Yo! ElementalLCie here! (I've noticed some of ya'll call me Cie for short ^^) Anyway, I'm very grateful to everyone who read and reviewed this story, I love all of you and you should all congratulate yourself for being awesome!(and for having the patience to sit and read over sixty chapters).

Now, here's the serious part. Soul King will be up once I have it started and feel comfortable that it will keep going. That latter part is kinda already accomplished...anyway, down to business. On this page, which I will update every once in a while, I will have questions from ya'll that I will be answering to my best ability. It's good to ask questions, It helps me develop, and it lets ya'll have a hand in how this goes a bit ^^ Kind of a reward for sticking by! If you have specific ideas you'd like me to consider, PM me instead, because if I like it I don't want to let everybody else see for spoiler purposes ^^

After that will be questions and ideas i'll be throwing at ya'll to see what you think. So...read on! I will edit this in a few hours once the questions and stuff start coming in. My answers for ya'll will be the first section, while my questions for ya'll will be the last. My answers/questions/comments will be normal, stuff from ya'll will be italicized. Thank you for reading!

Questions from Readers, Answered by Cie

Who is the little girl in the epilogue?

Well, you'll have to find out ^^

Where did you get the idea for this story and where should I travel to to find it?

Ziya Hitsugaya gave me the idea and I ran with it, haha. Now it's one of my most popular stories! Thanks Ziya!

How could you kill off Ukitake?!

I'm so sorry! But, I mean, he's sick, and the demon's Fear would take major advantage of that...and demons are very instinctual, kill off the young and sick. Plus, it's someone Shiro knows well. Everyone close to Shiro is being targeted.

Does every dragon have to have a partner or do some never have one?

Most dragons are wild and don't much care for people, but for every dragon there is a human/Soul Reaper that matches them, but not vice versa because there aren't many dragons and not everyone can have one. Some dragons do live their lives without finding their partners but that's not their fault. It used to be every dragon looked for their partner, just sometimes couldn't find them. When humans chased them out it became that dragons hate people and never look for partners. Toshiro will be changing all that ;)

Do the dragons have to be the same age as their partners?

Dragons are like elves. They mature quickly, but live for a really, really long time. That's why even though Myndrael is thirty or so in this story, he's pretty smart and powerful. Dragons are considered adults by the age of fifty, as they've had time to fully explore and gain maturity. Obviously Shiro is older than that, but as a Reaper things work differently for him than dragons. He and Myndrael are considered adults once he becomes Soul King because they are now ruling over them. That also means dragons can attack them without retaliation from other dragons for attacking a dragonling.

But that's not what the question's asking. Sorry. No, dragons do not have to be the same age as their partners. Ichigo's will be much older than him, and not just because Ichigo is a human(well, now he's a Soul Reaper). Yamamoto's will be pretty old, but not ancient. It was never mentioned, but if a dragon reaches the age of Elder without finding their partner, they are said to never find them and lose the chance of connecting, meaning they can't bond with their partners even if they find them. It used to be horrible, but now it's common. Humans screw things up.

What about Toshiro's Granny?

My goodness I forgot about her O.o I'll try to mention her in Soul King. The demons would go after her considering she raised Shiro, but they're ignoring the Rukongai for the most part. I actually think Kamai overlooked her on purpose, perhaps he underestimates her connections to Toshiro.

How about someone from America who doesn't have powers, but makes weapons that can help them fight on even terms? I expect a bunch of SciFi weapons for them, plasma, gauss, power armor, giant mecha of various sizes, etc.

I dunno, that's pretty far off from Bleach kind of fighting. The first part i'd be okay with, but as for what kind of weapons, I don't think all that Halo and Evangelion stuff would be good for Soul Society(If you don't know either of those i'm sorry). Plus, modern day humans haven't made that stuff yet in the Bleach world, so I don't think the dead would either, or at least not that advanced. This is a risky topic, i'm not sure about how to reply to this.

When is Soul King coming out?

I will have it uploaded sometime near Christmas Break ^^

Cie's Questions and Ideas for You to Consider

Okay so the dragons will be interacting more with the Soul Society, which means more people will have dragons. I have a few in mind who I definitely WANT to have with dragon partners but is there anybody you guys would like to see with a dragon? And if so, what kind of elements? If I like it, you get to name it!(If needed i'll post the elements)

Here's who I want and ya'll's thoughts on them:

Toshiro(already got his)

Karin(same as Shiro)

Ichigo - Main-Dark, Secondary-Lunar

Head Captain - Main-Fire(duh, haha)

Kadin - Main-Dark(Anybody remember Shadow from the brief mentionings in the story?)

Hm, I have a few others I like. Here:

Unohana - Main-Flora, Secondary-Water

Renji - Main-Fire, Secondary-Lightning

Kenpachi - Main-Lightning

Ikkaku - Main-Wind, Secondary-Earth

Rukia - Main-Ice, Secondary-Lunar

Rangiku - Main-Wind, Secondary-Gravity

Here's what ya'll wanted and my thoughts on them:

Byakuya - Wind (Hm, I like. I actually thought about giving him one. I might give it secondary Lightning element since Byakuya's one of the best at Flash Step, one of.)

I've got some ideas on who i'm going to kill off (sorry!) But would there be anyone you would suggest?

Momo(Eh...I had plans for her, as somewhere in the story she's mentioned by the Solar Five Sister that Kamai had a plan for her, but I don't think it involved her death. It would be pretty devastating for Shiro considering she's his 'sister'(yeah, I don't see her and Shiro together either, guys, but I don't exactly despise her))

Orihime(notice I didn't put her and the others in until later. I always forget about them. I don't know if i'll kill them off...I actually think Orihime's powers would be a blessing against the demons...which would make her a prime target, so I could kill her off...maybe)

Following up on the last question, anybody want cameos? With people dying off they gotta fill up space and I might actually have Shiro send in royals or warriors from his realm, so feel free to stick in your OC's! ^^

A character as Toshiro's sister(I'll keep you anonymous ^^ Anyway, can't really do that, but I can still give her a cameo!)

I had some trouble deciding whether or not to put more romance, and now that Karin and Shiro are together, should I stick more to the action that will ultimately control the entire story anyway or add more romance in? There will be romance, trust me, but again i'm thinking of playing it down in favor of lots of fighting.

More Romance! (Well alright then)

Put as much emphasis on the romance as the action, since Karin is being targeted and we want to see the growth in their relationship. (True, very true. That's two for more romance, haha)

So, three new people got Bankais; Rangiku, Shuhei and Rukia. I honestly have no idea what their Bankais could be, but I wanted them to get Bankai. Little help? PLEASE!?

That's all for now! As ya'll send in questions I might add more for my sake. Remember, this helps me a lot, both story making wise and just so you enjoy it more! Have fun!