Sorry about my lateness…I have been busy with school and stuff..


A week later, at night Merlin had a nightmare again. He rolled around in bed, sweating and gasping. The images were too fast, there was only one he could see. It was Arthur and him... there was a man standing in front of them. They were on their knees tired up; the man raised his sword and then stabbed Arthur who felt dead on the ground.
He woke up screaming and in front of him stood Morgana in shock.

Morgana wanted to check on Merlin, just to see if he was sleeping or had any pain but when she came in she saw that he had a nightmare. Morgana had never seen Merlin had a nightmare before, she had never known that they that extremely. Her friend woke up screaming.
She jumped.
Merlin looked at her, with confusing read all over his face.
"Morgana?...What are you doing in here".
His breath was fast as he tried to calm himself down.
She gave him a sad smile.
"I wanted to see if you had any pain...".
Merlin blinked. Since he had been stabbed Morgana had blamed herself. She thought she should have demanded to stay with him though Merlin knew it wouldn't have helped. He had told her a hundred times that it wasn't her fault, even though she had agreed he could see the guilt in her eyes.
"Ohhh...I'm fine".
Morgana nodded.
"Are you sure?".
He shook his head; no he wasn't sure, the dream was so awful. He could only hope it was just a dream.
Of course it was! It's not like I can dream the future! He cursed mentally.
Morgana had no idea what to do. She had seen Merlin scared before but this was something else. She had never seen him that scared.
She took a deep breath and went down to sit on his bed.
"It's was just a nightmare" she said in a sweet voice.
Her friend shook his head again.
He kept his eyes down on the bedsheets as he spoke.

"It's not okay Morgana...".
Morgana frowned.
"What do you mean?".
He looked at her, should he tell her? No he couldn't. He gave her a fake smile.
"Nothing...I'm just a little confused right now, sorry".
She shook her head.
"Don't be's alright" she assured him.
He gave her a weak smile.
"Do you want me to get something?" she asked.
He just shook his head.
"No thank you, go to bed".
She nodded.
"Alright then...goodnight".
She smiled and he returned it. She then walked out the chamber door.
When she was out his smile fainted. He sighed, something was wrong. Every time he dreamed it became true. Just like with Arthur getting hurt and when Arthur held him, when he got wounded.
What if this would happen too?
Is it...magic?
He shook his head violent.
No that is impossible! I don't have magic! He thought.
Yet the more he thought about it, the more it made sense.
He had magic; it was the only explanation.
No that have to be another explanation...and I'm going to figure it out!
He lay down in his bed again. He hesitated but he closed the eyes and felt to sleep.

2 days later was Arthur again in the throne room with his father. They had still not figured out who attacked them and kidnapped Morgana and Merlin. Arthur had not recognized any of the enemies, expect Robert of course, whom got executed 4 days later Merlin and Morgana came back to Camelot. The only thing he told Uther was that the one he worked for would not give up. He never said give up on what.
"I want to know who dared to attack us and kidnap Morgana and Merlin!".
Arthur bit his lip, he hated when his father was in that mood.
"I know sire but Robert didn't say who he worked for and I didn't recognize the other men".
"I do not care how, just figure it out!" the king hissed.
The prince looked down.
"Yes sire..."
Then sir. Owen came in.
"We have captured a sorcerer my lord".
Arthur sighed; just what they needed, to let his father anger on a person with magic.
"Get anyone else! I want this sorcerer dead!".
Sir. Owen bowed and went out.

