Chapter 7: Light of Hope

Ragna in a separate room, Shadow dashes for Kokonoe's lab, where Lambda should be healing. SHOULD BE. Kokonoe's door opened, showing a surprised Kokonoe as Shadow stopped with a small gust of wind.

"She's doing fine, don't worry." She said to him, but his head shook.

"Excuse me for not trusting your word." He answered, then entered after she goes to see Ragna. Seeing is believing, and he would not rest until he was certain of Lambda's continuing life.

There she was, inside the tank. Her vitals were shown on the monitor, heartbeat moving slow. Her eyes opened just as slowly, with a heartwarming smile towards her admirer. Their hands were blocked by the glass of the capsule, but their reunion was the same as if it was not there at all. His relief was followed with tears in his eyes, then noticing the Emerald in her free hand. She must not have wanted to let go of it, Shadow thought. She mouthed out words to him:

Go, I'll be fine. I love you.

"I love you too, Lambda." And Shadow vanished. Lambda held the Emerald to her heart.

"Alright," Kokonoe sucks her cat-pop, "Try moving it now."

Ragna complies and stretches the joint for a circular motion. Forward and backward. With he grin, he turned to Shadow, "I understand and appreciate your help, but why you, Kokonoe? I don't have anything to repay you with."

"Think of it as a favor to an old friend, who made a reunion since twenty years ago. Nothing has changed," Kokonoe sighs. "Now that I've no need for most of it, the stuff used in that arm was from Lambda's restoration tank."

"As much as I have reinforced its integrity, best not to push it too far." Shadow turns away, "Call me whenever you need my help."

"Alright, thanks much, Shadow. Wait!"

Shadow halts from exiting.

"I hope Lambda is still okay. I never got to properly thank her. She reminded me of Nu…"

"You'll be able to in due time. She is resting."

That is what Shadow told Ragna, but he was not sure about Lambda himself. He went back to double check, as Ragna went his way. Shadow smiled, seeing the heartbeat still active. She seemed to be sleeping. He kissed two fingers and pressed on the glass, where her sleeping face was near, then vanished to a port in Kagutsuchi. Tager was with Noel and her close friend Makoto Nanaya, a beastkin, if Shadow recalled correctly. They were already on their next mission, it seemed. Noel finished thanking Jubei and spotted Shadow, waving and calling him. He approached.

"It's been rough hasn't it…?" Noel spoke.

"Indeed," Shadow answered, "I regret facing you, even if you were being rescued. You reminded me of an old friend, as well as the promise we made. You're okay now, though, right?"

"Yep! I wouldn't be here without you!"

"Or Ragna."

"O-Or Ragna, you're right." She stammered

"This goes for Ragna, too. You and I have different powers, but they are otherwise ancient. I hope you continue to master your skills."

"Huh," Makoto came from behind her, "Never knew you had an admirer!"

"N-No I don't! I mean, I was rescued by him…"

"Heh, she reminds me of an old friend, that's all." Shadow shook his head.

"Ah? You don't see anything in her?" Makoto squinted at Shadow, and he sighed.

"I'm not the type of Beastkin to make many friends, let alone a relationship" Shadow lied, "My name is Shadow."

"Nanaya!" She said with hands on her hips, "Makoto Nanaya, pleased to meet a fellow Beastkin!"

"Likewise, now go. Can't keep Tager waiting. Chaos Control now."

A wave goodbye and Shadow vanished once more to an open plain occupied by Rachel and Hakumen looking over the field. As he approached, Hakumen departs, leaving Rachel and Shadow alone.

"What will be your next move?" She asked him, "Stay a little longer with Kokonoe?"

"I can only rely on her for so much, for so long," Shadow sighs, "After Lambda recovers, I'm getting her out of there… IF she recovers…"

"If Lambda passes? It is possible, you know."

"...I'll find whatever is left of Lambda's original Murakumo Unit and keep -cherish- it. If there is nothing then I'll have Kokonoe make an Idea petal from the restoration tank. I admit there are other ways to make a memorabilia, but fighting with her gave me happiness. Having a piece of her that I can use while fighting will keep her beside me."

Rachel observed Shadow's heavy breath and his lowered head. For such a reminder to disappear and cause his silence, possibly again. She saddened as she spoke.

"To have a deep connection to her, love is only appropriate. Search Ibukido first, when possible of course. If you require shelter, I shall provide."

"I am most grateful to you," Shadow bows, "But I must repay you."

"You have done more than enough during the Continuum Shift. Your own volition shall give guidance to your next act. I look forward to your endeavors, Shadow."

Shadow returns to the lab and sits in front of Lambda. The slow heart rate continued as she slept. His hand met the glass, then clenched it. She continued to sleep as the small noises were heard by the fist slammed on the desk.

"Lambda, you poor girl. Borne into torture and experimentation, a presumed death from the ruination of your 'home,' then brought back by experimentation once again. 'Once a weapon, always a weapon,' I refuse to believe that. My ancient power and the Idea Engine took too much. I swear to you, Lambda-11, that this will end, and you remain by my side. I know what it's like to be created for justice or destruction. I was the most successful life among a space station, used almost to nearly destroy a world."

Lambda opened her eyes as Shadow's was full of tears.

"My long lost friend is Maria, whom you resemble. Her death and my slight reprogramming turned a promise of happiness to that of revenge… After you reminded me of her, my promise glows brightly. Most deserve joy, whereas the imbalance of darkness must be brought to justice. I am sure as hell that I do not want to lose you, not from death, ever… I will attempt to search whatever is left of your Murakumo in Ibukido first, the first reason being it could help your recovery, otherwise to keep you with me in spirit."

"Shadow…" Lambda said, "I'll be waiting… for you…"

"Heh, my heart has been miraculously touched," Kokonoe startled Shadow, "I'll see if I can't do something here. For now, do what you promised her as I give the hibernation sequence a startup."

"I'll hold you to that," he answers, and dashes, vanishing from Chaos Control. His residence was with a room Rachel provided, his training assisted by her and the elder Six Hero, Valkenhayn. The powers of the Chaos Gems merged to him, the respective gem of each power he used was now a catalyst. As his strength gradually grew, his determination rose, hoping to find an end to this conflict and fulfill his promise once more. To stay together in a peaceful land.

Shadow Stories: Chaos Link End.

So ends the rewrite of this very first story of mine. As I write this, I am reworking on other stories, especially making changes in light of that specific series in question. I hope you enjoyed this and I will talk to you all later.