This is sadly the end my lovelies. If you want however I can make a sequel with these characters. But only if you really really want me to. Love to read all your reviews and until the next story or update. C :

It was later that same day when Tino heard a knock and went to the door an opened it. The only thing he found was a letter without an address on it. Tino went back inside the living room where Peter was playing with Arja Erik and Gabriel.

Opening the letter with shaking hands Tino read the note inside the envelope. "Dear Tino it's very that you meet me at the Øresund-bridge in two hours. Don't worry I'm a person you know and I won't hurt you. This is also important for the lives of Peter and your triplets."

Tino folded the letter back up an went to the kitchen where Ludwig and Eduard were preparing dinner. "Ed, Lud. I found a letter on our doorstep without an address or name. It says I should meet this person at the Øresund-bridge. Also this person knows about Peter Gabriel Erik and Arja. But should I go? Please help me."

"Tino calm down. It won't help you if you panic now. Why don't you show me this letter." said Ludwig reaching his hand out for the letter. Tino gave him the letter and after he read it he slowly got up and with Eduard put his arm around Tino and said " If you want Eduard and I could drive you to Øresund-bridge." "No. I want only Eduard to drive me there. Also I know that in the case of an emergency you would be the only one who would be string enough to defend my children against evil people. We'll be back soon alright. Put the children to bed soon and don't worry about the triplets. They have already been fed." Tino added pulling Eduard toward the front door.

Once they had their jackets and shoes on they went to Eduard's car and left for Øresund-bridge. Luckily it wasn't far away from where the house was which Berwald had built before they got Peter.

It was a crisp and chilly December afternoon and Tino Wales towards the bridge. Suddenly he saw the single outline of a person. A big and muscular outline. When he got closer he recognised the turquoise eyes behind the glasses and the serious face.

"B-B-Ber. I-Is that r-really you?" whispered Tino in a quivering way. "Yes my sweet darling it's me. The stupid doctors made a mistake with my chart and mixed me up with another patient. I was in a coma for the past two weeks but the thought of you and the children kept me alive. Also I wanted so badly to tell you that I am alive but I couldn't bear it if you didn't believe me so I decided to wait for the right moment which was when I wrote you that letter. And the reason I didn't write my name or address on it was because it wouldn't have made a difference if I did."

Tino was at a lose for what to say so he flung himself into those strong protecting arms that he missed so much and just cried and cried until he could cry no more. When he was finished he said "Let us go home Ber. You haven't seen Arja Erik and Gabriel yet. They're really beautiful. Gabriel looks like me but has the exact same shade of turquoise eyes like you and Erik looks just like you but with my eyes. And lastly Arja is a mini-you. Your hair, your eyes and your stare. You'll also be so proud of Peter. He really kept his promise of being the best big brother in the world. He has helped me so much in the past couple of weeks that it's amazing."

They went back to the car beaming and holding each other hands tightly. When they arrived Eduard just stared in amazement. "Is that really you Berwald?" "Yes Eduard. It's really me." Berwald smiled. "Please would you be so kind as to bring me to my four darling babies please?" "Of course." said Eduard starting up the car.

The journey back home seemed much faster with the extra passenger in the back seat. Berwald told Eduard the same story that he told Tino and Eduard was just glad that his best friend was happy again.

When the got home they crept into the house and were greeted by an enthusiastic Emil Lukas and Mathias who were told what had happened. Then Peter was brought downstairs. You can imagine Peter's pure delight when he saw his father again and Berwalds happiness at seeing his oldest son again. After a long evening of talking and happiness the family was finally alone. Together with Peter the happy reunited couple went upstairs to their room where the triplets were sleeping in their crib next to their bed. "You're right about their looks." Berwald chuckled hugging Tino close to him. Peter took that chance to settle himself between his parent who smiled and cuddled their oldest son close. "Good night. I love you two so so much." said Berwald. "We love you too Papa Bear." Tino and Peter replied. Falling asleep Tino knew this was the beginning of a great future with just him Berwald, Peter, Gabriel, Erik and Arja. And to be honest he wouldn't want to have it any other way.