Merlin couldn't believe it, in front of the king was there a girl and she couldn't be more than 10 years old. She was crying and had been forced on her knees.
She was clearly poor, her dress was shattered and she was dirty. There was standing a man behind her, properly him there saw her using magic.
"Tell me…what did you see?" Uther asked the man.
The man Walter Bolbec stood proud.
Merlin rolled his eyes; he couldn't stand the man.
"I saw her using magic my lord".
Uther nodded and then went to the girl. Her head was down.
"What is your name girl?".
She didn't look up when she answered.
"An-Anne Cleves m-my lord" she said shaking.
Merlin closed his eyes, he felt so bad for her. He opened his eyes again and looked at Morgana who kept glaring at Uther and then at Arthur, whom also didn't look happy about this.
"You have been accused in using magic do you deny that?".
The little girl shook her head.
"Speak up!".
She jumped at the voice.
"N-No your majesty".
Uther nodded and then was about to called the guards but Merlin came first.
"What did she do?".
Uther glared at Merlin but he didn't cared. She had to be really evil otherwise why would he report her?
The man stood again proud.
"She saved a boy there felt down a tree sire."
Merlin raised an eyebrow.
"And her relationship with this boy is?" he asked, knowing there was more into it.
Walter this time looked a little nervous.
"It is her little brother sire".
That made Merlin laugh a bit.
"Yes I can clearly see that is evil. Saving her brother is the cruelest thing you can ever do" he said sarcastically.
"Merlin not now!". Uther hissed.
But he had none of it.
"No! She saved her little brother, what was she suppose to do? Let him fall? he could had died!".
"She has admitted her crime!" Uther exclaimed.
Merlin rolled his eyes.
"Why deny that you have saved a life?" he asked with a glare.
The king ignored his ward and then gave a sign to his guards to take the girl away.
"For using magic you will be executed at dawn".
The girl cried but didn't protest. She looked at Merlin, with tears streaming down her eyes.

He then knew that he could not let her die.

When everyone was out, Merlin knew he was in trouble. Arthur and Morgana were also gone out but only because Uther told them so.
Uther turned to his ward.
"How dared you to questioned a man who did his duty!".
Merlin rolled his eyes.
"Duty? He accused a little girl for doing magic, because she saved her brother!".
Uther walked over to Merlin, whom was still sitting on his chair.
"She used magic, that is a crime" the king said deadly slowly.
Merlin stood up, facing the king with a glare.
"So you tell me if Arthur would fall down from a very high place and then are saved by a person with magic, will you execute that person?".
Merlin didn't wanted to drag Arthur into this but he wanted Uther to understand.
"Of "course, magic is evil no matter what, you need to learn that..
Merlin admitted he was shocked by the answer. He had thought that Uther would had said, it was something else or something like that but to exactly say that he would execute a sorcerer there have saved his son….how could you be so cold.

Instead of saying anything, he walked out the big throne door. Ignoring the King's calls.

Morgana was with Arthur and Gwen in Arthur's chamber.
"I can't believe Merlin actually did that in front of anyone, I can't stop being proud" she said.
The prince rolled his eyes.
"Well, it was stupid of him".
The ward glared at him.
"No it was the right thing! didn't you see that poor girl?" she asked.
Arthur glared back.
"That was not what I meant, I just meant that he should had waited after anyone was gone, then he wasn't going to get so much trouble".
Morgana bit her lip.
The prince shook his head.
"It's okay".
Gwen was sitting next to Arthur.
"Do you think Merlin will do anything stupid?" she asked.
He was a troublemaker, he always had been even when he was sick.
Morgana shrugged.
"It wouldn't surprise me...".
"Me either" the prince said.
Gwen nodded.
"I just hope he will let this be, there is nothing he can do for that girl" Arthur said.
Morgana knew he was right, when Uther had said that she was going to be executed nothing could change his mind but she also knew Merlin. If he wanted to help that girl, he would do anything in his power to do that.

When Merlin was out the throne room, he didn't go to his chamber. He found out where the girl lived and then went to talk with her parents telling them that he would get her out. They were clearly surprise that the King's ward was going to help them but they were also very grateful. Anne's mother told him that she was born with magic and he could see in her eyes that she was telling the truth. She also said that they wanted to get out of Camelot when they figured it out about her gift's as they called it but they didn't have money enough to move.
So now Merlin was in his chamber. It was late. He had dismissed Alan for the night. He was packing a bag to the girl, there was money in there, enough to start a new life, outside of Camelot, food and water for at least a couple days. He had a cloak to her and he had himself one on. He checked anything and when he was ready he walked out.

