Author's Note: Well we have reached the end of this story. Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it.

Disclaimer: After 21 chapters I think you guys know this already, but just in case... I don't own Arrow

Oliver woke up first. He was complete surrounded by warmth and he can't think anything feeling more amazing. When he opened his eyes he was overtaken by perfect yellow hair. He knew had to get up and start his day, but the idea of removing himself from inside her body and leaving her in bed felt like it was the worst sin he could commit and he just couldn't pull himself to do it. He decided the day could wait a little longer and he just watched her sleep instead. He could have lost her. The events of the late night and early morning could have gone a completely different way and he wouldn't have her in his arms.

He pressed his face into her hair kissed her head and took in her smell. He loved her scent, it was one of his many addictions that sprung from Felicity. A small smile stretched his face when his memory goes back to a few hours ago when he indulged in his favorite Felicity addiction, one he was still technically indulging in.

Oliver looked upon her face again and he knew there was no way her was ever letting her go. He knows how to make that so that she can't leave him easily and he will do just that very soon. If Oliver gets his way with in the next couple years he is going to get it on paper and with the paper she is legally going to be his in every way, his partner, his best friend, his wife. He'd do it today if he thought she would go for it. But knowing Felicity the way he does she would say they had to wait longer, that she would want him to wait and see if that marrying her was something he really wanted to do. So Oliver will keep this ambition to himself for now, but it will happen.

Oliver couldn't tell you how long he watched her sleep before an idea came to him. He placed one more kiss on her head before he finally removed himself from her body and their bed. He looked down at her one more time before he sprang into action.

With his plan fully in motion he set off to do a couple other things he had to get done and calling Thea was number one was on that list. When he finally removed himself from bed he looked at his phone and he had a couple dozen missed calls from her with almost that many voicemails and half as many text messages.

So he pushed number three on his speed dial and only had to wait one ring before she answered, "Where's Felicity?!" Oliver was about to respond but Thea beat him to it, "What happened Ollie? First you come over here all freaked out and the then you say Felicity's name and then you took off... What is going on? She hasn't left you has she? What did you do?"

Oliver really tried but he couldn't stop the small smile stretch across his face at Thea's questions. He does love how fond they are of each other, "No she didn't leave me and I didn't do anything wrong." Oliver felt his smile leave his face, "It wasn't anything that simple. Some people from her past set it up to look like you were in danger so I would leave her here at the house and when I left they kidnapped her. They called me wanting ransom, but the Green Arrow saved her."

Thea didn't make a sound, if it wasn't for her breathing he would have thought that she hung up and then she finally spoke, "Please tell me that she is ok."

The smile returned to his face, "Yeah Speedy she is ok. She's sleeping right now. She did however want me to ask if you and Roy wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow night?"

"Of course! We'll see you guys tomorrow night. Now climb back in bed with your girlfriend, she might need the comfort. Bye Ollie."

"Bye Speedy."

Oliver put his phone down and then went to go finish his list of things to do. It took him about a hour and a half to finish everything else, get in touch with a small catering company to make dinner tomorrow night and then set up the menu for dinner tomorrow night. Then he went into the kitchen and grabbed a little bit of everything cheese, fruit, brownies without nuts, water, juice and placed it all on a huge platter then took it upstairs to his room. That way he and Felicity didn't have to leave his room all day and could spend the whole day in bed.

Thea and Roy arrived at the manor early so that Thea could see Felicity. As soon as Thea walked in the door she gave Oliver a quick hug and then went and threw her arms around Felicity like they were long lost friends. "Are you ok? What happened?"

Felicity laughed a little and that put a bigger smile on his face. "If its ok Thea, I'll answer your questions after the rest of the guests arrive at dinner so I only have to tell the story once."

"Oh yeah I guess that makes perfect sense. I'm just glad that you're ok."

Felicity pulled Thea into another hug and said, "Thank you... Me too."

The door bell went off and Oliver opened the door to see Diggle and Carly at the door and Oliver noticed they were one short and asked, "Where is the little one?"

Carly smiled at Oliver gave him a small kiss on his cheek and then answered, "He got invited to a sleep over and wanted to go to that instead of a and I quote 'boring grown up party'. My son," Carly paused for a moment and smiled "has way to much personality for his own good."

The room erupted into laughter and Felicity gave Carly a hug and pulled her to join her and Thea's conversation leaving the men on the other side of the room as they made their way to the cut crystal housing a very fine scotch.

Each guy had a glass in his hand with two fingers worth of liquor watching the ladies talking with each other with huge smiles on their faces. Diggle was the one to interrupt the silence between the men, "You know guys, I think we did pretty good for ourselves. They're beautiful, smart and they put up with us." Diggle raised his glass ever so slightly and then said, "Here's to being some lucky bastards."

Oliver and Roy smiled at the same time and raised their glasses along with Diggle and said in perfect unison, "To being some lucky bastards." They clinched their glasses, took sips of their scotch and started laughing.

"I think that's everybody... Should we make our way to the dining room now Oliver," Felicity asked from the other side of the room.

