This is an A/N detailing the adoption process for this story.

I am starting with some explanation:

So, a couple years ago (whoa that long wow) I was a smaller person than I am now. I thought I had what it took to write my epic fanfiction.

I was so, so wrong.

I am now sixteen. I have gained maturity (I hope) and I understand my limits better. I am trying my hand at another epic fanfiction, this one in the Harry Potter fandom (shameless self-promotion, please go take a look!). I am not sure if I am mature enough yet to pull this off, but I do know that I can't write two epic fanfictions at the same time.

Not to mention I just am not as obsessed with Young Justice anymore...

Anyways, I am giving this story up for adoption, but I have some criteria.

1. No prologue. Please, nothing like I did. Half the problem was that it was too set in stone. So, no prologue. Straight into the main story.

2. You will rewrite it. In its entirety.

3. If multiple people wish to adopt it, multiple people can.

4. You have to have already written fics I consider good-quality for this fandom, or else submit your first re-written chapter for me for review.

I want to make sure that this fic, my first attempt at epic fiction, my baby, my legacy, is taken care of. Don't be cliche, please don't fall into the pitfalls of bashing that I have, and just write it with overall good quality.

So, yes, please if you want to adopt...

Feel free.

With love, Kitte