So yes, this is a wrong BWL story with Good!Voldemort, Bad!Dumbledore, and my own little twist to it. BTW, it will start off a bit before Hogwarts. Enjoy! XD

Sometimes, Lord Voldemort wondered where exactly he went wrong in life. His original intentions for Britain were noble and pure, but Voldemort doubted that the him of twenty years ago would approve of the person he was today.

But then, it wasn't Voldemort's fault that things had spiralled so far out of his grasp. It was all Dumbledore's fault. He was the one who began circulating the rumors that Voldemort was dark. Before he knew it, the Ministry had jumped on those rumors and the Prophet ran front page stories about Voldemort being responsible for mass muggle slaughter. While there were certain muggles that Voldemort didn't like, that certainly didn't warrant killing muggles on sight. And the idea that Voldemort and his followers were blood purists? Utter rubbish. Why in the world would a half blood spout blood purity nonsense? What the rumors did do was attract blood-thirsty killers and blood purists to him and soon enough, some of his followers actually were responsible for some of the killings. At that point, the term 'Death Eater' was coined to describe his followers. Although to be honest, Voldemort and his followers actually thought the name was pretty awesome and used it as well.

Presently, Voldemort was wishing that he could just disappear and start from a clean slate. Maybe he could restore his body while he was at it. Voldemort decided to ask Snape about it in the near future.

At that moment, Snape strode into the room, which was good timing on his part because Voldemort was just about to summon him. Although Voldemort had a feeling that there was a different reason for Snape's coming.

"My Lord, I did not mean to disturb you, but this is a matter of grave importance." Voldemort waved his hand dismissively.

"If the matter was truly important, then you would skip the formalities and tell me already." Voldemort hated unnecessary formalities.

"I was spying on Dumbledore, who was interviewing someone for the post of Divination. The interview got interesting when she spouted out a prophecy in the middle of the interview. The prophecy was about you." Voldemort was interested now.

"Tell it to me exactly." Snape nodded.

"I didn't hear the entire prophecy, but I did hear a good bit of it. I'll recite what I heard word for word.

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches
Born to those who have thrice defied him
Born as the seventh month dies… That's all I heard before I was discovered and forced to leave." A plan was rapidly forming itself in Voldemort's mind.

The Potters were expecting triplets and were due on July 31st. One of those were probably the prophecy child. Dumbledore probably knew this as well. Snape had placed Lily Potter on the Do Not Kill List. These facts remained foremost in Voldemorts mind as he concocted his plan.

"Severus, I think this prophecy is talking about the Potters. Don't worry, I do not intend on harming any of them, but Dumbledore doesn't know that. How would you like to properly spy on Dumbledore?" Snape caught on quickly.

"You want me to be a triple agent?"

"Exactly. Dumbledore would jump at the chance to recruit one of my inner circle as a spy. But he won't be able to learn much as I plan on lying low for a while. Severus, can you create a full body restoration potion for me? Frankly, I'm a bit tired of looking like a snake-human hybrid."

"Yes, my lord. It shall take a while to get all of the different ingredients and the potion you want takes a month to brew." Voldemort nodded at Snape.

"Now go and concoct a tale that the old fool will believe." Sensing his dismissal, Snape turned and left the room.

It had taken over a year, but Voldemort had finally done it. He had finally gained access to the Potter's place at Godric's Hollow. Lily and James had left for a Halloween party, leaving the triplets under guard of their grandparents. Voldemort had deduced that the prophecy child was Harry Potter, who had been born five minutes before midnight on July 31st. Unlike the other two Potters, Harry had black hair and green eyes. The other children had red hair and hazel eyes. Although Voldemort didn't really care about the so-called prophecy. He just wanted a way to be pronounced dead by the majority of the wizarding world. Voldemort figured that his life would be a lot easier without a war going on. His goals would probably never happen if he was the one in charge. It's fairly hard to improve the wizarding world if everyone's convinced that you're a murdering lunatic.

Voldemort strode into the house with surprising ease. You'd think that the Potters would have more wards put up other than the Fidelus Charm. But they didn't, which led Voldemort to wonder if everyone on the Light Side was this brainless. He managed to get to the nursery without a hitch, but when he got there, it appeared that the grandmother was with the triplets.

Voldemort's plan was to nullify the Killing Curse as soon as he sent it, and then leave a spare set of robes, some ashes, and a replica of his wand at the foot of the crib, thus making it seem like his Killing Curse had rebounded on him. Maybe for added effect he'd leave a mark on Harry's cheek. In the shape of a star, perhaps?

As Voldemort raised his wand to Harry, he figured that nothing could possibly go wrong with his plan.

Just as he uttered the curse however, everything went wrong.

The grandmother shoved Voldemort to the side and his wand was suddenly pointed at one of the other children. Panicing, Voldemort tried to cancel the curse, but he didn't manage it in time and the child still died. Damn. Voldemort hated the idea of killing wizarding children. They were the future and were treated like they were precious.

Interestingly enough, some of the backlash of the curse had left a lightning bolt shaped scar on Harry's forehead. That wouldn't do. Voldemort reached out to try to heal the wound, but was surprised to find some of his magic reach into the boy and take root there. Voldemort tried to tug it back out, but it refused to budge. Voldemort gave up and cut it free and the shock of the magical separation was enough to bring the house down.

Voldemort set down the items and decided to snap the fake wand so that Dumbledore wouldn't realize that it wasn't a real wand. Voldemort then fled the Potter house, not knowing that the grandmother died or that the other Potter child was cut by a piece of wood that resulted in a jagged scar that roughly resembled a lightning bolt on his cheek.

When Voldemort retreated back to his hideout, he was greeted by his most trusted Death Eaters. They were all shocked by what he just told them, with the exception of Severus Snape, who had a faint inkling of what he was planning.

"This may be the last time I will summon you into a Death Eater meeting. But only because Lord Voldemort is dead. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to launch a full-blown assault against Dumbledore and the Ministry simultaneously. I have a different goal for all of you now. Infiltrate the Ministry and try to change the way things are done. Right now, it's run by fools. You are not fools. Let's make sure that in the future, the people who run the Ministry are not fools. And once Dumbledore dies, we can change the way Hogwarts is run. The school's standards have nosedived since Dumbledore took office. But most importantly, stay out of jail. You are useless in Azkaban. Is that clear?" Everyone nodded in assent.

"Now go! Go and change the world!" Everyone left, with the exception of Snape, who stayed behind.

"I am truly sorry, Severus. I had not intended to kill the Potter child." Snape nodded.

"I know that. The reason I stayed is because the potion you asked for is ready. But while we're on this subject, why didn't you just send a spell that simply conjured green light at the boy instead of using the Killing Curse?" Huh, Voldemort hadn't thought of that.

"Damn it."

Updates will come a bit slower than my other stories. But I won't abandon it because the plot is currently stuck in my head and this is the only way that I can possibly get it out. Please review!