Here's finally the last chapter, I'm sorry it took so long

"Peekaboo, peekaboo, peekaboo, peekaboo, peekaboo…"

Klaus rolled his eyes.

"You have been doing that for almost an half an hour."

"Yes," Kol replied and continued hiding his face behind his hands and popping back into baby Bekah's view, but without the "peekaboo". Bekah was still laughing and waving her little hands. She was on Kol's lap, although Klaus was pretty sure that wasn't the right way to transport a baby, she would have needed some sort of special baby seat or something. Not that it mattered, thankfully the campus wasn't far.

"Peekaboo, peekaboo… See, she's still laughing. It seems that babies are kind of stupid."

"Hey!" Klaus snapped. "That's our sister you are talking about."

"Yes," Kol said keeping the smile on his face. "I know. Peekaboo…"

"For heaven's sake…"

Klaus was already a nervous wreck, who would have ever thought that babies were so high maintenance? At least baby Bekah seemed satisfied now, she had been fed and clothed; she was wearing a lime romper with the text "Daddy's little sunshine". Dear lord, this was a nightmare.

"Peekaboo, peekaboo, peekaboo…"

"Could you stop that already?" Klaus snapped.

Kol looked at him and grinned.

"Look, Bekah, someone's a crank today. But we don't care about that, do we? No we don't."

Klaus was about to say something rather unfriendly, but changed his mind, there was no point of fighting. They had a mess to clean up. The most irritating thing was that it wasn't even his mess, but that didn't matter, there was no way in hell he was going to raise Bekah. Hopefully this amateur witch would be able to undo her spell, assuming they could find her. How many women called Laura or Lisa could there be at the campus?

"Alright," he said after parking the car. "I'll go and get us a list of all female students called Laura or Lisa or anything starting with L. Stay here and watch Bekah."

"Why me?" Kol complained.

Klaus ignored him and got out; he wanted to get this over with. Thankfully it wasn't difficult to get the information what he needed; all it took was a one quick compulsion. Now they just needed to find all these girls. He stepped out from the student office and headed back to the car when he noticed a group of girls gathering on the parking lot. Kol was standing in the middle of the group holding Bekah in his arms.

"Yes, it was really sad," he said. "Her mother left us on the Christmas Eve and took all my hard earned money. There I was, alone with my little girl, but I said to myself 'Kol, you must be strong, for little Kolette. You are all she has now'."

"You poor guy," one of the girls said. Her eyes were watering up just like the eyes of most other girls.

"You are so brave, you're daughter is lucky to have a father like you."

Klaus was staring at the group disbelievingly.

"Yes," Kol said. "Things have been rough; it's not easy to raise a child all by yourself. But I love my daughter, she's my little angel."


What the hell was going on?

"Now, would some of you ladies like to change her diaper?"


Klaus rolled his eyes and made his way through the crowd.

"What are you doing?" he hissed angrily.

"What does it look like," Kol replied so quietly that the girl's couldn't hear him.

"Excuse me, ladies," Klaus said through clenched teeth. "Are some of you called Laura or Lisa?"

The girls looked confused.


"Move along then, there's nothing to see here."

"Hey…" Kol started.

"Shut up. And you; shoo!"

"Jerk…" one of the girls murmured but the crowd started to scatter.

"Why did you do that?" Kol complained. "I was just testing my new bait…"

Before he could finish his sentence, baby Bekah started to cry.

"Now look what you did," Kol snorted. "There, there, Kolette…Bekah."

Klaus rubbed his temples, he couldn't take much more crying.

"Alright, you stay here with her, I'll find all the girls on the list and bring them here…"

"Honey bunny!"

Klaus turned and saw a perky looking little blonde approaching them. She marched straight to Kol and kissed him.

"What a nice surprise, you came all this way to visit me!"

Kol looked confused.

"Have we met?"

The girl giggled.

"You're so funny! It's me, Lana!"

"Wait a minute…" Kol murmured. "You're the witch!"

The girl's eyes widened, she seemed offended.

"That's mean, I thought we had fun together, you called me your little marshmallow and you wanted me to call you my honey bunny…"

"Shut up," Kol snapped. "Damn tequila…"

Klaus tried his best for not to laugh, but it was very difficult.

"Well, honey bunny, are you sure that this is the right girl?"

"Yes," Kol replied glaring at his brother.

The girl startled when Klaus grabbed her hands.

"Don't try anything foolish, little witch, you'll come with us and undo your damn spell."

"What are you talking about…"

The rest of her sentence turned into a scream when Klaus threw her over his shoulder.

"Let me go! Help me, honey bunny!"

"Shut up!" Klaus and Kol snapped simultaneously.


Klaus froze when he heard familiar voice from behind him. Oh great…

"If this is some kind of joke, I don't find it funny," Caroline snapped. Klaus turned and saw her and Elena, neither of them looked happy.

