So hi! Second story of mine, and it is adopted from Awesome-Four. Hope you like it!

Warning: First few chapters are Awesome-Four's.

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson or Gallagher Girls


Percy's POV

"Percy, you'll fit right in!"

I rounded on Nico indignantly, "Hey! It's not like it's much different for you, Nico!"

"This is different for me, though." I just turned back around and continued to stomp down Half-Blood Hill as Nico hurried to follow me. I could faintly hear the other behind us:

"Still can't believe that I'm going to be putting up with some prissy rich kids." Clarisse was grumbling, hands probably shoved down her pockets in merciless grips as she griped about being forced to come with us. It wasn't as if we wanted her here too; even if we have gotten better dealing with each other since the quest with the Golden Fleece, there was still some bad air between us. That went way back before the quest for the fleece. Prejudice clearly out-rules. Besides, Chiron commanded; we follow. However, I still couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that Chiron had managed to snag another person to tag along; that person being someone who is the right-hand maiden huntress for a goddess.

"Great," Thalia bit out, glaring down at her canister of mace as she fiddled with it continuously; huntress of Artemis or not, she was still a demigod. She was affected by ADHD just as much as the next demigod. "I could be in the Redwoods with the rest!"

The only person who seemed remotely happy about this sudden arrangement was Annabeth:"I bet their library will be amazing!

What are we doing, you ask?

Annabeth chose that very moment to finally let the squeal that had been building up in her. "We're going to the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women!"

I might as well just start from the beginning.

—2 hours ago—

Nico, Chris, Clarisse, Thalia, Annabeth, and I were called into the Big House by Chiron, who was just watching our reaction to the news he delivered with an amused expression. Before he called us in, everything was as peaceful as it could be after a war with the Titans— Katie already yelling her head off at the Stolls in the early morning air because of a prank they just pulled on her cabin— I think it had something to do with toothpaste and fertilizer, not that I know what anybody would do with those two things— the Ares cabin giving the newbies the initiation they tried to give me (which I sadly couldn't save them from; I was here in the Big House after all), and the Hephaestus camper's hammers ringing against anvils. Of course, the peace that we individuals were relishing was ruined when we were called to Big House to be given news: Chiron just told us that Nico, Chris, and I would be going to Blackthorne, a juvenile detention center out in the middle of nowhere, while Annabeth, Thalia, and Clarisse would be going to the prestigious Gallagher Academy For Exceptional Young Women, a posh school for rich girls who's parents didn't have time for them. The only good part about it so far was the possibility of being able to share the year at Gallagher with the girls, though that was just it. A possibility.

Of course Annabeth was fine with it, along with Chris, but some other people— also known as: the rest of us— were a least a bit hesitant. When we first heard it:

"What! You know what kind of trouble I get into when I go to school Chiron!" I more or less exploded. The others, while I can't say the same for some, weren't far off.

"Does Lady Artemis know about this?" Thalia deadpanned. I guess she knew that she practically had no choice whatsoever in this. I knew it too, but I pushed anyways. One can hope, right?

"Oh my gods!" Annabeth practically gushed, a light in her eyes that I had only seen once, when she had received Daedalus' laptop. "I heard that the education in Gallagher is advanced, way more advanced then normal private schools!"

Next came Chris. He blinked, then said, "I am not a juvenile delinquent." All talking paused, and we turned to him and stared at him like you did not just say that. "It's true! I'm not... Officially." We rolled our eyes at him and snickered as he cringed from the pain of the hit he took from Clarisse.

After Clarisse hit Chris in the back of his head, she responded with a, "You will not send me to a school where there's a ton of wimpy prissys!" growling.

"Do you know how many people died from the war! And you're asking me to stop helping my father! Does he even know about this!" Nico was steaming at the end of the rant.

"Thank you for those that have no problem for going. And for those that do," Chiron turned to give me, Nico and Clarisse a pointed look. "You guys will go. Besides this is a chance for you to be normal kids for a year. And yes," he cut me off when I tried to interrupt. "Each of your parents do know this, I know how much trouble you get into in normal circumstances. Except this isn't a normal circumstance, which is why I am giving you this." He took out six charms. "If you put this charm on your necklaces then the Mist will stop any of the supernatural to be seen ever by any any mortal completely, and no monsters will be able to catch your scent. It will only work in the school grounds though. Any other time and you will be normal, Mist and monsters, so try not to give away your secret. Percy, yours will also stop your Achilles' curse." Chiron said, "I want you to be able to act human and get to take a break. It will be— educational." He paused a bit before settling in the word.

I didn't think saying it would be educational was helping his case. I certainly wasn't persuaded. I also had the feeling that he was hiding something, but I didn't say anything. He passed out the charms. Mine was a small green trident, Nico's was an onyx sword shaped like his Stygion iron one, Chris got a blue Caduceus, Clarisse got a blood red spear, Thalia got a golden lightning bolt, and Annabeth got an gray owl. As soon as I placed the charm on my camp necklace, I left the room, certain on of two things: going to a juvenile detention center wasn't on my top ten list of things I wanted to do, but not being chased by monsters would be really cool.