Disclaimer: Don't own Marvel (damn, the debts I could pay off) nor the Percy Jackson series. That would mean I'd be Rick Riordan.

Also, watch out for the OOC Percy and Sally.

EDIT: Sorry, sorry, Percy (in this story, mind you) is Poseidon's great-great grandson. So yeah...~

I. The Beginning, 1 of 4

My name is Percy Jackson and I'm the grandson of Poseidon, Greek God of the Sea.

Alright, alright, to be honest, he's actually my great-great-grandfather. And for supposedly being a god who isn't allowed to come into contact with his kids (and in my mom's case, us) he's been pretty good.

He obviously can't come into direct contact with us, but I have a faint memory of a man with eyes like my mother's staring at me and smiling. Despite the fact that I'm a fourth-generation demi-god (Or Godish-American, as I like to call myself) I still have some of the original powers my grandfather had.

Robert Jackson. Richard and James Jackson. Sally Jackson. And me, Percy Jackson. A lineage that still gets chased after monsters and other gods. Thankfully, I haven't attracted that much attention, though Grandpa Poseidon had heavily hinted (through a nymph messenger, of course) that I should go to Camp Half-Blood.

But I thought about it, and yeah, it makes sense, but won't other kids look at me weird? All of them would be children of the gods, not descendants.

"Well, I went Percy, I mean, it'd be good— you can meet kids who are similar to you. I can't protect you all of the time." Yup, mom went to Camp Half-Blood. Sure, she only went during the summer, but still. And I was kind of hoping that by now, the monsters wouldn't hurt me.

I guess I had some sort of sad face in 'cause Mom took one good look at me and her eyes soften.

"Percy, you know why—"

"Yeah, but I'm not that closely related to Grandpa, aren't you more likely to get hunted than me?" Mom did nod at my statement, but I could see a 'but…'

"You're also my child, and I'm pretty sure it'd be easier to take you out than me. Also, something…something… " That's where I got a crazy thought. Why she had been telling me, since I could remember, all about camp and why I should go.

"Is…is this about who my dad is? That's why you want me to go to camp?" She actually looked surprised.

"I would hope not, that wouldn't make sense."

"My dad…he's not a god?" Mom's face had twitched a bit, but she nodded at that.

"Percy, darling, if we see your father again, I'll point him out to you." That was such a weird statement, because it implied that my dad might not know who I am…or that he's not exactly here, in a non-dead way.

All my life I tried to figure out if my dad was a god. I even considered minor gods. I even considered Lord Triton, to which my mom got the funniest expression of disgust. But the true was, I looked too much like gramps. Even my mom, whose hair had lightened to brown (after spending some time honing her powers down in Florida), looked like him when she was younger. But the difference was that my eyes were much greener, though I could see some blue in them.

Maybe my dad was a half-blood. Could explain why I had a better grasp over water and whatever lived in it. Mom could still talk to horses and pegasai , but I could only communicated with the winged-ones.

But anyways, I listened to mom, and went to camp when I finished fifth grade. Pretty interesting and intense and like I thought, people seemed surprised that I had any sort of powers. Not Chiron though, and certainly not Mr. D, not that he cared.

So my first year of camp was over, and I knew something bad was going to happen because Mom's face was so grim and drained. It obviously had something to do with the family, because she showed me the ominous message gramps sent. It had said: "TAKE CARE, DO NOT TRUST ANYONE."

But that was all pushed out of my head as we got out of Mom's car and headed for the door, we heard a giant explosion. Suddenly there were aliens (I think, not 100% sure) and Mom pulled out Riptide, something passed down to her from her dad. One day it was gonna be mine, but for now I used a regular celestial bronze. It was a great thing these alien-things got damaged by our weapons. We saved people and Mom made me escort them to underground.

Mom was great…amazing, wonderful. She had no problem dodging their attacks and with my water powers, we were able to take out a bunch of aliens in one go. Still, we didn't know what to do. The police were in disarray and I thought I saw Iron Man up there.

There was a shadow that passed over us, and when I yelled out "Mom, flying alien!" and she looked up, I heard a terrifying voice. It wasn't loud, but it seemed so commanding.

"Sally Jackson!"

"What's up with bull-dude, did King Midas poke him or something…? Mom?" She was staring at the dude who took off his helmet and glared at her. I felt myself twitching, wanting to throw something at him. That's my Mom.

You don't glare at my mom.

"Percy…dear…that's him." I looked at her, confused. She gave me a weak smile.

"That's your dad. Loki, Prince of Asgard."


Okay, so first is a shout-out to the reviewer Silverstreak who planted this plot garden in my head. Seriously guys, I'll never update ATG and Things we forget if you do this to me :

But anywho, it was a great idea and I had fun writing this. Will this be longer? I dunno, it's kinda like my Percy Jackson parody, it probably be short and may drabble style.

I feel like this could be a challenge, Sally Jackson being a half-blood, or a descendant of Poseidon. How cool would that be? Who wants to do that?

But anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it and well, you're more than welcome to comment, suggest, review, etc, etc, etc and hopefully, I will have the next chapter of At a Glance out soon…ish…


Okay, so first is a shout-out to the reviewer Silverstreak who planted this plot garden in my head. Seriously guys, I'll never update ATG and Things we forget if you do this to me :

But anywho, it was a great idea and I had fun writing this. Will this be longer? I dunno, it's kinda like my Percy Jackson parody, it probably be short and may drabble style.

I feel like this could be a challenge, Sally Jackson being a half-blood, or a descendant of Poseidon. How cool would that be? Who wants to do that?

But anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it and well, you're more than welcome to comment, suggest, review, etc, etc, etc and hopefully, I will have the next chapter of At a Glance out soon…ish…(maybe)