I can do that."

"Good. Wear something kind of fancy."

"We better not be going to a pricy restaurant."

"Not to worry. We're not." I'll see you tomorrow night then. I'll pick you up at six." He leaned forward and gave Lisbon a kiss on the cheek before strolling out of her office.

Lisbon stared after him, wondering if she'd just made a mistake. But, mistake or not, she was excited for Saturday night.


Lisbon looked at herself one last time in the mirror. Was this fine? Too dressy? Not dressy enough? How was she supposed to know? He was so vague. Little black dresses were supposed to be useful for most situations, right? Whatever. She thought to herself. I'm not changing now. She had her hair all curled and her makeup done. She wasn't going to mess that up to change dresses. She headed downstairs to get her shoes and jacket on. She was just making sure that she had everything she needed when there was a knock at her door. She slipped her purse over her shoulder and opened the door.

"G-" Jane looked her up and down. "Good evening."

Lisbon blushed slightly at his appreciation. "Hi."

"Are you ready?" He smiled.

Lisbon nodded and stepped out the door, locking it behind her. "Where are we even going?"

"Jane. I hate surprises." They headed towards Jane's car.

"Patrick." He corrected her. "Don't be ridiculous. Yes you do. You love mysteries. That's why you're a detective. Besides, you'll like this one either way."

"The fact that you're so sure of yourself worries me a little."

"No need for worry tonight, Teresa." Jane opened the passenger side door of his car for her. Once the door was shut after she was seated, Jane hurried around to the driver's side and got in, starting the car.

"Can't you at least give me a hint?"


"You're impossible." Lisbon rolled her eyes.

Jane just smiled

It didn't take them very long to make it to their destination.

"Italian?" Lisbon asked, looking over at Jane.

"Yes. Why do you seem so surprised? You like Italian."

"Well, yeah. But-"

Jane was out of the car before she could even finish her reply.

Lisbon undid her seatbelt and he door was opened for her by Jane, who also offered his hand to help her out of the car. It was a good thing, too. She was not very good in heels.

Jane locked the car door and they headed toward the restaurant, Jane's hand resting on Lisbon's lower back.

"Two for the reservation under Jane." Jane told the hostess.

She checked the list and scribbled something down before grabbing two menus. "Your table is ready. Follow me."

Lisbon took in the restaurant's interior as they followed the hostess to their table. It was very cozy with little white lights hung from the ceiling and a dance floor in the middle of it all that was being put to use by a few of the patrons. One wall was made of glass and provided a beautiful view of the Sacramento river and their table was right next to that wall. The hostess left after informing them that their waiter would be with them shortly and then Jane pulled a chair out for Lisbon.

"Thank you. So chivalrous." Lisbon teased as she sat down. "So, did you plan for this table specifically, or was it just a lucky coincidence for you?"

"I asked for this table, of course." Jane grinned at her. "Only the best."

Lisbon blushed as she glanced down at the table and then picked up her menu. Jane also picked up his menu and looked over it until their waiter appeared a few minutes later.

"Can I start you off with something to drink?" Their waiter-Antonio, according to his name tag-asked in a light Italian accent.

Jane gestured for Lisbon to order first.

"Uh, just a glass of red wine, thanks."

"Make that two." Jane said.

"Okay." Antonio jotted that down. "Would you like a few more minutes to look over the menu?"

"Yes." Jane answered.

"I'll be right back with your drinks, then." Antonio nodded and headed off.

"You looking at the spaghetti and meatballs?" Jane asked, looking over his menu at Lisbon, who looked back at him, surprised.


"A magician never reveals his secrets." Jane winked.

"So, it was a lucky guess." Lisbon looked back at her menu, but wasn't actually reading it anymore. She had already decided on spaghetti and meatballs.

"No, it was more than a lucky guess." Jane assured her.

"So what are you getting then, smartypants?"

Jane smiled. "I'm looking at the pasta parmesan."

"You're getting all your carbs."

"We can use them when we hit the dance floor." Jane replied.

Lisbon looked back at the dance floor where the music had changed to something a bit faster paced and a few patrons twirled happily.

