Far away, far from the castle and even the kingdom, was an old, abounded mine. Sounds of clanks and something being hit was coming from it. Deep inside, were two men- brothers.

One, short, dirty blonde hair, with glasses. He was expecting some kind of rock, his blue eyes going over it carefully. Suddenly, a wide smile hit him, and he turned to face the other brother, "Matthew!" he shouted to him, who dropped his axe in surprise, "I found some!"

Matthew, who looked almost exactly like the other, only with longer hair and different set of eyes, looked over at his younger brother. He looked around him, seeing where the gold is, "That's great, Alfred," he said, "where is it?"

"Here!" Alfred held up the round, dark rock, "it's it beautiful?" he asked, admiring it.

Purple eyes didn't look amused. He raised an eyebrow at Alfred, and took the rock in his own hand, "Alfred, we are here to steal gold," he reminded him, "is this shiny?" he asked, shaking the rock in front of him. Alfred looked at it, and shook his head, "Valuable?" Again, a shake of the head, "Is it going to make the boss happy?"

Shake of the head.

Matthew sighed loudly, "Alfred, come on. Please, just try to stop being such a dumbass and really work?" he through the rock over his shoulder, and picked the axe back up, "the boss could be here any second, and if we don't have any gold by then-"

Footsteps were heard.

Matthew and Alfred both froze. They looked at each other as the sound got closer, "P-Put out the lanterns...!" Matthew whispered to him, and jumped in the cart. Alfred did just that, and also hopped in, hitting Matthew on his way down. Said man groaned in pain, but quickly tried to cover it. They hushed quickly as the footsteps grew closer. Alfred started to tremble out of fear of getting caught here. Matthew tried to calm his younger brother down. They weren't allowed in this mine. That's why they came here when the sky was pitch black. But it looks like someone else had the same idea.

Suddenly, a head that had the glow of a lantern popped up from above the cart. Matthew and Alfred both looked up to see a very familiar face, "Well, hello." a heavy, French accent filled their eyes. The head disappeared, which gave Alfred and Matthew enough room to pop up from the cart.

"Master Francis!" Alfred said, shock in his voice, "You're back! Here- Early?!" he looked at Matthew, who also looked confused, "I-I hope you had a nice journey." he said, looking back at Francis with a timid look.

"Yes, I know I'm early." Francis said, putting a hand on his hip and looking at the two with sympathy in his eyes, "where is the gold?"

Francis has always been this straight forward, Matthew noted. He bent down, and picked up a small piece of gold. He then showed it to his boss, "Here you are, sir." he said, smiling "the last piece of gold from the royal mines. There's nothing left."

"Yeah!" Alfred joined in, rather loudly, "cause it's all yours!" he said, adding a laugh at the end. Matthew almost joined him.

Francis ran his eyes along the gold, then snatched it from the others hand, "Yes..." he said, looking at the object in his fingers. He stuffed it in his pocket with a smirk, "very much mine." he patted the pocket a little, then looked around the mine, "Finally."

Matthew and Alfred looked at each other. Francis must be in a very good mood now. They were pleased that they made their boss happy, "I've been bowing, I've been scraping. I've been laying like a rug," Francis said, kicking a nearby rock. An angry scowl on his face, "and for ten long, deadly years I had to pay my dues." he reminded his 'friends', looking back at them with a hint of a glare.

"But, today!" he suddenly got giddy. Matthew and Alfred took this time to get out of the cart, now standing and watching Francis, "I'm escaping, for the last gold has been dug." he said, reaching in his pocket again to take it out. He grinned at it, "It was just waiting there, so how could I refuse?"

The brothers started to smile and nod, "You're turning home a hero!" Alfred said, throwing his hands in the air and grinning like a madman, "who's discovered mighty wealth! And what better husband could a Princess choose?" Matthew gave him a look, as if to tell him to shut up, "you're the suitor who will suit her!" of course, Alfred didn't see it, "you'll bring the kingdom back to health- and you'll wear the crown! That'll be amazing!"

