Another late update, sorry.

Going home is another big adjustment.

It's hard for Emily, adapting to being Andrew's mother, to Will suddenly being around all the time. Both of their sleep schedules change as they adapt to Andrew's two hour nap and waking schedules, to his crying, to someone needing to be alert enough during the day to also care for Henry. During the nights JJ is home, she and Will sleep in his room and Emily keeps Andrew in her room in the bassinet. When JJ is gone, Will usually sleeps with her.

It's difficult for her to face the reality that in a few short weeks Will has to return to work and will no longer be there with her all day, helping with the all-consuming work of being a parent. She tells herself that this is the time to adapt, to recover from the birth and to learn how to take on the bulk of the parenting when Will and JJ will be at work. She swings Andrew in his swinging chair while she checks emails from work, and when she cooks dinner. As she starts to get out of the house more, she carries him on her chest, warm and soft and right where he belongs, as she tries to discover what normal now means.

In a way, it's harder for JJ. Two days after Andrew is born, they're sent to Seattle to hunt down a serial rapist. Hotch tells her that he can make up some excuse, that she can have her time off, but part of her knows that she's chosen to sacrifice part of her personal life to better the lives of others. JJ knows that Andrew and Henry are safe and sound and loved by their mother at home, and that others need her more.

And it still feels a little selfish, but that first night away from home, Will and Emily and Andrew skype with her late at night after Henry's gone to bed, and Emily gives her this knowing little look as she coos at Andrew's sleeping form on the screen. "Andrew is going to grow up knowing the love of both his mothers, JJ. You're allowed to choose your job too. You're allowed to protect someone else's child," she says. "We'll always wait for you."

She's back home two weeks later, swearing that Andrew looks so much bigger (even though he's barely regained his birth weight,) holding him as though he might slip through her fingers for the first few hours. Emily finds her, later that night, having obviously been crying. JJ tries to assure Emily that it's nothing, and Emily isn't buying any of it.

Emily looks at her with this long, patient look. "You're allowed to stop, JJ. You're allowed to decide that enough is enough. We don't need your job to get by. You don't need your job. We will always support what you choose, and we will get through this," she says. "If you want to go back to work tomorrow morning, if you want to save lives, then you don't have to feel guilty about any of us. If you decide you've had enough at any point, if the job has worn you too thin, you can say no. You can stop if you're done."

JJ shakes her head. "I don't want to stop," she says. "I just don't want . . ." she continues, her voice trailing off when she finds herself unable to say the next few words.

"You just don't want the job to mean so many sacrifices," Emily answers for her. "But it does, JJ. It's your decision, but it does."

The next day, JJ flies off to Miami.