Hey guys, not to sound spoiled, you guys have reviewed this fic
'so much and I really appreciate it but did you guys not really like the last chapter? I know Mercedes and Sam are really awkward but I'm really trying to build their relationship which I promise will get much more intense very very soon.

Love you guys but enough with my rant: I do not own glee but if I did Samcedes would be together forever, would have their own spinoff and we'd get to see Sam's natural brown hair!

Mercedes POV

7:20 pm: Tuesday the 12th

As soon as I got home I texted frantically to Tina.

"What did you think isn't he perfect? I just have to know what his sign is! My sanity depends on it!"

"His eyes are very green, but I'm not sure about perfect. He has a really big gap. But, Im pretty sure you weren't that sane to begin with."

"Pfft he's perf, you're just hating. :P But no seriously! His birthday!"

"Why don't you just ask when his birthday is? It's not a big deal."

I roll my eyes.

"Maybe to socially well adjusted people, but I'm awkward and theres like no way for me to bring that up in conversation..."

I can practically see Tina sighing at my text.

" 'Cedes, you aren't that awks and I'm sure you'll think of some clever way to ask him. How about this, if you don't ask him this Friday then I'll Facebook him and ask :P "

My eyes widen in horror as I realize how weird that would be on Sam's end. He knows Tina is my friend that would be a disaster!


"Yup, yup, yes I would and will if you don't do it."

Oh its on now.

"So this is a challenge. I see you. I'll think of something."


It's Thursday and our school is holding a special spring break themed lunch before break. Why it wouldn't be tomorrow instead is a mystery. I'm dreading tomorrow because I still don't have a way to bring up birthdays in conversation with Sam. God Mercy you're a mess. It's not that serious. Besides, what does it matter when his birthday is? But I got myself into this mess with Tina. She doesn't bluff... and having her message him on Facbeook would be like wearing an "I like you sign" on my forehead. Be strong, you'll figure something out.

Leaning back in my chair, I pull nervously at my school tie. On special lunch days we have to wear 'dress uniform'. So I'm currently being choked by my schools cheesy silver and blue tie with tiny sailboats on it. It wouldn't be so horrible if I could unbutton it and loosen it, a-la Britney Spear in 'Baby One More Time'. Mr. Leibowitz announces the end of advisory and Tina, Mike, Brittany and I head to the lunch room. We round the corner and see Ms. Pillsbury our very nervous and very clean Guidance/ College Counselor posting the seating charts. Next to her looms Mr. Figgins and our new gym teacher,swim coach Sue Sylvester who also mysteriously replaced our old Assistant Head of the High School, Ms. Winchester. Sue is a psycho if I've ever seen one. Thankfully she doesn't pick on me and seems to hate Berry and Finn with an undying passion.

As the four of us check our seating arrangements, Mr. Figgins approaches me. "Hello Mercedes." he grins. "Hello Mr. Figgins," I say swallowing the distaste in my mouth, What is that in his teeth. "You're going to improve that math grade right?" Inwardly I'm seething. Does he have to do this now? Ms. Pillsbury throws me an encouraging smile. "Yes, I'm working very hard with my tutor." He nods, "Good to hear. Enjoy your lunch." I thank him and he walks away. I turn to see Mike, Tina and Brittany gone. "Mike and Tina went your table. I think you're at #24 with Ms. Stark." Says Ms. Pillsbury; I turn to her and can't help but wonder how old she is. Probably 30 at least.

I give her a genuine smile and thank her. I head to our table and see Mike, Tina, and Ms. Stark. I smile and sit down. "Hey guys, is it just us?" "Nope," interrupts Puck sitting down. Dammit, not him. He's following by this new Irish kid named Rory. He seems nice enough but also a major pothead. He nods to the table and starts picking at his nails. Mike starts talking to Puck and Rory while Tina and I talk about the upcoming premiere of Game of Thrones. "The guy who plays Jon Snow is so pretty. Whats his name again?" asks Tina.

"Ummm, Kit Harrington I think. He's pretty hot but I've seen better. What do you think?" I say, asking Ms. Stark. She smirks, "Well I am married. But yes he is very good looking." All three of us laugh, but we're cut short by and Figgins giving quick speeches and calling up the tables to go get the trays of food for each table from the kitchen. "Students of McKinley Prep, Spring Break is a time when..." Starts Figgins, and I zone out. He's just so damn boring! Ms. Sylvester interrupts him, "Now, everyone go off to stuff your faces with that artery clogging, stuff you call food!"

