Ella POV [No groom allowed in the bridal suite!]

I stood in front of the mirror. My ivory gown flowing against my skin. I reached up at touched my mother's necklace, wishing that she was alive to be here.

All the ladies were around, fixing the dress, arranging my veil, Ceci sitting next to her mother watching me.

"You look beautiful Ella." she breathed, her lavender gown bright against the sofa. The Queen smiled at her daughter, and turned to me. "You do look enchanting Ella. So much like your mother."

I blush, and turn at the knock at the door.

"If that's Char, he needs to go downstairs." Mandy called, smiling at me. I laughed.

"No madam. It's the King."

Everyone stood up, except for Ceci and the Queen as the King entered the room. He stopped at the sight of me, and smiled.

"Oh Ella. You look lovely."

I laughed. "I think I've been called every form of beautiful today."

He laughed, moving over to the Queen. "I'm just here for a moment. Then I'm dragging our son to the church."

He leaned down and whispered something in the Queen's ear. Her eyebrow furrowed, and concern filled her eyes. She looked up at him and nodded. The king smiled, and bowed to the ladies. "See you at the church ladies."

"What's wrong mother?" Ceci asked. The Queen looked at me.

"Nothing. Just need to have Ella drink some tonic."

I nodded. Then in walked Megra with a tea tray. "I saw a maid bringing up some tea."

She smiled, and I shivered.

"It's common to have a sip before getting married." She set the tray down, and quickly poured a cup, offering it to me. "Ella?"

Suddenly, the Queen stood and walked over to me. "I'm afraid Megra that in Kyrria, it is only common that the bride have a sip of Tonic before the wedding." She nodded to Mandy, who went over to the cupboard. "You may have some if you wish."

"I had tea before my wedding You Majesty, I just wanted to share the custom with Charmont's bride as well." Megra's eyes were cold staring at me. I wanted to shrink back into the Queen, but I stood up straight.

"No Megra. As a bride of Kyrria, I will only have the Tonic before the wedding."

Her eyes looked so cold. She extended the cup towards me. "Tea is more appropriate."


"Tonic is for babies to drink."

"I do not want any tea."

"Princess Megra?"

We all looked at the doorway, where our ambassador stood. She glared at him, the tea forgotten in her hand. "Yes?"

"Your father is improving, the physician says he should be well by the end of the month."

Megra began to shake. "How is that possible. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with him before."

The ambassador smiled. "His Majesty King Jerrold sent our best physician to him when you were here to see to his care. He made a medicine that is vastly improving your father. Whom this missive was to bring you home immediately." He holds out the folded paper, and Megra pales.

Mandy quickly handed me a small glass full of Tonic, "Drink up Lady."

The ambassador bowed. "It say to either come willingly or be taken in by our guards Your Highness." he raised an eyebrow. "Which will it be?"

Areida glanced at the clock and gasped. "We're going to be late!"

I looked at the clock, and saw that it was only a few minutes till the time of my wedding. I quickly drank the tonic, and turned.

"Quickly! We must go."

Suddenly, screeching filled the air. I turned and saw Megra being restrained by two guards. "I want to be Queen! Two Queens!" she kept shouting, as they dragged her away. I took a deep breath.

"Ella, we'll understand if you want to take a moment to relax. We can be late."

I shook my head, reaching back and pulling my veil over my face. "No. I refuse to be late to my wedding."

I smile, and take my bouquet from Areida, who ushers Ceci out of the room. I quickly stop the Queen.

"I have to ask. Why was she so against me?"

She sighed. "Megra has always been out of sorts since her mother died. I don't know what happened, but I can only guess is that she wants to be Queen sooner than planned." She cupped my face. "I fear it may have meddled with her mind."

"The king suspected it? That she was poisoning her father."

The Queen nodded. "I'm afraid the illness was created with snake venom. Bought from a family member of ours." she smiled faintly. "He has sent all remaining cures to Pu, and the king is on the mend." She took a breath. "I fear for Megra and her treachery."

I nod, "I hope then that her father has pity on her, for she is his daughter."

The Queen smiled, and cupped my cheek. "I think we've had enough sadness for today." She smoothed the front of her dress, and smiled at me.

"I think we've left them waiting long enough."

I nod and start walking to the stairs.


I shift, again, in front of the bishop. Ella was supposed to arrive soon.

Hopefully soon. This outfit is so stuffy.

Suddenly, the trumpets sounded, and a harp started to play. Mother, Ceci, Areida, and several ladies walked down the aisle. Mother and Ceci sitting next to father, the ladies in the pew on the other side.

The music became softer, and the doors opened revealing Ella.

My heart pounded, my breathing stopped. She was a vision.

Her dark hair curled, and braided halfway up her head, and down her back. A sheer veil covering it. The tiara she'd worn at Christmas securing it in place. An ivory gown with lace accents enveloped her, not large like a ball gown, but flowing, and simple. Her mother's necklace glittered around her neck, the garden roses, and other flowers adding color.

I felt blinded by her simple beauty. That she was walking up to me, to become my wife, even after all the threats, the problems, she still wanted me. Love filled my soul and I couldn't have my clumsy bride walk up the steps. Especially not alone.

I moved down the stairs, meeting her at the bottom. I smiled, picked up her hand and kissed it, smirking at the blush that stained her cheeks. I tucked her hand into my elbow, and slowly we went up the stairs of the church. Together.

At the top, before the bishop, I looked at her. She smiled up at me. I whispered.



I chuckled, and she giggled. We turned and faced the bishop.

And We Lived Happily Ever After

Thank you for staying with me! I've enjoyed writing this story, and hope that you enjoyed reading it!