He went down the dungeons and was satisfied when he saw the guards sleeping. Gaius had given him some remedy to make him sleep at night, because of his nightmares. Merlin had used it on the knights. He somehow got it in their food. It was not easy but no one saw it. He took the keys from the sleeping guards and then went down too find the girl's cell.
When he found it, he opened it quickly, he knew that the guards would wake up soon, he wished he had gotten more of his remedy but it was to late to do something about that now.
Anne was as far in the corner as possible, her hair over her big brown eyes.
Merlin walked slowly to her and got on his knees, he stretched his hand to her.
"Come...I will get you to your parents, you can trust me".
First she looked afraid at him but then she recognized that it was him there helped her in the throne room so she went to hug him.
Merlin was surprise by the hug but he hugged her back. When they broke apart, he found the cloak.
"Take this on. We need to be fast".
Anne nodded and then took it on. He took the bag on his back again, the hood over his head and then took her hand. They got pass the sleeping guards and then hurried out the castle, though a secret passage, he used to use when he was younger.
They weren't far in the forest when the heard the alarm bells ring.
"There! They're there!". They heard a knight yell.
They were close. Merlin looked at the scared girl. Her eyes were wide as she looked at him.
"We have to run come" he said and then they ran.
The ward knew they needed to be fast. They ran into the further into forest. There were at least 10 knights after them but luckily they were faster.
The girl had hard to keep up so Merlin almost dragged her though the forest and then they saw them, her parents was waiting for them with two horses Merlin had given them.
Merlin took the girl in his arms and then ran to them.
"Here" he said to the father and gave her to him. The mother went over to him; she had the little brother in here arms.
"I don't know what to say" she said
The ward shook his head.
"Don't say anything just get out of her, they will here soon".
She nodded and then got on her horse and took the boy in front of her. Merlin gave the father the bag. The girl was sitting in front of him on the horse.
"In the bag there is food, water and money, you can start a new life outside of Camelot".
He nodded.
"Thank sire, I will repay you!".
Merlin nodded assured him it was okay.
The girl smiled at him.
"Thank you" she whispered.
He smiled.
"Good luck Anne".
She giggled.
Then the knights were almost there.
"Go!" Merlin yelled and then they ride out of Camelot.
He looked around him to see the knights come in any direction. He knew it would be impossible for him to escape now.
It didn't take long before he was surrounded.
"Disguise yourself".
Merlin could recognize the voice; it was sir. Leon's. Merlin took the hood of him and then turned to the knights.
"Sire..." he said in surprise.
Merlin smiled sad.
Sir. Leon then saw two horses long ahead. He knew that the girl and her family would be long gone, when they got back after horses.
He sighed.
"Take him" he said to the others knight.
They hesitated but did it anyway.
Merlin didn't try to get away he was just happy that the girl was safe. He truly hoped she would get a better life now.

In the throne room, Uther was not happy. He was angry. Very, very, very angry.
Arthur came in.
"My patrol found nothing, though I don't know about Sir. Leon's patrol" he said.
The king nodded.
"When I get my hands on this person there helps that damn sorcerer escape..." he hissed
Arthur sighed, inside he was happy that the girl escaped and he hoped that the person there helped her would get away.
Sir. Leon came in.
"We have found the man who helped the girl escape sire, the girl escaped my lord".
Uther was furious.
"Who dared to do that to me?!".
Leon gulped.
"It was…Merlin sire".
First the king's expression was unreadable. How could his own ward betray him like that? Make him look like a fool there can't even keep an eye on his own ward!
Arthur stood behind the king in shock. He knew Merlin sometimes could do stupid things but this was his record. He had never done anything like this. It's like these last couple of weeks he had been acted different.
He is in so much trouble...
"Get him in here now!" Uther exclaimed.
The knight bowed and then went out.
It was not long before Merlin came in, with two knights behind him. He looked coldly at the king.
"Get out" the king said to the knights, who hurried out.
The ward refused to look at Arthur, whom was standing behind the king.
Uther pointed at his ward.
"You! How could you disappoint me like that? You helped a criminal!".
Merlin glared at him.
"Criminal? She is a 10 year old girl!" Merlin cried
"Who used magic!".
Merlin rolled his eyes.
"Did you know that the girl was born with magic? Did you know that her parents tried to earn money enough to get out of Camelot so they could protect their daughter? No you didn't because you didn't cared, every time you hear the word magic you don't think, you act!"he hissed.
"It was all lies what they told you!" Uther yelled.
Merlin shook his head.
"There was only truth in their eyes".
"Enough! You will regret this!".
The ward laughed.
"Believe me the last thing I will regret was helping that girl".
The king looked like he wanted to hit something. How? How could Merlin do this?!
In the end he called on his knights.
"Take him in the dungeons to a find a fair punishment".
Then Arthur stepped forward.
"But father..." he trailer of when he saw his father face.
Merlin didn't tried to break free he just followed the knights.

