Me: Hi! I am starting a new drabble series for Yumeiro Pattisiere!

Kashino: Yay...

Ichigo: Makoto! Don't be so mean!

Me: I just realized I have never done a disclamer before, so I feel so guilty...

Ichigo: Minty-chan does not own Yumeiro Patisiere!

Kashino sweat-dropped. It was his girlfriend, Ichigo's, birthday tomorrow, and he still hadn't gotten her a gift! He was going to go to the mall today, but Kashino had no idea what to get her.

At the mall...

"Ooo, that guy is so cute!"

Kashino could hear fangirls whispering about him behind his back. He sighed. Exactly why he hated the mall. But, if he was here for Ichigo, then he would stay for her. Kashino headed into the jewelry store. Girls liked jewelry, right?

He entered the deadly silent store. The employees looked like they nothing to do, like they just getting paid for doing nothing all day.

"Can I help you?" A young woman asked him, her face brightening at the sight of him walking into the store.

"Actually, I'm here shopping for a gift for my girlfriend, and her name is Ichigo, so I was wondering if you had a strawberry pendant for a necklace, or something." Kashino explained. He was so nervous that if he got Ichigo a gift she didn't like, their relationship would be over.

"Being a sweet boyfriend is tough work, huh?" She winked. Kashino blushed at that. "Sure thing sir." She pulled out a ruby strawberry pendant, with a emerald stem. It looked very expensive.

"That is perfect! How much?" Kashino asked, hoping it wasn't too much money. He knew Ichigo loved strawberries, so he was confident that she would love this necklace.

"10 000 yen, but since it's your first time shopping here, I'll give you a 50% off coupon. So now it's 5000 yen." The woman replied. (A/N: I'm just hoping that would be the proper price!) Kashino took out his wallet. His savings for Ichigo's birthday totaled up to exactly 5000 yen. Phew! Just enough. Kashino thought. He paid up, and took the small box happily.

The next day...

Kashino walked to the outside of the girls dormhouse, the small box in hand. The grass was still covered in dew, making Kashino's shoes wet. He was there to pick Ichigo up. He had baked a cake for her last night, using a magic sweets card to preserve was gonna get Chocolat to take it out at exactly 10:30, the second the couple would arrive in the kitchen classroom. They would eat the cake together, then Kashino would give her the gift. They would spend the rest of the day together, having fun. At least, that was Kashino's fantasy.

"Ichigo! Happy birthday! You look more beautiful than all the flowers in the world combined." Kashino surrounded her with a loving hug.

"Makoto..." Ichigo said in happiness.

"Come on, lets's go! I have a surprise for you!" Kashino said, tugging on her hand, like a young child begging for ice cream on a hot summer's day. It was almost 10:30.

They got to the kitchen classroom at exactly 10:29. The cake was a milk chocolate cake, with strawberry icing, and a strawberry dipped in chocolate sat on top of it.

"Makoto, it looks amazing! This is probably the best birthday cake I've ever had!" Ichigo exclaimed.

"There's more!" Kashino said, anxiously awaiting he thoughts on the necklace. He delicately opened the small box, unclasped the back of the necklace, and put it carefully around Ichigo's neck.

"You are the best boyfriend ever!" Ichigo kissed him happily on the cheek. "I love you!"

"Anything for my sweet Ichigo."

Me: I hope you enjoyed that fluffy fic I made!

Ichigo: Please review!

Me: I'm planning on weekly updates. Hopefully I'll live up to that goal!

Kashino: Of course you will! *rolls eyes while saying sarcastically*

Ichigo: Makoto!

Me: ...