A/N: Anything Twilight related belongs to SM. Thank you so much for your reviews, private messages, follows and faves. I am sorry this one took a bit longer but it is our last chapter and it was hard for me to let go... *sniff* I love this story so much. I hope you like it. Love y'all so much.

Chapter 60 - final - apple harlot

If someone had said to me a year before that I would be married, besotted with my wife, have three children and be closer to my extended family than I had ever been, including my cousin Caius? Well let's just say I would've laughed my head off.

Fuck. A year ago I had no idea how far removed from my family I had become. I was cold and distant.

"Where's Anthony, Daddy?" I looked down to Lil Bit who was tugging on my hand.

"He'll be out soon little love. The school bell has to ring before the children can leave their classrooms. It won't be long now."

We had been waiting outside the school for half an hour, it was Anthony's first day and I didn't want to be late. Bella was feeding Charlie while sitting in the privacy of the car, my youngest son was a voracious eater and although we had started him on simple solids he wanted his mother's breast as often as he could get it. Can't say I blame him. I am rather keen on her breasts too.

That thought had me casting my mind back to our sexy times that morning. I don't think I'll ever tire of that woman's body. I turned to her, catching her eye. She blushed obviously realising what I was thinking about. She was so fucking gorgeous. My sweet one, my Isabella. Damn. Even her name is delicious.

Finally the school bell rang and Lil Bit started jumping up and down on the spot. She was so excited to see Anthony and Seth. Soon the doors swung open and the younger children starting running out to the waiting arms of their parents. I started to get nervous hoping upon hope that Anthony had enjoyed his first day at school. He was such a serious little boy and like many parents I was worried for my son. Would the other children tease him or worse bully him? Would he like his teacher? Would he have any friends?

He was in the same school as Seth but not the same class which was Leah's idea. She felt that if they had someone in the schoolyard who was their friend they'd be safe and happy but we agreed we didn't want them to be too dependent on each other. Bella laughed at us saying we were over thinking it. She was probably right.

"I don't see him baby, can you see him?" Bella and Charlie joined us to wait for Ant but he was nowhere to be seen. I was about to march in the school to find my kid when I spotted him walking out.

"There he is, he's walking with Seth and holding hands with...," Fuck me, go Anthony, that's my boy! "He's holding hands with a little girl."

I grinned like an idiot and waggled my eyebrows at Bella, who rolled her eyes at me. I looked over at my son who was holding hands with a very pretty little African American girl who was wearing pretty purple little clip things in her hair that matched her dress. I only noticed the clips because Lil Bit likes those clip things too but I can never ever get them to stay where I put them in her hair.

"They're holding hands, I think he had a very good first day," I said proudly. Seth, Anthony and the little girl walked over to us. Seth walked over to Lil Bit, took her hand and smiled at her without saying a word.

Anthony made the introductions, "Hey Dad, this is Aleesha. Aleesha this is my Dad, Momma, my little sister Elizabeth and that's my little brother Charlie."

Bella smiled, "Hello Aleesha, it is very nice to meet you. Are you in Anthony's class?"

She nodded shyly and Anthony spoke up, "Aleesha doesn't like to talk much to strangers but she talks to me."

Aleesha whispered to Anthony, kissed his cheek, waved to Seth and then ran off to her parents. They looked over to us and waved in a friendly way. I remembered meeting them at the meet and greet session at the school the week before school started. I had shared with them that I was nervous how Anthony would settle in at school and they'd told us they were also nervous as their daughter rarely spoke because she was so shy.

Jacob walked over to us, "How was your day Seth? Anthony?"

"Lots of fun. We had lessons, drew, played games and listened to music," Seth was bursting with excitement.

Bella knelt down in front of Anthony, "How about you Anthony?"

He nodded, "It was good. I missed Elizabeth and Charlie but Aleesha and I sat together in class which was very nice."

"I missed you too Anthony," Lil Bit hugged her big brother. Ever since Charlie came on the scene Lil Bit's language had 'grown up' considerably. She said she couldn't talk like a baby anymore because Charlie was the baby now. I suspect that may have been Anthony's idea.

"Leah will pick up the boys in the morning, if you guys are still okay to do the afternoon pick ups?" Jacob asked picking up Seth's backpack and swinging it over his own shoulder.

"Sure Jake. That suits us. See you tomorrow." Bella waved to him and we headed back to the car. Lil Bit and Anthony ran ahead holding hands. I took my sweet one's hand and kissed Charlie's sleepy head as we followed the kids.