After Mike comes back with the food for or table Tina goes into crazy mode. "So you figure out how you're going to ask Sam yet?" whispers Tina excitedly. "Tina!" I hiss and glance over to the other side of the table, though Puck, Mike and Rory don't seem to have heard. "Who's Sammmmmmmm?" Drags out Ms. Stark inquisitively while sipping her juice. I give Tina a dark look. Ms. Stark continues, "No one here right?" "God No!" I say cringing, "Sam is my..." "He's her tutorrrr!" Says Tina, This girl needs to stop. I feel my cheeks flush as I think of his fantastic smile and moss green eyes. At least they can't tell that I'm blushing. "Are you blushing?" Tina squints and gets extremely close to my face.

I shoo her away, Ms. Stark laughs, "And what are you planning to ask this Sam?" I sigh, and mumble. "I've been trying to figure out how to ask when his birthday is..." She smiles knowingly, "Have you tried just asking, 'When's your birthday?" "Thank you!" Says Tina throwing up her hands. I sigh again, "I can't...I'm awkward." Ms. Stark nods, "Do you like him?" Yes. "No comment." I sip my apple juice, face burning. Tina scoffs, "And I don't like Sherlock. Come on you know you do." I glare at her, "Your sarcasm is much appreciated, but it doesn't matter he's in college anyway..." Ms. Stark opens her mouth to say something but the tables are called up to get dessert. I get up abruptly and pray that the conversation is over. Why does Tina have to be so careless? I'm not trying to tell everyone I like my tutor!

I bring the dessert to the table and sit down quietly, neither mention Sam again.

At the end of the day I go downstairs to check in with Mr. Schaffer. He's not there and as I leave his classroom I see it. Is that...? It is. The thing that would help me as for Sam's birthday. I smirk. Guess Tina won't be outting me after all.

Friday March 15th

It's the last day before spring break and it's freezing. Despite this, I'm wearing my uniform skirt, tights, and uniform shirt along with kind of a sexier way to tie my tie. The day goes by quickly and Tina, Santana and I decided to hang out before I have tutoring.

Santana, being the Queen of Instagram with a whopping 8000 followers, (all for her shoe and food porn); decides that we must find the waffle truck located at either 59th St and Columbus Circle or somewhere on the Upper West Side near the 1 train, so she can take pictures and post it on her Instagram. Mercy, you're practically asking to be late for tutoring.

"Come on Chica we're going to have to move it so you can get to your man on time." I roll my eyes as I put on my coat, "Very cute Satan. Very cute." She smirks as she throws on her scarf, looking as flawless as ever. "Thats muy caliente to you Wheezy." She winks. I shake my head at the nickname. Thats what I get for sleeping over at her house and letting her hear me sing Lana Del Rey. What makes it worse is that she actually thinks I'm a kick ass singer. Which couldn't be further from the truth.

I barely finish clearing out my locker before she drags me down the hallway. "Come on, we have to stop Asian Fusion from sucking each others faces off." I shake my head and laugh as Santana pulls Tina off of Mike. They look at each other longingly as we head to the elevators.

We head out into the icy weather and catch the train to Columbus Circle. We get off and search the area for the truck, to no avail. "Shit!" The Latina exclaims. "No damn waffles." Tina rolls her eyes and shivers, "Did we seriously just travel up here for nothing?" "Of course not," says Santana looking at her Iphone, "According to the truck tracker on their website, they're at West 72nd." "Are you kidding me?" I say practically hopping because it's so cold. "We're going to have to walk through the Park and its windy as hell in there." Santana smirks, "Tell you what? I'll pay for you're coffee kay?" I pout, "I don't drink coffee." She scoffs, "Well you do now." I guess a little coffee won't hurt. And It'll warm me up. With that Santana links arms with me and Tina gets my other one and we set off through central park for our quest.

