Kurt went to sleep crying that night; Sam still in the room watching him like Edward did to Bella. When he woke up he wasn't in his room he was in a white room with beeping and buzzing and curtains. He didn't want to open his eyes, too tired from his crying but then he realized he wasn't. His stomach didn't hurt anymore and his cheeks didn't feel wet. That was when he suddenly realized there were other people in his room. Familiar voices that didn't sound like preteens and children, in his half awaken state he caught bits and pieces of the conversation

"He's been asleep for a week" Said a female in a weepy voice which sounded like Brittany

"I'm going to kill Azimo" That was Sam. Kurt sighed not wanting to get up yet. He rolled over onto his side

"Not before I do. No one hurts my kid brother and gets away with it" That was most defiantly Finn. Kurt wanted to argue that he was only 3 months younger then the quarterback but not in the universe he was currently in. "Why is everyone in my room?" Kurt thought.

"You're the same age" Ah, the voice of reason. That you Mercedes! Wait...what?! She was 5...right?

"Shut up" Kurt was almost certain that one was Rachel, as annoying as ever.

Kurt tentatively opened his left eye half way as that was all he could do and got a blurry sight of New Directions. He quickly shut it; if he was in another dimension he was going to die! The first one was so confusing and to think, he came out to Sunshine of all people.

"Kurt" Rachel's teary voice grew louder then the whispers "If you can hear me, squeeze my hand" He felt her smooth hand be placed inside his and he grew even more confused. Was he dying? This was a new dimension and it sucked if he was dying but still better then being the offspring of (shudder) Will and Emma. Kurt tried with all his might and squeezed the poor girls hand. He had never felt so weak and...wasted in all his life. He felt exhausted and he hadn't even done anything beside open his eye half the way and squeezed someone's hand. Rachel squealed and he could hear her feet thumping on the ground meaning she was jumping


"What did I do?" Kurt asked and everything grew silent. He hadn't realized he had said that out loud. Suddenly tons of body's were flung on top of him in a crying sobbing mess. His eyes were still closed, he didn't know if he ever wanted to open them.

"Open your eyes Kurt" Brittany told him. "C'mon" She coaxed and the room was silent. Kurt tried, he could feel all eyes on him but he couldn't. He didn't want to see what universe he was in. He didn't know where he was or why some people wanted to kill Azimo but he didn't want to find out. Was he dead? Was Azimo?

"I'm scared" Kurt replied. "Last time I did that I was related to at least most of you, if not all and I dated Sunshine and-" fits of laughter rang throughout the room "Your laughing at a guy who can't even open his eyes. Nice"

"Kurt, you've been in the hospital all week and-Oh no, Burt told me to text him if you woke up. Is this considered waking up? Oh hello doctor" Kurt almost laughed at what he imagined his step brother looked like right at that moment "He won't open his eyes"

Kurt felt people prodding and poking him and muttered voices. He sighed but couldn't muster the energy to open his eyes.

"Does everyone in this room go to McKinley?" Kurt asked as someone pinched him. He groaned as shoes squeaked against the floor. His head was pounding which didn't help his confusion and the constant babble surrounding him was just amplifying the aching.

"Uh...ya Kurt" Finn said and Kurt sighed. Maybe he was actually home. That would be nice

"Kurt can you open your eyes?" An unfamiliar woman asked Kurt. Kurt slowly opened his right eye and then his right. He saw all his friends teenage-size again surrounding him.

"Take him for testing" A doctor ordered "You'll all see him soon" Kurt grabbed Mercedes hand as he was pulled up. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears, and he gave her a smile

"Its good to be back" He said sighing. She chuckled obviously not getting what he meant when he said that. "WAIT!" The doctors stopped and everyone looked up. Rachel sniffled as she daintily dabbed her eyes with a Kleenex "My dad's name is Burt and my step mom's name is Carol, right?" Everyone looked at him, doctors included

"No Kurt" Finn said dryly and Kurt got wide eyed "Th-that was sarcasm dude" Finn said clearly creeped out by Kurt's reaction. Kurt sighed and leaned against his pillows

"Leave the sarcasm to me please Finn" He said as he was rolled out of the room

It turns out that his alternative universe was just a dream. While getting tested the doctors and nurses informed him he had been in a coma for a week. He got hit in the head and then bashed into a locker. He was rolled back into the room he woke up in after he was tested and Finn shoved a phone in his hand. It was nice to call Burt dad and he didn't know how he would look Mr. Schue or Miss. Pilsbury in the eye when he saw them. His dad was very worried about his dream and wanted him to talk to a councilor or at least Miss. Pilsbury but Kurt convinced him to drop it. He would not have this conversation about his vivid and very realistic dream. He wouldn't! Azimo was suspended for a day and his dad was covering half of the hospital costs, which was nice. Kurt wondered how a nice father could have a part in creating such a horrible son but he's question that later.

Kurt saved and smiled at his computer screen. There it was, all written down from start to finish and he confidently clicked enter. He'd find out in a week if his short story made it to the finals of a local contest. He swirled around in his swivel chair and walked to his closet (Full of new clothes. His dad felt horribly guilty). All was right in the world...for now.