
Summary: This is Bratz Anubis Style. Five best friends (Nina, Patricia, Amber, Mara and Joy) are starting their high school lives at Anubis High thinking that it would be easy, But boy are they wrong. They are faced with Drama, Mystery and a popular gang of girls (including Willow and KT) that just loves the spot light. Welcome to Anubis High. AU Peddie, Fabina, Amfie, Moy, Jara. Minor Walfie.

Disclaimer: I do not own nickelodeon, House of Anubis or Bratz.

Nina- Yasmin (I think that one is the most obvious one)

Patricia- Jade

Amber- Sasha

Joy- Chloe

Mara is an added Bratz girl

House Of Bratz


Nina Martin, Patricia Williamson, Amber Millington, Mara Jaffrey and Joy Mercer are the closest best friends you can find. In fact they are so that they managed to convince their parents to put them in the same school. They had known each other since they were 7 and had met at the park. Their mothers or their grandmothers just so happen to go to the park on the same day and at the same time. It seems as if it was fate that brought them together. They were inseparable. All of them are unique and different in some way. Having their own talents and weaknesses.

Nina Martin is the most different from the group. She is American unlike them. She had moved to England with her Gran and brother to live with her uncle after her parents passed away in a car accident. She was very young at the time so she didn't understand what was happening. Her talent is singing. She used to post her singing covers on YouTube. Past tense Used to. She stopped posting videos after she saw a comment that said that 'You suck and should stop doing covers. You just wasting your time and embarrassing yourself.' Her friends tried to comfort her and told her that she was amazing and she should continue but she refused to believe them. She would hum along to the tune of a song when they put on the radio in the car but nothing more. She loves her family even if she and her brother Eddie Martin don't always get along. Her brother is a total flirt and he always tries to hit on Patricia but fails miserably. She and Joy also share the same the birthday. Her family is also rich because her uncle is a producer and director and he is like a father to her. He pays for her school fees and basically everything.

Patricia Williamson is the artsy girl in the group. She is tough and she stands up for herself and especially her friends. You don't mess with her. Or else. The last person who messed with her well nobody knows what happened to her. The next day she came to school, she looked as if she saw a ghost. Patricia maybe tough but her parents are extremely overprotective over her. Her father doesn't let her date anybody. Her mother doesn't let her dress the way she wants to. She loves her parents but sometimes they can be suffocating. Patricia doesn't like being told what to do but they are her parents at the end of the day. Her parents instructions doesn't stop her from doing what she wants and dressing the way she wants. She hates lying to her parents but she hates the outfits her mother makes her wear. She has a secret door that leads to a room in her closest. Her parents didn't know about it. Patricia would literally hug the people who previously owned the house because they didn't mention it when they bought the house. She found it the first week they were living there. She was ten when she moved there. Her talent is that she designs outfits and sews them after she gets approval of the outfit from her friends. Her friends would approve it even before they saw it. They knew she had a gift. Some of their outfits are made by Patricia. She also never had her first kiss and only her friends know that.

Amber Millington is the pretty face of the group. She loves pink and shopping. Her parents are divorced and when she found out they were getting a divorce she was devastated. She stays one week at her mum's house and one week at her dad's since both her parents had custody over her. Her parents fight a lot even after the divorce. Now they won't even look at each other. All Amber wants is for them to get along. They don't even have to get back together. It's too bad life isn't as black and white as it seems. Her parents still love as much as they did before the divorce. Her talent is that she is good at gymnastics and loves cheer-leading. Back at her old school she tried out for cheer-leading and impressed everyone (but the captain) with her back-flips, cartwheels and splits. Everyone in the team loved her and felt she should be in it but she didn't end up being in the team because the captain was a slut and a total bitch or as Amber likes to call her a 'skunkbag'. She was jealous of Amber and everyone knew it but didn't say anything. She hated Amber more when her boyfriend broke up with her for Amber. The reason he broke up with her is because she was too clingy and she wasn't nice at all. She still blames Amber because he broke up with her. Amber just hopes that the people at Anubis High would be much nicer. Her other talent is that she loves dancing.

Mara Jaffrey is the smart girl of the group. She is extremely intelligent, therefore gaining straight A's in her report card. She won the science fair for 3 years in a row. Her parents are athletes and used to persuade her to take part in sports when she was little. She hated and still hates sports, not that she has anything against it. It's just that she was never good at it. She would end up running last to the finish line and would be panting and having sweat dripping from her face. She did try out for football once but didn't make the cut. Her family did finally learn to accept that she will never be an athlete. They still love her and support whatever decision she chooses to make and are just as proud of her. Her talent is that she loves journalism. She used to write for the school website at her old school and won the title 'Journalist of the Year' in England. Joy also tried out for the competition but lost. Her friendship with Joy still remained the same. She also won the competition for best short story. Her prize was that she had spent the entire day with the author of Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling. She even read Mara's short story and was pretty impressed. Her dream is to become a world-famous Author or Journalist one day.

Joy Mercer is the sporty girl of the group. She comes from a poor family. Her father had passed away when she was a mere infant. Her mother's job was that she caters for people for parties and therefore not earning a very good salary but enough to put a roof over their heads. She even tried to convince her mother to let her get a job but her mother said no and that she was the parent in the family and she shouldn't worry. Joy knew that she had to do something so she disobeyed her mother's instructions and got a job. She would give the money to her mother's clients and begged them to give it with the amount of money that they were going to pay her mother. Everything was going pretty well from there until her mother found out about her job. Her mother made her quit it and then everything started going downhill from there. They would sometimes not have food to eat in the evening or morning. Her friends did sometimes offer to buy her lunch but she would sometimes refuse them. The only way she ended up going to Anubis High was from Nina's scholarship. Nina's family was rich so she didn't need the scholarship and gave it to Joy (after A LOT of persuasion). Her talent is that she is very good at sports. Patricia and her both joined for the football team and got in. Patricia then dropped out because she 'was bored' of it and wanted to try something different. Joy was so good she earned the title Team Captain. She is also sometimes really clumsy.

That is basically everything about the girls and lets watch them overcome drama and mystery.

Welcome to Anubis High girls.

So what do you think? Next chapter is going to be when they go to Anubis house and their first day at school. This is going to be like Anubis house except more rooms. Each person gets their own room. And it is not going to be called Anubis house. It will not have a name. Tune in next time on House of Bratz.