"Daddy, can we visit Uncle Em and Auntie Rosie on the way home please? I drew a picture of the boys and wanted to give it to them."

"Sure son, Em wants to hear all about your first day and Momma has made a special cake for us all to share, let's go."

We loaded everyone back into the car, I snuck a quick kiss from my sweet one and then we headed off to visit Emmett, Rose and the two bubbies as Lil Bit called them.

"Miss Judy asked us to draw a picture of something that made us happy, so I drew a picture of Emmett lying on the floor with Joshua and Matthew lying on his chest."

"Did Miss Judy like your picture?" Bella was curious to see how Ant's teacher coped with his gift. We were warned by Maggie that not all teachers responded well to gifted children so we were a little worried about it.

"Miss Judy says that any time I want to draw I just have to tell her and she'll let me even if we're doing something else. Miss Judy says that I am blessed and she wants me to use that blessing. Am I blessed, Dad?"

"Yes, Anthony. You are certainly blessed, it just means that you have a special gift and Miss Judy wants you to use it as often as possible."

Bella gave me a small smile. She seemed happy enough that Miss Judy was on board with encouraging our son.

"Momma mades you a apple harlot for afternoon tea, Anthony," Lil Bit said proudly.

I chuckled, I loved my little girl. "SSSHHH arlotte Lil Bit," I corrected.

Bella giggled, "I think we should let Lil Bit tell Emmett what kind of cake we're having."

"Sharlot," Lil Bit practiced.

When we arrived at Emmett's and Rose's place I was completely unsurprised to see Ma's car there as well. She loved her twin grandsons and Rose was struggling with postpartum depression, so she needed all the help she could get.

The boys were born on their due date which was impressive and surprising given their birth size. They definitely took after Emmett in size! Rose gave birth to them naturally with no drugs at all and her boys took to breastfeeding well, though not with as much enthusiasm as my boy Charlie of course. So everything had gone perfectly and we thought all was well but Rose started to suffer from anxiety. She worried that she wasn't going to be a good mother and all sorts of crazy shit. It was really fucking sad to watch. She had every reason to be happy but she just couldn't be happy. Emmett was at a loss and when she became so withdrawn she practically stopped eating or talking he called in the whole family for an intervention.

Esme was a godsend. She had a special bond with Rosalie as they'd both been in abusive first marriages. Esme understood Rose's low self-esteem issues, realising before any of us what was going on and quickly mobilised the Cullen extended clan to support them. We all visited often, did laundry, cooked meals, nursed the babies and took Rose out of the house with the babies as often as possible. She'd become a bit of a recluse and withdrew to the office Emmett had set up for her every chance she got.

Rose loved running the second bakery and she was damned good at it, I was actually very impressed that she was able to show a profit so soon given it had only be opened a short while. The problem was she was using it as an escape from her fears about motherhood, so we were all trying to help her gain more confidence with the boys.

Bella visited almost every day on the pretence that she needed an update on the business. This time we had promised to drop by so Anthony could share news of his first day at school.

Emmett opened their front door with a huge smile on his face and holding a sleeping Matthew in his arms. He loved taking care of his sons. A month before they were born Em had told me he planned to stay home as a full-time Dad. I offered him part-time but he turned me down. He wanted to be the father to his children he'd never had in the early years of his life.

Men in my employ were entitled to one month's full paid paternity leave immediately after the birth of their child in addition to their annual leave entitlements. If they wanted longer they could go part-time for their child's first year with no penalty to their seniority entitlements. I wouldn't allow Em to resign altogether though, so I recruited a replacement for him on a three year contract. If Emmett still didn't want to come back to work I'd accept his resignation then but I hoped he'd at least come back part-time, I really liked having my brother around at work.

"Hey Bro'," he practically shouted to me. His children were already very used to his larger than life approach so Matthew slept on despite his father's booming voice.

"How are things today man?" I gave him a half hug and then dropped a kiss on Matt's head.

"Started out pretty tense, but she's brightened as the day's gone on. Ma is with her," his usual booming voice dropped to a whisper.

I nodded and went back to help Bella unload the kids and food from the car.

"So Belly what kind of cake did you make me today?" Emmett tried to open the cake box one-handed until Bella slapped his hand out of the way.

"Ask Lil Bit, if you want to know so much."