"I can believe he would betray me like that" Uther hissed.
Arthur stepped a little closer to his father.
"You know he didn't do it to betray you father, he just have his own opinion about magic, he doesn't see it like a evil as you do and I don't think you can change his mind about that" Arthur said truthfully.
The king just shook his head in anger.
"I took him in as my own son when his parents died and what do I get?! He just ignore my orders and doesn't respect me at all!".
Arthur was surprised that his father mention Merlin's parents, he never do that…why? Arthur didn't know but for some reason Uther never spoke about them.
"He…he does respect you father, he just want you to understand him" Arthur explained.
He knew it was a long shot, hell Arthur didn't even understand Merlin. Since they were children Merlin had always been against the law about magic.
"Understand him?! He is going against me behind my back and you want me to understand him?!...I should flog him for what he did!" Uther exclaimed.
Arthur gulped. He had seen two floggings and that was the worst thing he had ever seen. One of them was public and then other in the dungeon. Uther only flog people when they truly deserve it but Arthur knew he would never hurt Merlin. Though he could still not take any chances.
"Father please…just let it go, I will talk with Merlin about all this and make him understand" Arthur said.
"No! he will stay in that cell!" Uther hissed.

When Uther had taken all his anger on his son, Arthur got out the throne room.
He couldn't believe that Merlin was that stupid to break the girl free. The prince was glad that the girl was safe but now Merlin would take the price for that.
Morgana came running to him in the hallway.
"Arthur! What happened?".
She had heard the alarm bell going and a guard told her that the girl had escaped.
He sighed.
"Merlin helped the girl escaped".
She looked at him shocked.
He nodded tiredly.
She bit her lip.
"Wow...what is Uther going to do?" she asked a little worried.
Arthur shrugged.
"Merlin is properly going to spent some nights in the dungeons, though I'm not sure…".
The ward looked at him with wide eyes.
"What? He can't do that, Merlin is sick!" she exclaimed.
Arthur ran his hand though his hair.
"Right now he doesn't care about that".
Morgana rolled her eyes.
"Merlin did the right thing! The girl is not evil".
Arthur nodded.
"I know...".
He went into his chamber with Morgana behind him.
"Have you tried to talk with your father".
Arthur laughed a bit.
"Believe me I have...nothing can change his mind".
Morgana sighed; she went to sit on a chair beside Arthur.

Merlin was sitting in the cell, he side hurt a bit from the running and then he was a little tired otherwise he was fine. It was very late, a couple hours before dawn.
He wondered what Uther would do to him; though he didn't care he was just happy that the girl was safe.
Merlin had never heard about children get born with magic but it was true. Then Uther maybe killed so many because of what they were. Merlin sighed he let his head fall against the wall and closed his eyes. He opened them again when he heard someone open cell door.
In front of him was Uther.
"What you did was wrong" he hissed.
The ward shook his head.
"No what I did was the right thing".
The king glared at him.
Merlin stood up facing Uther, with no fear in his eyes.
"I will gladly take the punishment you give me".
Uther shook his head in disbelief.
"How?...How could you go against me like that?".
Merlin rolled his eyes.
"I didn't go against you! All I wanted was that girl to be safe!".
Uther glared.
"If you ever go against me again you will regret punishment you will not leave this cell for a week".
Merlin just glared at the king when he walked out.
Well, it could had been worse..

