Hello lovely readers!


Due to a legitimate inability to continue this story, alongside the obvious lack of time (I will not list the excuses, just lots of in school/outside school/ at home/ health stress), I will be handing this story over to the AMAZING ScarMaskWarrior (Here is the url to the profile)

www. fanfiction u / 3818541 / ScarMaskWarrior (remove spaces)

Thank you guys for reading this story. I'm sorry about keeping you guys waiting for so long!

My priority work on this site are with "How Could You", a mystery/angst fma fanfiction that I update every two weeks, and "His Butler:His Alchemist" (fma/ Black butler crossover) which is updated every other week. In other words, if you guys don't hate me- er, still like me then you can indulge yourself in those two fics along with ScarMaskWarrior's fic. :)

These two fics take a lot of time out of my schedule, and I further apologize that as a foolish beginner on this site, I over did it with my commitments and published WAY too many fanfictions at once.

ScarMaskWarrior will continue this story, so no worries! I'd hate to be an asshole and keep you guys waiting. (Wow, I still feel like a jerk XD)

I'm sure you guys will love what ScarMaskWarrior does with this fic, and I will also be following it! See you on the other side, folks! :) (thanks again ^)