Here is a new story for you. I hope you like it. Please review. This makes my day so much better. C :

Berwald came home from a very stressful day at work hoping to spend some quality time with his beautiful wife and son.

He turned the keys in the lock and stepped in the house. What he didn't know was that Tino had a rough day himself.

After violently vomiting at four in the morning and having to take a sick and very difficult Peter to the doctors and practically force feeding him everything that he offered him Tino was very very irritated.

It didn't help that Berwald wanted to surprise him by giving him a hug from behind while whispering "How was your day today my beautiful and lovely wife?" In fact this made Tino even more annoyed.

"One. I had an absolutely stress packed day today. I had to take Peter, who by the way was soo difficult that I practically had to threaten him with all sorts of punishments to get him to the doctors. Then when we got back I had to force feed our son his chicken soup and his medicine. And seeing as I barely slept for the last couple of damn days and vomiting up everything I eat I am as you should've noticed by now more irritated than I ever thought I'd be. Plus of course you come home and give me a huge shock and blowing in my ear. So does that answer your fucking question?" Tino screamed in his husbands face.

Berwald stared at his usually calm wife with a look of pure horror. Not knowing that Berwald didn't know about him needing space Tino shouted "If you're just going to stand there gawking like an idiot you might as well help me with hmmm I don't know. Looking after your sick son tomorrow."

"I can't do that and you know it. We need the money." "Oh so now money is more important to you than your own son. That's it I want you out of this house right now. Do you understand me? I'll give you half an hour to pack your things and leave."

Berwald was too stunned to say anything but before he could answer Tino he noticed his face go pale then green before vomiting violently on the tiles.

Berwald rushed over to Tino who's violet orbs were glistening with tears. "I'm so sorry Ber. Please don't leave me. I can't possibly manage by myself. Please don't go."

To say least Berwald was beyond shocked. First the irritated Tino then the vomiting an lastly the crying Tino all in the space of ten minutes. Then the answer hit him hard and he swallowed and asked "Tino? Are you by any chance pregnant?"

Tino went several shades paler than he was before and started tearing up again. "No. I can't be. We can't cope as it is with the money problem we have. So I can't do this. But I can't just get rid of life like that. So what are we going to do now Ber?" said Tino starting to hyperventilate violently before passing out in his husbands arms.

Berwald barely managed to catch Tino before he fell on the floor. Berwald took Tino into their shared bedroom and laid him on their bed.

He looked at his one and only true love. Even in his sleep you could his distress. It pained Berwald beyond the imaginable. He kissed Tino's forehead and whispered "I'll promise that I will find a way so we can manage. You'll see."

Then he left the room and called his best friend Lukas. When Lukas picked up the phone and said "Hello?" Berwald answered "Lukas. Can you Mathias and Emil come over quickly? There is something urgent I need to discuss with you. And also could you bring a couple of pregnancy tests with you?" "Of course Ber. Consider it done." Lukas said.

When the phone line went dead Berwald went to his sick sons pretty empty room and stroked his warm cheek. Peter, sensing something was wrong, asked "Is something wrong with Mama?" "No my darling. He is just very tired. " said Berwald. "Is it my fault? I'm so sorry for troubling him." Peter sobbed looking at his father with those puppy-dog eyes of his.

"Peter. You're a big boy now so I can tell you. You see we have a slight problem with earning enough money to take care of all of us. And Mama might be carrying your little brother or sister and that's making him very worried that we won't be able to take care of all of us and the baby. And that's why I have decided to call for help. Does that sound like an idea to you?" said Berwald looking a his son.

"Yes. And I'll help." said Peter enthusiastically which made Berwald smile. As he left his sons bedroom and walked back to his beloved wife he thought to himself 'We'll get through this somehow.'

Berwald lay next to Tinos slightly shivering form and placed his arm around his petite body. This woke Tino up and his violet orbs met piercing turquoise ones.

"Sorry for waking you up darling." Berwald said kissing Tino softly. "It's alright. I wasn't going to sleep long." The two lovers were interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

"Who is that?" Tino asked. "I asked Lukas, Mathias and Emil to come over and help us. You stay in bed. I'll get it." said Berwald lightly pushing Tino back into the covers.

He went downstairs and the second he opened the door he was tackled to the ground by a very excited Mathias.

"Get off me Mathias." growled Berwald not in the mood for the obnoxious Dane.

Only after a punch in the face from Lukas did Mathias back off. Lukas handed Berwald the bag of pregnancy tests and said " It's better if you get it over with now."

Berwald nodded and headed back to his darling wife who was sitting in their shared bed still looking a bit pale.

Berwald slowly entered and sat next to Tino and gave him the bag. "It's the only way that we'll know for sure if you're pregnant or not. Do you want me to stay with you?"

Tino nodded and together with Berwald he went into the bathroom. Once Tino took the test all the couple could do was wait for the result.

Downstairs Mathias was busy with raiding the Swede's fridge and getting himself a nice cool beer when suddenly a piercing scream echoed through the house followed by agonising cries and howls.

Mathias, Lukas and Emil ran upstairs and into the bathroom. There they found an uncontrollably sobbing Tino held tight by an anxious looking Berwald who simply held up the multiple positive pregnancy tests.

"We need help. We really do." was all Berwald could mumble. "We'll arrange an emergency meeting ok?" Emil offered. "Good idea. I'll start by calling Gilbert and tell him to spread the news." Mathias said making his way downstairs.

Berwald looked at his wife. Suddenly a small voice asked "What's wrong Mama?" This made Tino cry even harder and pulled his son close to him. Berwald could only think to himself 'Hopefully the other nations will respond to the meeting arrangements.'

Will the other nations respond. Stay tuned for the next chapter. C :