2 days later...

Arthur couldn't believe what his father was saying.
Uther sighed.
"'re 19 years, you need to think about your future".
Arthur shook his head.
"But...marriage?!" he exclaimed.
The king nodded.
"But, I'm not ready, I want to marry for love not duty!"
I want to marry Guinevere!
Though he couldn't say that. He couldn't say he loved Gwen.
Uther laughed, actually laughed.
" is a strange thing, you will marry a princesses".
"I can't!...I can't marry a woman I don't love!".
Morgana sighed Uther just had to come up with this under dinner, she was happy that Gwen wasn't the servant there served the food. She felt sorry for Arthur; he loved Gwen but can't tell his father because she is only a maid. Uther didn't care about his son's feelings.
Unemotional jerk!
She heard them argue and argue.
"STOP!" she screamed.
They both went silence and looked at her in shock.
Morgana glared at the king.
"He doesn't want to marry for duty! then don't make him!-" she stood up not leaving her eyes form the king, "-if you want a heir so much then I will gladly marry the fool you find! but I won't have you to force your own son to do something he won't! if I just hear a single word about Arthur has to marry someone he doesn't want to cannot even think about what I do!" and then she walked out leaving a shock king and prince.

Morgana went to her chamber. She didn't tell Gwen about what Uther had told. She dismissed her told her she could handle the rest for herself, so now she was alone, getting ready for bed. She felt sorry for Merlin that he had to stay in the cell for a week; it was his second night.
She knew it was stupid to say something like that to Uther, for now he would try to find some fool she had to marry but that was a sacrifice she wanted to take. Arthur loved Gwen and she him, they deserved each other. Gwen is a lovely woman; she is caring and Morgana knew she would be a lovely Queen but the rule was clear, Arthur can only marry a noble. If he wanted to marry Gwen then he had to wait to he would be king. Morgana sighed, she started to brush her hair.
There was a knock on the door.
Arthur walked in.
She smiled.
"Arthur...something I can do for you?" she asked and the laid the brush on the table.
He smiled back.
"I think you have done enough for me Morgana...thank you".
Morgana chuckle.
"That was the least I could do".
Arthur however shook his head.
"You know that he will do as you said".
Morgana nodded.
"I am going to marry a fool soon matter what Uther is going to choose my future husband, so he can do it now, then I'm over with it" she said with a smirk.
Arthur rolled his eyes.
" really shouldn't had done that".
Morgana waved her hands, as it was nothing.
"You and Gwen deserved each fit perfectly together".
Arthur blushed, which made Morgana giggle.
"Thank you...but aren't you scared he will chose Merlin".
Morgana eyes wide, she had not thought about that.
"Oh God lord!" she gasped.
Arthur laughed.
"You really didn't thought about it?".
She shook her head.
"No! how could I think about that?!".
"Well...because Father had always said that you and Merlin should marry but you both protest".
Morgana nodded.
"Of course we did, can you imagined Merlin and I...marry each other?" she said unbelieving.
Arthur shrugged.
"Yes...I can".
She gave *if look can kill* look, which made Arthur take his hands up in defense.
"I'm just saying that you and him are...close".
She nodded.
" friends".
He just shook his head accepted the answer.
"Well, thank you for saving me" he said.
She just smiled.
"No problem" she said.
He then went to bed. Happy that he didn't need to marry some princess but he felt guilty that Morgana was the one to make the sacrifice.

