Hello! I really hope you like this chapter...I'm kind of scared that you think this is...too much. Anyways, I will accept any comment :) Thanks for reading and reviews, favorites, alerts, all appreciated.


They kissed once, twice, three times, never getting tired, sating the thirst and anxiety that nine years of loneliness had caused on them. Enjolras felt whole again, like if his wandering soul had finally returned to his body. Éponine was as ecstatic as only a person who's truly in love can be. Suddenly, Enjolras looked at her, who was already trembling in his arms.

"Athena, we can't stay here all day...you're going to get sick," he warned a bit concerned and Éponine smirked while standing in her tiptoes and pecking his lips.

"Silly Apollo, you're Francie's father, not mine. But I guess you're right, we must leave," she coincided.

"Can we go to your place?" he asked suddenly.

"You've already invited yourself over to my place?" she asked amused as she raised an eyebrow playfully.

"Come on 'Ponina…you're kissing me like there was no tomorrow and then you pretend to send me away alone? Besides, have mercy; apparently I'm going to live with 'Taire until I find a place," he said, leaving Éponine openmouthed.

Unconsciously, she began walking towards her apartment, inviting Enjolras with a subtle glance, who followed her without hesitation.

"Why aren't you staying in your parents' house?" she asked curiously.

"Are you pretending that I stay with them after what they did to us? They are despicable…I can't live with them. Besides, we had a heated argument before I left and I guess my father does not acknowledge me as his son anymore."

Éponine smiled in response, blushing subtly and squeezing his hand. They walked all the way to her apartment in silence, kissing when the streets were alone and remembering their years in university.

"Okay, 'Ponine, this is your first official date with Enjolras and I'm not going to let you mess it up," Cosette said as she threatened Éponine with a lipstick in her hand.

"There's no way I'm going to let you approach to me with your pinkish blushes and lipsticks near me, do you get it? I can do my own make up, hair and, on top of all, I can select my own clothing!" Éponine exclaimed while backing up.

"You're not going with jeans and converse shoes to your date 'Ponine, forget about it!"

"Cosette! Enjolras likes me with converse and jeans," Éponine whined.

"I know 'Ponine, it's not like he's going to dump you because you don't wear a dress…it's question feeling different and looking differently to do something completely out of the daily routine. Besides you're going out with Enjolras…imagine the face of Les Amis when they see him completely openmouthed," she squealed as she observed Éponine's wardrobe.

"Hey! Why do you never wear the pretty skirts and dresses I give you for your birthdays and Christmas? And, more importantly, why do you put them in the back of your closet?" Cosette asked a bit crossed as she took out what she was looking for and smiled.

An hour later, Enjolras knocked Cosette and Éponine's door at the girls' dorm. He was marveled to see her, clad in a breathtaking, purplish-blue dress, with some light, natural make up and her hair half-done, half falling to her bare shoulders. Enjolras was literally speechless. Éponine frowned. Cosette came out of nowhere, took a picture of Enjolras' face with her phone and excused herself telling she was off to Marius' place.

"Wow…'Ponina, you're…different," he said a bit uncomfortably.

"Thanks…I guess," she said while closing the door.

The car ride was very uncomfortable for both of them. They had kissed at the park that same week and the closest thing they had to a conversation was Enjolras asking her to go for dinner. It hadn't been a problem as long as they were with Les Amis, for they would always keep the conversation going but now that they were alone in Enjolras' car, they didn't know what to say or what to do, and their way to their favorite restaurant –which was usually loud and funny- was deadly silent.

Enjolras opened the door for her and even this gesture seemed awkward to Éponine, it was funny for both of them how nothing meant the same to her now that they were properly "dating".

Usually when they went to that same restaurant in their free time, they would guess each other's choice and even play around. The waitress would ask them if they were a couple but they would always choke on their food while loudly stating they were just friends. That day, nothing happened. They ate in silence, avoiding eye contact until the end.

They left the restaurant completely disappointed and decided, with an almost monosyllabic dialogue, to take a walk through the city. Éponine soon found inspiration in advertisement and burst out laughing. Enjolras looked at her, asking her for an explanation with a grin.

"Look at me…I'm all dressed up with high heels, dress and all. And you're wearing a tie! We drank a bottle of extremely expensive wine and ate pretentious plates in the same restaurant were we drink hot chocolate with marshmallows!" she said with a sonorous laughter as Enjolras chuckled with her.

"All of that…to be deadly silent all the way…and this is very awkward when other times it was all laughter and conversation," she added as he kissed her forehead.

"You know? This is why I've liked you since the day we met. Honestly, 'Ponina, where am I supposed to find somebody like you?" he said with an honest, wide smile.

"Right here Enjolras!" she answered while kissing him on his lips, "and this doesn't have to be awkward anymore."