Lil Bit beam up at him, "Is a apple harlot cake, Unca Emmy." She then rushed into the house before turning around with her hand over her mouth, "Oops. Unca Emmy," she shouted, "Is a apple sshh-arlots cake, sorry momma I forgots."

Emmett was holding his laughter in so hard his face turned a kind of purple and was biting his tongue, "Oh... okay Lil Bit ... well I look forward to some sweet harlot... I mean Charlotte cake later, thanks."

She smiled at him proudly and then went inside in search of Ma, Rose and Joshua.

Em and I walked in after all the others so I took the opportunity for a quiet check in, "How are you today Em?"

"I'm fine Ed. Rose is doing much better and the boys are just wonderful. We'll get through this thanks to Ma and thanks to the rest of you guys. She's so much better already. Maggie thinks we are through the worst. I hope so but if not we'll get through whatever comes. She's my Rosie, y'know."

I did know. Rose was to Emmett, what Bella was to me. Our everything.

Rose, Em, Alice, Ma and Dad were so amazing when Bella had Charlie early and under such traumatic circumstances. They kept us going. I did really well for awhile but just before it was time to bring Bella and Charlie home I fell apart. The drama of it all just caught up with me. Rev J. was my strength that dark day.

Jacob had been where I had been. When Leah was in labour with Seth, Jacob had been faced with the very real possibility of losing not only his wife but his unborn child as well. Jacob knew what I had been through, he understood how afraid I was that I would lose my everything. He sat with me, he listened to me as I poured my heart out sharing my fears and my confession that if I had indeed lost my sweet one that night I planned follow her. I felt so guilty for thinking that. I knew it would've destroyed Elizabeth and Anthony. I knew what a terrible thought I'd let consume me but Jacob didn't judge, he didn't advise me, he just listened. My friendship with, and respect for, Jacob grew exponentially that day. He knew I just had to release all those emotions, fears and anger as well.

Ma provided that same level of support to Rose. All of Rose's insecurities had risen to the surface. All the evil lies her first husband had told her about not being good enough for anything had found a voice in her head once again. But the women of the extended Cullen clan were helping her through it. Vicky was the real surprise, normally as tactful as a bull in a china shop, Vicky just seemed to understand what Rose needed.

Under the guise of getting back into shape after their babies, Vicky organised for Lauren to work with them. Vicky knew that Rose needed to feel in control and needed to work out her anger and anxiety physically as well as emotionally. Maggie, family counsellor extraordinaire, was helping Rose through the emotional shit but Vicky knew Rose also needed to just 'belt the shit out of something'.

Vicky came and picked up Rose at two each afternoon. They went to the gym together at CMV to work out. Lauren put them through their paces with a program she'd put together designed to help Rose feel empowered, strong and in control. Kick boxing was their favourite, but they also did body combat and hot yoga. Lauren was even talking about adding a 'pole dancing' session. I was really hoping Bella would want to join that class.

When Rose came back from her fitness sessions with Vicky she was always laughing and feeling so much better.

She just needed time, the love and support of her family, and some guidance from Maggie.

Emmett passed Matthew to me and I happily cuddled my nephew against my chest as we walked into their lounge room which was brimming with family.

Tyler was sitting with Zafrina who was going over plans with Rose for some event that was coming up. Bella had given a loan to Zaffy to buy a third share into 'The Hot Ticket', Esme's and Alice's event business. She was already well on her way to paying the loan back since she'd helped the business grow with her amazing theming skills. Bella and Rose who were full partners in Bella's Bakery now, had sold the event side of the business to 'The Hot Ticket' on the proviso that they keep an exclusive catering partnership. This grew both businesses and that made everyone happy.

Esme was in deep conversation with Alice and Jasper about their wedding plans. Jasper looked like he needed a rescue, "Hey Jazz, can you bring Joshua over and we'll take the boys upstairs for their bath?"

He gave me a look of desperate thanks which made me want to laugh but I kept a straight face so as not to give him away.

"Do you mind if I give Edward a hand with the boys, Alley?"

"Of course not sweetie, you go help with the babies. So long as you don't mind if Ma and I sort out the flowers without you?"

I had to walk away or I'd have lost it and blown Jasper's cover, Alice looked so earnest as though Jasper actually gave a shit about the fucking flowers.

