A young boy looked up at a building. His mother had told him that it was Kindergarten. The boy had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes as bright as the sky. Even though he was only five he already had a pair of glasses resting on his nose, which seemed big and bulky on his small face. The boys name was Alfred F Jones. His middle name was Franklin, but he always liked to tell every one it was Freedom.

Alfred was a little chubby for his age, though his mother always told people it was still his baby fat, even though she new she needed to start feeding Alfred healthier herself. Alfred never really wanted to eat anything but sweets, and hated vegetables. His mother had tried to get him to eat better, but ever time the young toodler would flash her those baby blues she just had to give in.

Today was Alfred's first day of school, and even though his mother had told him about it, he thought that his mother would be there the whole time, which wasn't the case at all. Alfred's mother walked into the class room, holding onto Alfred's hand. Alfred looked around the class in awe, everything was colorful and there were pictures everywhere. Alfred saw some other kids and gives them a small smile, before his mother moved to kneel in front of him.

"Alfred, baby, Momma has to go now," She says in a sweet voice, hoping that her son wouldn't cause a scene, but it seemed that that hope was wasted.

Alfred's smile left his face almost immediately. "But you can't leave me here alone, Momma!" He yells loudly, gaining the other children's attention.

Alfred's mother sighs softly and gently smooths down Alfred's hair, who was now clinging to her. "I have to sweetie, I can't stay with you at school. Now, go make some friends," She speaks in a kind and nurturing tone. Her husband always told her that she spoiled the child, but how could she not, he was her baby boy.

Alfred's bottom lip starts to quiver, tears forming in his eyes. He holds onto his mother's leg tightly, never wanting to let go. "Please Mommy, don't leave! Take me with you!"

The woman moves to gently pick up her son, pushing some of his hair back behind his ear. She wipes away the few tears that had escaped his eyes with a gentle hand. "I can't bud, you have to go to school. I promise you that you will have some fun, and maybe even make some friends."

Alfred sniffles lightly, calming down a little. "Y-You're not leaving me here forever right...?"

A soft laugh escapes the woman and she kiss his forehead lightly. "Of course I'm not leaving you, I'll be back by the end of the day, now be the brave little hero your Mommy knows you are and be good for the teacher."

Alfred gives her a bright smile and nods, "Okay Mommy... Bye bye..." He was placed down on the floor and turned to watch his mother leave. Alfred took a deep breath and turned to the class, trying to do as his mother had told him to.

The teacher moves over to him and takes his hand. "Come on Alfred, I'll show you where to sit."

After being led to his seat, Alfred glanced around the room again. Some of the other children were already talking to one another, Alfred wondered if they already knew each other. One kid glanced over him and smirk, before turning back and laughing with two of his other friends. Alfred could help but stare at the boy. He looked like some sort of monster from one of the movies he wasn't supposed to watch. He had white hair and blood red eyes. Seeing him brought goose bumps over Alfred's skin. The white haired boy was talking to two other kids, one had blonde hair down to his shoulders and his laugh sounded really weird, it kinda creeped Alfred out. The third one had a darker skin tone and hard brown hair. The three of them kept glancing over at Alfred, quickly turning away and whispering to each other.

Alfred tried to not stare at the three boys, wondering what they were talking about, but Alfred soon got distracted from that thought as the teacher called every one to attention. His name was Mr. Vargas. He started to talk and Alfred tried to pay attention, but that was hard for him to do even when it wasn't school. His eyes wondered over to the window where he gazed out at what was behind the school. Eventually he spots a playground, which cause his eyes to light up almost instantly. He just hoped that they would be able to play on them before the day was over.


Alfred's hopes were soon answered about half way through the day when Mr. Vargas announced that they get to go out and have recess. Alfred's face broke out into a huge smile, oh how he was going to love this, at least that's what he thought for the most part. The teacher told them to line up at the door and he would lead them out to the play ground. Alfred quickly got up and rushed to try to be in the front of the line, but by the time he made it to the front of the class, everyone was already there and they pushed him to the back. Alfred thought nothing of it at first and just took his spot at the end of the line, following everyone out to play.

Once they were released on the play ground, Alfred quickly rushed over to the slides, only to fall face first into the ground. At first, he just thought he had tripped over a rock or something, but then he turned to see a flash of white hair as a kid ran off laughing. The small American boy pouted a little at that and stood up, brushing himself off, before making his way to the slides. He didn't notice the three boys from earlier laughing and watching him. As soon as Alfred was out of the sight of the teacher, the boys moved on him. Alfred was surrounded before he even knew it. He yelps slightly as he was pushed down to the ground.

"Hey there cry baby," The boy with white hair spoke with a wide grin. "We thought we would give you a proper...greeting, since you just started school today, in like the middle of the school year."

That confused Alfred a little bit, it was the middle of the school year? He thought it had just started, or maybe it was just because his family just moved because of his Dad's job... He wasn't sure, but he couldn't really think at the moment because he had three boys hoovering over him.

The one with the long hair spoke next, a smirk on his face. "Yes, exactly, we thought we would show you what it was like at school...and where you belong, fattie. So let's tell you are names first. I'm Francis," He point to the dark haired boy, "That's Antonio and th-" "And I'm the awesome Gilbert," The albino boy says with a wide grin. "And now it's about time we show you what we do to cry babies...and fatso-s."

Alfred didn't even fully know what happened next, or why, he just knew his whole body hurt, and he felt like curling up and crying. He knew those boys were bullies, he had seen bullies in movies, and they definitely acted the same, but Alfred didn't even know what he did wrong. He didn't think he was fat, or a cry baby, because Heroes could be either of those, but it seemed he was wrong, which must have meant he couldn't be a hero either. Alfred returned home that day of school, almost a different kid than the one his mother had left at school that morning.

Alfred went through the same thing about everyday, and sometimes it was more than just those three boys that picked on him, but he started to be able to ignore it for the most part. Finally about a two months into it, Alfred's family had to move away again with his father's work, and Alfred was glad to leave, he just hoped the next school wouldn't be the same.