I'm sorry. I'm only going to say this once because it really doesn't cover it. I understand the disappointment at a notice like this but I think it would be unfair to leave you all hanging. I'm not going to make excuses. I'm going to give you guys facts for why I've stopped updating.

Between finding out I'm going to be an aunt, 7 concussions, a chronic daily migraine (image having someone bore a cleaver into you head from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep then repeat everyday, you might get close.), being diagnosed with conversion disorder, depression, and anxiety, multiple hospitalizations, a suicide attempt, a sexuality and a gender (not crisis I guess revelation) and my computer breaking 3 times (not all exactly in that order) I think you can see why I haven't been active. I also have decided to abandon my multiple chapter fics. They are considered complete. If anyone wants to pick up where I left off you're welcome to them. I have left behind for the most part. My mental health is more important to me as well as the original fantasy series I am currently working on. Please don't yell at me, I've had an eventful two years and I'm not the same girl who posted those stories.

Goodbye and may you finish all your stories.