Jasper gently took Joshua from Ma's arms and practically ran out of the room to join me. Emmett brought Charlie and Garrett brought Hank. Of course, when Vicky found out she was having a boy only she would decide to call him Hank. What else would Vicky call her son? She laughed her arse off when she told us his name. She said it wasn't a family name or anything, she just liked that it sounded like a no fuss, straight talking man's name. Garrett just smiled lovingly at her and went along with her crazy. He was besotted with Vicky which was wonderful to watch considering what a shit my cousin James had been to her. She still refused to marry Garrett but he kept asking.

Hank was the youngest, only a few weeks old but he was the biggest born. Bigger even that Emmett's boys, Charlie was the smallest but he was a premmie after all. We didn't really bathe the boys, Esme had bathed the twins earlier, so we just gathered in the upstairs playroom with Anthony and Lil Bit. Dad found his way upstairs to join us after he arrived from his shift at the hospital.

"Hey Poppa how you doin'," Emmett shouted. He and Dad had bonded even more since the birth of the twins. Carlisle was the pillar of quiet strength Emmett needed to just support him.

"Hey boys, why are we hiding up here?" Dad chuckled.

"We're protecting Jasper from wedding planning," I teased.

Jasper laughed, "It's true. I really love Alice and can't wait to marry her but I can't understand how they can possibly talk for hours about the virtues of roses versus lilies."

Dad laughed and sat down on the floor with Lil Bit and Anthony to join them playing with the train set Emmett had installed.

Eventually, we were summoned to cake and coffee so we made our way back downstairs to join the others. We lay the boys on the play rugs on the floor. It looked hilarious to see them all together but they were safe as we watched over them from the dining table.

Afternoon tea was a noisy affair with Anthony telling us all his stories from his first day at school. He told Rose all about Aleesha and how he looked after her since she didn't like to talk to people. Rose held him tight and told him what a sweet gentle boy he was and that she hoped he'd always be that gentle even when he's was grown.

Their sweet moment was observed by the whole group although we tried not to make them self-conscious. Anthony gave Rose the picture he'd drawn of Emmett with his sons on his chest as he lay resting on the floor. Rose smiled when she saw it but there was a sadness to her smiles. Some battle with guilt that none of us could fight for her but she held Anthony close and kissed the top of his head. "I'll have this picture framed," she promised. "I love it."

Anthony beamed that he'd made his Auntie Rose smile.

Bella had in fact made three Apple Charlotte cakes for our afternoon tea, no doubt suspecting that we'd be a much larger group. I tried my best not to moan as I ate my piece of cake but the fucking thing was so delicious. Anthony and I both groaned as we ate a second piece each. Bella always made sure he and I had seconds, she knew our love for her cooking.

Lil Bit was sitting on Alice's lap and turned to Emmett, touching his cheek to get his attention while she was talking, "Did you like the harlot unca Emmy?"

Jasper spat his coffee across the table and Vicky laughed her head off.

Lil Bit smiled a very cheeky, 'I know exactly what I am doing' smile at me, "Oops, sorry I mean ... Sshhh-arlot cake."

Alice kissed the top of her head and whispered in her ear. Alice was always leading Lil Bit astray, they were two peas in a pod those two.

Isabella came and sat on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. We looked around the room filled with all these wonderful people. A year before my life had been empty. I'd settled for an unloving, tawdry relationship and distanced myself from anyone in my life who offered any real affection or feelings.

Then I met my sweet one.

Bella turned her face to mine, looking at me with her beautiful deep brown eyes. She knew my mind. She knew what I was thinking, she always seemed to know.

Bella kissed me sweetly and softly whispered, "We are so blessed."

I drew my fingers through her rich, thick, silky hair and kissed her lovingly. When I pulled away I whispered in her ear, "Thank you love. Thank you for bringing me back to life. For making my stone cold heart beat again. My cup runneth over."

A small tear fell down her cheek. She understood. I understood. We'd saved each other.

My sweet one, my beautiful Isabella. Damn. Even her name was delicious.

The end.

A/N: So here we are. At the end of this sweet sweet journey. I can't tell you how much your support has meant to me through this whole long journey. Thank you for your supportive messages and reviews. I love our little family. Edward his sweet one, dear Lil Bit and gentle Anthony. I will probably write a future take at some stage soon but this is where we leave them. I cried my eyes out as I finished this chapter. I am so overwhelmed by the love you have shown this simple story. I will miss writing this story and hearing your thoughts on each chapter. You have been so kind to me.

I hope you will check out my new story 'Busy Bee and Mister Fancy Pants'.