"Caroline…What are you doing here?"

She frowned.

"Not that it's any of your business, but Elena and I are here to get to know our new school."

"Oh… That's nice."

"Let me go!" the girl on his shoulder shouted.

"You must wonder what I am doing with the girl, but there's a simple explanation for all of this. You see, she's a witch and she turned Bekah into a baby…"

"I'm not a witch!" the girl shouted. "Stop calling me that!"

"What are you talking about?" Elena asked. "I just saw Rebekah at the boarding house like 30 minutes ago."

"What?" Klaus and Kol asked simultaneously.

"This is Bekah," Kol said holding out the baby in his arms.

Elena and Caroline looked at each other, obviously they thought that both Mikaelsons had lost their mind.

"No, Rebekah is at the boarding house with Stefan. Why would you think that this baby is her?"

"Damon…" Kol started and looked at Klaus. "Damon."

Klaus placed the struggling girl on the ground and marched to the car without saying a word to Caroline or Elena. Kol was right behind him with baby…who ever this baby was.

"Call me, honey bunny!" the girl said before Kol closed the car door behind him.

Neither of them said a word when Klaus started the car, they stayed quiet until Kol's phone started to ring.

"Yes?" he murmured. "Uh huh… Yes, we already heard that. We're on our way to the boarding house, I'll see you there."

"Elijah?" Klaus asked after Kol had hung up.

"Yeah, his witch had laughed like crazy and said that someone must have fooled us."

Klaus gritted his teeth; someone would sure as hell pay for this. The baby was waving her little hands, looking at Kol attentively.

"Where the hell did he get this baby?" Kol murmured.

"Who knows," Klaus replied. "Bekah have certainly some explaining to do."

Angrily Klaus stopped the car in front of the boarding house and got out. He kicked the door open and marched in, looking around until he heard some giggling from Stefan's bedroom. Rebekah and Stefan were in bed under the covers; they both startled when Klaus broke the door and marched in followed by Kol and the baby.

"Nik…Kol…" Rebekah managed to say. "Hi."

Both of her brothers were glaring at her furiously and before she managed to say anything, Elijah joined them.

"Rebekah…" he started coldly. "Perhaps you would like to explain this?"

Rebekah lowered her head and sighed.

"Alright, this was all my idea, but you deserved it."

"What?" all her brothers asked simultaneously.

She raised her head and glared at them.

"I'm over a thousand years old; you have no right to give me rules and curfews. And you…" she continued looking at Kol. "You have no right to come here drunk and attack my boyfriend."

Kol frowned.

"I don't remember attacking him…"

"Well, you did!" Rebekah snapped. "I'm sick of you all trying to control my life and I wanted to teach you a lesson."

"Very amusing," Klaus murmured. "You just wait…"

"Where did you get this baby?" Elijah asked.

Rebekah shrugged.

"I grabbed it from some woman; I knew that you would look after it if you would think that the baby is me."

"That was beyond irresponsible…" Elijah started.

"Yeah, yeah," Rebekah snorted. "I just wanted to spend some time alone with my boyfriend, without any of you. Was that too much to ask?"

Her brothers didn't say anything when Stefan wrapped his arm around her.

"It's ok, sweetheart," he whispered. "If you want to punish someone for this, then punish me, leave Bekah alone."

"Enough," Klaus snorted. "I'm sick of this whole thing, just…come home when you're done."

Rebekah looked stunned.

"Thanks, Nik."

Klaus nodded and turned to the door.

"Hey!" Kol protested. "What about…"

"We're leaving," Klaus said firmly and grabbed Kol's arm. The baby was gurgling, Kol lifted her little higher and murmured something about his damn sister. Elijah followed them silently.

"I didn't expect that from you, Niklaus," he said when they reached the front door.

Klaus shrugged.

"Well, I have my moments. Now we have to return this baby…"

"Why can't we keep it?" Kol asked. "I already named it and it'll be great bait…"

"No," Klaus and Elijah said.

"This baby's name is Ella," Elijah said. "Her parents are looking for her."

"Ella…" Kol murmured looking at the little creature in his arms. "I think I still like Kolette more."

The baby looked at him and smiled.

"Give her to me," Elijah said. "I'll take her home."

Kol bit his bottom lip before giving the baby to Elijah.

"Bye, Kolette," he murmured when Elijah carried her towards his car.

"Let's go home," Klaus murmured. "By the way, about the whole honey bunny thing…"

"Shut up," Kol snorted. "I was drunk!"

Klaus grinned.

"What ever you say." He paused and sighed. "Funny, I almost started to get used to that little thing, minus all the racket."

"Yeah, me too," Kol murmured. "But I'll definitely never touch tequila again."