Matthew almost smacked Alfred upside the head, when Francis caught their attention, "Yes. How can I refuse that?" he let out a small laugh, "Raise every glass, and rouse every cheer!" he yelled, placing the piece in his pocket again and looked around the mine, "Praise that the reign of Francis Bonnefoy is here." he faced the other two, "master in charge of all that I see." he placed a hand on his chest, "All hail me!"

"All hail Francis!" Alfred cheered, "And by marrying the Princess you'll get all that you desire! Like, a mount, an ermine coat, and a huge pile of jewels! Oh! And the castle view!" he smirked, "Even though she treats you coldly," he said, slyness in his voice, "it's a sign of inner fire. And inside she's thinking 'Oh, how can I refuse such a man like France~?' " he said, acting like a woman and swooning over Matthew, expecting him to catch him.

He didn't. Alfred fell to the ground with a loud thud. Matthew rubbed the back of his neck, glaring at Alfred then taking his gaze to Francis' feet, "R-Right," he said, his voice a little shaky, "t-there's just one little problem, erm, b-boss-"

"Prince boss, to you." Francis corrected.

"R-Right!" Matthew stood up straighter, and just let it all out, "the Queen decided to marry the Princess off to the Kind of Bahsena." he said, then lost his confidence a bit, "uh, n-next week-"

"What?!" Francis blurted, then charged over to them. He grabbed Alfred by the shirt, and pulled him up roughly, "Making a decision without me?!" he said, then grabbed both the brothers by the front of the shirt and shaking them lightly, "Who does she think she is?!"

"Erm, the Queen-"

Francis' glare darken, "You simpering simpleton!"

"W-Well, she is the Queen!" Alfred nods, "she's got a crown, and a scepter, and sits in a big fancy chair and-"

"Silence!" he said, and threw them, "No!" he yelled, "I won't let go! This peasant son won't turn and run away just because some reckless royal chose another beau!" he suddenly stopped yelling, the look of realization hit his face. Matthew and Alfred both looked confused, "Ah." he said, the smile returning, "it's a..." he tapped his chin a bit, "temporary setback!" he announced. The brothers still looked confused, "It's a momentary lapse." his smile turned into a smirk, "But conveniently my ego doesn't bruise." he took steps away from the blonde twins, "And the moment that I get back I will show them who's the boss. I can promise you there will be no 'I do's."

His plan then started to come together, "Yes, suppose the girl goes missing, and the King says 'Au revoir!', then I find her, bring her back and make the news!" he said, already excited. The brothers started to nod, understanding, "then the Queen will be so grateful that she'll pledge the heir to moi, and I'll humbly tell her... how can I refuse?"

"Yeah!" Alfred cheered.

"When our ceremony's over I will arise and take the throne!" he put his hands in the air, "and that idiotic nitwit Felicia can kiss my shoe!" France twirled once, not helping the large grin on his face, "For the Kingdom and the castle will be mine and mine alone. If the crown should fit, then how can I refuse?!"

Francis walked over, and took the two men by the collar. He started to drag them out of the mine, "So get ready with the roses and stand by with the champagne!" Matthew laughed, "when you got a brilliant plan like that, you'll never lose!"

Alfred joined in, "Yeah! Before this story closes you'll be as big as Charlemagne!" he laughed with his brother, "it's a thankless job, but how can you refuse?!"

Francis reached the end of the mine with the others, and dragged them out, "How could I refuse?!" he said, adding a loud, evil laugh. Once they get back to the castle, their plan will take effect.

Right. So, many people wanted this. So, as promised, I gave. I hope you like it.

To answer a review I got, these characters were not the original characters I was going to have. Of course, Alice and Francis were, but the brothers were originally going to be Feliciano and Lovino. The Princess was going to be Madeline, the Pauper Amilia, the King was Ivan, and the tutor was going to be Gilbert. But, you know, I had to change it because I thought that was way too out of character. I do like this version better, so I kept it like this.