In the way the rushed through that restaurant, which he had missed so much in his late nights of overrated hamburgers and cold pizza. Enjolras grinned.

"Do you remember the owner of the restaurant?" Éponine asked as she realized he was staring.

"Madame D'Epinay? I do remember her…she would always ask us when would we finally get together…" Enjolras smiled.

"She still remembers you, she asks me about you," Éponine said carelessly.

He was about to ask her if she continued to go to that restaurant but she simply shrugged and told him they lived very near to find her every so often. Before Enjolras could inquire any further, Éponine stopped in front of a really picturesque alley. There was a Bistro on one side, with a few little tables scattered outside and in the other side there was a patisserie, a small library and a flower shop. In the middle of the two sides there was a nice, bricked building. All the windows were disposed in a way in which everyone could see the little alley and also the Eiffel tower in all is splendor from the back part of the building.

Éponine walked confidently through the alley with a proud smile on her face. Many people, including the waitresses of the Bistro and the employees of the flower shop and the patisserie, and an old man that was seating outside of the library. She waved at everyone and then headed towards the building.

They took the elevator to the fifth and last floor, where they encountered the mess of blonde hair that was Gavroche, who was about to leave. His face, which had been tranquil and excited for all of the expectations he had for the weekend, contorted into a dead glare when he saw Éponine's companion.

He half dragged his sister towards their apartment with Enjolras following close behind. Gavroche opened the door and almost pushed his sister in without inviting Enjolras. He entered anyways and found that Éponine's house was spacious and very graceful. He closed the door behind him and stood still until he realized Gavroche was glaring, yet again, at him.

"What do you want?" Gavroche spat while Éponine tried to scold him.

"Don't say a word Éponine…don't you realize it's not only about you anymore? We're talking about Francie now…and I won't let this bastard come into our lives like this again…I'm sorry but you're leaving," Gavroche said while trying to push Enjolras away, who stayed where he was, also glaring at Gavroche. His jaw was stiff, and his eyes cold. He moved forward to where the siblings were standing.

"I guess you won't like to hear the whole story, but I'm going to explain this to you: it was all a lie. My parents lied to you as much as they lied to me, so much I didn't know about Francie's existence up this morning," Enjolras said, making Gavroche's glare to soften a little bit.

"You're…wanting me to believe that you didn't…know you were a father until now?" Gavroche asked.

"I didn't know. Ask Grantaire and Combeferre if you want to…how I almost strangled my father because of how he insulted Éponine. I guess I'm not welcomed at their house anymore, not like if it affects me too much, after what they did to us…Gavroche, listen to me. You know me since you're a kid, you believed in my word before. I know that leaving was not my best decision, it was the principal cause of all of this…but I'm back and, if your sister's willing to let me in, I'm going to retrieve my position as a father and see my daughter grow," he said while looking at Éponine directly in the eyes.

Gavroche sighed while looking at Éponine, who nodded. He then walked to Enjolras and offered his hand for him to shake. Enjolras nodded thankfully before receiving a warning.

"I swear Laurent Maximillien Enjolras, that if you ever make MY girls suffer, you're not going to find a place on earth in which I don't find you to make you beg for their forgiveness," he said.

"Take it easy 'Roche, it's not like I'm a helpless little lamb," Éponine said while rolling her eyes, making both men smile.

After patting Enjolras' back, Gavroche left; he needed a couple of drinks, perhaps a whole bottle, to assimilate the situation.

Enjolras walked to Éponine and sat by her side on the couch, while taking her hand. They had a very civil conversation for a while, laughing as though they were back to their college days and their relationship. They talked about Francie, about life, about their plans. They spoke about Enjolras' new projects regarding the law and also had a political discussion as Éponine commented on her job with the NGO and the new proposal she had gotten to be a permanent columnist in a very important newspaper.

Then things turned more sentimental, as they remembered their breakup and their final days together, as they talked about the lost years and their future. Tears came, regrets were said and then, there was more kissing.

Outside, the rain, which had ceased through their way to Éponine's apartment, now returned with thicker drops pounding unevenly through the windows. Éponine smiled between kisses, trying to take as much air as possible so their lips didn't stop touching for a second.

And then desire exploded in both of them. Hands wandered up and down their forms, moans came, and rain and wind had their own symphony outside. Clothing disappeared, thunder made its way through the pounding, their hearts were beating faster, together as one.

Enjolras took Éponine bridal style, she lead the way until entering to her room. He laid her on the bed, caressing her, touching her, remembering every inch of her body with a new passion. Éponine moaned his name on his ear; he had missed that too much. They felt whole again, together.

Afterwards, they were huddled together, contemplating silently each other's face. Sweaty and weary, they shared the biggest of smiles. Enjolras was playing with a few strands of hair and Éponine made lazy circles on his chest, when he finally felt brave to speak.

"I missed you Éponine," he sighed.

"I love you, Enjolras."