Morgana groaned.
"No! differently not!".
Uther sighed.
"Morgana you agreed...that you will have either a son or a daughter as a possible heir, if Arthur doesn't get a child before I'm gone!".
Morgana rolled her eyes.
"I'm aware of that but he is ugly! if I shall have a husband he has to be hot!".
Arthur couldn't stop laugh a little it had been like that all morning. Uther had said some names on men she had met but she thought all of them were ugly and if she said a name, he was already married.
"It's not my fault all the hot ones is married!" she complained.
Uther sighed.
"Well...then it only leaves Merlin".
Morgana shook her head.
"No way!".
Uther groaned.
"Why not?!".
Morgana just glared at him. She couldn't tell Uther that Merlin had told her, that he didn't wanted to marry because he was sick. He won't have his "wife" to have that burden. So Morgana refused marry him, because of that and because they're friends.
"No! no! and NO! I won't! he is my friend!".
Arthur thought there was something more into it, so he wanted to ask her about that later.
Uther sighed in defeat
"Then there only leaves you to marry someone Arth-".
"Let me hear the names again! it can't be true that all the hot ones is taken " Morgana cut the king in.
Uther sighed and then started to read all the names up.
Arthur wished that his father never had mention marriage. He had told Morgana so many times that he could marry someone but she had refused and told him that he deserve Gwen and she him, so he had given up her. He had told Gwen about it, she was so sad she didn't wanted Morgana to sacrifice herself for them. She had also talked with her mistress but she got the same answer as Arthur.
Arthur wished he could be in the cell now instead of Merlin, just some peace and quiet. Anyone in the castle had started to speak now, with rumors than either Arthur or Morgana need to get marry, there were even someone there thought they are going to marriage each other.
Though that would never happen. Uther had tried to make them marry many times but they had refused, so the king had given up on them. So now it's Merlin and Morgana and so far they had refused.

After sometime Morgana still haven't decided so she chose to take a break so now her and Arthur was sitting in her chamber.
"Seriously...he is ugly, he has ugly hair, ugly eyes, he is not strong he is just".
She couldn't find the last word.
"Ugly?" Arthur finished.
"Yes!" she exclaimed.
Arthur sighed.
"Are you sure that I shouldn't mar-"
"Yes!" she cut in, "I can't have you break my best friend's heart!"
"If you say so".
After sometime in silence Arthur asked her a question there had been brother him so much, since their talk with Uther.
"Can I ask you something?" he asked his friend.
She looked him and nodded.
"When my father said that then it was Merlin you should marry, you acted like...not what I had expected, is there another reason you don't want to marry Merlin...than because he is your friend?".
"Yes" she replied without any hesitation.
Arthur eyes wide.
"Okay...why then?".
She sighed.
"I can't tell you".
Arthur rolled his eyes.
"And why's that?".
She smiled soft.
"I promised Merlin not to tell anyone...and I always keep my word".
Arthur groaned but accepted the answer, if Merlin wanted him to know then he would tell him.

Arthur walked in the hallway deep in thoughts, he knew that Morgana was doing this because she want to be nice but he just couldn't let her get marry to someone she clearly didn't want to but on the other hand he didn't wanted to marry some princesses he barely or didn't know at all. He wanted to marry Guinevere; she was nice, caring, beautiful and so lovely. He loved everything about her, her smile, her beautiful eyes, her sweet little laugh, he loved how she cared about her family and friends, he loved when she blushed about something he said or did, well he loved everything about her.
He walked in his own thoughts so he didn't see the person, so they walked into each other.
He looked up to see her.
"Guinevere..." he sighed with a smile.
She blushed.
"Milord...sorry about that".
He shook his head.
"No...I'm actually happy that I ran into you" he said.
She blinked.
He nodded.
"Year, I haven't really had the time to really talk with you since all the marry-thing" he said and then walked closer to her.
She blushed again.
"Oh...well, I'm here now" she pointed out.
He laughed a little
"Indeed you are" he agreed.
He looked around. It was late so there weren't any servants left, only Gwen. Though he couldn't risk to be seen.
"Come..." he said.
He took her hand and then walked with her into his chamber. He then turned to her.
"Now no one will see us".
She chuckle.
She looked down for a moment and then found his eyes.
"I don't like Morgana to do this for's nice of her but I can't stop feeling guilty about it" she said with sad eyes.
He smiled and then took his hand up and stroked her chin.
She leaned into the soft hand.
"I know...I don't' like it either but she refuse to change her mind about it, believe me I have tried".
She nodded.
"I know, I have tried too" she said.
He took his hand down.
"Well, let's see what will happen" he said.
She smiled.
"Yes, let's see".
He took her hand and then walked backwards to he hit the desk and then sat on top it. She walked towards him so she was standing between his legs. She took on hand to his neck stroking his hair lightly,
"I want to spend sometime with you Guinevere" he said.
She chuckle.
"No, really I want to...just one day, forget about our statues and just be together. Maybe a picnic" he said.
She smiled soft.
"Oh, believe me there is nothing I rather want but..." she said, "you're the king's son and no matter what you can't change that, not even for a can't go outside the castle for no reason".
He nodded at that but then he shook his head.
"I don't care, no matter what I will find a reason to go outside the castle and then we will be together, I promise" he said firmly.
She smiled big.
"That sounds perfect".
He leaned in a captured her lips, which seems she had nothing against.