Oliver gave her the smile that was reserved for her and her alone and said, "Not yet, we are still missing one more person-" Oliver was cut short by the doorbell and then said "Speaking of which." He walked his way to the door and opened it then held his hand out as he said, "Zachary, it's so good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too my boy. Thank you for the invite and the private jet to get me here," Zachary responded as he walked through the door.

"Daddy," Felicity yelled and ran into his arms wrapping her arms around his neck.

Zachary picked Felicity up a little and spun her around in a circle and Oliver had a sense of daja vu watching them do exactly what they did the first time he met Zachary. Oliver's happiness was cut short though when he heard a quite "ow" escape Felicity's lips as she clutched her side fore s second. Oliver was beside her instantly and she gave him a quick smile, he knew it was her way to tell him that she was ok.

A couple minutes later the small group made their way to the table Oliver sat at the head of the table with Felicity to his right and Diggle to his left. Zachary sat next to his daughter with Roy on his other side while Carly sat next to Diggle with Thea on the other side of her.

Thea was the first to speak, "Okay Felicity, what happened?"

"It's simple really, two men named Jason Graham and Ben Jackson made it look like you were in danger so Oliver would rush to try and save you and after he left the manor they kidnapped me. They then called your bother and asked for fifteen million dollars. As soon as they hung up with Oliver the Green Arrow came and saved me. He cut me free and I ran away and he killed them."

Roy asked the next question, "No offense I'm glad you're safe, but why would he save you?"

Felicity smiled and then said, "Even someone as tough as the Green Arrow needs a techie's help every once in a while."

Roy's eyes grew to the size of small plates and light up like a Christmas tree then asked, "You know him? Do you think you could-"

"No Roy, I'm not going to introduce you to him and I won't tell you who he is... Sorry," Felicity said.

Roy dropped his head like a small child scolded for stealing cookies before dinner and the whole table erupted with laughter.

Zachary raised his wine glass and purposes his very own toast but looked directly at Oliver, "To the Green Arrow for saving my daughter and who ever else he might have saved."

The table stayed silent for a moment and then Diggle said, "The Green Arrow saved me once."

Then Roy, "He saved me too."

Then Oliver, "Me also."

The table fell silent again then at exactly the same time everyone raised their wine glasses and said, "To the Green Arrow" and Zachary's eyes never left Oliver.

The rest of the dinner was filled with laughter and joy. Zachary shared a couple stories about Felicity when she was very young. Thea told them of things that her and Oliver did as kids. Diggle shared a story of his brother and himself and their first adventure with beer and how much trouble they got in. While Carly shared a couple stories of funny things her son has done in his short life.

Oliver looked around the table and thought to himself that he had never seen a more unusual yet happy family in his life. Then his thoughts went to the night that Felicity pulled him off the floor and how that had changed his life for the better. She showed him happiness when he thought it died and love when he thought he would never have it.

As the night came to an end the guests started to leave. Right before he walked out the door Zachary approached Oliver, "Can I speak to you in private for a moment son?" Oliver nodded and lead Zachary into his father's old study and closed the door behind them. When Oliver turned to face the older man he pulled Oliver into a tight hug and said, "Thank you for saving my daughter. I'm forever in your debt."

Oliver slightly returned the hug, "I didn't do anything, sir. It was the Gree-"

Zachary broke the hug, "That's bull shit and we both know it. Don't worry I won't tell anybody your secret, it's not my secret to tell. I am going to say though, if you ever want to marry my daughter you have to hang up the hood. I'm a widower and I refuse to let my daughter become a widow if I can help it."

"Yes sir. How did you know?"

Zachary shrugged his shoulders, "I saw it in your eyes when you said that you would always look after my daughter besides I'm very good at reading a man's character. Just so you know though, I still promise lots of pain and death if you hurt her." With that said Zachary walked toward the door and left the room.

Oliver hung back in the room for a moment to pull himself together and then left the room also just in time to watch Zachary give Felicity a hug good-bye. After Zachary walked out of the house Oliver went up behind Felicity and pressed a kiss to where her neck and shoulder meet. Felicity grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs to their room. She put on another one of his shirts and he laid down in bed in his boxers. Felicity crawled into bed and snuggled beside him and she fell asleep almost instantly.

Oliver felt himself fall asleep right away too. He dreamt of the next fifty years of his life. Him hanging up his hood and becoming a husband to Felicity on a beautiful beach. He saw a little boy with very light brown hair and beautiful grey eyes like his mother's with a tablet in one hand and the hand of a little girl with brown hair and his blue eyes who is holding a toy bow in her other hand and has suction cup arrows in a little quiver on her back walking toward him chanting "Daddy" over and over again with Felicity right behind them telling him that they are so like him that it's unbelievable. He saw his children grow up and have some of their own while Oliver and Felicity grow old together and live a life with so much happiness and love that their happiness gives their children something to strive for. She really was the reason he lived through the island, she was his forever and the happily ever after he never believed in until now.