A/N: this is the long awaited sequel to Doctor Sherlock :D I decided to try something different. Almost risky. This might be completely awesome or really horrid. Anyway, feedback would be great so I can make this the best it can be.

Once they entered the cafe, John stood back as the rest of the company sat down. It was still obvious that the man wasn't Sherlock. He sat at the other end as Sherlock smiled and laughed. As John grew uneasy, the Doctor patted him on the back.

"You've done a good job, John," he mentioned, referring to Sherlock's newfound friendliness. John just sighed and shook his head.

"Doctor, I need to tell you something."

"Of course," the Doctor replied warily.

"This might sound crazy, but I don't think that is Sherlock. Not at all. He is never sociable. Ever. That man isn't my friend " John informed as the Doctor bit his lip. "What? I'm crazy, aren't I?"

"No, you're not, but I've seen this before. In America. I told you what I did after I fought with Sherlock all that time ago, but I left some out. I went to America, to see if Rose had traveled, but I found someone else. Well, two people," the Doctor explained as John raised his eyebrows. "Are you positive that isn't Sherlock? We have to be absolutely sure."

"Pretty sure," John whispered, wondering what the Doctor was thinking. The Doctor rubbed his face as he shook his head.

"Test him. We need to be 110% sure," he continued as John nodded warily before walking over to Sherlock.

"Hello, John. I was just telling these two about our first case together," Sherlock greeted as Amy nodded. Rory seemed a bit bored with all the stories, but was attentive anyway.

"I remember that. Remember what was on the floor when we found the pink lady?" John asked as he smiled.

"Of course I do," he laughed as John waited for an answer. "Rache."

"Now that was interesting. It was brilliant that you deduced that it was German and not short for Rachel," John commented before Sherlock shrugged.

"Comes with the job," he replied as the waitress came over. John snuck away and back to the Doctor.

"What did he say?" The Doctor asked as John shrugged.

"He failed my test," he mumbled, thinking that he might be paranoid. The Doctor just nodded as he thought.

"Give him this," he whispered as he took out a vial. John took a step back, shocked.

"What is that?" He demanded, taking it out of the Doctor's hand. He sniffed the liquid and found that it was water. "What is this?"

"Water. Well, special water, but it will determine whether it's Sherlock or something else," the Doctor explained as John sighed.

"What do you want me to do with it?"

"Splash it on the back of his neck or slip it in his drink. It should tell us what's going on," the Doctor instructed. John pursed his lips, thinking that something was off. However, he did as he was told and splashed it on the neck. When nothing happened, the Doctor sighed and rubbed his face. John ran back as Sherlock looked around. "This either means we're dealing with something massively dangerous or you're crazy."

"I don't like either of those two options," John grumbled before rejoining the Ponds and Sherlock at the table. The Doctor looked around before walking back outside. He noticed that Amy saw him leave, but she did her best to keep the attention off of him.

Once the Doctor was out of sight, he pulled out a mobile. He wasn't even sure the phone number worked, but he had to try. He put it next to his ear as it started ringing.


Dean looked over at his brother, Sam, as they drove down the highway. It was the middle of the night and they had just finished a job. Cunningly, Dean grabbed a spoon from the glove box and strategically placed it in Sam's mouth. He chuckled under his breath, knowing that he was tired and bored, and looked back at the road. Suddenly, his phone started to ring, waking up Sam, who panicked and ripped the spoon from his mouth.

"Dean," he moaned as Dean held up a finger.

"Hold on," he said before smiling and answering the phone. "Hello."

"Dean Winchester," a man whispered on the other side of the phone. Dean's eyes grew wide as Sam sobered.

"Who the hell is this?" Dean demanded as Sam watched silently.

"It's the Doctor," the man answered as Dean started to laugh.

"The Doctor left years ago. I think he died. Who is this?" Dean replied as the man sighed, frustrated.

"Dean Winchester, son of John and Mary. Your mother died in your brother's nursery and you carried your brother out of the house as it was burning. Your brother is Sam Winchester. You are Hunters and you often go by fake names and have fake badges," the man informed, scaring Dean.

"How do you know all that?"

"I'm the Doctor?"

"You don't sound like him. How do I know who you are and you aren't just some thing pulling on my leg?" Dean demanded as Sam sat back, wishing he could hear the conversation.