Merlin was bored and tired. The cell was disgusting but he had almost got used to it now he had been in a cell many times before just not this long.
The ward sighed; he closed his eyes.
He still couldn't stop think about that girl…she was born with magic, did that mean he was born with it to? Was that the reason he could dream the future?
But how was it possible that he was born with magic? Uther would surely have told him if one or both of his parents had magic right?
Merlin groaned, he didn't know what to think any more.

"I think he has gets the punishment now" Morgana said to the king.
Merlin had been in the cell for five days and she had heard from the maid there gives him food that he look very tired but Uther just told her that it was his own fault.
Thanks to Morgana's stubbornness, Uther had finally let the marry thing to the side for some time, which Morgana, Gwen and Arthur was grateful about but now Merlin needed to get out of that cell.
"No...I told him his punishment was a week so it will be a week, if I let him out on the fifth day he will believe that he can disappoint me again!".
Morgana shook her head.
"No he won't...he understands it now, five days is a long time but a week! It's to long and you know it!".
Uther shook his head.
"Drop it Morgana! you can't change my mind, you're dismissed!".
She glared at him.
"Merlin did the right thing!" she snapped and then walked out before the king could say a word.

Morgana burst into the prince chamber.
"You will talk with that man now!".
Arthur frowned, she can't just come in here without knocking, he could had been naked or something!
"Morgana! you could at least knock and what they hell are you talking about?".
She just gave him a stern look.
"Your father Arthur! he is unfair about Merlin, talk with him now or I will talk with again and I will tell him exactly what I mean about him!".
Arthur raised his hands in defense.
"Alright...I will talk with him, just relax".
Morgana took a deep breath to calm herself.
"I'm calm…" she said slowly.
Morgana looked sad at him.
"I'm's just he is so unfair, he had been there for five days, it's a long time".
Arthur nodded in agreement.
"You right, I will talk with him now...okay?".
She nodded and then the prince walked out.

He knocked on the throne room door, when he hear an enter he walked in.
"Father" he said with respect.
Uther smiled.
"Arthur...what can I do for you?".
Arthur returned the smile.
"Will you…please let Merlin go?".
Uther sighed, Arthur never said 'please' unless it was something he was destined about.
"The punishment is not done yet".
Arthur nodded.
"I know...but five days is long and I'm sure if you let him go, he will think twice before he does something again because he would know that you won't go easy on him next time...I will even tell him it personally".
"I see your point my son...".
Arthur's hope rose.
" can let him go but if he tries on something like this it won't be a some nights in a cell, believe me"
Arthur nodded.
"I believe you and I will tell Merlin...thank you sire" he nodded in respect and then walked out to get Merlin out.

Merlin eyes opened open when the cell door open, it was too early for food and too early to be released. He found himself looking up at the prince.
Arthur smiled.
"I talked to him to let you go...but next time he won't go easy on you Merlin, it will be worse".
Merlin stood up.
"I believe you".
Arthur gave him a stern look.
"Just don't do anything stupid".
Merlin frowned.
"You think that helping that girl was stupid?".
Arthur shook his head.
" did the right think, just don't do it again…at least try".
Merlin looked down and nodded.
"I will try".
Arthur smiled; he gave him a push on the shoulder and then took his arm around his friend's shoulder.
"Come on! you stink, you need bath".
Merlin just grinned and walked with Arthur out.

I hope you liked the chapter :)

Please review!