As we walk through the park Santana goes off about how the waffles are supposedly better than good sex. Tina and I burst out laughing, I catch my breath, "So Satan, who's the flavor of the month?" "No one," she shrugs. Tina's eyes widen, "What? How is that possible? I thought girls practically break down your door to get with you?" "Well duh...But I don't want that anymore. I want sex to mean something." I look at Santana hard, she always puts on her girl of steel persona but Tina and I know better. She's just guarding herself. I can't believe that she's actually opening up to us about her feelings. "Do you like Brittany?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

Santana looks at me, eyes sad, "Am I that obvious?" "No, but I see the way that you look at her. I think you guys would be awesome together." "Really?" "Yeah of course," Says Tina, "She's not too good for me?" Tina stops walking, "Please! No one is too good for someone else. All that matters are how the two people feel about each other." "I agree with T, you should give it a shot." Santana gives us one of her rare genuine smiles and we have a group hug. Suddenly it doesn't feel so cold.

"Alright, enough with all this! " Says Santana, "I want those fucking waffles!" Tina and I laugh and 20 minutes later we finally make it. On the corner of 72nd and Broadway near the 1 train sits the glittering, 'Waffles and Dinges' cart. Well actually its more like a truck. Santana breaks out into an audible pant. "I'm. Ordering. First." She breaks our chain and heads to the truck. Tina and I exchange glances and follow her. I'm hit with the warm smells of coffee, sugar, butter, chocolate and cinnamon.

"I think I've died and gone to Heaven. Nutella sauce?! Thats insanity." I'm contemplating my order when Santana turns around with her waffles. Its a large stack covered in powdered sugar, cinnamon and Nutella sauce. Holy shit look at the size of that thing. "Wanna share?" says Tina nervously. "Hell yes." We decide on our order and I reach to get my wallet. Tina stops me, "No it's cool I got it." "You sure?" "Yes she's sure!" Says Santana impatiently, she hands me the coffee so she can take pictures of the stack of paradise. " 'Cedes you need to let people do things for you more often... Oh and by the way, we're sharing that coffee." Tina interrupts holding the box carrying the waffles.

We kneel down near some marble benches and lay out the waffles buffet style. We don't speak because we're too busy moaning at the taste and slurping the coffee. Needless to say three girls kneeling down and moaning drew several stares. And I couldn't give two fucks. "Oh Goddddd, this is like heart attacking inducing, " gasps Tina. "Agreed," I say shivering despite the coffee. All of a sudden my phone alarm goes off and I see that its 4:50. "Shit! I have tutoring soon!" Santana smirks, "Rigggghttt, thats why you wore your school tie. Trying to be a sexy schoolgirl for Trouty are we? I gotchu." Ummmm, maybe... I don't even have time to respond as get one more sip of coffee, give them both quick hugs and speed walk to the train.



Damn its cold, at least I'm done with classes. After leaving 'Think Coffee', Sam decides to head to tutoring early. It's only like 10 minutes and we'll get to talk a little. Wait...Talk? Come on Sam, you almost went too far on Tuesday. This is getting way to real. He nervously sips at his coffee and walks into the office building, shows his NYU ID and catches the elevator upstairs. Immediately coming off the elevator he sees the space where him and Mercedes used to sit, some guy is sleeping on the couch and he rounds the corner and heads into Mercedes' mom's office. Her mom is copying something near where him and Mercedes sit. "Hey Sam, Mercedes isn't here yet. I think she's underground because her phone is going straight to voicemail." I smile, "It's no problem, I'm here early anyway."

She turns to me, "Happy it's Spring Break?" Wow, Mercedes really does look a lot like her. Thinking of Mercedes a warm feeling spreads over his chest. "Yeah, I'm going to Boston next week to see an old friend." "Oh, thats always nice, will you be available at all during the break? I was hoping you and Mercedes could do some SAT work." "Yeah, thats fine, I'm not leaving until Wednesday but I won't be back until like late Friday night. So could we meet on Saturday instead?" "Yes that works out." She finishes at the copier, "I'm going to call Mercedes; see where she is." I nod, "Ok."


I can't help but feel slightly disappointed that she's not here yet. It's probably for the best man. Getting attached is a bad move. I sip my coffee and stare out the window. It doesn't get dark so early anymore, I can't believe how fast winter ended. Well its still pretty fucking cold but- "Hey Sam, so she still didn't pick up. If she isn't soon you're welcome to leave. I'm sorry to waste your time." Except waiting for her isn't a waste of time. "Its fine, I have no plans." She gives me a long look nods and walks away. She's probably wondering why a guy my age doesn't have plans...Can she see the way I'm... starting to feel about Mercy? Fuck, this is insane. I take off my hat and push my hair back.