"Because I helped you with something a few years ago. When you were starting out on your own. Is Sam still in college?"

"I ain't telling you, and you need to be more specific," Dean hissed, smiling.

"Fair enough. I helped you find a demon, as you call it, in Nebraska, who thought it was funny to string people up in the barns and, well, drain them of their blood. God, I still have nightmares," the Doctor whispered as Dean was rendered speechless.

"Doc? Is it really you?" Dean laughed, confusing Sam.

"Yes, it is, but it's not 'Doc'. It's 'Doctor'," the Doctor reminded as Dean nodded.

"Right. What do you need?"

"I'm in England right now with Mr. Holmes and Mr. Watson. We just had a run in with the Gelth. They are alien beings that are similar to ghosts. They possess people, basically, and they wanted the planet."

"You need our help to stop them?"

"No, we've already taken care of that, but it seems a new matter has arisen. Mr. Holmes isn't acting like himself anymore, and I was wondering if you boys could come up and help us out," the Doctor clarified as Dean took a deep breath.

"By plane?" he whispered as the Doctor sighed.

"Yes. I would come pick you up but the TARDIS isn't ready for flight quite yet."

"I'd rather take a plane than the TARDIS, no offense," Dean whispered as Sam turned to him.

"What's a TARDIS?" Sam asked as Dean shushed him.

"I don't know if we have the money to swing up there," Dean mentioned.

"I'll pay for two roundtrip tickets," the Doctor replied.

"How do you know that you'll need two?" Dean demanded, thinking it strange.

"One, you said 'our help', and second, I could hear Sam in the background just now asking what a TARDIS was," the Doctor answered as Dean glared at his brother. "Anyway, I hope you get here soon. Drive to the nearest airport and call me. I'll send you the tickets."

"But Doc, what's so dangerous that you need our help with? You know this stuff," Dean reminded as the Doctor hesitated.

"I've already used Holy Water mixed with iron shavings. It had no effect on him."

"Maybe he's normal."

"I'm talking about an introvert that is being social with people he barely knows. And whatever is inside of him has access to his memories. I have no idea what I'm up against, and I was wondering if you had any ideas," the Doctor added, silencing Dean.

"Do you think it's something new?"

"Could be," the Doctor answered before hanging up. Dean glanced at the phone and raised his eyebrows. Sam stared at him, shocked and appalled.

"Who was that?" he demanded.

"The Doctor," Dean replied casually.

"You know that's not an answer."

"That's what he calls himself."

"How do you know this guy? Is he safe?" Sam inquired, worried about his brother.

"Of course he's safe! He helped me out on a case once when Dad went off on his own and you were at college," Dean explained as Sam gaped.

"And you never thought to mention him?"

"He disappeared as quickly as he appeared. I gave him my number in case anything happened and that he was in town, so to speak. He was a big help, though."

"How so?" Sam implored, making Dean uncomfortable.

"He helped me bag a werewolf, okay? Said that he had dealt with one before. Well, a similar one. Anyway, he needs our help now," Dean answered, making Sam shake his head.

"Well, where is he?"


"England! Dean, we can't get there. We don't have the money," Sam reminded as Dean shrugged.

"He said that he would pay for the tickets," Dean answered again as Sam began to laugh. Dean turned to his brother, offended.

"You hate flying."

"Better than the alternative. Haven't you ever wanted to go the England? Look at this like a vacation!" Dean exclaimed, trying to get Sam to see the bright side. "Come on, Sammy, what do you say?"

"I say that this is a really bad idea. Why doesn't he give us a real name?"

"Probably the same reason why we don't give out ours," Dean countered as Sam shook his head in surrender.

"Whatever. Let's go to England, but I'm not going to hold your hand on the plane up there," Sam gave in as Dean smiled. "Did he say who we're helping?"

"A Mr. Holmes and Mr. Watson. Any of those names ring a bell?" Dean asked as Sam shrugged.

"They sound familiar, but I'm not sure why," Sam whispered before going into deep thought. Dean smiled, glad for the victory. "What time are we leaving?"

"When we get to a city with an airport," Dean answered while Sam shook his head again.

"You know you sound ridiculous," he told his brother.

"Ridiculous is what we do," Dean smiled as Sam laughed.