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself. The food has to impress me first." Lisbon smirked.

"Oh, it will." Jane told her.


"What's the verdict?" Jane inquired as they finished up their dinner.

"Wow." Lisbon breathed as she leaned back in her chair. "That's some of the best spaghetti I've ever had!"

"I told you the food would be good."

Lisbon rolled her eyes at him and then looked back down at the remaining bit of her meal. It was so good, but she was so full!

"Shall we go dance?" Jane suggested.

"I don't even know if I have the energy to get up."

"Come on, Teresa. You know you can." Jane got up and made his way to Lisbon's side of the table.

Lisbon took Jane's hand and allowed him to lead her onto the dance floor. They found a spot on the dance floor and stepped closer to each other, one of Jane's hands holding hers while the other circled her waist and her free hand was on his shoulder. They swayed gently to the music, Lisbon's head tucked gently against Jane's neck.

"You having fun yet?" Jane asked, smiling slightly.

"Maybe." Lisbon murmured.

"There's no point in trying to lie and hide it, Teresa."

"Shut up. I'm trying to enjoy myself and voice is getting in the way." Lisbon teased.

Jane chuckled. "Oh, I see how it is. I'm just your eye candy." He could feel her smile against his neck.

"If it helps, you're good at it."

"Oh, I feel so used."

"It's your fault. You asked me out tonight."

"And I'm glad that I did."

Lisbon lifted her head to look at him, cheeks flushed pink.

Jane smiled brightly at her and kissed her forehead, which earned him a deeper blush as she glanced away. "Well, there's something I don't usually see. A shy Teresa Lisbon."

"Shut up." Lisbon protested.

Jane chuckled.

They continued the dancing for the rest of the song in silence and when it finally ended, they stepped away from each other slightly.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Lisbon told him, sheepishly. "I'll be right back."

Jane nodded. "I'll wait for you at our table."

Lisbon nodded in return and headed for the bathroom.

It didn't take long before Lisbon met Jane back at their table.

"Hello there, beautiful stranger."

Lisbon looked away. "Hush."

Jane smiled. "How about one more dance, some dessert and then we'll head out?"

"Oh, I don't know if I have room for dessert."

"I'm sure you'll easily be able to find some when you see what I ordered us."

"Wait. You already ordered our dessert?"


"I can't even leave you alone for five minutes to go to the bathroom." Lisbon shook her head.

"Don't be so dramatic. I ordered something really nice."


"Don't be so skeptical, Teresa. Come on. We've got one more dance." Jane held out his hand.

"What if I changed my mind?"

"You're just trying to be difficult."

"Or maybe I've just changed my mind."

"It's a little late to try and play 'hard to get', Teresa."

"But you're worried that I'm not joking." Lisbon smirked.

"Not even close. If you really were opposed, you wouldn't have agreed to this in the first place."

Lisbon rolled her eyes.

"No need to roll your eyes, just because I'm right."

"I liked it a lot better when we were dancing and you didn't talk." Lisbon teased, taking Jane's hand.

"I'm going to let that slide for now." Jane said, pulling her back to the dance floor. When they found a spot Jane twirled her and then pulled her close again. Unfortunately, they had caught the very end of the current song that was playing and they waited a moment for the next one to start.

Lisbon lifted her head from Jane's shoulder to look at him when she recognized the tune of the next song. "Did you plan this?"

"Plan what?" Jane asked in fake cluelessness.

"The song. Did you request this song?"

"Yes." Jane told her. "I thought it would be appropriate. Don't you think so?"

Lisbon just smiled and returned her head to his shoulder.


"Thank you for tonight." Lisbon smiled as she and Jane stood in front of her door.

"Thank you for coming." Jane said.

Lisbon took a deep breath. "Would to come in? You can stay in the guest room again tonight, if you want. I feel bad making you go all the way back to the CBI.

"If you're really okay with it."

Lisbon nodded.

"How could I refuse, then?"

Lisbon unlocked the door and they both stepped in, Lisbon shutting and locking the door behind them.

"I'm just going to go upstairs and change." Lisbon told him. "There might be some tea in the kitchen or something if you want some."

"Sure. Thank you."