I hear heavy breathing and I see a very cold looking Mercedes rush around the corner and set her stuff down the table. Just like the first time I saw her. I wish I could put my arms around her... She sits next to me. "Hey. I'm so, so, so sorry I'm late." She takes off her coat and I inwardly groan, Why is this happening? I avert my eyes from her body and look her hands, they're trembling. I sniff the air, She wasn't smoking...then what is it? "Are you alright?" She shakes her head, "No, I had coffee and I'm not sure if I can really handle the caffeine."

I let out a laugh, "What?" She says smiling, embarrassed. I look at her and she covers her mouth. "Nothing," I say smiling at her. I feel myself blushing. God, she's going to break some hearts in college. We're too much of assholes in high school to see what we're missing. We start working and she is still pretty jittery, when she talks its a mile a minutes and I remark at how cute she is. Its cool that I get to see her over the break, I wouldn't want to miss out on her company. She's pretty...cool.

Mercedes POV


I get off at West 4th street and see that I have like four mixed calls from my mom. God I hope he didn't leave. I'd feel horrible, he probably has plans or something. I walk as fast as my legs can take me and as I approach the building I look up to see if he's still there. In the distance I see his brownish blond head bowed to his phone. Yes! He's still there. But we could still miss each other if I don't get there fast enough. I don't know if its the coffee that got to me or if I just really wanted to see him but I manage to make it upstairs by 5:45.

I sit down next to him without thinking to separate us by another stool. As soon as I look into his eyes my heart starts pounding even louder. "Hey. I'm so, so, so sorry I'm late." He blinks at me and I feel my heart sink, Oh god he's probably so mad. I take of my coat and feel my hands trembling. Damn coffee! "Are you alright?" calls his smooth voice. God I'm a mess. The coffee was a horrible idea and he probably thinks I was smoking crack or something. "No, I had coffee and I'm not sure if I can really handle the caffeine" He starts to laugh. My face burns. I can't do this. "What?" I ask. He smiles at me his cheeks red, "Nothing." I give him a questioning look, not understanding why he's so red and we set to work.

We finish my Spring Break Assignment and I remember my deal with Tina. Oh, I hope this works. "Hey Sam?" "Yeah?" He says turning to me, his eyes on mine. I look away trying to ignore the building heat between my thighs. "We have this chart up in the math office and it shows how common birthdays are by date. We're supposed to kind of ask people in our lives when their birthdays for like some project the statistics class is doing...So umm, when's your birthday?" I have my pen ready so it looks like I'm taking notes, oddly enough this doesn't seem to bother him as he answers. "Oh, it's um February 19th." I scribble it down, "Thanks..." I say nervously.

Sam speaks again shaking his, "It's funny I was reading that people born in February tend to play Hockey. I had always wanted to play but we don't leave near a rink so I ended up playing basketball. I used to want to play for the Seattle Sonics, obviously I'm not tall enough. It's probably all that damn coffee, it stunted my growth. It's crazy how plans change." He looks at me and its as if he is reading my soul. I feel my face burn at his reference to coffee, and try to gather my thoughts. "I read that too! In this book called Outliers." His eyes light up, "You know Malcolm Gladwell?" I smile, "Well I don't know him but I did read Outliers." He laughs, "It's a great book. He makes some great points." "Yeah he does..." God Mercy he obviously wants to leave, his coats already on. "Oh, sorry to keep you its like 6:50. I guess I'll see you in like two weeks?"

"You're fine. But actually your mom thought we should do some SAT prep next week." "Really? You're not busy?" "No, I'm just going to Boston midweek but we were thinking you and I could meet Tuesday and Saturday and then regular schedule the following week." "Ok, sounds great. Thanks so much." "No problem," he says his eyes on mine. God its painful not being able to touch or hug him. Its not fair... "Alright...Well have a nice weekend." "Yeah you too," he says lowering his eyes. He rubs the back of his neck and heads out.

I must be out of my damn mind to think that he might have feelings with me but I think...I might have a chance?

What did you guys think? Too long? Please review, you guys really motivate me!