After the Rebellion things only got worse for everyone, even District 2. The Hunger Games became more brutal, so brutal that twice there has been no victor, do to the harsh arenas and evil mutts. Once a month, Peacekeepers are sent into people's homes, checking for any sign of possible Rebellion.

More and more people are seen being whipped for their rebellious thoughts, President Rossi does not believe in easy punishments, he believes in harsh punishments because it gets through people's heads faster.

Most do not want to admit it, but some of the Capital people are beginning to fear, that they too will have to start giving Tributes. All wait anxiously for the day, President Rossi announces what the Quarter Quell shall be, for they all know, it will shall be a cruel punishment for whoever shall be reaped.

President Rossi is a short, stout man. He likes to wear his loose, silky, suit as he watches over the Capital people. He hated how carefree his people are, they should be cowering at every small noise.

President Rossi lets out a huff before turning around to walk onto his balcony, today is the day he announces the Quarter Quell requests, he rubs his bald head before wrapping his grubby fingers around the microphone left out for him. "For the 175th Quarter Quell, District 1, 2, and 4 shall offer two past victors, while the remaining Districts shall offer one past victor." He pauses only to cough into his handkerchief, the look on people's faces cause him to grin and continue. "No mentors shall be accompanying them, which means harder chances at sponsors. Instead of the usual, boring, chariot rides, this year we shall review the past victor's best moments." He takes a moment for it sink into their heads.

"That is all, Happy Hunger Games and may the odds, ever be in your favor." President Rossi says blandly. President Rossi is never one to say much, nor does he care if everyone catches his message, he shall never repeat himself.

(Author Note): Tribute form is on my profile, I only accept them through PM and I will not review them unless they are in my PM box.