Chapter 1

It was a rainy day when two people a man and woman were walking home. Mr. And Mrs. Hyoudou were walking down the street on their way home, when they heard a baby's cry in the distance. "Dear did you hear that?" Asked Mrs. Hyoudou.

"Yes, why don't we check it out." He said.

They entered the alley way to see a baby sitting in a pair of baggy clothes, they notice a large cross around the babies necks. Mrs. Hyoudou picked up the baby smiling as the baby cooed at her, "Honey how could someone leave a child here in the alley way." She told him and looked at him with big eyes.

Mr. Hyoudou seeing the look in her eyes grew uneasy, "Now dear are you sure you want to take this little guy in?" He asked.

She nodded squealing happily and picked up the clothes handing it to her husband, she saw a slip of paper. She looked it, "Shinji Ikari." She read out.

She looked at him tickling his belly, "Is that your name sweetie." She said smiling at the giggling of the baby.

They departed the alleyway and went home taking the saviour of his world with them.

Six years later

Shinji laughed as he played with his brother on the grass in the park, his brother Hyoudou Issei was born a year after Shinji was taken in. He laughed as the ball rolled past him and chased after it, he noticed that the ball was stopped by a foot. He walked up to the tall man and took the ball, "Thanks mister." He said.

The man smiled down at the young boy and poked his head, "It's time for you to remember o' mighty angel slayer, you will need to if you are to survive what is to come." He said red eyes flashing behind his glasses.

Shinji collapsed onto the floor only to awake a few minutes later, "Huh I guess it wasn't a dream, wait where's the old man." He said looking around for him.

He saw that there was a piece of paper with a name and address along with a little note, "Ikari-san I'm sorry to leave like that but I'm a busy man, the name on the paper is the man who would be able to train you. You see you are a special person to be blessed with s sacred gear, ask the man he will be able to answer your questions. Don't worry he knows to expect you, good luck Ikari and grow strong." He read.

He pondered on the note when he heard the voice of his little brother, "Aniki ball! Ball!." Yelled little Issei waving happily at his brother.

Shinji grinned and picked up the ball running with his brother back to where their parents were sitting. They played together for another hour, before their parents called them back to go home. On the way back home Shinji looked thoughtfully down at the card in his hands, when his mother saw the card. She peered over her seat trying to see what her son had in his hands, "Shinji-kun what do you have in your hands sweetie?" She asked curious to know just what her son was looking at.

Shinji winced at her question, "Nothing Kaa-san its just a piece of paper a kid gave me on the playground, it has a name and address of a man who can teach me Karate. Please can I go Kaa-san, I really want to learn how to defend myself as well as you, Issei and Tou-san." He begged eyes set into the puppy dog face.

Shinji's mother squealed at how cute he looked, "Well your father has the last say in this area sweetie, so its up to him." She said looking towards her husband.

He kept his eyes on the road but burst out laughing glancing back at his wife and children, "Of course you can go Shin-kun, I respect your desire to protect and if you feel so strongly about it. We can go to this man tomorrow and get you signed up." He said.

Shinji sighed in relief glad that he wouldn't have to sneak by his parents to go train with the man. "Thank you Tou-san you won't regret it, I will grow up to be the strongest ever." He said.

His father smiled at his son proud of the man he was growing up to be, "I will hold you to your word souchi, grow to be the strongest." He said and returned his gaze to the road.

Mrs Hyoudou sighed at her husband and sons antics, "Just make sure to be careful when you practice and stay safe, don't try anything unless the master is there." She said worried for her sons safety, knowing his reckless behavior as he was still a child.

Shinji laughed and bounced up and down in his seat in excitement, before stopping chiding himself for his childish output. He rubbed his head, "Well I am technically a child with a teenager mindset, ugh I will just have to get used to this until I physically grow older." He thought.

The next day he along with his parents went to the address listed on the paper, they arrived and knocked on the door. "Hello, ah Shinji I've been expecting you." He said smiling at the boy and his parents.

Shinji smiled nervously and bowed along with his parents and walked into the office, "Hello Azazel-san, we are honored to meet you." Said Mr Hyodou.

"So will you except me as a student." Shinji asked impatiently.

Azazel nodded his head laughing loudly, "Sure I will kid don't worry I will make you super strong, just let me discuss some things with your parents then we can get started." He said.

Shinji nodded and went to explore the dojou it was 15 minutes later that his new sensei appeared. He sat down in front of him, "Are you ready to start Mr Ikari?" He asked.

Shinji nodded, "Its Hyoudou now Sensei and now can you explain what a sacred gear is?" He asked wanting to know what this was.