"No problem." Lisbon headed upstairs.

Jane draped his suit jacket carefully over a chair and then headed into the kitchen. It didn't take him long to find a box of tea. His favourite kind of tea, in fact. And it was completely unopened. She didn't have tea the last time he had been here. She must have gone out and bought it, just in case he had wanted some. Jane smiled. That was very sweet of her. Jane went about making them each a cup of tea. He was just pouring the tea into cups when Lisbon joined him in the kitchen.

"Here you are." Jane handed her one of the steaming cups.

"Thanks." Lisbon smiled and took it from him and took a seat at the kitchen table, Jane following suit.

"Thank you for buying tea. I'm flattered that you remembered which one is my favourite."

"I just grabbed the first one that I saw." Lisbon shrugged, blowing on the tea and then taking a sip.

Jane watched her, concluding very easily that she was lying. "Thank you, either way."

Lisbon just shrugged again.

"Did you enjoy yourself tonight?"

"Yeah. I had a really nice time." Lisbon smiled. "You chose a very nice restaurant."

"Thank you. I thought you'd like it."

"How did you even find it?"

"Some days I have a lot of time on my hands and I just stumble across those things."

"I'm glad you found that one."

"Me too."

They fell into silence for a few minutes before Jane spoke up again.

"Maybe we could go out again, then."

Lisbon took a drink from her tea to give herself time to process her answer before stupidly blurting something out. "You really want to go out again?"

Jane nodded. "You seem hesitant."

Lisbon looked at him and opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again before anything came out. She tried again. "I...I don't know, Jane."

"What do you mean?"

Lisbon bit her bottom lip. "I'm scared."

"Of what?"


Jane blinked in surprise.

"You change your mind constantly. It's always a guessing game with you. I still don't even know if you'll be here tomorrow. I appreciate the effort you're putting in to try and prove otherwise, but I'm still scared."

"I am sorry." Jane told her, sincerely. "I am so sorry that I have caused you to have so much doubt. I really am. I thought I was protecting you."

Lisbon leaned back in her seat, shaking her head as tears formed in her eyes. "From Red John. Yeah. I get it, Jane. That's the other issue. Do you even have room for anything or anyone else in your life? Sometimes I don't think you do."

"I have time for you, Teresa. I always will."

"It rarely ever feels that way."

"Is that how you feel right now?"

She returned his gaze. "No. But that doesn't mean things won't change tomorrow."

"They won't."

"I want to believe you. I do. But I don't think I could handle it if you changed your mind again."

"Teresa. I won't. I swear."

Lisbon just looked at him.

"Please, Teresa. Give me a chance. One more chance."

"I've given you plenty of those. Why should I give you another one?" Lisbon choked out.

Jane got up from his seat and walked over to her side of the table, gently pulling her to stand in front of him. "Because. I stayed for you. If I had really wanted to leave you behind, do you think I would have driven up to Malibu with you? Do you think I would have taken off my ring for just anyone?"

Surprised, Lisbon looked down at Jane's left hand, which was now void of his wedding band.

Jane tugged the chain he had put his wedding ring on that was hidden under his shirt collar.

Lisbon brought her hands to her mouth as tears fell down her cheeks when she caught sight of the ring that was no longer on Jane's finger. He had actually taken it off. For her. Not once, in all the years she'd known him, had she ever seen him without it on his finger. But now she had.

Jane hugged her tightly, tucking her head into the crook of his neck. "Please don't walk away from this. Don't walk away from me." He whispered hoarsely. "I need you. I really need you."

"Okay." Lisbon choked out, lifting her head from his shoulder. "Okay. I'll give this a chance. But you can't-" She took a moment to breathe. "You can't just change your mind later."

"I promise." Jane smiled, wiping at her cheek with his thumb. "I will never change my mind."

Lisbon sniffled. "Good. This is the only chance you're getting."

Jane smiled brighter and then leaned forward, catching her lips with his, gently. At first she was surprised, but then she relaxed and leaned into him.

"I really should have done this a long time ago." Jane said as he broke the kiss and hugged her tighter.

Author's Note: So, that's it for this story! Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you thought in a review.