His sensei nodded, "Sacred gears, also known as God's Artifacts, are items with powerful abilities bestowed upon humans by the original God from the Bible. It is explained that the original God of the Bible created the Sacred Gears as part of His system to enact miracles on Earth. There can be more than one Sacred Gear of the same type such as Blade Blacksmith. There also appears to be common Sacred Gears, like the Twice Critical, and rare Sacred Gears like Twilight Healing. The only exceptions being the Longinus, which are all unique. If a Sacred Gear is removed from the owner, the possessor will die.

Only humans or human hybrids are born with Sacred Gears. Angels and Devils can obtain them by resurrecting a human or human hybrid as one of their own. It is possible for an individual to own more than one Sacred Gear. " He said.

shinji nodded, "So what is my sacred gear." He asked.

Azazel stood up and gestured for him to stand as well, "Well in order to find out we must first activate it." He explained.

Shinji was nodded determined to go through it, "how do I activate my scared gear?" He asked.

Azazel smiled, "Yes well in order to activate them you must think of the most powerful pose you can think of." He said.

Shinji nodded and thought deeply and thought of something strong, he looked deep within himself and struck a pose. There was a bright glow in the dojo for a few seconds before the light receded allowing them both to see what he had summoned. Shinji stared at the spear in his hand in awe at what he possessed inside him, "Was this inside me, its absolutely perfect." He thought grabbing the spear with both hands now.

Azazel on the other hands eyes had widened considerably body trembling with both shock and excitement, "Impossible! Could it be, no it must be the most powerful sacred gear the number one Longinus. To think I would be the one to find it," he gazed back at the boy who was entranced by the holy object.

"Shinji Ikari-Hyoudou you are truly a special one and you are definitely going on to do great things." He thought to himself.

He was snapped out of his own thoughts by Shinji who had asked him a question, "Sensei doo you know which sacred gear I had summoned?" He asked naturally curious as to what he had summoned.

Azazel chuckled and rubbed the boys head, "Sure kid but you don't know how lucky you are you summoned the most sought after one. Kid what you have is The True Longinus is the first and most powerful Longinus and the same spear which St. Longinus used to kill Jesus Christ. It is capable of vaporizing a High-Class Devil with a single stab." He stopped allowing the information to sink in.

"The True Longinus is a Sacred Gear, and gave its name to all Sacred Gears capable of slaying Gods." He finished.

Shinji stared at the spear in awe before turning to his sensei, "So sensei how many Longinus are there?" He asked.

" There are thirteen Longinus sacred gear however quite a few of them have been lost and the ones currently active are held close by who ever owns them. I myself only knows one other Longinus that is active." He answered.

"Who is the person?" Shinji asked eager to know if he could meet them.

The fallen angel seemed hesitant to answer, "Well his name is Vali Lucifer and he possesses the Divine dividing gear, though I won't let you meet maybe someday you will." He said leaving no room for arguments.

Shinji nodded though he was disappointed that he couldn't meet them, he returned his attention to his sensei. Who resumed his teaching, "Now I'm not only going to teach you how to fight I am also going to teach you about the underworld, heaven and the rest of the world's supernatural. So pay attention and work hard then we should breeze through this and have fun doing it." He said.

The boy nodded and so the lesson passed relatively fast as he was engrossed at what Azazel was saying.

A few hours later Shinji returned with his father who had come to pick him up after his lesson with Azazel. His mother poked her head from out the kitchen and smiled at him, "Hey souchi how was your first lesson with your new sensei?" She asked.

Shinji grinned at her, "It went great Kaa-san I had so much fun with Sensei, he really is a great Sensei." He said.

She giggled at her sons antics before sniffing the air and narrowing her eyes at him, "Now Souchi I think its time you take a bath." She said sternly.

Shinji smiled and nodded his head before rushing off towards the bathroom to take a nice bubble bath before dinner.

After his bath and a nice supper Shinji was tucked in by his father, he yawned and smiled at his father, "Good night Tou-san I love you." He said and he meant it, he was much better than his previous father who was willing to sacrifice him to get his mother back.

Mr. Hyoudou smiled warmly back down at his son, "I love you too souchi, now its time to sleep good night." He finished tucking him in.

With that he stood up and shut the light off and left the room allowing the saviour of humanity to sleep peacefully and dream of his future.

Chapter end.

This is my newest fic and I know I'm starting another one I just got hooked on Highschool DxD and after reading Gunman and redwarriorflights Evangelion Highschool DxD stories. I decided to try one myself. This Shinji was transported to another world and yes I decided he should have the true Longinus sacred gear, because come on the boosted gear and divine dividing are great but the true Longinus is simply bad ass. Yes in this fic he is Issei's brother and he won't become Rias servant like his brother. Read and Review Peace!